Raiders of the Lost Hope

by RDDash

3: Forget the Plan and Improvise

"So here is the plan Pinks, I'll go and confront Dr. Caballeron, I mean that mysteriously cloaked pony. Then I'll force him to reveal himself. Meanwhile, you will casually lead Daring Do or AK Yearling, whoever is perfectly fine to a spot where I will pretend to get captured. Then you are going to chase after me at about half of your normal speed, but still not fast enough so that Daring Do could make it also, she will run, even though flying is usually faster than running."

Then what?" Pinkie Pie had been writing everything down to the last letter.

"And then I will be like Help! Help me! Somepony Help Me!. By the time you two get to the pyramid I will be already get tied up to the big pike in the middle. After that Dr. Caballeron would say his super villain speech and then he would leave. There will be like a big pool of green lava, and even though you can clearly walk around it. I would insist that you make sure that you both jump inside of it."

"What? This sounds like a bad idea!" Pinkie Pie shouted, "Even if everything is going to be like you said it would."

"No, no, trust me it's brilliant, I'll even make sure that Dr. Caballeron will do exactly that. He will go for everything that will make Daring Do look bad."

"I don't know, all of this sounds really sketchy to me."

"Fine,"Rainbow Dash sighed. "Just do whatever you want."

"Oh, Dashie we are going to improvise, and have so much fun in the process. Do you think I should bring the book of the dead?"

"Pinkie, No!" Rainbow was horrified by the proposal.

Finally satisfied with the plan Rainbow Dash went outside and started looking for Dr. Caballeron, he and his goons should be there somewhere. Lucky for her Dr. Caballeron have been raving all day about how Daring Do was a menace. Should she intervene just to make him look bad? She was sure she would have fun while doing it However she did have other plans, and she didn't want to argue with the crowd of ponies who were as stubborn as Jackie.

"Hey, if you have a problem with Daring Do you have a problem with me! Now scram! "

"Hey, you can't just..."

"I can't just do what?" Rainbow went right to another pony face. "I said move along!"

"Harrumph!" Slowly but surely the crowd has been dispersed. Rainbow Dash then looked at the one pony who stayed.

"Is there a reason why you stayed behind?" she asked him.

"I don't see how is this any of your business, stranger."

"You might be right about that! However," she quickly pulled the cloak from him. "I am no stranger to you! Isn't it right, Caballeron?"

That's a Doctor to you Rainbow Dash!" Dr. Caballeron pulled a dagger and tried to stab her.Rainbow dodged it and hit him with the hoof

"You see, I know only one Doctor and frankly you clearly, don't deserve the title. Now are we going to do this hard way or we are going to do this hard way?"

"You foolish mare, you will regret coming here alone. Boys, get her!" He whistled, and almost instantly the group of about five ponies jumped on Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash clapped her hooves together and grabbed one pony by the shirt and then with the solid hook she electrocuted him, he fell spasming to the ground.

"Anyone else wants a piece of me, anyone?" she yelled. "There is more of this from me to give it to all of you!"

The rest of them didn't know what to do, Rainbow could clearly see that they were dealing with a Pegasus who knows what she is doing, and as the bonus, they felt amateurs compared to her.

"Here is the deal, I would even make this easier for you. I am not going to use my wings to give myself, even more, an advantage over you."

With that, all of them attacked at the same time. Rainbow head-butted one of them, electrocuted two of them and kicked the rest in the face. However, with all of that chaos, she still couldn't dodge Caballeron's stabbing her where it hurts, in her abdomen.

"That's it, why don't you go and die!" He was about to strike her again, however, somepony kicked him in the face.

"Rainbow! Rainbow are you okay!" said Pinkie Pie."

"I will be fine Pinkie, this is just a scratch, let's go drag him to jail. At least we could charge him with a crime of attempted murder."

"Fine?" You are not fine! You are bleeding!'

"Pinkie, just calm the buck down! I can't die alright! There I said it! Is this what you wanted to hear? Me admitting to everyone what a freak I am?" Rainbow started crying, "I...I never wanted any of this, it's just happened!"

Pinkie Pie hugged her "But you lived such a very long life, and you've met us, your friends. You don't have to act tough when you have us to help you. Please let us help you. Come on let's get out of here, we are done here."

"I assume Daring stayed at the Inn?"

"Yes Dashie, I convinced her to stay, even though, I knew, you would do something stupid."
Rainbow felt ashamed with the stand she pulled right now. If worst comes to worst, she could probably attract unwanted attention, and with that the unpleasant job of cleaning up the mess she made.

"I am sorry Pinkie I was stupid. Let's go home!" Rainbow Dash then spat on the Dr. Caballeron face and they both left.

Train ride on the next day, Pinkie, Daring, and Rainbow had been traveling home to Poniville. After everything that happened Dr. Caballeron ended up on wanted posters, Daring Do made an official apology to the city of Somnambulla. After that, she donated a large amount of money to make sure that the statue is fixed. Ponies have been grumpy, but they still forgive her. Rainbow Dash has been sleeping In the train seat, and Pinkie has been looking at the clouds wondering what the future will bring to them next.