Daring Do and the Ghost of Somnambula

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 5

That afternoon back at the Get On Inn, Daring returns to her room and begins to call out to the ghost. "Somnambula! Somnambula! Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I'm glad you have returned Daring Do," replies the ghost before she appears right in front of her. "What can I answer for you now?"

"How did you die?" asks Daring.

"Do you really want to know that?" sighs the ghost.

"Yes, I do!" replies Daring.

"Fine," sighs the ghost of Somnambula. "Not long after I married the prince, his first wife got jealous and poisoned the both of us, thus killing us. It's the classic story as old as time. Alas, that's how we went."

"That's terrible," replies Daring.

"Yes, revenge is a terrible thing, a horrible thing, an unforgivable thing," replies Somnambula. "I'm going to go now." She then fades back into the ghostly plane. Daring Do then leaves the room and goes to the Get On Restaurant in the lobby of the hotel. She can't believe Somnambula was killed out of cold blood. Then again, Southern Equestria is basically Egypt, so it is understandable. She can't help but pity the ghost now. If only she could find Hassan's first wife and give her a what for.