Money Shot

by FlareFlarerp

Chapter 4

Over the course of the new few weeks, no word came out of Flare Flare nor did anyone know of her location. She had gone rogue and didn’t want anyone to follow her. Diamond Tiara spent everyday trying to find Flare Flare and track her movements but she couldn’t find any traces of Flare Flare’s existence. She cried out in frustration everyday when she hit a dead end. Silver Spoon was in the hospital every day with Necromorph until the visiting hours ended, and everyday she couldn’t spend one moment with him that didn’t involve crying her eyes out. This was her lover that she had loved for almost the past year that she had spent everyday with, ate dinner with, did special things with, for him not wake up was not like him. It was a feeling of the hand of death was gonna take Necromorph but Silver Spoon kept her hopes up when she was with him.
But unbeknownst to both Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, Flare Flare was making moves of her own to get payback on Filthy Rich but taking her time with it.
She followed him everywhere and listened to every conversation that he had at his goons and his followers. It was the only way for Flare Flare to play her hand. To listen and think of a plan. She spent her time in a safehouse in the middle of the woods that the agency used to use. Flare knew how to play that game very well and knew how to keep things quiet while she was without support nor help.
One rainy night Flare Flare was going over some notes when the phone rang as Flare Flare grabbed her gun quickly and pointed it at the phone. The phone rang again as Flare Flare put the gun down as she got up and went to the phone and picked it up,
“Who is this?” Flare Flare said
“You think you can just hide from us?” A voice said. Flare Flare knew that voice. It belonged to Diamond Tiara
“I’m sorry baby. I couldn’t let them touch you or anyone else.” Flare Flare said sitting on the bed
“You have no idea how fucking paranoid I have been without you with me.” Diamond Tiara said in a tone of anger
“I’m so sorry Dia, I love you. So very much, ever since I first saw you, I knew. But I have to do this, and if you come, you will die.” Flare Flare in a tone of distress
“Just do one thing for me Flare Flare…..Be careful.” Diamond Tiara said
“I promise. I’m gonna get this sonofabitch. For Necromorphs sake.” Flare Flare said as she hung up the phone.
Flare spent a couple moments thinking as tears rolled down her eyes. She was glad her lover called to make sure she was okay. It was nice to know she wasn’t forgotten. She got into bed and went to sleep.
The next day, Flare Flare awoke to the sound someone chewing on an apple. Flare Flare quickly woke up and saw it was a familiar face. It was Necromorph.
Flare Flare panted as she rubbed her eyes and got a better look at Necromorph,
“Hey Flare, what's up? How have you been? Sorry we haven’t talked in awhile, but I was a little busy. You know being dead-after you murdered me.” Necromorph said taking another bite out of his apple
“Explain to me again how I killed you?” Flare Flare said trying to be cool, but there was terror in her voice
“Well if you had been strong enough, I wouldn’t have had to use my body as a shield.” He said taking a bite of the apple, but the more he held it, the more it withered
“Thanks for doing that Necromorph. I would’ve been dead if you didn’t do that. I know we immortals can’t die but we can still feel pain.” She said
“True, but tell me, how much do you know of how my ‘immortality’?” he said as he crushed the husk of an apple
Flare was terrified at the thought, it was true that she didn’t know how his immortality worked
“Not much I guess. chuckle you see, I am the embodiment of death, taken form. No body is immortal, so when this body is destroyed, the one called necromorph will die. Every Time my body dies, the next one I construct will be less human. This will keep happening until I create the ultimate body. Once I do that, everything in the universe will die. Just as it had been for the Alicorns overthrew me. So yes I will die.” He said with malice in his voice
“Is there anyway to stop that? I mean... I know everything will die eventually, but can’t there be a way that this doesn’t happen cause I don’t want everything to just end Necromorph. Like you said. You have someone you're fighting for doesn’t that just reverse the process? I mean the more you live the more time the universe will live. If you don’t fight this, the universe will die” Flare Flare said sounding smart
“You truly are naive. I have nothing to fight for, Necromorph does. That’s why I refuse heal him this time. Next time I’ll have to make him less human.” It said, words like poison
“What… What are you trying to say?” She said with pure, unadulterated terror in her voice
“You are all fetid creatures, dribbling excrement wherever you go” He said as he moved like lightning and was choking flare
“Necromorph… please” Flare said while being choked
“The new Necromorph will never have known you so goodbye. Now wake up” He said and as he did the whole room collapsed, flashing with images of Necromorph killing Diamond Tiara, Octavia, Vinyl, and…was that Silver Spoon?
Flare Flare then woke up with a shout, drenched in sweat and panting. She quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She turned on the water faucet and washed her face with the cold water. She panted more as she turned off the water as she slowed her breathing down and tried to forget what she just dreamed about.
There was then a couple knocks at the door and Flare Flare’s eyes widen as she knew no one except Diamond Tiara knew where she was. Flare Flare carefully made her way to the door and looked at the eyehole and outside the door were two men in black suit that had an insignia that represent Filthy Rich’s organization. Flare Flare now knew the safehouse had now been compromised. She backed away from the door quickly and went to her desk and grabbed her pistol and added a silencer to the muzzle of the gun as she took cover behind the bed.
The door exploded and the two men bolted through the door, but the first tripped over a wire, which detonated smoke grenades all over the house.
“What the He-” one started but he was silenced with a small thud
Flare went to shoot the second, but he hit the gun out of her hand.
He made an attempt to punch her, but she pushed him out the door. When he stood up, he was about pull out his gun, but he soon found a knife in his hand. He was going to scream but with more speed than should have been possible, Flare shot him in the foot and then in the head. Flare panted as she ran back into the safe house and went to the back and grabbed some explosives.
An hour later, a small army was outside the safe house armed with submachine guns and LMG’s. They shot the windows out and Filthy ordered them to storm the house. When they opened the door the tripped a laser wire. They all heard a small beeping noise, but only Filthy understood right away
“GET OUT OF MY WAY” He said while pushing guards out of his way as he ran to the door, he was only about 10 feet from the door when the entire house exploded 20 times. He was knocked into a tree and unconscious.
Flare Flare ran as fast as she could through the forest as the guards fired their guns at her. She was about start shooting back but her reflexes kicked in and she ducked. When she stood the trees behind her had been cut down. She kept running as the guards behind her fell as they tripped over the tree limb that had been cut down.
She saw someone had a high vibration blade on their arm, Flare attempted shoot him, but the vibration of the blade threw the bullets off course. She drew her sword and was about to strike the man, but he cut the blade right off the sword. Flare ran as fast she could but she heard a sound like string being pulled back. She ducked as an arrow sailed over her head, and then it exploded.
Flare Flare kept running until she looked up and an arm swung out at Flare Flare. Flare was knocked to the ground and slid a coupled feet downhill as she pulled out her gun and tried to shoot the man, but he seemed to punch the bullet away.
“How did you” Flare started but was interrupted by the man hitting her.
“Gravity distortion gloves, and AI enhanced reflexes. You never stood a chance.” He sneered
Flare Flare laid on the ground for a few seconds then got up, groaning in pain, Flare Flare saw the man come into view as she regained focus and notice the man getting closer,
“Like sheep to the pen, you’re ready for slaughter. You will surrender yourself to Filthy Rich Flare Flare.”
Flare Flare stood there for a second panting,
“Do I have a choice?” Flare Flare asked
The man pointed out his arm and a flamethrower came out,
“Okay it’ll be the hard way then.” Flare Flare said as she swung at him with her hands.
The man dodged the swing, which Flare realized wouldn’t work. She pulled out a stun stick and swung at the man, but he blocked with his hand and the stick shattered. Flare Flare exhaled deeply as she panted more. The man stood there putting his arms out,
“Over so soon? Too bad. I was just getting warmed up.”
The man then grabbed Flare Flare and picked her up and threw her threw several trees, breaking them in half. Flare Flare then hit the ground hard as she rolled on a downward slope as she tried to stop herself. When she got a grasp of something she was hanging on cliff that was three hundred feet above white water rapids with sharp edgy rocks. Flare Flare held her grip as she tried to grab something with her other hand. The man made his way down to Flare Flare. Flare Flare was now in between a rock and hard place which she had only had two options; surrender to Filthy Rich, or plunge to white water death below. Flare Flare switched focus between the water and the cliff as the man got to her,
“You ready to surrender yet? There is no way out now.” He said while kneeling down to her, looking at Flare Flare as she struggled to hold on
Flare Flare took one last good look at the man,
“No. There’s always a way out.” She said as she let her grip go on the cliff as it all went to slow-motion.
Flare Flare gave the man a smile as he his jaw dropped. It returned to normal motion as Flare Flare fell to a sharp rock and hit her back on of the rock as she bounced off of it and into into the white water. The man sigh as he stood up and put two fingers on his earpiece,
“Target K.I.A Mr.Rich.”
The man heard a sigh from Filthy Rich,
“Then that’s one less to worry about. Return to base. We’ll find the others.”
“Yes sir.” The man said as he stood up and walked away.