//------------------------------// // Sombra's endeavor // Story: Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity // by The Psychopath //------------------------------// The crystallion stood in front of a variety of different-sized crystals jutting from the walls, using them to peer through all things glass and crystal dotted around the city. "What's she doing? Whats she doing?!" Iviesta bounced around impatiently. She leaned against Abstract's back and groaned in his 'ear'. "What's she doiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing?!" she whined. "She is exploring. Contemplating. Studying. Understanding," Abstract responded. "She is your opposite in terms of personality." Iviesta frowned. "So she's like you?" Abstract's 'eye' moved to look at the crystallion mare. "And what would that be?" "Boring and serious all the time," the mare said with pouty cheeks. Abstract ignored her and continued his observations. The one he had been looking at was traveling through the less open areas of the city and into the industrious complex. This area was home to massive, multi-story buildings made exclusively with bricks were adorned with multiple chimneys spewing a black smog. The observed was waiting in place, analyzing everything. There were massive wagons being 'driven' by single ponies and minotaurs that were offloading bars of metal, barrels of unknown contents, and wood to each of the industries. One such industry saw an explosion in its yard, damaging the complex and causing a siren to blare off. The observed moved to the side of the cobble-road after hearing sirens and witnessing blue wagons filled with gallons upon gallons of water being carried in large, glass spheres in the middle of the vehicles. "Hm..." the observed pondered aloud. She tilted her head when she saw the minotaurs and pegasi grabbing their respective hoses and rushing to extinguish the flames. "Strange behavior?" She tilted her head to the other side. "Or something else entirely?" "Her understanding of things at the base level is worrisome," Abstract lamented. "She should be able to ascertain that--" "They're attacking the flickering light with the liquids..." The observed noted. "Then it brings them danger." The mare looked around to try and find another source of fire to create and eventually found several large, metal, cylindrical tanks containing gallons of flammable liquid stapled to the side of a vehicle factory. "What would occur if I these creatures were engulfed in the flickering light?" Abstract twitched, something that hadn't gone unnoticed by Iviesta. He walked away from the crystals. "I am going to stop Umbra Continentia. Her curiosity might bring destruction upon my future subjects." "Then I'll join you!" Iviesta bounced about enthusiastically. Umbra waved a hoof, wrapping bricks and metal wire in tendrils of darkness and folding everything out of her way, letting her creep into the factory grounds and enact upon her experiment. Unfortunately, Abstract landed right in front of her, his sudden appearance and noisy landing startling the workers around and garnering unwanted attention. "Father," the mare noticed. "Using illusions to mask your appearance?" "It serves my purpose better." "As foes your monotone voice." To the workers gathering around the site, they saw Abstract and Iviesta confront a yellow pegasus with a bushy green mane and tail, but to Abstract, he was talking to his own kin. Many a gasp was made when it was seen exactly why Abstract was talking to this pony. The mare's body fluttered and blurred as though she were on a screen affected by a poor video feed. The illusion left way to a crystallion mare with a mane and tail akin to Luna's, but with a blank and expressionless face, much like her father. She was much taller than her 'older' sister to boot. "Why do you impede my work?" "Because it would affect my future plans," Abstract explained. He pointed to the dark sky. "That dome limits our expansion. Once we breach it, we will have more lands to take and greater chances to revive our people." Umbra looked back at the tanks. "But--" "No. That would cause severe damage and likely kill those around. THAT is the only outcome." Umbra pondered the response and nodded. "That response is satisfactory." The workers started mumbling to each other in panic and worry. "There's another?" some mumbled. "Why does she look like Nightmare Luna?" others stuttered with disquieted voices. Meanwhile, as word spread of the new crystallion mare, Sombra had grown angrier and angrier at his losses. He shook within the red crystal he called his home within the former Crystal Empire. Its form wreathed in a black cloud and decorated by bolts of red lightning striking the lands afar. "I have had it with that crystallion. It's time I took care of him myself!" he bellowed within his crystal. Crystalance chuckled. "And what are you going to do, then, oh great King Sombra?" The king mulled over in his realm, analyzing and thinking it over. He finally had his answer, and his glared at the pink pony with all of his anger. "There is a land to the south-east of here, bordering Nightmare Luna's. As we have little-to-no contact with her, we can use it and the red crystal growing there." Crystalance gave pause. "You don't mean to use what powers you've gathered to manifest, do you?" "I mean to have you, Crystal Armor, and other of my peons to summon him to that spot, where I can personally deal with him." The atmosphere was becoming heavier, and the few lights outside passing through the stormy sky were growing dimmer and dimmer. "You're using us as bait?!" Crystalance shouted in horror. "You are here to serve," Sombra stated calmly. "Your magic belongs to me. YOU belong to me!" Crystalance reluctantly bowed. "Yes, my king." "Now go forth. I will await your arrival." Apple Bloom was scratching her head whilst looking at the new addition to Abstract's family. A guard stepped forward through the crowd of ponies and minotaurs standing around. "There's a third?!" the guard shouted in horror. "Yes," Abstract responded flatly. The guard looked to Apple Bloom then to his fellow guards. He wanted to pace around but felt his trembling body would not hold. "Are there anymore?!" "No." Abstract's 'eyes' glowed. "I have found no other candidates with magic suitable to my requirements. The current goal is to return to my former power and break through the dome after containing or removing any potential threats." There was mumbling amidst, and a red minotaur stepped forward, his brown, baggy outfit fluttering in the wind. "Wait...you want to get rid of the three monsters?!" he asked with disbelief. "B-but...that's impossible! We've tried for years! We can't kill them!" The minotaur gestured multiple times with his hands. Abstract's 'eyes' intensified when they stared at him. "I might have great power, but there's better ways to defeat an enemy." Apple Bloom grinned. "You mean psychological warfare?" She laughed. "That won't work." She pointed in the direction of the forest. "Nightmare Luna is crazy and Discord is chaos incarnate! There's no way to control them!" "Not to mention the hive mind that Sombra created," the guard added. Apple Bloom nodded. "And that too. What makes ya thing that it'd work if YOU do it?" Abstract looked away. Iviesta sat on her flank tapping her chin with one hoof whilst supporting that left with her other. Umbra remained apathetic and monotone in her immediate response. "It wouldn't take long to figure out their issues, would it?" "No," Abstract answered. Apple Bloom threw her forelegs in the air with annoyance. "And how would that work?!" the minotaur wondered. "Simple." Abstract dragged his hoof along the dusty grounds, depicting a land cut in three. "We prey on their greed." He tapped a spot with each character mentioned. "Discord is chaos, and is therefore predictable in his actions and responses. He goes for psychological warfare, and if that doesn't work, tries to torment you with tales of superiority whilst twisting your body with his magic." He swiped the floor clean. "Nightmare Luna is too mentally broken for his tricks to work on her, and, with my ventures to her 'home', has naught but beasts too seeped with the darkness emanating from her body to be manipulated." "And the only thing keepin' 'em there were the chaos lords?" Apple Bloom asked. Iviesta nodded excitedly. "And he did something to the pink one and killed the orange one," the guard thought aloud. He created more talks about when it happened and how between witnesses and questioners. Apple Bloom shook almost unnoticeably at the mention of that event. "Y-yes. That means there's only four left." Abstract continued. "The user of false crystal magic despises Discord, if the many, many attacks against his lands and the push-pull events are any indication." The crystallion looked up to the engineer. "He also hates me for escaping the weakling that is in the dungeons, and has sent his minions to try and apprehend or terminate me." "So you would use yourself as bait?" Apple Bloom asked. She raised a brow. "That's an interesting idea, but if you aren't at 'full power," the mare accentuated with air quotes. "How are you supposed to enact these plans?" she gave a smug grin. "I--" Abstract couldn't give an answer as sirens started blaring across the city. The civilians started running around in a panic, rushing away from the gathering and towards potential shelters. "What's going on?!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Magic can't get through the shield." Within the giant, ivory palace of the Sweetie Sisters, the many members were stuck in a massive white chamber focusing on blue orbs floating within indents built into the walls. The ponies and changelings were struggling to maintain their spells, and several dozen sisters were attempting to keep the shield up. Even the Grand Inquisitor herself was struggling, her hooves trembling and her horn fizzing with overexertion. "Wh-what kind of spell is this?!" Sweetie screamed. "GH!" "Grand Inquisitor!" one of the sisters called out. "This...This is a tremendous amount of magic being focused..." "It's being focused into a single point," another took over. She grunted and fell to her knees. "It's not enough to...kill anypony or...or destroy anything." "Then what is it?" Sweetie wondered. Her orb let out a whip of magic that she narrowly dodge. "Who is doing it and why?" "Are they...after Empress Scootaloo?" Several sisters were thrown about from their orbs letting loose several lances of magic and burning their bodies whilst tossing them about like dolls. "N-no!" Scootaloo grunted again. "Every inhabitant in the city is shielded with several masking spells." She almost fell upon her front knees but forced herself up. "They get it when they come to the gates for our guards to inspect." "W-wait...every inhabitant..." the sister stuttered. Sweetie eyes shot open in realization. "Oh no. They never--" All the orbs let loose multiple whips of magic, indicating that, despite their efforts, the sisters could not prevent the spell from coming through. A bright vortex of red light and swirling black clouds pierced through the barrier and slammed onto Abstract and his ilk, dissolving almost instantly upon contacting the ground. Apple Bloom and the guards were left staring at the empty spot in the factory yard, baffled and confused. The crystallions found themselves in the middle of a circle of ponies, including Crystalance and Crystal Armor. The exhausted looked up and gasped in surprise. Behind the two ex-lovers stood a large amalgamation of many red crystals towering high above any normal pony. Several splinters jutted out of the sides, adding to the potential danger the structure had. "What is this? A gathering of useless items?" Abstract commented. Iviesta laughed at the 'joke' her father made. "That's a good one, dad!" she said while leaning on his shoulder. "So THIS is what has happened to my magic!" a voice bellowed. Crystal Armor stood up and smiled with a bow. "We'll leave you...four, to talk things out then." He left the area with Crystalance and the other pawns of the king of the Crystal Empire. "I don't recall giving one of my creations the right to steal from me!" the voice bellowed angrily. Iviesta and Umbra looked around, trying to determine the source of the voice. "I am not your creation, fool," Abstract responded. "If you are incapable of even tracking your own magic, you are far less of a threat than initially suspected, Sombra." Sombra laughed and revealed his dark eyes and somber frown within the red crystal. "And that disrespect is why I've grown tired of tolerating your existence." "That is why you used a focused point of magic to break through the barrier and bring us here?" "Yes." "Yes you have no body." "Perhaps not, but I can create an artificial one to kill you and take back the magic you stole from me." He looked to Umbra. "And some extra benefits." Abstract gave no response and turned his back to the red crystals. The mares followed their father's example, although Iviesta found that hopping and skipping about was more fun an endeavor. "You turn your back on me? ME?!" Sombra yelled. Abstract ignored what he perceived as a tantrum. A bad idea. The crystallion was crushed beneath a large object into the ground and slammed deeper into the hole multiple times. "DAD!" Iviesta screamed. While the mare rushed to the crystallion's aid, Umbra turned to face the threat. Sombra was stepping out of the crystal, although his form was neither complete nor fully solid. His had the consistency of a thundering black cloud with rings of red mist swirling about his form. His eyes and horn were the only solid pieces of his body giving off a steady glow of red light, creating an intimidating sight from one at least fifteen feet in height. "Imbecile!" the king shouted. He pout a hoof to his barrel. "I am the great King Sombra! 'I' subdued the strongest rulers of Equestria!" He pointed to Abstract being pulled out of the crater. "What makes YOU think you can stop me?" He straightened himself out and scoffed. "This is no simple game you are playing here. If your piece is knocked over, you 'lose'," Sombra growled. Abstract's horns resonated together until a wave of silence was created and the cloudy being found himself thrown several feet away. Iviesta's horn glowed with yellow light and strands of color imitating Celestia's mane. Umbra's crackled with bolts of the darkest black, giving her being a more sinister aspect. Iviesta bounced into the air then vanished in a flash, leaving Abstract and Sombra to lock spells in a pushing contest. The energetic mare appeared above the giant king. She immediately went to work by creating golden clamps that chomped through the construct's hooves and penetrated the ground, making the stallion scream in pain. The mare was too cocky, leaving the construct to shift its form until its hooves were free to strike her down into the ground and throw many crystal spears at her body. Umbra wreathed herself in a dark funnel, allowing her to bore through the construct's body and reach the other side. The crystallion took this opportunity to act and created crystals from the ground to impale and drain Sombra of his life force. This exchange continued, but where the crystallions were slowly dwindling in energy and strength from the length of the fight, Sombra was growing stronger and more cocky. The three crystal entities stared at the king, with only the sisters showing contempt. Sombra gave out a loud chuckle. "This is the best you can do? Absolutely pathetic." He walked around the crystallions whilst taunting them. "How does it feel to see yourself fail against someone using 'false' crystal magic? Hm?" he asked Abstract. The king became increasingly irritated by Abstract's lack of response to his taunting. "Fine! If you won't answer me, then I'll just get rid of you and those abominations by your side." He chuckled. "You should have joined me like a good pet, but now I will dispose of you and continue with my conquest." "A conquest that has been running for many years," Abstract interjected. Sombra became disconcerted. "What?" "None of you are making any progress with each other. The signs of lesser creatures." There was a slight pause, during which the sisters noticed the cloud within their father's body started to flicker and agitate. "There's a grand difference between us in terms of simple power." "And what would that be?" Sombra asked with intrigue. "While you indeed have some form of 'great power', at the least as great as a simple pony can muster, this is at the behest of others, and only increases your power compared to the base." "Their power is mine. I own them," Sombra stated. "How does this differentiate us in terms of power?" "My power is still dormant from centuries of slumber." A massive storm started growing in the sky while Abstract's horns pulsed with growing blades of darkness. "My power is less than what it originally was. Your power is increased from its base, and mine is decreased from its base, and yet I am still more powerful than you," he stated factually. Sombra's face contorted with anger. "We'll see about that!" "Indeed we will. And while I can only summon my full power for a very brief time-" Abstract rose upon his hind legs. "I will perpetuate what I did when my people and my king still existed." The crystallion slammed his hooves upon the ground whilst the sisters engulfed themselves in protective orbs of magic. "WHAT--" Sombra's cry was cut short by mile-high crystals erupting from the ground by the hundreds and spreading several dozen meters in every direction. The denizens of the city all witnessed the sudden rise of the transparent columns upon the horizon, yet they were not prepared for what came after. A clear 'bubble' spread out from the crystals, destroying them and creating a light earthquake whilst several shards of crystal of varying size shot into the plains around it. The shockwave threw everyone on the floor onto their backs and destroyed several windows whilst dislodging various structures such as large containers and stairways on the outside of buildings. "I decide when it is my time to perish, and no one else shall take the lives of my kin."