//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 (The beginning of it all) // Story: Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities // by Metei //------------------------------// “Okay so we are getting fucked by my fucking clone and some fucking birds?” “Metei calm down. Now is not the time to be angry. We have to keep a clear head” Metei took deep breaths and resumed his talk. “I know but-“ A flash of light signalled that he was being teleported. Where once Metei stood was know a smouldering circle on the floor. Metei woke up to see something that he hated. “Good morning huh me?” Metei grinned at himself One day later, Metei and the mane six were standing at the train station, waiting to go to Canterlot for the Grand Galloping Gala. Everypony was wearing their outfits as to not stand out in the formal crowd when they get there. Rainbow stood far away from Metei as she could still not trust him. Applejack was beside her, occasionally glancing from Rainbow and Metei, hoping that they would get along in time. “I still don’t know about the monocle Metei” Metei looked at Rarity who was still going on about his eye wear. “Let it go Rarity. Besides I kind of like it” “Yeah it kind of suits him” Pinkie complemented Metei as she had heard their discussion, as did everypony else since they talk loud. After the discussion, everypony stood in silence as there was nothing to talk about then contemplate what was going to happen. When the train arrived everypony got on board. Metei sat next to a window, watching the scenery change as the train started moving. Pinkie sat down next to Metei and gave him a warm smile. Applejack and Rainbow sat across from them, talking about what competition they should have when they get back to Ponyville. Rarity and Twilight sat behind them, discussing about what spells would make her clothes look flashier. Fluttershy sat in front of them, looking out the window. “Why do you always make that expression?” Metei looked at Pinkie, who had a curious face. “Dunno, I guess it’s just habit” “Really, because I never seen anypony look so what’s the word? Stoic” “Hm” When they arrived at Canterlot, it was already dark. “Jeez, that train ride took forever” “I know, but it usually gets here early, really early” “Guess that’s why when the Gala comes, the business get’s big” The group of seven walked towards the entrance of the castle, walking straight through the front door. “Isn’t there supposed to be somepony that checks the tickets?” Twilight replies back to him in a low whisper. “I don’t know. Last time we came here there was nopony to check also” “Then what the hell is with the reason to get the bloody tickets” Twilight could just only shrug. The seven of them stepped into the grand entrance, awe struck by the decorations that were around the castle. This only lasted for only a few seconds as they remembered that the last time they were here the night ended badly and also that they were on a mission. “Well I guess we better go to where the princess is” The group walked towards the door that held the room where Celestia was. In the corner of the room, a lone figure spied them exiting the room. Putting down his glass on the table next to him, his mouth curled into a demonic grin, showing his razor sharp teeth. “There you are” The group walked towards Celestia, who was busy saying hi to ponies. When Celestia spotted the group of friends, she told everypony to leave the room. Metei hid behind a pillar so Celestia would not see him. “Twilight, my most faithful student, what are you doing here?” “We came here to tell you that- Metei where did you go? Get over here” Twilight’s patience was wearing thin as Metei was hiding away when they were supposed to warn the princess. “Sorry Twilight” The look of recognition flashed across Celestia’s face for only the briefest of the seconds, as she had heard the voice from somewhere before. When Metei walked out into the open, Celestia glared at him. “GUARDS” As if the word was a summoning, only Shining Armour appeared. “Shining where are the others?” “They are away somewhere. I can’t find them” Shining looked towards his side and saw Metei. Shining walked right up to him and subdued him in a binding spell. The girls could only watch in confusion and worry. “You again, I thought I put your ass behind bars” “Well sadly it looks like I escaped you fat bitch” Celestia glared at the disrespectful pony. “Guards take him away” Twilight stepped in when things were getting messy. “Wait princess! Metei has urgent news! Please listen princess!” “Yeah listen to your most faithful student you fucking ass” Celestia walked towards Metei and lowered her head. Before she could get a shot in, Shining Armour punched him in the stomach. “Is that all you got kiss-ass?” Metei smirked. Shining went in for another punch but got his hoof blocked by Metei’s foreleg. Metei head-butted Shining and threw him towards the princess. Being caught by surprise, the body of Shining Armour hit Celestia, making her collapse. “Enough of this, I got a message for you” “I DON’T CARE” Metei smirked at Celestia’s comeback. “Really? Cause I think that war would make you care, oh well” Celestia’s eyes widened as Metei had just proposed war with Celestia. “DO YOU THINK YOU CAN WIN? TAKING ON THE PRINCESS AND THE ROYAL GUARDS, YOU ARE FOOLISH” “Who said that it was me that wanted war? It’s the griffons that want to start it. Besides, didn’t I already beat your ass and your shitty guards?” Celestia opened her mouth to say something before hearing another voice. As the voice finished what it was saying, loud whistling noises rang through the air. The ceiling suddenly crumbled down when explosions went off. As the roof crumbled, Celestia could see something flying. Griffons were dropping bombs down on the castle. The group ran outside to the back garden only to hear the castle and Canterlot explode, being engulfed in a fiery blaze. Celestia knew that nopony could survive the explosions. Celestia teleported them all to the Ponyville Library. -Few minutes earlier- Metei finished making himself invisible and walked into the room with the large group. He walked towards Celestia and stood next to her. When Shining Armour arrived and beat the shit out of Metei, he chuckled to himself, remembering that he took down the stallion and his guards at Ponyville. A movement caught his eye and he looked towards the window. There he could see that the griffons were ahead of schedule and launched a pre-emptive strike against Canterlot. He smiled and whispered in Celestia’s ear. “It has begun”