Displaced: Crossing Roads

by Slendy

Chapter 6: It's My Turn

Displaced: Crossing Roads
Chapter 6
It's My Turn

Mornings, I fucking hate them. That, and the fact that i'm still complaining about it just bothers me, it was 'my' fault for being up till 3, not that I paid any brain-power to, but now the side effects are kicking in.

"Need . . . Tea . . ." I groaned, as I poured the boiling water into the cup, and after mixing the contents, I drank contently, as I used my free hoof to push the coffee next to me towards Selene, not needing to say anything

Side note, turns out that hooves have a higher quantity of magic within them, hence why you see ponies lift things, that normally should be impossible without the use of fingers. That, and Twilight drilled Equestria 101 into my empty head, that was no joke. Both the title, and the air-head of mine.

"Morning by the way." I spoke up, not wanting to be rude, as she nodded

"Morning..." wow, and I thought I was the living dead . . . awkward silence is awkward apparently

"So..." Selene asked from the side of me, finally breaking the metaphorical ice. "What are you planning to do today?"

"Depends on what your asking of my lazy-self?" I asked back, as I turned to face her. "I'm still suffering from yesterday's meeting with my new . . . friends." still not used to being called that

"Still hurts?" She asked, but me cracking my back with a 'pop' gave her the answer. "Well . . . if you're not feeling up to it-"

"Love, I really need to do 'something', otherwise, i'll get violent, which results in a good-old-fashioned-brawl!" I answered, that and every time I say 'Love' she becomes more flustered than me, which is a record in its own right

"W-Well, I needed help w-with getting a certain book from the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters." She managed to say, despite her awkward start, but seriously? Couldn't have picked a longer title?

"Sure." I answered plainly, then I smirked. "I've been itching to test my abilities again." and with that, the day was set . . . until Ditzy flew through the door, nearly knocking Selene flying. "And the crises continues..."

Ditzy shot up almost immediately, then she latched onto my cheeks, but before I could argue with her, or with the questioning look Selene gave me, I saw the look of fear on her face, not good.

"Ditzy, what happened?" I asked sternly, which surprised Selene, I can understand, I never get serious unless its necessary

"I-In town, there's th-these metal men... t-they tried to hurt ponies f-for answers, and I..." She was nearly breaking down, until I patted her head, then I threw the bracelet to Selene, as I stood firm, before my mask's eyes narrowed

Metal . . . men. Either Nox's goons are here, or my own creations are here to rid themselves of me. Meh, fuck it! Cannon fodder isn't a problem, but if its something else...this could be problematic.

"Lumos, are you...?" Selene went to ask me, but I wasn't really paying attention, as I bent down to look at Ditzy

"Hey, stay here with Selene, ok?" I spoke softly, as she nodded, wiping her eyes. "Selene, once Ditzy's calm, go find Twilight."

"Sure...just be careful." She nodded warily, then I laughed as I went for the open door, seeing the morning sun rise in the horizon

"Little word of advice, Selene!" I called back, as my sword appeared in a flash. "Us idiots are reckless!"


So, turns out I don't need directions, just follow the screaming. As it turns out, most of Ponyville ran for the hills at the sight of these 'Metal Men', and some had even asked about me, and if I knew them. But I wouldn't know, and I really don't want to find out that Me and Erebus weren't the only displaced in this colorful world.

After a few minutes of running, I came into the city square, were, to my surprise, were the main 6, all looking ready to battle Discord...who was above them eating popcorn...I don't have any words to describe my laughter at how little he cared, but the others did.

"You again!" Dash yelled at me, as I waved with a chipper mood in me voice

"Aye! I'm here!" I responded, ignoring Dash's words like a gust of win as I casually walked over to them, Fluttershy hid, and the others glared at me, except for Twilight, as she looked at me with worry

"Do you know what they are?" She asked me, but when I finally got a better look at them, I felt a car screech in my head, as I analysed the situation

They were human-in-figure, with gold-platted armour, like an Iron Lord from Destiny, with some parts scratch or rusted, but the joints didn't show any chain-mail, only a black, skin-like texture. They had a viking-like helmet, with silver markings etched into the metal, as their brilliant, blue eyes stared back at me, a tiny trail of blue light moved with their eyes as they pointed to me.

"Quid tu viventem?" One of them pointed to me, as I just stared blankly at the warrior of gold, then it spoke again. "Responde mihi, et nunc!"

"Mate, speak English, I don't fucking understand ya!" I bluntly yelled to him...but then I felt a presence move from behind them, it was without a doubt, the most unnerving thing ive ever felt, like being at the end of knife, with no where to turn...knowing that you couldn't escape.

"What. are. you?" A more, distorted voice spoke, as he shoved the gold solider to the side, then I gulped in literal fear

He was slightly taller than the others, he wore the same armour as the others, but it was twisted and bent in irregular ways, as some form of black taint stretched across the parts that twisted like mangled bones, his chest was slightly exposed, with the same black skin as the others, but it seems to move in the broken chest, almost like venom.

His helmet was narrow, like a vulture, as the top bent into two twisted horns, which matched well with its broken eyes, which were thin slits on the tainted metal as the blue light glowed in my direction, making me shutter with a sense of fight or flight.

"I . . . what the hell are you?" I asked in disbelief, as I held my blade close, then I glanced at Twilight. "Get back, last thing I need is to cut you all into paste."

"Oh! That's means I can record it!" Discord said happily, as he pulled a camera out, as He flew to a couch in the air, waiting for the show to begin. "Don;t worry, I won't keep the graphic stuff in . . . atleast not all of it."

Twilight took this warning to light, as she nodded, taking a few steps back as the rest followed, all watching the golden knights approach me, as I kept my gaze on the leader. Rule of thumb, make it look like you can't see the attacker's movements, thereby leaving them open to attacks for the fight. Now to play my cards right.

"So, what are you exactly? And if you say 'Golden Army', i'll slap you!" I asked, as I heard a chorus of faceplams at my sarcasm, but luckily the leader answered

"We are the Ciphers, old magical creations of the great Starswirl, but I am the commander, Viribus." His hallowed voice spoke, as I tried not to snort at the obvious name

"Strength? Really? And here I thought my Latin name was a bit much, then again I can't complain, the names, Lumos Vitae." I answered with a nod, as he seemed to analyse the words, then he seemed to, and I cannot make this up, vanished, like Pinkie, he was gone from my vision, and even from the girls behind me

"Where'd he run off to?" Applejack asked, but I resisted the urge to yell, 'To Narnia', then his voice rang through the streets, scaring those who had peaked from their hidden locations

"I do not know why you are here, human," Ok, so he knows 'what' I am. "But frankly, I don't care. . . men . . . occidere!" oh crapbaskets...

I was quickly thrown into the middle of the square, narrowly missing the statue as I fell, but I quickly turned to block the sword strike from a Cipher, as I grunted from the parry, so I used his equilibrium, or lack of one, and I threw my body into his, knocking it to the floor. I then plunged my own blade into its chest, as I screeched in protest. Then, we watched as my blade sunk into the dirt, as its body dissolved like a Grimm, turning to mist.

"That's . . . extremely unnerving." I spoke aloud, only for my thoughts to snap to reality, as I ducked under another blade, so I spun on my knees, as my blade severed one from its legs, with the same result soon after. I won't lie, this is quite amusing, almost like Warframe . . . now that I can role with!

"Hey, Pinks!?" she turned to me, as I pointed to her. "Hit me with a beat!"

As per my request, she pulled a fucking VCR style 'Play Button' from thin air, as she pressed it, then my favorite song hit my ears, as I carelessly dodged an axe and spear like air.

(RWBY - Red Like Roses Part 2)

At this, I spun around, lifting my leg up to smash it into the side of a Cipher, as it stumbled back, then I held my blade in front of me, as metal rang from the clash of my own weapon against the axe, as I hooked the blade behind the axe's head, then I pulled it forward, pulling the Cipher off balance, only for his neck to be slit by my sword.

The spear-man gathered 3 more of the same, as they marched in sync with each other, I quickly shook my head, but only then did I noticed the two other swordsmen behind me, that made me gulp a little. So I turned to face the two swordsmen as they charged at me, so I decided to take it like a man, and by the gods it was gunna hurt. I blocked with my sword, 'and' arm.

The only way to describe it would be like standing on a plug, made of Lego, combined with a floor made of barbed wire. 'Cause this fucking hurt. I stared at the blade cutting into my arm, as I yelped from the flaming pain in my left arm, so I quickly kicked the one to my right back, as I swung my blade to the left, easily severing the Cipher's arms as it flailed in pain.

"Oh shut the fuck up!" I barked, as I shoved my clock-sword down the bug's throat, as I turned to mist, then I turned to the other Cipher, as I kicked its friend's blade into the air, as I kicked it towards the Cipher's face, making a warm home in its skull. "Fuck you two, asswipe!"

I quickly looked at my arm, as I saw the red now leaking from my arm and bandages, and to the dirt road below, and it was running fast.

"AHH, Canada!" I yelled in frustration, before dropping my left to the ground, and using my right for my weapon

I then turned to the remaining 3 spear-men, as they held their ground, not wanting to be the first to strike. That gave me time to take in my situation. I felt my breathing becoming more strained from the sword use, my heartbeat was going a mile-a-minute, My left arm is out for the count, and I had 6 mares, and a Spirit of Chaos watching my struggle.

"Well...this isn't good..." I thought in desperation

"You know, you could try a pulse attack?" Discord suggested, to which I calmly replied

"Huh?" I honestly had no idea what he was talking about, but he sighed, and pointed to my right hand with his tail

"Good-old Noximillion had the ability to fire pulse-like blasts from his palms, remember?" Discord answered nonchalantly, as the others looked back and forth between us, then Rarity spoke up

"But isn't Nox that nice stallion you met a while ago, Pinkie, daring?" She asked, as Pinkie nodded happily, but then paused as she thought for a moment, then smiled

"Nope! Two 'toootally' different Nox's, unless you could the spell from Harry Potter!" She chipperly spoke, but I didn't have time to argue with her Forth-wall-awareness, as I turned to the 3 Ciphers, their weapons at the ready, but I quickly made my sword vanish, as the fatigue quickly swept in

Jesus, can't my mornings be normal for once! Aside from that, I held my right arm up, using my left as a stable footing for it, although it flared in retaliation, I held my arms firm. As I looked back to the times he used it.

"Imagine the move, the circle . . . focus for once, Lumos! Focus!" I mentally told myself, as I felt the Wakfu inside me well up, as I tried to force it to my arm, the energy building in my shoulder, then slowly flowing with my blood, my veins. "Focus..."

Then my eyes opened, as the mask shined in the light of day, my eyes narrowing in concentration. Then I saw the glow from my palm, just out of the field of vision. Even the 3 remaining Ciphers looked unnerved, but I didn't give them a chance to think. So I sent what energy I stored in my muscles, and fired with all my might.

"DROP THIS!!!" I roared as everyone/Pony watched my arm fire off a blast of pure, blue energy, as it tore through the air like a flash of light, before smashing into the middle Cipher, before erupting in a firework show of raw, Wakfu. "I don't remember that happening..."

Then I felt it, as I clutched my arm in pain, obviously the whiplash from a large amount of energy would cause something in my arm to commit suicide, but I still felt a happy beat in my chest for my actions. For once, I was actually happy I could 'do' something, instead of nothing.

The cheers behind me made my legs turn to the 6, which, despite some of them being suspicious of me, were cheering for me . . . me! A fucking nobody! Not just a way to avoid being rude, but general joy . . . wow . . . so this is what its like to be someone, heck! Discord was applauding me!

"Tam infirmi..." that voice! But before I could make any notion of warning, my body froze, along with the crowd

I felt nothing but a screaming pain in my chest, as I choked on my own scream, the words caught in my mind as a torrent of agony, as I felt like ice coiled around my bones, then I made a shaky tilt down, only for my twitching eyes to meet a phantom curve.

The . . . weapon had the form of a cutlass, as its curved, wide blade lashed through my chest, the outline of the blade near invisible to the naked eye. Then I felt the words hit my ear like a knife, but I could only stare at my shaking body.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll keep to yourself, and if I ever catch you investigating where you don't belong, I'll not only end you . . . but also that little girl of yours..." 'That' word...it made me angry, a fuck load more than before, as I moved my hand towards the blade, trying to grasp its sharp, phantom edge, but I couldn't reach

"Go. To. Sleep." dammit...I can't move...fu-fuck

"Go. T-To. Hell." I managed to croak out, despite the agony my lungs were in

I then felt the cold edge leave my body, as I numbly fell to the earth, my head bent towards the crowd as they watched in fear of what just transpired, and I was the center of it all. Then I saw her . . . she ran towards me, followed by Twilight, as I saw their panicked expressions, but I just couldn't help it . . . I felt so tired . . . then again, I didn't get much . . . sleep . . .


"-Please be ok..." A whisper called to me, I think it was Twilight . . . or Selene?

"Don't worry! When he's up, i'll throw him a 'Glad you're alive and not dead' party!" Pinkie...no doubt about that

"If I knew he was this reckless, I might have tried to help him with some improvements to his choice of armor . . . even if I don't understand its mechanics yet, it would be fascinating to try!" the Doc spoke enthusiastically, well atleast he seems to be a little more calm, not that I can tell

That's when I groaned, my eyes slowly opening to the rustic look of my living room, as I could hear a large collective of gasps, then I shook my head, feeling a hoof hit my muzzle..oh shit! And the 6 are...I hate my life so much! So I decided to accept my fate, as I turned to look at the main 7 (Spike included) and my group of new . . . friends, and Selene.

"Y-You're awake!" Selene gasped beside me, as I looked to her, and to be honest, I wished I hadn't, I saw the red in her eyes, as her cheeks were damp, mostly likely from crying, which only made my confusion rise

"Umm, are you ok?" I asked, in a dry tone, but that was a poor choice of words on my part, as Dash spoke up

"Is 'she' ok!? What about 'you'!?" Dash yelled, only for Twilight to zip her mouth shut with her magic

"What she means is, you've been out for two days, not to mention that spiritual injury your soul took." Twilight explained, as I pieced together what a 'Spiritual hit' was, most likely what the blade is capable of. "You're lucky I promised not to say anything, otherwise-"

"I'd be in for it, got it Twi," I finished for her, then I looked at Vinyl, who pointed to my face, then I sighed. "They took my bracelet off, didn't they?"

"Only to heal you more easily, that, and you weigh a ton!" She wrote with a cocky grin, then I looked back at Selene, making contact with her golden eyes

"Are you doing-OOF!" I didn't have time to speak, as she buried her face in my chest, as I felt a pang of guilt hit me, I hate my emotions so much, so I smirked, using my good hoof to hold her. "You know I won't go down that easily, right?"

"I-I know...but you weren't moving...I thought..." Oh hell no! I am not having a repeat, so I lifted her head to look at me. "I promise, and I don't ever make promises, but I promise I will not die, not now, not ever, you got that?"

And I meant every word, I won't lie to myself, I suck at keep promises, but you know what? I will, 'cause i'm not going to ruin my second chance. Then I looked at Selene, she eyes glazed with tears, but I could see the smile on her face, as the others all couldn't help but smile at the scene, which I felt rather embarrassed about.

"Thank you." She whispered, as she rested her head on my chest, obviously not wanting to move for a while, so I sighed, and let her sit there, but my gaze fell to the massive group in my home, as I looked at them all evenly, welp! Now or never I guess, even if I don't want to...

"Ok then...my name is Lumos Vitae, and i'm a human from another dimension."

To Be Continued...