//------------------------------// // 1- Viva Las Pegasus // Story: Rainbow's Intervention // by Aces_Wild //------------------------------// It was another hot and sunny desert day in Las Pegasus, but I didn't didn't mind it. I'd lived in (or above, as was now the case) the desert my entire life and had grown used to the heat. You could always tell those ponies who grew up in the desert from those who came from places like Canterlot, or Baltimare. Desert ponies didn't mind the heat, and had no problem wearing their manes in longer styles. They could spend the whole day outside and not have a drop of sweat anywhere on them. Those who were transplants often had their Mane and tails trimmed down shorter than you could imagine and after about 5 minutes were cursing Celestia for the brightness, or grumbling about the protest they'd send to the cloudsdale weather bureau demanding a rainstorm be dispatched. But no, I was a desert pony born and bred. I'd been born in Appleoosa and made my way to Las Pegasus when I was still a colt. The desert, was my home. Now you may be wondering who I am. My name is Aces Wild, or Ace for short: gambler, buisnesspony, occasional civic leader, and most importantly in this town, casino owner. I run the Palomino Club, The glitziest resort Las Pegasus has ever seen. The club was here long before I was, many moons before I was born even. When I took it over three years ago the place was successful but it was clear that it could be doing even better. Back then, the Palomino was a sawdust joint;  so named for it wood floors covered in sawdust to help with the occasional spill of cider from a patron that had enjoyed a bit too much, typical of the older low class casinos in town. The place was dimly lit and moody. Great if you wanted to hide in a dark corner and not be bothered, but it didn't scream the sort of opulence I envisioned. I bought a stake in the Palomino and over time became the sole owner.  Film and Flam, who had inherited it as part of their takeover of the former Gladmane empire sold it for a song; and why not they thought? "It's only one tiny property, why not unload it?" Said Flim to Flam "why not indeed, brother of mine, it's the smallest one we've got, and besides this earth pony won't ever be able to be a real competitor to our ginormous empire! We'll have him out of business before the ink on the contract is dry." His brother Flam replied. The two of them clearly didn't know who they were dealing with. Little did they know, The money I used to buy the Palomino came from playing cards at their other casinos. I had been secretly speaking with many of the employees at the Palomino for months, gaining information that I could tuck away for later. I knew what needed to be done, and now I was even getting to do it with Flim and Flam's money. Speaking of money, I had enough bits in the bank I could of had my pick of any resort in Las Pegasus, but I wanted the Palomino specifically.  It might of been one of the oldest, but I saw potential and an opportunity. Now a few years later, my fortunes were still on the rise, while Flim and Flam had hastily sold off all they could and skiped town. Something about a billing scam involving a Wonderbolts conference that cost the Royal Treasury over 5,000 bits more than they agreed to pay. Last I heard they were heading for Sadle Arabia and were hoping to not be sent back to Equestria. Not that it made a lick of difference to me. The scams they started running again were a desperate attempt to stay afloat, mostly thanks to ponies like me who gave them some competition. When Gladmane ran the town, he kept things clean, and polished. It was the only way to run his scam. Give the ponies something else to look at so they wouldn't turn around and wonder what was happening behind their backs. Not to say his methods were great, but it kept people entertained and coming back. Flim and Flam quickly grew complacent. They had a monopoly in not only Las Pegasus, but all of Equestria. Why bother to do renovations or refreshes? Where else would ponies go? Me buying the Palomino was the first hole in the proverbial dyke. Once I spruced up the Palomino Club, ponies flocked to it in heards. Flim and Flam had to sell off additional properties just to stay afloat, and eventually resorted to their scams again. On the other hand, I ran a tight ship and a clean house. Gave the ponies a good time; fair games, top name entertainment, and fine dining. In return they kept giving me their business and I was able to keep expanding and improving. But enough about me. It was still a hot day in Las Pegasus as I entered the Palomino. "Morning, Ace!" The doorman greeted me. I returned his greeting with a Polite nod. My mind was too preoccupied to really pay attention and I nearly collided with the door which now glowed with magic as it opened. I walked past the front desk and through the casino, being greeted by everypony I passed but without saying a word to anyone. I of course returned each greeting with a polite smile, the way one must in the hospitality industry. It wouldn't do to have guests thinking I didn't care, not that I didn't, in fact it's largely because I cared that I'd been as successful as I was, but that day Celestia herself could of greeted me and I wouldn't of been able to tell her from a Whinnyapolis housemare. I finally reached the locked door that led to the back of house and more importantly my office. The corridor was located in the older portion of the casino, fairly close to the entrance, so it wasn't a long walk, a few banks of slot machines and the main Blackjack pit was all that separated the door from the hotel lobby and main entrance . I pressed my hoof against the scanner on the lock and a series of short beeps and clicks echoed from it as my hoof print was registered and the door opened. Normally I'd make the rounds and check on things in the back, but not today. I had visitors waiting in my office. I reached a large double door labeled “PRIVATE” in large gold letters, I again placed my hoof on the lock and was immediately granted access. Behind the door was a set of stairs which led to my office on the second floor. As I ascended the stairs, I wondered what awaited me. I had been woken up by Diamond Jack, one of my shift managers who informed me representatives of Equestria Gaming Control were at the club and demanding to speak with me about a situation. “Well, why can’t you handle it? Your in charge right now?” I asked. “Well” Diamond said “Ordinarily I would, but apparently they insist on speaking to you and only you. Something about it being a sensitive mater of military importance.” “What in the Hay is that supposed to mean?” I retorted. “Fine, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” With that I got out of bed and headed to work. When I got to the top of the stairs, I arrived at the small seating area outside of my office. It was only about 7am and Miss Withers, my secretary, desk sat empty, she wouldn't be in for about 2 more hours. Nor were there any agents from EGC. Instead waiting for me, was the Princess of Friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle. Once the initial surprise had passed and I had stammered a few mumbled words, I bowed and greeted the princess. “Yo-uur High-ne-ss” I stumbled over the words as they came out of my mouth. " Twilight is fine, and you must be Aces Wild, Pleased to meet you!” I started to regain some of my composure “But I thought...” she cut me off mid sentence “EGC? oh no, I called in a few favors, but I thought that ruse may arouse less attention then if it was outright announced the Princess of Friendship would be dropping in on you. I’d rather keep this matter somewhat private. Shall we go into your office?” She was exceedingly polite as I would of expected. As she said the words, my head was still swirling. First I get a cryptic call about some important military matter, and an hour later I’m standing outside my office with Princess Twilight herself. I placed my hoof on the lock on the office door. While the first door was accessible to all employees, the second door was accessible only to my top ranking managers, and this final door only myself and about 4 other ponies. The locks were specially designed; Impervious to all but the most powerful magic and openable only with authorized hoof print authentication. We entered my office. The office itself, was somewhat understated. A coffee table and chairs in one corner with a bar close by. A long bookshelf in the opposite corner with pictures of me with various celebrities that had visited, awards I’d won, and of course a few books for good measure. Of course at the center of the room was my desk, a large mahogany affair, with a large chair behind it and two smaller ones to match in the front. Behind the desk was a floor to ceiling one way glass window that ran the length of the room, looking out over the casino below. The window allowed me to oversee the proceedings below, even when I was too busy to walk the floor in person. The room was warm, but certainly not overdone. I liked it that way. I hoped to achieve a level of elegance without going over the top and being Show-offish. However, it suddenly seemed too understated. I had never entertained a princess in my office and wasn’t quite sure what to do. I tried to put the thoughts out of my mind and decided to follow my guests Lead. She headed towards the sitting area and I did the same. “Can I get you a drink?” I offered instinctively. “Damn”, I thought. “Princesses don’t drink, Ace! Or do they?” I wasn’t really sure. I’d attended the Grand Galloping Gala several times but had never really paid attention to notice if any of the princesses “partook in the punch” as it were. “Zebrol Spritz, if it’s not too much trouble.” She replied almost immediately. Well, that answered my question. At the very least, this princess seemed to drink and certainly seemed to enjoy stronger beverages than I would of guessed. “Of course” I replied with a tone of surprise in my voice. I was caught off guard at her choice. While Zebrol, a liqueur imported from the Zebra homeland had recently become fashionable and popular, spurred by the recent Equestrian wide trend for the exotic, I didn't expect her to go for something so trendy, she just didn't seem the type. I walked to the bar, and pulled a bottle of Appleoosan hard cider from the refrigerator. While the princess was no doubt more familiar with Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider, I found the type produced in the dryer climate of Appleoosa to be more suitable to this particular drink. I I kept the bar well stocked. About a dozen different bottles of vodka, gin, rum, and whiskey bottles lined the top shelf. This was complemented by several rows of various cordials and liqueurs form all corners of Equestria, a wide variety of garnishes as other acoutrements and several styles of the crystal empire made glasses I kept in my office for just such purposes. Custom made, all of them bore my cutie mark, a spade with a club, heart and diamond inside it, etched into them. The refrigerator below, contained several styles of cider, soda pop, juice, and other such items. While the style of the office was meant to reflect my person style and taste. One never could be certain who'd I be entertaining on a given day and it was best to be prepared for anything thing. I retrieved a large goblet from amongst the glasses, added some ice and proceeded to pour the cider, before reaching for the flourcent orange bottle of zebrol liqueur on the middle shelf of the bar. A splash of seltzer from the siphon and an orange wheel completed the drink. I briefly contemplated making a second one for myself. As a general rule I didnt allow a mare to drink alone, it just seemed impolite, but this wasn't just any pony, this was an alicorn princess “Join me won’t you?”. Well, that was settled then, I quickly made a second drink for myself. I brought the drinks over to the table before taking a seat across from Twilight."Thank you. I'm somewhat surprised you had Zebrol, my Zebra friend Zecora made this for me sometime back when Zebrol wasn't yet available in Equestria. She makes it herself and shared that the color came from the rhubarb." She had barely finished the sentence before she started in on the drink. “How can I help you Princess, Diamond Jack mentioned that apparently it was sensitive... military matter?” I said, stumbling on the words before taking a sip of my own drink. “Thank you for coming so quickly Mr. Wild. I really do appreciate it.” She replied, having already finished half of hers. I could tell something was bothering her. “Unfortunately, that explanation is only partially true. I’m here more in a personal capacity than anything official. But it wasn’t a complete lie, the situation does have military consequences.” “Please, call me Ace. But whatever it is, I’m sure I’d be happy to assist however I can.” And with that, she began telling me of her dilemma.