CYOA: Bronytale

by Amereep


She gives you an astonished look ".........alrighty then." Applejack tips her hat down over her face.

You look at the sky and see the sun approaching closer and closer to the hills. It was time to go. You wave Applejack goodbye and head towards the castle.

"Hey!" the mare call to you. "I don't want to see you around her again eating mah apples. ya hear?" she gives you a stern glare that holds a little bit of gloom in those eyes.

You've hurt that southern pride of hers, but you had to do that for your own concern.

You push the thought aside and return back to your journey for now.

You march up a deserted path on a hill as the sunset starts to begin. Every step you make brings you another step closer to the castle. Nothing can stop you.

You make to the top of the hill and you see why this road is deserted. Ahead of you is a gorge that has a rickety bridge, but you also see Canterlot Castle about a mile away. You look at the sun; you won't make it before dark if you take another path and the last thing you want to do is to try and walk in the dark. You have to take the bridge.

You look over the cliff, it looks like a long drop down. Holding in your breath, you take a step on the first plank.

You hear the board creak and you exhale; relieved that it didn't break. Looking at the rest of the planks ahead of you, you get the feeling that this is like a game of Russian roulette. You grab a tight hold of the rope that's used for a railing and hope that the 'barrel' is 'unloaded'.

Slowly, you walk on each plank as lightly as possible. The howling of the wind shakes your nerves and each creaking of the wood makes your heart skip a beat in anxiety.

You place your foot on a plank and lift the other foot for the next, but the plank you're currently on breaks.

You yell as you fall through the board, but hang there from your tight grip on the rope. You hear the sound of your echo through the gorge.

You pull yourself up and swing your leg onto the next board and put pressure on it to get the rest of your body up. The plank breaks and your body swings back down, making you lose your grip the the rope. You scream as you fall, it doesn't look like there's anything you could land on to soften the impact; not even a flower bed.

It seems like you're going to die in this world before you even get to finish living one day here.

You suddenly land on something soft that appears right from out of nowhere and are now flying at high speed through the air. You hear flapping sound but you can't see what they are, all you see is some kind of fur or maybe hair constantly hitting your face with wild colors.

You suddenly feel your world spin and you fall again. You land in a second to see that you're on the other side of the gorge. You notice a pale cerulean feather gently floating down into your sight.

"And once again!" You look up and see a mare pegasus that matches the color of the feather. She sits on a cloud doing poses and whips her rainbow mane everywhere, "Rainbow Dash saves the day!" she starts making crowd sounds, "Aaaaaaa! Greatest in all of Equestria! Aaaaaaa! We love you, Dash! Aaaaaaa!"

You get up and thank her for saving your tail.

"That was nothing. I could save five- no ten- no TWENTY of your species in under three seconds."

You note that her showboating is kinda..... concerning.

"Yeah, I'm pretty amazing. Take it in pal, cause there ain't nopony like me around here."

That ego is starting to become irritating for you.

"I'll tell ya, it's not easy to keep up with everypony's expectation about you, but when your as awesome as me, then nothing is impossible for this incredibly cool pony." look over the cliff. It doesn't look that far down to you anymore.

She then starts to proclaim that she brakes records everyday, which is ironic because she got on your nerves at around a minute; a feat that didn't seem possible to you. Despite being your savior, it's downright frustrating to hear her proclaim that she's equivalent to a god's standards and you start getting an incredible urge to knock her down a few pegs.

Maybe you could give her a taste of her own medicine by making your own gloats. But what should you say?

Yeah, you're certainly something. Too bad I can't tell what.

You truly are great. Too bad I'm the talk of the town now.