Into the Storm

by Asherion

Into the Storm

An Erie glow forms around a small quiet grassland, Luna's clear blue moon slowly engulfed in sheets of dark clouds, cutting off most of its light to the land. Winds began to pick up weaving themselves into larger more destructive forces of nature. They lash out at their surroundings, they whipped back and forth tearing the earth apart grain by grain till everything was consumed by them, picking up even trees, uprooting them from their very foundations. the winds began to spiral, a storm was brewing.

A lone Pegasus sat just a mile or so away, waiting. as the storm picked up in fury and grew in size, even from his distance he could feel the winds lashing him, trying to cut him apart. he began to unfurl his wings catching more and more wind as he opened them, feeling the wind's torment increase, pain shooting through every part of his wings. The fear and soon adrenaline began to flood his mind and body "This was it, this is what he lived for" and with adrenaline surging through every pore of his body he took off towards the growing behemoth in front of him.

The winds picked up spiraling upward at even faster rates, causing the behemoth to inhale even more, to grow larger with every twist and turn. It's hunger knows no bounds as it moved closer and closer uprooting trees, and removing large chunks of earth. all the pegasus thought was "This is gonna be fun".

The Pegasus entered the storm dodging debris at every turn, and almost being hit by some of it, narrowly escaping a large tree and almost taking a large bolder to the head. He looked around, the world around him was chaos, this was chaos, and all he could think of was just how awesome it was. Even with all the winds attempts to tear him apart, all the pain he felt in his body, nothing could beat this, the most dangerous sport, riding storms.

As he continued to fly through the storm, he didn't take notice of the storm changing color turning from a muted grey to a darker bluish black or towards the fact that the air was becoming charged. the only thing he noticed was the storm's intensity increasing, the wind crashing harder the debris flying faster, thats all he could notice.

And then from a distance a flash covered the skies followed shortly by a BOOM!!!, as he turned to see it, a smile smile stretched across his face, it was lightning. he ascended higher and higher accepting the storm's challenge, feeling the charge in the air once again build. As the charge increased he closed his wings and took a sharp turn downward spiraling like a bullet, then opening one wing at the very last second for a very sharp corkscrew turn through the air narrowly dodging the light that appeared, but not the sound that followed disorientating him slightly, he shook it off and opened his other wing catching the air with both stopping his fall mere feet from the ground, he then began to ascend again while dodging the debris. this was to much fun.

After the third or fourth time he got slightly cocky. on his fifth attempt to dodge the lightning he opened his wing to late and just as it was completely open was stuck. at first all he smelled was burning feathers but that was shortly followed by a searing pain shooting through his body, before he could catch himself again another flash, and even more pain shot through his body, he'd been hit again.

His vision doubled, tripled and slowly started to fade as all he could see was the ground growing closer and closer. "Game over, huh?" and with that his sight faded completely into darkness, his mind still barley awake.

The sensation of falling left his body and a voice became audible over the storm, or at least he thought it was a voice "Hold on, don't go into the light" it cried as he felt himself move not down but away from the wind, and then his mind faded.

The owner of the voice carried him to a small town called Ponyville. there he was sent straight towards the hospital.