//------------------------------// // 3. An unprepared-for visitor. // Story: From somewhere, anywhere but here. // by Majorminor //------------------------------// Scotaloo slowly got up, walked to the entrance and exit of the clubhouse, grabbed her scooter from underneath a floorboard, and took off. She was using her wings almost as if they were an engine, which was impressive for a race lacking mechanical objects, but she could’ve gone faster if she slowed her wings by a fraction. Still not nearly fast enough to lose me on her tail (even though she probably didn’t know I was following her anyway). Then out in a desolate field at three in the morning, she looked up at a massive cloud above her... “RAINNBOW DASH!!!” she half screamed half bellowed. After a minute or two I saw a hole form in the cloud house base above, and before I even noticed anything pass through it, a cyan mare with a chromatic mane and sleepy rose eyes was yawning, stretching and complaining at being woken up so early. At normal speaking volume, I was unluckily still too far away to hear them. I could only hope that lip-reading was an easy skill to pick up on the go. “What squirt.” She spoke with half lidded eyes and a saggy, slurring jaw. “I met this colt earlier today, well yesterday, but I think you should come meet him... But if you do, you must promise not to tell anypony about anything that happens okay?” She gasped for air after saying that at super speed. “No offence Scoots, but I’m too tired to care about what techniques you and this colt tried, and I’m not in the mood to join you, just not until past noon, at least. Plus I’ve tried ‘em all millions of times and I already know any position you could even imagine of imagining. What’s his name?” She sighed impatiently to get back to her ‘special’ dream that Scootaloo had so unknowingly interrupted. “Solar Flare. And I wasn’t talking about sex. I’m not as perverted as you are.” She cringed at what Dash was hinting about. Rainbow almost took offence to that, but shrug it off with a near silent mutter of how she was lying to herself and when she was Scootaloo’s age, she had already perfected the backwards cowboy. “Oookaaayyy... Will you please just come anyway?” Scootaloo begged Rainbow. Rainbow shrugged indifferently. Barely considering whether or not she should go. “Fiiiiinne.” She huffed. “But only if you still have that beanbag cusion in the corner of you’re clubhouse, and if I can take my camera. I already told you I’m not in the mood to join in. K?” Scootaloo punched her in the arm. “Wake up already. I told you it isn’t to do with sex! Are you deaf?” She snorted rhetorically. “Fine. Sure. Whatever you say. Hurry up and show me then. I’ll tell you if he’s a keeper.” She winked purposefully just to mess with Scoots’ mind. Ignoring her, she pointed at me, hiding within the tree line. “No need. He’s right there” she somehow stared right at me. In a way, it felt like she was piercing my soul... ‘What! How does she know I was following her? I kept my distance and remained silent the whole journey! What’s more, how does she know I’m standing right here?!’ *Sigh* ‘Why did I go and trust someone?! This is what happens when you tell someone you barely know your biggest secret...’ “How did you know I was here?!” I crept forwards slowly, keeping my distance and preparing to open up the abyss for a quick getaway... “I knew I shouldn’t have told you or anyone for that matter!” I glared at her. She broke the one promise she couldn’t break to me... I feel like a retard... “Don’t go...” She pleaded but not in a moaning way, which made me stop for a moment and look at her. She could probably tell I was about to open up a portal to leave. “I told you my biggest secret, I could die if any it got in the wrong hands. Many creatures of many species don’t particularly get along with mine! Don’t you realise? So, pray tell, WHY’D YA’ TELL HER!” I cried on anguish. “I won’t tell anyone, if it means so much to you...” the mysterious mare finally pitched in after intently listening to the conversation. “She won’t, Flare... I promise you.” Not that her promise meant much now... But she had said it in the most convincingly innocent way possible. No. Not the puppy dog eyes! “NO!” I warned her, gesturing to her purple gleaming orbs reflecting in the dazzling moonlight, but she carried on doing it it! “Look, Flare is it? I won’t tell anypony, you have my word. That word means everything to me, I’m the element of loyalty. I’m loyal to my friends, and my promises.” She smiled near-gently, but with a huge hint of satisfaction and bragging. “Well, my life is resting on your word. Don’t drop it.” I warned menacingly, slowly returning to my passive glare towards Scootaloo. “Well, I guess I’ll start from the beginning then, shall we? ... “