AppleShy Series

by PatRoison

Trials and Tribulations: Storming the Ring

"Is everypony here," Shining Armor asked his lieutenant.

A young mare, dark blue in mane and lighter blue in coat, snapped to attention and saluted.

"Yes, sir. We are awaiting your orders."

Shining Armor returned the salute, "Thank you, Sapphire Breeze."

He scanned the room. Earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, and even a few of the still-infant Night Guard stood around the command table.

He walked to the table and waved the squad leaders over.

"I want to make this absolutely clear. This is a raid on the home of a pony living near Canterlot. We do not expect them to be armed, but that doesn't mean you can be careless."

Once all the squad leaders were at the table, Shining Armor looked over the makeshift model of the Storm Mansion. He pointed to a small building that served as the guard house.

"There will be guards nearby. Do not take them lightly. I expect them to obey the order of the Princesses, but be prepared for a fight."

The squad leaders nodded.

A small murmur of surprise came from the earth pony guards as Twilight squeezed between them. She studied the map before looking up to her older brother.

"Where will we be," she asked.

"Here in the palace," Shining Armor said.

Twilight blinked in surprise. She shook her head as if to clear something that affected her hearing.

"Why? We can help."

Shining Armor shook his head, "You are to remain here in the palace. It's in the hooves of the Royal Guard."

Twilight glared at Shining Armor, "I am Princess Celestia's chosen representative in this matter. I am going with you."

"You will not," Shining Armor said without taking his eyes off the table.

He gave Twilight a sidelong glance and added, "The extent of your representation is limited to the death of Grey Ring. This is a different matter. It's connected, but you are staying here."

Twilight stomped her hoof, "I am going and there is nothing-"

"Twilight Amethyst Sparkle," Shining Armor said in a tone she never heard directed at her, "You did your duty, and you will remain here in the palace. Is that clear?"

Twilight flinched at the sound of rage and desperation in his voice. She took a step back closer to Rarity and sighed.

The sound of the barrack doors opening caused Shining Armor to look up.

"Princess present," he shouted and bowed.

All ponies bowed to the Princess of the Night.

"Please rise," Luna said.

She walked to the command table and looked over the makeshift model of the Storm Mansion.

"What is your plan of attack," Luna asked.

Shining Armor stepped aside so Princess Luna could study the model.

"We will deliver the order to search the premises, and, should we find anything that implicates Storm Ring, we shall arrest him."

"And should he resist?"

Shining Armor nodded, "Then we will perform our duty. Though I hope to avoid that."

"Admirable," Luna said.

She glanced to Twilight and asked, "And what role shall you play?"

"I won't be going with you," Twilight said.

"Really," Luna asked, "Why is that?"

"Your Highness," Shining Armor said, "We do not know the capabilities of the ponies there. This is a Royal Guard matter, and I can't bring my sister to a potential combat zone."

Luna smirked, "You're emotions betray you. You would rather leave one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria here on the sole basis that she is your baby sister?"

"No your highness. I would rather leave her here because I can't spare a guard to watch her should any fighting break out."

"I can take care of myself," Twilight said.

"You are still recuperating from your injuries. No, it's best that you-"

"Enough," Luna said.

She turned to Shining Armor and said, "I understand and appreciate your position, Captain. But I believe that she will be an asset. I would like to have her and her friends join us."

"Very well. So long as they follow my orders."

"That is fair," Luna said.

"Do you agree to those terms," Luna asked Twilight.

Twilight nodded, "I just want to help."

She glared at Shining Armor and whispered, "I'll get you for this."

A giggle caused her to drop her glare.

"I never knew your middle name was Amethyst," Rarity said.

"I don't really care for it."

"Why," Rarity asked, "It's a beautiful name, and it suits you so well."

The voices of the guard ponies built to a level that caused a very real sense of excitement in the room.

"All eyes on me," Shining Armor shouted quieting the ponies in an instant.

With all ponies' attention on him he said, "This operation will be conducted as a search. We will present the residents with a search warrant and look for any indication of distribution of the Nightmare Moon pamphlets."

He glanced at two earth pony squad leaders, "Should we need to, your strike team will storm the side entrances."

The ponies nodded.

He then pointed to a pair of unicorns, "You will teleport any guards and medics we need inside."

Again the directed ponies nodded.

"The pegasi will use the windows near the side entrances, so watch out for falling glass."

The pegasi nodded.

He turned to Twilight and said, "You will enter the home with me."

His eyes fall onto Rarity and Spike, "I would rather you two stay here where it's safe, but, if you can, make yourselves helpful."

"I am proficient in first aid," Rarity said, "It certainly isn't much compared to a medic, but I can assist."

"Very well," Shining Armor said, "I hope we won't need it."

Spike held his tail in his hands and stared in awe of all the ponies preparing for what felt like a war. He took a deep breath and let it out more ragged than he thought possible. As much as he dreaded the thought, he knew that his fear would win out tonight.


"I apologize for troubling you."

Trixie looked up from the book and gave Velvet a curt nod.

Velvet cleared her throat and said, "Master Ring wishes to cast the spell now."

"What? Is that fool insane?"

She turned to one of the windows and groaned.

How could it be nightfall already, she thought.

Trixie turned around when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"I suggest you speak with Master Ring."

Trixie dropped a hoof on the book hard enough to shake the podium. Her patience had essentially reached its limit and she intended on lashing out at Velvet.

She turned and studied Velvet carefully, "Why are you so insistent that I speak to your master?"

Velvet took a step back, "I don't know what you mean. I just thought that you would wish to speak to him before the..."

She trailed off as her eyes fell on Applejack.

Trixie let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes with a hoof. As she let the hoof fall to her side, she added a slight groan.

"Very well," Trixie said looking Velvet in the eyes, "Thank you for informing me, Red Velvet."

"Just Velvet is fine."

Trixie nodded and climbed the stairs with Velvet following close behind.

The home was deathly quiet. Only the ominous ticking of a clock and the muffled hoofsteps could be heard.

Does he truly intend to go through with this, Trixie wondered.

The pair stopped and Trixie entered the office, I will soon find out.

She walked directly to the desk and was about to address Storm Ring when he turned around.

He let the newspaper he was reading drop to the floor, but not before Trixie caught a glimpse of the section he was reading.

"Trixie wondered when you would show some concern for your son."

His eyes narrowed, but he remained silent.

"Fine," Trixie said as she sat down, "Trixie has been informed that you wish to cast the spell already. Why? What do you intend to do with it?"

He leaned back into his chair and said, "It's nothing more than an intellectual curiosity."

Trixie glared at him, "You're lying."

Storm Ring rose from his seat and said, "Stay out of things that you don't understand. You are a performer and nothing more. Focus on the task that is assigned. Remember the price of failure."

"Trixie has not failed, and you do not need to remind her of that."

"Very well," Storm Ring said as he took his seat, "I assure you, once the experiment is concluded you will be free to go, and the agent I have in place at Manehattan General will leave."

"You're assurances mean nothing," Trixie spat, "But tell Trixie this, how can she perform this spell if she is stuck in that basement?"

"You raise a valid point, I admit, but I chose the basement because I needed secrecy."

Trixie shook her head, "Fine, but if this is nothing but a curiosity, why go through so much trouble to bring Trixie here?"

"Simple. I needed a unicorn. Not just any unicorn. One with both talent and a malleable moral compass."

A smirk grew on his face, "I will have to settle for your talent limited as it is."

Trixie stared at Storm Ring. She felt anger and contempt for him but she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing it on her face.

Instead, she rose from her seat and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Storm Ring sighed and sat down, "You may go."

Trixie turned and walked back toward the door.

"But remember," Storm Ring called to her, "There is a life in the balance. Somepony will die tonight. Play your role, and it will be that Bearer in the basement. Fail, and..."

He let the threat hang in the air and grinned when Trixie turned around.

Her breathing, though slow, was heavy. She set her eyes on Storm Ring and tried in vain to recall the spell she was given to use on Fluttershy. Improvising the parts of the spell she didn't remember would have been easy, and the grin on Storm Ring's face did not help matters.

She prepared to cast the spell when a thought occurred to her. How is the agent Storm Ring spoke of able to know when to act out their task. Trixie allowed her breathing to grow steady, and she left the office.

How is he able to communicate with his agent?

A calm voice interrupted her thoughts.

"How did everything go with Master Ring?"

"He simply wanted to remind Trixie that he is in charge."

Velvet nodded and mumbled something under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing," Velvet said, "I was miles away."

She gave Trixie a warm smile and said, "Let us prepare."

Trixie walked down the stairs, but something bothered her. She had her suspicions about Velvet, but Trixie didn't want to play her hoof yet.

Instead of heading straight to the basement, she turned in the direction of the dining hall.

"Where are you going," Velvet asked.

"Trixie simply wishes to stretch her legs. A slight detour will not harm anything."

"True," Velvet said, "I shall join you."

"Trixie thought you might."

The two ponies walked past a window that had a clear view of the abandoned building, and, as Trixie suspected, Velvet turned to it.

Trixie studied Velvet's face. The pony stared at structure with eyes that wanted more than anything to be there instead of here.

She walked to the window and gazed at the old home.

"Why must you keep looking at the old building," Trixie asked.

"It's just an empty home," Velvet said.

"There are many empty homes," Trixie said, "Do you also gaze at them when you are not here?"

Velvet sighed and said, "If you must know, that was the home of the Bread family."

Trixie nodded, "Trixie remembers the Bread family. They had quite the baking empire."

"Empires fall," Velvet said and entered the dining hall.

Trixie followed Velvet and said, "Perhaps it would be best if Trixie collected her thoughts."

"Yes, perhaps it would be."

Velvet turned and said, "I too need to prepare for tonight. This will be a very important night."

She turned and walked back to the staircase leaving Trixie in the dining hall.

Trixie sighed and sat down at the table.

Now what do I do, Trixie thought.

"I need a place where I can think," she whispered.

She walked to the staircase and returned to her room. Her eyes scanned the room, and she walked to the window and spotted a lone speck of a cloud high above.

I can't believe that she's still there.

Trixie knew that she would alert Rainbow Dash should anything go wrong, but right now she needed to keep her strength.

A thought nearly stopped her heart. In order to have the strength to cast the spell, she would need to release the ward she cast upon Fluttershy.

She closed her eyes and released the spell. In an instant, she felt a great weight lifted off her back, and she prayed that Fluttershy would be safe without it.


Fluttershy braced herself as the nurse examined her leg. There was much less pain than before but she still worried.

"I'm glad the emergency wasn't so serious," Fluttershy said to break the heavy silence.

The nurse smiled at Fluttershy, "Well there is nothing to worry about here. Your leg is healing and I think it should be well enough to walk on in the next few days."

"Thank you."

The nurse stared at Fluttershy with a bemused smile.

"I didn't do anything. All I did was give you a bed."

"Sometimes that's more than enough," Fluttershy said with a warm smile.

The nurse looked away with a blush on her face.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh no," the nurse said, "I just... Well, thank you. Get some rest."

Fluttershy settled into her bed and turned to face the bed where Gilda was.

"She is probably halfway to the Griffin Empire."

The nurse nodded and said, "She was perhaps one of the easiest patients I've had for a long while. Next to you of course."

She turned off the light and said, "Rest well."

"Thank you," Fluttershy said.

She began to feel strange. It was as though an electrical charge began to build in her body.

Fluttershy raised her hooves before her face and gasped when she saw them glow and sparkles quickly jump and fade off.

Her heart beat faster and brought a wing to her mouth. With a quick motion, she pulled a feather out.

"Ouch," she whispered and her heart sank.

The protection that Trixie placed on her had faded.

"I hope she's all right," Fluttershy whispered.

She covered herself with the blanket and shivered as she fell asleep.


The armored carriage soared through the air. Its heavy iron frame shouldn't be able to remain in the air like this, but, thanks to the magic of the princesses, it flew with the speed and grace of a Wonderbolt.

"Have there been any new developments," Shining Armor asked.

Sapphire Breeze shook her head, "No sir. Everything remains on schedule."

"Good," he said.

He looked to Twilight and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Twilight turned from the window she stared out of and said, "I'm worried."

"I understand," Shining Armor said, "This operation might-"

"No, I'm worried about Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash."

Twilight turned to Rarity, "We haven't seen or heard from her since we were in Cloudsdale."

"I know," Rarity said, "But I'm certain that she is fine."

Spike placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder and gave her a smile.

Twilight sighed, "I'm also worried about Trixie's motivation."

Rarity tilted her head and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I've been thinking about the ward she cast on Fluttershy. A constant and mobile ward would require using a pony's life force to power it."

Twilight took a deep breath and said the word that weighed on her mind since she discovered Fluttershy's barrier, "Necromancy."

Rarity pondered this for a moment and asked, "Do you suspect she used her own life force to power the ward that's protecting Fluttershy?"

Twilight nodded.

Rarity tapped her chin with a hoof and shrugged, "I for one have no intention of questioning her motives. She helped Fluttershy."

"But using necromancy is against the law."

"The law again," Rarity growled, "Trixie did the right thing. It might have been illegal but it certainly wasn't immoral."

"You might not want to say that so loudly," Shining Armor said, "At least not in a carriage full of guards."

Rarity leaned back into her seat and she looked at Twilight.

Both ponies had a renewed anger in their eyes.

Shining Armor looked out his window, "We are nearing the home. Everypony get ready."

He turned to Sapphire Breeze, "Pass the word."

The young mare saluted an made her way to the back of the carriage.

Ponies finished preparing their equipment and all began to ready themselves for the raid on the mansion below.


Storm Ring stood at the large window in his office. His eyes scanned the expansive garden behind his home.

He took a deep breath and exited his office, pausing just long enough to give the obituary of his only child a passing glance.

"What a waste," he whispered to himself.

The hall leading to the main staircase was busy with activity. The other unicorns he hired began to head down toward the basement, but he never hurried his steps.

There was no need. They would wait until he arrived.

He continued his deliberate march down the stairs and nodded to Silver Tray.

The old pony walked toward his master and bowed his head.

"Master Ring?"

"You may have the rest of the evening to yourself. I wish to not be disturbed."

"Of course," Silver Tray said, "And thank you. I shall finish my duties in the foyer before retiring, if that is acceptable."

Storm nodded and entered the basement door. The narrow staircase, along with the dim light, brought a tiny comfort to him. His stride slowed as he past a heavy oak door framed with iron.

A cold smile greeted the door as his eyes looked over the carefully carved runes. He was prepared.

He continued his walk through the small guard room paying no attention to the near empty space. His guards enjoyed a proper barracks for years now.

A second door stood here, but this one had far more powerful runes carved into its frame. He opened the door and entered the basement proper.

The basement used to store wine, but it now bore a new purpose. A better purpose. He strode past Trixie, who was intent on the spell book, and walked to Velvet.

The white unicorn stood over a table. There were a few crystals and baubles strewn about.

Storm Ring walked closer and stopped only a few paces away from Velvet.

She quickly cleaned up the table and tucked a small satchel into the folds of the robe.

"How goes the preparations?"

Velvet turned and said, "The focusing crystals are in place. All we need is for the subject to be placed within."

She glanced toward Applejack. A soft sigh left her lips as she added, "I do have concerns."

Storm Ring looked in the direction Velvet faced.

"And what would those be?"

Velvet cleared her throat, "The subject. Her injuries are quite extensive. Even with medical attention, she should be in a hospital. I don't know if she would survive the process."

"That doesn't matter. It just needs to survive the transformation. It'll be killed anyway."

"Killed? But why?"

Storm Ring glared at Velvet, "No more questions."

Velvet lowered her head, "Of course. I apologize."

She glanced toward Thunderclap and Flashpoint and waved them over.

"Yes," Flashpoint asked.

"Please bring the subject to the center of the crystals."

Flashpoint turned and her horn began to glow.

"Don't use magic."

"Why," Flashpoint asked.

Velvet pointed to the crystals, "Those crystals are designed to siphon off excess magical energy. Your spell will be directed to them, and we can't afford any of them becoming overcharged."

Thunderclap laughed, "I guess you need me after all."

He nudged past Flashpoint.

"Let's get this over with," he said as he placed Applejack onto his back.

Velvet waited until he was closer and said, "Be careful with her."

"Relax," Thunderclap said, "I won't break your master's precious toy."

He set Applejack down in the center of the circle of crystals and let out a laugh.

"At least not anymore than I already have."

Flashpoint shook her head and walked back to a quiet corner of the basement and Thunderclap soon joined her.

Velvet let out a sigh and returned to her preparations.

Applejack let out a soft groan and began to stir. Her eyes focused and a small smile formed on her lips when she saw the store room where Pinkie hid.

A pair of bright blue eyes caught her attention, and she looked away so she wouldn't draw attention to the pink pony.

She saw Storm Ring standing over her and she tried to give him as menacing a glare as she could. It didn't seem to work.

He kneeled down and said, "I'm quite impressed. I had always thought that by themselves the Elements of Harmony were worthless, but I suppose there are at least two who could fight."

"And who would have guessed that it was two lowly earth ponies," he added with a cruel laugh.

Applejack turned her body as best she could so she could look Storm Ring in the eye. She saw what the rest of the world saw. A stoic businesspony but there was something else underneath. She saw hatred. A seething but controlled hatred.

"What do you want," Applejack asked.

Storm Ring sneered, "I want you gone. The Elements, Celestia, I want it all gone."

"Why," a voice asked from behind him.

Trixie stared at Storm Ring, "Just what do you have against the Elements? Hasn't your precious home been saved by the very same Elements you wish gone?"

Storm Ring snorted, "Saved? No, they merely stand for that which I despise."

He turned to Trixie "Do you know what my special talent is?"

Not waiting for a response he said, "I'm a skilled flier. Tricks involving rings and other such obstacles to be exact."

Storm Ring scoffed, "Of all the so called talents I could have, I get that? Flying was fun, but I would not be tied down to a destiny that I didn't choose."

"You still use the sky, so your not far from your talent," Trixie said.

"I built my weather factory to spite my destiny. Every day that my factory remains open is me spitting directly in the face of Celestia."

He looked down to Applejack, "No, I will watch the Elements destroyed and Celestia cast down."

"Secure the entrance," he said to Zephyr, "We have to hurry."

"Why? Who would be foolish enough to attack you?"

Storm Ring kept his eyes on Applejack and said, "There are five others who would."

Velvet cleared her throat and said, "I already secured the door, and the preparations are complete."

"Good," Zephyr said, "You may go."

"I don't answer to you," she said without looking at him.

Anger flashed in Zephyr's eyes, but he smiled, "As you wish."

"She may remain," Storm Ring said, "Your hired hooves must go."

"We aren't some gardeners that you can-"

Flashpoint stopped when she felt a hoof on her back.

"The pay is good, and it's bad business to get too close," Thunderclap said.

She relaxed and said, "You're right. Let's go."

The pair walk up the stairs leaving the basement.


"What's going on down there," Rainbow Dash whispered to herself.

The mansion was dark for most of the evening, but within the last hour several lights came on.

Her eyes remained fixed, but an accidental glance toward Canterlot Castle caused her to gasp.

An armored carriage, easily larger than the one she rode to the Wonderbolt tryouts flew towards the mansion.

"Is that the Royal Guard?"

It quickly dawned on her that it was, and she watched with growing awe and worry. If the Royal Guard were here, then something had to have happened in Canterlot.

She looked in the direction of the prison and said, "You better be okay, Fluttershy."

The carriage landed outside the mansion walls and ponies began to disembark.

She grinned at the sight of Twilight and Rarity.

"Looks like they're ready for action."

Rainbow Dash scanned the mansion grounds and spotted some ponies taking crates to the basement. She flew down and quickly hid inside one of them.

An earth pony tried to pick up the crate she hid and dropped it.

"What's in this one," he asked.

He turned to another pony and said, "Give me a hand with this."

A pegasus tried to lift the box and said, "What's in here, a hernia and a half?"

"I don't know," the earth pony said, "Let's just get it to the basement."

The two ponies deposited the crate, and Rainbow Dash peeked out. She breathed a sigh of relief that her location kept her away from prying eyes but close enough to see what was going on.

That included the sight of a badly beaten Applejack.

She felt her heart jump into her throat and her blood begin to boil. They would pay for doing this to her.


The squad of ponies gathered behind the carriage and waited for Shining Armor to address them.

"Twilight Sparkle and I will enter the mansion through the front door. Everypony else will take their places accordingly."

The guards nodded and turned to face the mansion.

Shining Armor took a deep breath. He looked to his sister. She wore a seriousness on her face that made him sick to his stomach. His little sister should be worried about finding a boyfriend, not waiting to raid this mansion.

He shook his head and began to walk toward the mansion.

"Should I accompany you," Rarity asked.

"I would rather you and Spike stay behind, but your skill in first aid could be useful."

"Maybe she could walk beside Princess Luna," Twilight suggested.

"I still believe that I should lead this assault."

Shining Armor bowed his head to the princess and said, "I understand your highness, but it is my duty to protect you. We don't know if they have been successful with their attempts on the spell."

"But wouldn't such a spell be fatal to you as well," Luna asked.

Shining Armor nodded slowly and said, "It would, but I'm expendable. "You are not."

He turned and continued his walk toward the mansion.

Twilight ran behind him and nudged his shoulder with her nose. She glared at him and whispered, "You are not expendable."

Shining Armor gave his sister a warm smile and said, "I meant compared to Princess Luna."

His smile faded and he added, "But I'll do my duty if it comes to that."

Twilight cast her gaze down, but she eventually looked back at Shining Armor with a smile on her face.

"I'll make sure you get back to Cadance," she whispered.

Shining Armor smiled and looked back to the others.

Rarity stood next to Princess Luna, and he noticed Spike standing between the two.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the mansion.

An older pony answered the door and said with a polite tone, "May I help you?"

"I am Royal Guard Captain Shining Armor, and we are here to conduct a search of the premises. May I ask your name?"

"I am Silver Tray, and I must confess that I find it hard to believe that the princesses would condone this."

"Then I suggest you address your concerns with Princess Luna," Shining Armor said as he motioned with his head towards Luna.

Silver Tray's eyes widened slightly but still bowed to the princess. He stepped aside and said, "Please, I am here to serve."

The group entered the mansion as the squad made their way to their designated positions.


"I assure you," Silver Tray said to Princess Luna, "My master would not be engaged in anything that would bring him the wrath of the princess."

"I understand," Shining Armor said, "But we need to speak to your master. The last thing you want is to stand in our way."

The old pony cast his gaze away, "I apologize, but I cannot betray my master."

Shining Armor stepped closer and said, "I won't ask you again."

"Captain," Princess Luna said, "I would like a word with him."

"As you wish," Shining Armor said.

He kept his gaze on Silver Tray and stepped aside.

Silver Tray bowed.

"Loyalty and dedication are rare traits, and you should be commended for it. But your master is a threat to our way of life."

The old pony looked into Princess Luna's eyes and let out a tired sigh.

"The entrance to the basement is just past the foyer. You will find him down there."

"Thank you," Luna said.

She turned to Shining Armor, "Let us investigate."

He nodded and waved Sapphire Breeze over.

When she arrived, he said, "Keep an eye on this one, and signal for the squads to secure the ground floor."

The mare saluted and ran out of the house.

"Stay close," Shining Armor said as he used his magic to open the door.


"We should go," Thunderclap said as the two spied Silver Tray speaking with Shining Armor.

"You're right, but Zephyr still owes us the rest of our money."

"Fine. How do we get down there without being noticed?"

"Get close."

Thunderclap shuddered, "I'm going to be sick again."

"Quit whining. It'll be over before you know it."

She led Thunderclap into a nearby closet and teleported them to the basement.

They arrive on the far side of the basement, and managed to turn away as the room filled with a burning bright light.

"That was close," Thunderclap said.

The pair made their way to Zephyr and Storm Ring.

"Zephyr," Flashpoint said.

"What is it?"

"Storm Ring has guests," she said, "A company of Royal Guard led by Captain Armor and Princess Luna."

Zephyr stared at the unicorn. The gears in his head were turning but a bit slower than usual.

"Are you certain that it was Princess Luna that you saw," Zephyr asked Flashpoint.

"She kind of stands out," Thunderclap said.

The large pegasus shook his head, "It doesn't matter. You best get ready for a fight."

Zephyr shook his head, "No need to worry. We have things in place that will keep them from us."

Flashpoint sighed and said, "I hope your right."


Rarity's sense of grace and poise had always been a source of pride, but the way she staggered down the steps behind Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle gave the impression that she had four left hooves. Her eyes were drawn to the large door at the bottom of the narrow staircase.

For all she could tell, the door was little more than a heavier version of any door that could be found in a cellar, but, just like the pamphlet, there was something about this door that didn't sit right with her. Unfortunately, her concentration was broken rather unceremoniously.

Shining Armor stopped, causing Rarity to nearly fall on top of him.

"What's wrong," she whispered.

He lowered his stance a bit and said, "Something feels wrong."

Without warning, he bolted down the steps toward the door.

Rarity watched him run down the stairs, but her eyes returned to the door. She scanned the framework with practiced eyes, and her realization worked slightly slower than her voice.

"Stop," she screamed.

Shining Armor skidded to a halt and managed to stop a few feet from the the door.

"What is it," Twilight asked.

"Stay close to the princess," Rarity said to Spike.

The young dragon hugged her leg tightly before moving to Princess Luna.

Rarity walked down the stairs and studied at the door.

"There," she said.

"What is-"

Twilight gasped, "It looks like glyphs were carved into the iron framework."

"Are they charged," Shining Armor asked.

"I'll check," Twilight said as she charged her horn.

A spark emerged from her horn and floated to the door. It popped in a puff of sparks and disappeared.

The ponies stared at the door.

"Is that it," Spike asked.

"Quiet," Luna said, "Not all spells work in an instant."

Spike gulped and nodded.

"Still," Luna said, "It shouldn't take this long."

She walked down to the door and smiled as the glyphs began to glow.

"Shielded," Shining Armor said, "Looks like you were right."

Rarity stared at the glowing symbols and asked, "Is it just me or do they appear to be a little dim?"

"Well it is the first time I've used this spell," Twilight said with a huff.

Rarity glared at Twilight for a moment before saying, "That is not what I meant and you know it. I am merely saying that the glyphs look weaker than they should."

"She has a point," Shining Armor said.

He studied the glowing glyphs and said, "These aren't fully activated."

"Then let us destroy the door," Princess Luna said, "If these glyphs aren't at their full potential, there should be little risk to us."

"Princess," Twilight said, "May I try to disarm them?"

"Why would you want to do that," Luna asked.

Twilight studied the glyphs and said, "If I disarm the door, we will keep any element of surprise."

"That's a good idea," Shining Armor said.

He turned to face Princess Luna, "I think that is our best choice of action right now."

Luna nodded but her eyes held a slight touch of impatience, "Go ahead."

Shining Armor nodded and made his way up the stairs.

He leaned close to Twilight and whispered, "Be careful."

"I will," she said.

Twilight focused her magic into her horn and concentrated on the glyphs.

One by one they blinked out until a quiet click came from the door.

"There," she said.

"Move in," Sapphire Breeze said over her shoulder.

The group quickly entered a small room.

"This looks like a guard's quarters," Shining Armor said.

Rarity scanned the room and said, "It's awfully empty."

"If I remember correctly," Luna said, "A barracks is located on the grounds."

Shining Armor turned to Sapphire Breeze as she entered the room, "We'll secure this room. Once the mansion proper is cleared, have all available guards report to you here."

"Yes, sir," she replied.

She turned to two archers and said, "Go with the Captain."

They nodded and she began to leave the room. She stopped and glanced back and said in a cold voice, "If anything happens to him, you better disappear."

The guards nodded again and made their way to Shining Armor.

"And just what was that about," Rarity asked after the lieutenant left.

"It's a long story," Shining Armor said, "And it doesn't matter right now."

He turned to the door and said, "Another glyphed door."

Twilight studied the door and said, "This one is far more powerful than the last one. I think it's designed to explode if tampered with."

Shining Armor nodded and asked, "Can you disarm it?"

"I think so," Twilight said, "But it'll take some time."

"Get ready to disarm it once more guards arrive," Shining Armor said.

Twilight nodded and kept studying the door.

The archers took their positions by the door leading deeper into the basement while an earth pony readied herself to kick the door down once the order came.

Silence fell over the room, and Rarity quietly made her way to Twilight.

Rarity looked to the guards and whispered, "I always thought bows were better suited to violins."


Applejack looked around the room and her eyes settled on some crates. She narrowed her eyes when she spotted something that she recognized. A pair of magenta eyes.

What's she doing here, she thought.

She felt ease and dread at the same time. There was no telling what Rainbow Dash would do should something happen.

Pinkie's also here, Applejack remembered.

She relaxed slightly and knew her friends would come through.

Her eyes scanned the crystals that surrounded her, and her heart beat faster when she felt a hoof on her head.

She looked up and let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Trixie. Her eyes hardened when Storm Rings entered her view behind Trixie.

"What are you doing," he asked.

"Trixie is simply making certain that your precious test subject is healthy."

She gave Storm Ring a quick glare and said, "Don't forget Trixie works in a hospital. She has experience with examinations."

A smirk grew on her face as she watched Storm Ring walk back to Zephyr. "I'm not your minion," she whispered.

"I will do what I can," Trixie whispered to Applejack.

"And just what is that," Applejack whispered.

Trixie shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"Lying again," Applejack whispered, "You're gonna destroy the book aren't you."

"Rest," Trixie said with as she patted Applejack's head.

She rose and said to Storm Ring, "She's hurt. Trixie is doubtful she would survive the spell."

"That is not your concern."

He motioned for her to take her place at the podium.

Trixie walked to the spell book and glanced over to Zephyr.

The pegasus was speaking to Flashpoint and pointing to a nearby crate.

Trixie shook her head and took a step back from the podium. She prepared to cast a spell that would destroy the spell book and nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt cold metal close around her neck.

She looked down and then turned to Velvet.

The white unicorn wore the same confused look that Trixie did.

Flashpoint made her way around the circle placing necklaces on all the unicorns that surrounded it.

Velvet turned to Storm Ring, "Master Ring, may I ask the purpose of these necklaces?"

"Insurance. It would by quite easy for somepony to accidentally fail to do their part."

"And should somepony fail," Trixie asked a pit forming in her stomach.

Zephyr smiled and said, "The necklaces, or rather the gemstone within each one, are used for demolition."

He let the words hang in the air and his smile grew wider as panic began to spread across the room.

One unicorn attempted to rip the necklace off her neck.

"Stop," Trixie shouted, "It could just as easily explode if you remove it now."

The unicorn let go of the necklace though the panic still shone through her eyes as well as her ragged breaths. She raised the hood of her robe and turned to face Applejack.

Trixie's heart beat faster. Storm Ring trapped her. She had no way of knowing if she could even cast the spell to destroy the book at all. She hung her head and whispered, "I'm sorry."

A sudden rush of energy struck Trixie and caught a glimpse of the other unicorns casting a spell at her.

Magical energy poured into her and she quickly became overwhelmed. Trixie struggled to stay on her hooves, but the surge of energy staggered her. She gritted her teeth and her eyes fall onto Applejack.

The orange pony looked almost pitiful as she lay on the floor.

A sneer formed on Trixie's face, and she closed her eyes to cast the spell.

Her eyes shot open.

She didn't see the comforting darkness that she normally relied upon to cast a complex spell, instead she saw the smiling and kind face of Fluttershy.

I can't fail now, she thought.

More energy poured into her and against her will she cast the spell directly at Applejack.

The room lit up as though Celestia's sun were transported to the basement, but the noise caused by the spell drowned every other sound.


A pained scream reached Trixie's ears and she knew that sound would haunt her dreams.


"Are we ready to proceed," Shining Armor asked Twilight.

His question was answered by the nearly deafening sound of a massive spell being cast.

He looked to Twilight and said, "There is no time. We have to destroy the door."

Princess Luna stood next to Shining Armor and asked, "What are you planning?"

He nodded and said, "My magic is more than shields."

Shining Armor concentrated his magic and began to form a dome in front of him.

As the dome slowly became more and more dense he said, "All ponies stay behind me."

He stared at the door and readied himself to charge at a door that could very well kill him.


As quickly as the spell was cast, it was over. The magical energy that fueled Trixie was cut off, and the unicorn fell to the floor.

Having so much power taking away from her so suddenly made her think that her own senses failed her. The room was dark and she couldn't hear anything.

Her own body defied her as she couldn't even stand. Still, the room began to brighten and she gasped at the sight before her.

Standing on all four hooves was Applejack. Her face glowed with pain and rage as she reared back and spread her new wings and prepared to attack the ponies.


"Congratulations," Zephyr said, "I have to admit that I had my doubts, but you succeeded."

"Not yet I haven't," Storm Ring said.

He spotted Thunderclap and said, "You. Get the caster on her hooves."

Flashpoint scoffed, "Not until we get what you promised us."

"You'll have your money," Zephyr said.

Flashpoint sighed and nodded to Thunderclap.

"Whatever you say," he said and made his way to Trixie.

Trixie lay on the ground her breath ragged as she stared at the sight of Applejack. She scarcely noticed that she was dragged to her hooves.

She managed to regain her composure, and turned to face Storm Ring.

"Now," Storm Ring said, "Cast the next spell."

She swayed on her hooves, but managed to glare at Storm Ring.


"You don't get to refuse," Storm Ring said.

Trixie sneered, "But Trixie just did. Have one of your lackeys cast the spell."

Storm Ring trembled slightly with barely contained rage.

"I have not come this far to have some second rate unicorn ruin things. Cast the spell or die."

"We need the Elements. Trixie made a promise, and she keeps her promises."

Storm Ring glared at Trixie and turned to Velvet.

"How are the crystals?"

Velvet nodded, "The crystals are stable, but I don't know for how long. I calibrated them as best I could."

"Fine. Cast the spell in her place."

"I'm sorry, master," she said with practiced calm, "But that spell is far beyond my skills."

Storm Ring looked back to Trixie, "This is your last chance."

Trixie glared at him, "Trixie chooses death over murder."


Storm Ring nodded to Zephyr who began to walk to a nearby table.

Trixie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She waited patiently for the inevitable, but a pained scream forced her to open her eyes.

One of the unicorns that was tasked with maintaining the crystals had collapsed. She twitched grisly as blood trickled from her nose and mouth.

Velvet ran over to the downed unicorn and studied Applejack closely.

"She's focusing her magic on a single location," she said.

"That's not possible," Zephyr said, "She's nothing but an earth pony. That much power should have destroyed what little mind she had."

"She's a Bearer you fool," Trixie said.

"Cast the spell," Storm Ring shouted.

Trixie ignored him and focused her energy on Applejack.

"Nopony dies today," she whispered.


As Velvet made her way back to her hooves, a ripple formed on the barrier. She took a cautious step back as the barrier began to dim slightly.

"Is that thing contained," Zephyr shouted.

Velvet walked toward Zephyr and shook her head.

"Trixie is keeping the barrier up as best she can, but there's no way that she can maintain it for much longer."

Another unicorn screamed and collapsed to the floor.

"Kill it," Storm Ring said, "I'll have to salvage what I can."

"She's far too powerful," Velvet said, "And Trixie is the only one that's keeping her at bay."

Her ears twitched, and she turned to Trixie.

"What did you say?"

Sweat poured from Trixie's head as she focused all her energy into reinforcing the barrier.

"Bring me crystals."

Velvet looked away as she scanned the basement floor for any unopened crates. When she spotted one, she motioned for Thunderclap to retrieve it.

"What is she planning," Flashpoint asked.

"I'm not certain," Velvet said, "But do as she asks."

Flashpoint nodded to Thunderclap, "If it'll keep us alive."

"I'm going, I'm going," Thunderclap moaned.

Rainbow Dash saw the large pegasus casually make his way over to her crate though all she could see was red. She crouched down lower and waited.

Thunderclap looked at the crate and said, "Are you sure this one's still full?"

"Just bring it over," Velvet shouted.

"Fine. I was just asking."

He leaned over to pick up the crate, and managed to jump back in time to avoid being struck in the face with the box's lid.

Rainbow Dash landed next to the box and lunged at Thunderclap.


"What do we have here," Thunderclap asked as he sidestepped Rainbow's lunge.

He grabbed her tail with his mouth and spun causing Rainbow to crash into a crate.

Thunderclap wasted no time. He hoisted up a crate that still had crystals and tossed it toward Flashpoint.

The unicorn caught it with her magic and sent to Velvet before running to her partner's aid.

"We'll deal with her," she shouted, "You keep that thing contained."

Rainbow Dash staggered to her hooves, her attention on Thunderclap, which left her open to Flashpoint's attack.

As she readied herself to attack Thunderclap, a sharp crack struck her in the side of the head dropping her to the ground. Instinctively, she flapped her wings and shot backward just in time to avoid a heavy crate's fall.

"Another Bearer," Flashpoint said, "Be careful."

Thunderclap faced Rainbow Dash and studied her carefully.

"I'm going to enjoy this," he said.

Rainbow wasted no time. She dove and struck Thunderclap hard in the side.

The large pegasus stumbled but managed to remain standing.

"That all you got? Even the earth ponies put up a better fight."

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth and lunged again only to be stopped mid-charge.

"That's enough from you," Flashpoint said as she held Rainbow Dash in place with her magic.

Thunderclap laughed as he took a step closer to Rainbow.

"Hold her," he said.

Rainbow struggled against the magical field holding her in place but couldn't do anything. She braced herself for the oncoming assault...

And the wind was knocked out of her when she fell to the floor with a painful thud.

Flashpoint let out a pained scream as she tumbled into a crate with a pink blur on top of her.

Rainbow Dash wasted no time and struck Thunderclap in the head as hard as she could.

The large pegasus staggered back and growled at her.

"You're going to pay for that."

Pinkie Pie ran behind Flashpoint and kicked her in the ribs.

Flashpoint cried out in pain and spun around prepared to attack Pinkie.

"Wait," Thunderclap shouted, "Not yet."

Pinkie Pie saw Flashpoint's hesitation and rushed at her. She tackled her dead on and the two tumbled over crates.

Thunderclap ran to help his partner, but Rainbow Dash landed in front of him.

"We're not done," Rainbow Dash said, "You're gonna pay for what you did to AJ."

He grinned and said, "Kicking an earth pony's flank is easy enough. This should be interesting."

The two squared off and rushed at each other.

Pinkie Pie rolled away from Flashpoint and looked around for something to tie her up.

"I beat you before," Flashpoint said, "Don't think I won't again."

Pinkie narrowed her eyes and said, "You hurt Jackie."

She didn't wait for a response before striking Flashpoint hard in the face.

Flashpoint staggered backward before recovering her bearings.

She glared at Pinkie and said, "Not as bad as I'm going to hurt you."


Trixie strained under the pressure the spell placed on her. Pain coursed through her body, and the battling ponies were not helping.

"The crystals are in place," Velvet said.

She took a cloth into her mouth and gently dabbed Trixie's brow.

"Th-thank you," Trixie groaned.

She slowly opened her eyes and shuddered as the basement door blew open.

The containment spell weakened slightly, and Applejack wasted no time attacking the barrier. She fired a blast of energy at Trixie and readied to strike again as the barrier shattered.

"Guards," Shining Armor shouted, "Secure this area."

The Royal Guard ponies began to file into the basement but all stopped in their tracks at the sight of the alicorn before them.

All except Twilight.

She ran over to Trixie and raised a barrier just as a magical blast struck.

"What happened," Trixie asked in a daze.

"I was about to ask you," Twilight said, "What did you do?"

Trixie rose to her hooves, "Now is not the time for that. Trixie must undo what has happened."

She turned to face Applejack and took a deep breath. Her gaze hardened as she focused her magic. The constant attacks on the barrier caused her to shudder, but she soon found what she was looking for.

"Trixie has you now," she said as she cast her spell at Applejack.

A beam of energy shot out of her horn and struck Applejack in the chest. The pony screamed in pain as a beam emerged from her chest. This new beam shot downward towards the crystals.

"What are you doing," Twilight asked.

"Trixie is busy. Don't bother her."

Shining Armor walked to Storm Ring, "Storm Ring?"

"That is correct," Storm Ring replied with a smile and a bow, "How may I assist the Princesses' most loyal servant?"

He glanced toward Applejack and added, "I think you have slightly more pressing matters to deal with than me."

Shining Armor shook his head, "Twilight Sparkle is more than capable to dealing with that thing."

He took a small step back when Zephyr began to laugh.

"Some thing," Zephyr said between laughs, "Do you truly not recognize the very Element of Honesty before you?"

Shining Armor looked at the enraged alicorn and felt his heart sink.

"You will pay for this," he growled.

Sapphire Breeze turned to two archers and said, "Assist the Bearers with the mercenaries."

Two unicorns nodded and ran toward the fray.

Shining Armor then turned to Sapphire Breeze, "Keep a close watch on this one."

The mare nodded and took her position a fair distance away from Storm Ring.


"Come on," Thunderclap growled, "You should be putting up a better fight than this."

Rainbow Dash wiped some blood from her lip with a hoof and lunged at the large pegasus.

Thunderclap stood his ground and the considerably smaller pegasus barely nudged him.

Rainbow took a step back and lunged at him again. Only this time she used her speed instead of her strength.

Thunderclap prepared to catch Rainbow, but soon found himself sprawled on the ground next to Flashpoint.

She levitated a crate and threw it at Pinkie.

The pink pony ducked under the crate and pounced onto Flashpoint.

"I know your tricks," Flashpoint said with a smirk.


A crate slammed into Pinkie's head and she flew into Rainbow Dash.

The two ponies got to their hooves and steadied themselves.

"Now this is what I'm talking about," Thunderclap said, "I missed a good fight."

"Somepony has to," Flashpoint said with a groan.

"That's enough," a voice shouted.

All four ponies turned and stared at the two guards pointing loaded crossbows at them.

Rainbow glared at the mercenaries, "You're lucky."

Flashpoint shook her head, "No. You have no idea how lucky you two are."

She nudged Thunderclap and sighed, "We surrender."

The large pegasus grumbled and nodded, "Yeah, we surrender. You're not getting any more trouble from us."

Pinkie smiled at Rainbow Dash and collapsed.

"Pinkie," Rainbow shouted, "Are you okay?"

The pink pony laughed and said, "Yeah, just tired."


Rarity monitored the entire scene with an almost detached demeanor. Her eyes moved from her friends fighting two mercenaries, to Twilight and Trixie trying to save Applejack, to Shining Armor placing Storm Ring under arrest, to the almost unseen figure sneaking their way towards a wall.

She narrowed her eyes and saw that the wall opened allowing the figure to leave the scene unnoticed to all except her.

"I saw you," Rarity whispered as she quickly made her way to the wall.

As she passed a guard entering the basement, she grabbed the mare's bow and quiver with her magic.

"Hey," the guard called as she was stripped of her weapon. She began to pursue but Sapphire Breeze stopped her.

"Never mind that," she said, "Help secure the prisoners."


Rarity's attention was focused solely on the figure.

The wall bore no obvious markings of a secret passage, and Rarity would not have been able to find the switch had she not witnessed its operation a moment ago.

The small section of wall opened and she quickly ran up the stairs, the sound of combat slowly receding as she climbed.

The narrow stairway offered no light for her to follow, but, thankfully, this path went in one direction.

She ran out of the exit and shivered as the sudden cool breeze of the evening hit her damp coat. Without thinking she tightened her magical grip on the bow and quiver and took slow cautious steps into a garden path.

Her eyes scanned the foliage making certain to also watch the sky above for the fleeing pony.

"If I must be captured," a calm voice said, "It's a blessing that it be at the hooves of somepony as sophisticated and cultured as you."

Rarity spun on her hooves and raised the bow at the shadows.

"Reveal yourself," she commanded.

Zephyr stepped out of the shadow and gave her a warm smile. Had she not known of what he had done, she would have felt quite enraptured with him. Unfortunately for him, she bore nothing but contempt for him.

She levitated an arrow, nocked it, and said, "You will pay for what you have done."

His smile broadened the tiniest bit, and he took a cautious step forward.

"No," he said with a shake of his head, "I won't be paying for anything. In fact, I plan on flying out of here, and you will watch me go."

Rarity took a step back but kept the bow trained on Zephyr.

"Your words mean nothing to me. You hired assassins to kill one of my dearest friends, and you honestly believe that you are above punishment?"

Zephyr sighed before shaking his head.

"No," he said, "I mustn't lose my patience with you. You are in an impassioned state and can't see things clearly. I will not be punished because of the damage I will unleash if I were."

Rarity lowered the bow slightly, "You work for rich and powerful ponies, but none are more powerful than the Princesses. You will be thrown into the darkest dungeon before you have a chance to whisper a single secret."

Now Zephyr's smile turned into a grin, "I have more than secrets. I have truth on my side. Truths such as the fact that I nearly destroyed the precious balance that protects our world."

He turned his gaze upward to the night sky even though he knew better, but this pony wouldn't kill him. Murder is beneath a pony like Rarity.

"Such a beautiful sight are our skies at night. Ponies don't know true beauty and I pity them for it."

After a moment, he returned his gaze to Rarity's.

"It may surprise you that I didn't even know she was a Bearer."

Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "You still hired goons to take her life."

Zephyr let out a sigh, "Please think for a moment. I know that you are a Bearer because Storm Ring told me that you were, but nopony in Equestria knows. Imagine the panic that would spread when I tell the world that it's only means of defense is six ponies, and that defense becomes worthless should any one of them fall."

He raised a hoof to stop Rarity from responding, "Think of what would happen should I reveal the names of The Elements of Harmony. You, my dear socialite, will flourish, but what of the others?"

Rarity raised the bow again and drew back the arrow, "I will not listen to your lies. You will return to guards and accept your fate."

"Must we really do this," Zephyr asked.

Rarity's refusal to respond spurred him on.

"Very well," he said, "I place myself under provisional arrest. The provision being that I be handed over to the Royal Guard."

His grinned broadened as Rarity relaxed her stance.

"Of course," he continued, "it would mean the end of a very young life."

"You lie," Rarity said with weak resolve, "You can't do that."

"But I can," Zephyr said, "And you can imagine that I am not above ending a life in order to preserve my own."

Rarity took a few steps around Zephyr, making sure that his main escape route was blocked and said, "I believe that you would spread misery if it spared you an inconvenience."

Zephyr looked to the sky and said, "I'm certainly not quite that callous, but I grow tired of this. I bid you a fond farewell. You know what damage I will cause should I not be allowed my freedom."

He took flight and made no attempt to escape. His flight was slow, peaceful, and designed solely to mock Rarity.

She growled and raised the bow Zephyr's direction. It took all of her strength to keep her from firing a killing shot. She had no doubt that Zephyr was a liar and killer, but it was the latter that concerned her. Should she take him down, would an innocent life truly be lost?

Her eyes followed his flight, and her anger grew as he made no attempt at concealment or evasion.

"No," she whispered, "You have caused enough harm."

Rarity pulled back the string, the arrow still nocked, and judged Zephyr's ascent. She took a deep breath and thought of her dear friend. One of the few ponies who could, with her sheer nature, drive a pony so devoted to her stature and appearance to acts of violence and contemplate murder.

"For you Fluttershy," Rarity whispered and let the arrow fly, "Whatever comes from this, we will stand together."

Her arrow flew true with purpose and power toward Zephyr. It didn't take long before she saw Zephyr jerk and begin to fall. She ripped some ivy from a garden lattice, while making certain to maintain the proper aesthetic, and ran toward the downed pony.


"What was that," Twilight asked Trixie.

The blue unicorn groaned under the strain of her spell but managed to whisper, "Help me."

Twilight nodded and looked around the basement. Rainbow was tending to Pinkie's wounds and the guards sent to assist were putting manacles on the mercenaries.

"What can I do," she asked, "I can't do a spell if I don't know it's purpose."

"Just do something," Trixie said, "Trixie can't keep this up for much longer."

Twilight closed her eyes and tried to focus as best she could. Volumes of texts passed through her mind in an instant as she tried to find a solution. Instead, she gained insight on Trixie's intentions.

"You're draining the excess magic," she whispered and readied a spell to assist Trixie.

Her spell neared completion when an explosion knocked her off her hooves.

Applejack's screams ceased as she realized the barrier was truly gone. Her hateful gaze fell upon Storm Ring, who still lay on his side, and began to charge her magic once more.

Trixie let out a groan of pain. She stood at the epicenter of the explosion and was nearly knocked unconscious, but managed to rise to a sitting position.

"Stop," she shouted but knew that it was to no avail.

Applejack turned to Trixie and her gaze softened. Pain and rage still shone in her face and fired a magical bolt at Trixie.

Trixie stared at the ball of energy that flew at her. Time slowed to a crawl as the fatal attack drew closer. She braced herself, and found herself dumbstruck as a bright lavender light exploded before her.

"Wha-," she stammered as she regained her faculties.

Twilight, already on her hooves, kept her eyes on the magical barrier she erected.

Applejack's raged as she fired more attacks against against the two unicorns.

Shining Armor turned his attention to his younger sister and cast a spell to strengthen Twilight's barrier.

Storm Ring used this opportunity to make his way toward the exit Zephyr used. He kept his eyes on all the ponies in the room. Except for one.

"Master Ring," a calm voice said behind him.

Storm Ring turned and nodded to Velvet, "Good work. I shall be away, and I still have all my notes."

Velvet smiled and said, "It's almost over then?"

A pegasus guard armed with a crossbow entered the basement and began to secure the perimeter starting with area away from the two hidden ponies.

"Now is our chance," Storm Ring said.

He smiled at the sight of an Alicorn, even though the base was of such low quality, standing firmly against the two most powerful unicorns in Equestria. His smile twisted to pain and horror as his breath was driven out of him.

Pain wracked his body as he fell to the basement floor. He looked up and saw, with a bloody knife secured to her hoof, Velvet glaring down at him.

"Red Velvet, What are you doing?"

Velvet's face became a snarl as she said, "I wanted to kill Grey, but I'll gladly kill you instead."

She rose the dagger into the air to deliver the fatal blow and said with increasing rage, "And my name is Ginger Bread."

The blow never came. Two bolts struck her in the chest. She staggered back two steps before she fell to the dirt floor.


Pain coursed though Zephyr's wing and ribs, and he knew that he wouldn't be walking away. He hit the ground harder than he thought. Still, he managed to push back the anger, pain, and growing panic just enough to begin to plan his next move.

He rose to a sitting position as best he could and waited.

"You're on your way," he whispered, "Full of righteous fury and vengeance. How far will you go?"

His eyes scanned the old barn. Various tools and equipment showed their age, along with their neglect. He wouldn't have to wait long.

The barn door opened and he smiled as Rarity entered.

"We meet again," Zephyr said.

Rarity walked toward the downed pegasus and narrowed her eyes as he laughed.

"And what do you expect me to do? I am not a position to do anything."

His smiled turned sinister as he added, "At least not physically at least. Oh you have no idea the damage I shall cause."

"Then tell me," Rarity said, "Why should I allow you to live? You can't spill your secrets from the grave?"

Zephyr's smile wavered, "Now Rarity, you're above such things."

He looked to his wing, still impaled by the arrow, and added, "Then again, even the best of us can stumble."

Rarity raised the bow and nocked an arrow, yet she couldn't bring herself to draw the sting back. Every hardship that she and her friends endured came to her, but she still could not draw that bowstring back.

"See," Zephyr said, "As much as you despise me, you can't bring yourself to murder. It's just not in you."

Before Rarity could respond, the barn door opened.

Two guards entered slowly and nodded when they spotted Rarity.

"Is everything all right ma'am," one guard asked.

Rarity sighed and said, "Yes, your prisoner is right here. He is injured, but I don't believe it is fatal."

The guards bandaged Zephyr's wing and led him out of the barn.

As he past Rarity he whispered in her ear.

Her heart sunk and she thought of her little sister as he said the words, "You just ensured that a child died tonight."

She shook her head and said, "Not if I have anything to say about it."

With that, she ran out of the barn.


Trixie's beam struggled against Applejack, and she felt her knees begin to buckle. In her exhaustion, Trixie let down her mental defenses.

She fell to her knees as a force slammed into her mind. All the emotions that Trixie suspected were running through Applejack's mind were confirmed in a painful way.

"It isn't like that," Trixie said through her teeth, "We're here to help you."

"Applejack," Twilight shouted, "It's me. Please calm down so we can help you."

Applejack looked at Twilight and her expression changed.

The rage that shown in her face lessened but disgust soon shone brightly.

Trixie rose to her hooves and said, "She's overcome with emotion. We have to use that against her."

"How do you know," Twilight asked.

"Because I was connected to her mind. Rage and pain is all she's feeling."

Twilight nodded and said, "But she recognized me."

"Then perhaps we should focus on somepony that she-"

Both ponies locked eyes and nodded.

"I'll connect with her mind again. You try to change her back."

Twilight braced herself to cast the spell and said, "Okay. Let's do this."

Trixie stared at Applejack and focused her magic with what little she knew about Fluttershy. She remembered when she first met Fluttershy in the hospital and how nervous the pony was.

Applejack staggered back and her expression softened. Most of the anger faded from her face leaving only pain and regret.

"I hope this works," Twilight whispered as she replicated the spell Trixie was casting.

The beam struck Applejack in the chest and split into multiple beams channeling energy to the nearby crystals.


"Where am I," Trixie asked.

She shuddered as she began to slowly walk forward her eyes struggling to adjust to the darkness around her. At least, she tried to walk forward. Something held her hooves in place.

She looked down and saw her hooves begin to slowly sink into the ground. In spite of the growing panic, she stayed kept her head and continued her attempt at walking.

It took some time, but she began to move forward. She returned her gaze to the world around her.

"This can't be inside her mind," Trixie whispered.

She stopped and tried to find some kind of landmark to guide her. To her left she saw a figure.

The figure looked feminine, but Trixie couldn't make out any features. Thankfully, the ground provided less resistance the closer Trixie moved toward the strange pony.

Each step became easier than the last, and Trixie felt firm ground beneath her hooves again. As she stepped closer, the light brightened.

The change in light came so quickly that she staggered back in surprise.

"I don't have time for this," she muttered as she stepped forward.

"Go away," a voice boomed, "Haven't you caused enough damage?"

Again Trixie staggered but recovered quickly enough.

"Who are you," Trixie asked.

The figure turned to face Trixie and the sight instantly made her head hurt. Trixie knew that the figure was an adult, but her mind couldn't process that. The figure appeared to be shifting. In the space of seconds, Trixie saw a filly, a mare, and all in between.

"You're not her," the figure said.

Trixie stepped closer and asked, "Who are you?"

The figure smiled, causing a sharp stab of pain in Trixie's head, and said, "That doesn't matter. All I know is that you are not her. Why are you here?"

Trixie turned away and said, "I'm here to undo what I have done."

She jumped as the ground began to shake violently. Her eyes met the figure's and she felt herself grow cold at the sight of the hateful glare.

"Is this some disguise to trick me? You are her. Leave."

"I will not," Trixie said, "I am not this 'her' your talking about. My name is Trixie, and I am here to help Applejack."

The ground grumbled again.

"Stop it," Trixie shouted, "I don't know who you are and I don't have time to waste. I am trying to save her."


Trixie sighed, "Because I promised that I would help Fluttershy."

The figure took a step closer to Trixie. She nodded and said, "I believe you, but you are wasting your time. This one is beyond saving."

"What do you mean?"

"Go," the figure whispered as she smiled.

Before Trixie could respond, she felt herself being pulled away.


Trixie's side felt cold. Far too cold. It took her a few moments to realize that she had fallen to the floor. She staggered to her hooves and tried to get her bearings.

"She's awake," a voice shouted.

"Place a guard on her," another voice called, "She is not to be harmed."

"What happened," Trixie groaned.

She felt a stick push her back down.

"Stay right there," a firm voice said.

Trixie's eyes cleared and she the scene became clear to her. Zephyr's minions were surrounded by guards and Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and the pink one stood near Applejack.

"She back to normal," Trixie whispered with a sigh of relief.

Her eyes remained on the pink pony and she felt her heart sink when she heard her cry out.

"Twilight, her heart's stopped."

"Are you sure," Trixie asked.

Pinkie slowly nodded.

Shining Armor turned to Sapphire Breeze and before he said a word, she ran out of the basement.

"Uh," Twilight began.

"She's going for one of the medics," Shining Armor said, "They may be able to stabilize her so we can transport her to a hospital."

He ran to Applejack and knelt down.

"Help me," he said to Twilight.

She nodded and the two began performing CPR.

After an eternity passed, Twilight smiled.

"I have a pulse but it's weak."

Sapphire Breeze returned with a medic and directed the pony.

"Get her stabilized," Shining Armor said.

"Yes sir," the medic replied and began to use his magic on Applejack.

"I don't think I can help her," he said, "There's too much internal damage. We need to get her to a hospital but..."

Twilight gently stroked Applejack's mane.

"How much time does she have," she asked.

"I'm not sure," the medic said, "Maybe an hour or so. We won't be able to transport her in time."

Twilight stood and said, "Get her on a stretcher. Big brother I'll need you to help me."

"What are you planning," Shining Armor asked.

He shook his head and said to the medic, "Do it. I think I understand."

The medic, and a couple of guards, placed Applejack on a stretcher and Twilight began to charge her horn.

"Where's the nearest hospital," she asked Shining Armor.

"Canterlot Memorial," he said, "Northeast."

"Got it," Twilight said and the group disappeared in a flash.

Spike entered the basement and whispered, "Is everypony okay?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Yeah, Spike. We're fine. Where were you?"

He cast his eyes to the floor, "I got scared once the fighting started."

Pinkie limped her way to Spike and nuzzled him gently, "It sure was. I'm still shaking."

She tapped her chin with a hoof and added, "Or is that possible brain damage?"

"Either way," she said with a shrug, "I'm shaking and it was scary."

Spike hugged Pinkie and let out a sigh.

"I wish I could have been useful for once," he whispered.

Pinkie began to respond when a door on the far side of the basement flew open.

"What in the world," Sapphire Breeze shouted.

All the ponies stared at a very exhausted Rarity.

"Twilight Sparkle," she wheezed, "Where is she?"

"She took Applejack to a hospital," Rainbow Dash said, "Why? What's wrong?"

Rarity shook her head, "No. No. No. This is terrible. That fiend Zephyr told me that a child would die if he didn't go free."

Trixie's mouth went dry. A life was going to end tonight.

"We must do something," Rarity pleaded.

"Manehattan General," Trixie said, "That would be where you need to go."

The guard watching her leaned harder on the pole end of his spear causing Trixie to let out a small whimper of pain.

Sapphire Breeze took a step closer to Trixie and asked, "And how do you know this? Is that a backup in case your plan failed?"

"No," Trixie shouted, "It was my punishment for failing. I was coerced into helping them. They said that a young pony would die if I refused. I work at that hospital. What better punishment than harming a pony that I know?"

Rainbow Dash nudged the guard away from Trixie. Ignoring his scowl she asked, "Is that why you placed the barrier on Fluttershy?"

Trixie nodded, "I was told to kill her, but I am not a murderer. Then they said that I had to help them with this horror."

She looked at Sapphire Breeze, "I am not denying my part, but I am asking you to go to Manehattan General and save that child."

Sapphire Breeze closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She raised her hoof to silence the ponies in the room.

She turned to the guards, "Remain here and secure this building. Have a squad report to the carriage. We leave at once."

"And this one," Trixie's guard asked.

"She stays here," Sapphire Breeze said.

Trixie watched the group walk out of the basement a few guards the only ones to keep her company.


The crystal remained silent. Every night for the past week, it chimed at the same time and wouldn't stop until he picked it up. Now it was two hours past due. He knew his orders, but he never dreamed that he would actually have to carry them out.

He took a deep breath. There was no point in denying it. If he wasn't supposed to do this, the crystal would have sounded.

With a slow and heavy heart, he gathered the items he needed. He left the security room and made his slow walk down the hall. Lazy nods to the doctors, nurses, and orderlies as he walked by went unnoticed by him. The only thing that he saw was the door. The door of the poor soul that he had to murder.

Why couldn't it have been a random child? He asked that several times, but Zephyr was specific. It had to be this child and it hurt him even more.

He supposed that was why Zephyr chose her.

"Doing your rounds a little early," a nurse asked smiling.

"Yeah, I was getting bored in the break room."

The nurse blushed and said, "I can keep you company if you'd like."

He nodded, "How about once our shifts are over?"

She blinked in surprise and said, "Sure. Meet you in the lobby?"

"Looking forward to it," he said as he entered the room.

Why did he agree? Why did he even speak to her? He smiled. He knew why.

He wanted a witness. Somepony to place him there when he committed his crime. No matter what, his life would be over.

With measured steps, he made his way to the bed. The young filly slept soundly. He wanted to leave. Leave and hope for the best. Maybe Zephyr's hitponies would find him, but at least he wouldn't be a murderer. It was a noble thought. Sadly, he wasn't a noble pony.

"What's going on," a small tired voice whispered.

The world froze for a moment. His sense of survival threatening to overwhelm his sense of decency.

He looked down at the sleepy pony. Her eyes half-closed but still held a sense of trust. His head ached but he made his choice. There would be no going back from this.

He placed the package on the stand near her IV bag and said with a soft voice, "Nothing at all. Go back to sleep, Lilly."