//------------------------------// // Episode 22: Young at Heart // Story: Elements of Heroism: Season 4 // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// Burst yawned as he got out of bed still clad in his pajamas. However, he noticed that Moon was absent from his side this morning. "Wonder what she'd up to?" Burst headed downstairs, and saw Moon on the couch. "Morning Moon." Burst said with a smile as he hugged Moon and kissed her before getting to work on breakfast. "So what's got you occupied this morning?" "Oh. I asked your parents for some photo albums of you." Moon said with a smile. "I still can't get over how adorable you were as a child." Burst lightly blushed as he sat down. "Well, you should've seen when I gave Celestia my Optimus Prime plushie. It was the first time I met her, and she was in tears over...well you know why. I also told her my promise. And I didn't even know she was the one I made a promise to." "That's probably the sweetest and cutest thing I've ever heard." Moon said with a smile as she grabbed a seat. "By the way, Twilight came by earlier. She said she's discovered a new ability of her Harmony Keeper and she'd like you and the guys to help her test it since it's got to do with combat testing." Burst nodded as he polished off the last of his breakfast. "I'll get ready now." A few minutes later, Burst was changed and headed over to Twilight's library. "Yo Twi! What's up?" "Burst! You're just in time." Twilight said with an eager smile. "I discovered a new function in my Harmony Keeper, Magic Unbound! I found out about it shortly after my ascension. Watch." Twilight fired up a spell, and then pressed a small gem on the side of her staff! Suddenly, a magic aura exploded around the ornament topping the staff! "This new mode boosts any spell I cast, or spell in progress from another caster! I call it Spell Charge!" Suddenly, Discord literally popped in! "Hey guys! Wanna relive your childhood?" Discord said with a grin as he snapped his fingers! However, he was unaware that Twilight had accidentally targeted his spell with her spell charge! A cloud of magic covered Burst and the guys! When it faded, the Elements of Heroism were all in one piece. However, their world seemed a bit larger. "What happened? What's with my voice?!" Nightfall asked as he looked around before he saw Tyrannus. "AH! Ty! Look at yourself!" Tyrannus blinked as he looked in a nearby mirror, and his eyes went wide. "No way..." The other Elements of Heroism went over to the mirror, and gasped! They'd been turned into little kids! "Oh man..." Burst said as he looked at his reflection before screaming! "I DON'T WANNA GO THROUGH PUBERTY AGAIN!" Twilight nervously giggled. "I...think I'll call the girls." Twilight brought each of the girls over, and they all freaked out over how adorable the guys were! "Awww~!" Fluttershy cooed as she scooped up Tyrannus and placed him on her shoulders! "Oh, I can hardly wait to snuggle with you!" Fluttershy took off faster than anyone thought possible, and promptly began pampering Tyrannus! Tyrannus smiled. "Well. Now I know how lucky Angel is." And with that, Tyrannus let out a yawn as he curled up against Fluttershy for a nap. "Pampering takes a lot out of a guy..." Fluttershy then covered him with a blanket, and held him tightly as she snuggled him. "Well squirt." Rainbow Dash said with a smirk as she and Steel were out and about. "What do you feel up to?" Steel frowned. "You're milking this for all it's worth. Aren't you?" Rainbow Dash nodded, and Steel sighed. "Well. Does Scootaloo have a skateboard we can use?" Steel and Rainbow Dash soon obtained the skateboard, and went to the tallest ramp at the skate park. "Uh, Steel? You sure about this?" Rainbow Dash asked with worry visible in her tone. "This seems kinda risky. Especially with you being...well, a little kid again." Steel smirked. "I might be smaller in size..." Steel then pushed off, and rode down the ramp! As soon as he was airborne, he flared his wings, and pulled off three 360s consecutively before landing! "But my style always sticks with me." Rainbow Dash then tussled Steel's hair. "C'mon. Let's get something sweet." Rainbow Dash and Steel headed to Sugar Cube Corner, and saw Pinkie having fun baking with Akage. The two were covered in frosting and flour. "Looks like we're not the only ones having fun." Pinkie and Akage just smiled as they brought out the cookies they'd made. At the same time, Fang had curled up with his tail against him back at his home. Aria couldn't help but smile as she pet him before falling asleep next to him. Venus in the meantime had made a flower tiara for Adagio. Which she responded to by kissing him on the forehead. Back at Ace, Ice, and Shadow's house, Sonata was busy having a movie marathon with the three siblings. She couldn't help but smile as she held Ace close and use him as a teddy bear when she eventually fell asleep. The three siblings following suit as soon as they turned the TV off. "So...how long is the spell gonna last Twilight?" Nightfall asked as he tugged on Twilight's arm. Twilight sighed. "Fortunately, it'll only last a day." She then smiled at Nightfall. "In the meantime, would you like me to read to you?" Nightfall and Spike nodded excitedly. "Perfect!" And with that, the three bookworms went to staisfy their story cravings. Inferno blinked as he took in the world form his new stature. "Huh. Everything seems so much bigger when you're a kid." "Well, you still stand tall in my book darling." Rarity said with a smile. "In fact..." Rarity then put Inferno on her shoulders. "I'd say you're king of the world!" Inferno smiled. "Well, somethings never change in size." He then nuzzled against Rarity. "You're heart's the biggest I've seen." Rarity just smiled as they continued their stroll. North in the meantime had fallen asleep on Applejack's back as she returned to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack couldn't help but smile as she rested North on the couch. "Sleep tight sugarcube." Applejack said with a smile as she left an apple on the table for North before continuing with her work for the day. Back at Burst's house, Burst was busy playing with his 3DS while Moon looked at him. Burst noticed her staring, and paused his game. "Moon? What's up? You're staring at me like something's weird." "Oh? Sorry." Moon said as she shook her head. "It's just...I can't get over how cute you are right now!" Moon then scooped Burst up into a tight hug. "I can't help but want to snuggle you! Just wait until Celestia sees you!" Burst smiled as he looked up at Moon. "Can we visit her please? But first, I need to make something and get a little something first." Burst dashed off, and soon returned with a carboard sign and a toy lightsaber in hand. "I'm ready!" Moon smiled as she hoisted Burst onto her back and she sped off to Canterlot. She was quickly escorted to the throne room. "Celestia. I think I've found a good body guard for you." Moon said with a smile as Burst stepped forth. Celestia's heart was still when she saw Burst turned into his kid state. "I think you're quite familiar with him." Burst beamed at Celestia, and presented the sign he was carrying. It said "Will Protect Celestia for Snuggles." Burst blinked as he saw Celestia stand completely still before him. "Tia? Did I do something wrong." Celestia immediately scooped Burst into her arms and nuzzled him! "Soooo cute!" Celestia squealed with joy! "Oh, I just don't want to let go of you!" "Hey!" Moon snapped. "You don't get to have him all to yourself! I need some time with Burst too!" Moon then grabbed onto one of Burst's arms. "My turn." Celestia frowned. "No! My time's not up yet!" "Mine!" Moon spat as she and Celestia let go of Burst! Celestia got up in Moon's face! "No! Mine!" The two were about to come to blows when they felt something tug on their sleeves. They saw Burst tearing up a bit. "Please. Don't fight." Burst pleaded. "I just want to make both of you happy." Celestia and Moon melted at seeing Burst tearing up, and both hugged him. Burst smiled as he returned the hug. Or at least, as much as his child form would allow him to. Burst's stomach then grumbled. "Gee. Kinda forgot it was close to lunch." Celestia giggled warmly. "Come on. I was about to break for lunch anyway. And I'd love to have you two for company." Celestia lead Burst and Moon to a dining hall. Burst immediately grabbed a burger and some fries and happily munched away. Both Celestia and Moon couldn't help but smile at how happy Burst was. "Don't eat so fast." Moon said with a giggle. "You still need room for dessert don't you?" Burst snapped his head in Moon's direction. "...What did you have in mind?" "Uh-uh!" Moon said as she wagged her finger in front of Burst. "It's a surprise." Burst scratched his head in thought. "Hmm. Is it a cake?" "No. But it is sweet." Celestia said with a smile. Burst frowned. "C'mon! I've almost cleaned my plate, and my stomach's only half full!" "Alright, alright." Celestia then snapped her fingers. And the waiters brought out the biggest ice cream sundae Burst ever saw. "Do you like it?" Burst stood up, and jumped right into the sundae! Eating his way out! However, he noticed he'd made a bit of a mess. Celestia and Moon being caught as casualties. "Sorry..." Burst said as he lowered his head in shame. Only to be met with Celestia and Moon hugging him and nuzzling his cheeks. "Heh heh! Stop! That tickles!" Sure enough, Burst began to yawn as the day drew closer to its end. "Looks like our little hero's had quite the adventure." Moon said with a smile. Burst rubbed his eyes. "I'm...not tired..." "Sorry Burst. But even heroes need to sleep." Celestia said with a loving smile as she saw Burst let out another yawn before starting to nod-off. Taking the chance to scoop him up into her arms. "It was fun seeing him like this. He's been reverted to a child, but he hasn't changed a bit." Moon smiled when she saw Burst slumbering peacefully in Celestia's arms. "That's because he's never truly gotten older. He's always young at heart." Moon flew Burst home, and tucked him in. "Sweet dreams my precious light." Moon kissed Burst goodnight on the forehead before heading to the house's guest room. Only to find Burst standing in her doorway. "Burst? What's wrong?" Burst readied the toy lightsaber he was carrying. "Can't leave you alone." He mumbled. "Need to keep you safe." Moon smiled. "Well then. Looks like you'll be guarding me tonight. You might as well do it from where it's comfier." She then patted a spot on the bed. Burst slowly shuffled over, but dropped the lightsaber and fell asleep shortly as Moon hummed a lullaby to him. Moon soon fell asleep herself. The next morning came, and Moon saw Burst had returned to his true form. 'All the same. He looks so cute when slumbering.' Moon gently nudged Burst awake. Burst smiled as he stretched. "Hope Twilight didn't chew-out Discord too badly." The first thing on Burst's agenda was gathering the guys. Sure enough, Discord appeared before them. "Guys. I can't stress how sorry I am. I really didn't-" Discord began before Burst raised his hand for silence. "Dude. You've got nothing to apologize for. We're not mad." Burst said. "Besides. It was kinda fun being a kid again. You always know how to escalate our hangouts! So what were you planning on next time?" Discord blinked before smiling and scooping the Elements of Heroism into a group hug. "I've found my people!" Discord's smile shrank, but grew in terms on sincerity. "Thanks. For being my first real friends."