Into the Storm

by Asherion

Meet and Greet

His vision slowly returned as he woke up, seeing at first only white but soon the color took shape and tiles appeared, he looked around, he was in a room, it smelled like cleaning solution "If im in heaven, i think im in the wrong heaven". just then another thought came to him, there was a voice he heard before he passed out, he was almost sure, but who's was it, and did they save him?

His idea that he died quickly vanished as he tried to move, nothing moved, the only thing he gained was new pain and the sudden increase in the beeping noise next to him. Nurse ponies dashed in and started giving him medication and the pain melted away, "okay" he thought "must be a hospital".

After the nurses left the room, a brown earth pony walks in wearing a white jacket came in "You gave us quite the scare there, you've managed to incinerate your wing's feathers almost completely, your wings make take weeks to heal, maybe even months" the earth pony then just continued, he toned him out "I hate doctors...and hospitals" is all that he could think.

The doctor must have noticed because he changed the subject slightly "Your lucky to be alive kid, if it wasn't for a certain rainbow pegasus you would've surely died back there. She saved your life" and with that the doctor left.

"Rainbow pegasus?" he thought "I don't know any..." his thoughts were cut short when a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail came in.

"heya!, names Rainbow Dash, best flier in Equestria" she didn't seem to notice his astonishment in the fact that there could be a pony with that many colors in their mane. her eyes connected with his "So... whats your name?" she finished.

Startled at first he didn't know what to say, but then focused "My names Storm Caller" then he remembered "Was it you who saved me after i got hit?" if this mare did save him he owed her his life.

"Yup, and man i gotta say your crazy, why'd you even try to ride that storm, only the best can do it?. I mean i could easily, but its a good thing i saw you falling there or else something bad could've happened" she moved closer, behind her other ponies began to come in "oh, and i brought some of my friends to help cheer you up"

The first one was an orange earth pony with a yellow mane tied with a ribbon and a stetson hat on, the next was a lavender unicorn with a dark purple mane with a streak of light purple in it, followed by another another unicorn this one was white with a curly purple mane, and the next was being pushed in??? a yellow pegasus with a pink mane seemed resistant to the idea of coming inside the room, only to be forcefully pushed in by the pink earth pony behind her. as soon as the pink pony got the yellow one through the door, her eyes widened then...poof, she vanished leaving... streamers??? "What the hay" thought Storm but in seconds the pink pony returned but now was inches from his face.

"Its soooo great to have a new pony in town" bouncing happily "My names Pinkie Pie, and i love PARTIES!!!" with that she jumped so high Storm actually thought she might be a pegasus and not an earth pony.

Suddenly a lasso came from nowhere and snared Pinkie dragging her mid-flight towards the group. "Simmer down Pinkie, he looks in rough shape. Ah don't think he needs you jumpin on him" the owner of the lasso soon stepped forward, it was the orange earth pony "Howdy, names Applejack, nice to meetcha" she then glanced back at Pinkie and then looked back at Storm "Sorry bout Pinkie, she can be....abit of a handful" and with that she stepped back to make sure Pinkie was held in line.

The lavender unicorn started to move "Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, lets be friends"

Next was The white unicorn who's eyes seemed to trace over Storm's body "Hello darling, my name is Rarity..." she paused for a second "whatever have you done to your mane you look like you've been struck by lightning"

"I was struck by lightning..." spoke Storm bluntly, he now assumed Rainbow Dash didn't tell her friends what he had done.

"Oh you poor thing, i can get you fixed up whenever you like, just come visit my boutique" she turned then rejoined her friends.

"That must be all her friends" Storm thought, but wait wasn't there another pegasus in the group, he scanned the room but couldn't spot the yellow mare. he then spotted a pink tail slightly peeking out behind the group of friends, and on que all the friends took a step to the side leaving the cowering mare in the open.

"Fluttershy, he wont bite, i don't think he can even move yet..." Rainbow Dash immediately then took the yellow mare and dragged her towards the bed.

Then in a whisper almost inaudible to the ear "Hello... my name is...F-Fluttershy" and with that Fluttershy ran threw the door, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity took pursuit.

"Well ah guess this musta of been one heck of a day for you, we should let ya get some rest" Applejack turned to leave about to drag Pinkie Pie with her

"when you get better, we HAVE to throw you a PARTY!!!, with streamers and..." Pinkie pie trailing off as she was dragged through the door and down the hallway, "...BALLOONS!!!" echoed through the corridors of the hospital.

"Alright you could probably use the rest, hospitals are lame, and i've been stuck in them before as well" Rainbow Dash turned and left "Cya!"

"Okay...that was allot to absorb. Im kinda scared of Pinkie Pie and Rarity, but the rest don't seem to bad" and as he let his mind slip away, his dreams began to take over, sending him into a deep sleep.