//------------------------------// // Change has come // Story: The Tale of Rose Eclipse: Royal Sorcerer // by NewWillinium //------------------------------// Dreams are wondrous things, the mind creating entire worlds from thin cloth fluidly changing whole sale by our change in emotions, stress, and even by outside factors in the material world. Though dreams are often naught but flights of fancy one should beware when magic becomes involved, the mix of mind and magic making the fanciful a reality, even to the point of effecting the material realm and the dreamers themselves.     Rose happily sat at the table with Celestia and Luna in their castle as they enjoyed a delicious breakfast. The three of them were resplendent in their finery, the armor they wore gleaming in the torch lit room. Looking up from his meal Rose was struck by how much they all had grown over the centuries and as he stared a happy grin grew upon his face. Noticing his staring Luna answered his gaze with a smile and a quirked brow inquiring what was on his mind. Rose stated that he is simply happy to that the two sisters had not grown bored of him after all this time. Celestia hearing such a thing from her friend moved to rebuke him for his statement when someone tackles to the floor breaking the dream’s flow leaving the two fully grown alicorns to blink in confusion. “How can you ever think we would abandon you Rose?” The colt was confused upon being pulled from the flow and was shocked at hearing the voice of the one that had him tackled to the ground and nuzzled. Turning his gaze downwards Rose sees the blue mane on the head shifting back and forth and his eyes went wide in shock as he recognized who was with him in his dreams. “Luna!” Rose exclaimed in happiness, relieved to see one of his friends again so soon, quickly enwrapping his own hooves around Luna returning the embrace nuzzling her in return,”You’re here! Are you hurt? Did Discord hurt you two as well?” he asked her frantically. Luna stopping her embrace stared chillingly at Rose before stating,” We are fine. ‘Tia and I are unharmed though furious with what that villain has done.” Luna then calmly lifted one hoof, Rose’s eye’s following it, and slapped Rose his head snapping to the side. Tears in his eyes Rose turns his head slowly back towards Luna and upon noticing the selfsame tears in her own eyes tries to question her,” Wha…?” but is cut off when Luna tackles him again, “Luna?” Luna clutched him to her and tearfully gave him orders,” Never think we would abandon you again.” She stared him in the eye holding his head in place to keep the eye contact to make sure he understood her, “Never put yourself in danger for us. Never endanger yourself again. Do not make me fear losing my best and only friend.” She ended her orders by embracing Rose her hooves clutching him to her. Rose the fear and shock of the day’s events finally reaching him breaks down in her embrace as her display of emotion breaks down the wall of anger and frustration he held forcing him to reply to her orders with a denial,” I can’t promise that Luna. I have always dreamed of standing side by side with you. To help you and Cel’ in saving Equestria. So long as I live I shall forever put myself at risk for you.” Rose shakily states before catching his breath and stating as firmly as possible,” You will never lose me Luna. No matter what I must do. I swear this to you.” The two friends, unicorn and alicorns respectively, stayed in their embrace for several minutes simply holding each other affirming to the other that they were not alone and together. Eventually however the two broke apart small smiles on their faces, though Rose noticed that Luna was staring at him with interest in her eyes and grew worrisome knowing that whenever Luna wished to know something she will find out regardless of your attempts to hide it. “Rose. Back in the clearing when you attacked that foul villain. Why had you not let me know how strong you were? From where did that power come from?” Luna asked Rose with curiosity and irritation clear on her face, Rose’s cheek’s flushed as he realized that he had to tell her. “Heh.  ... would you believe that I had wanted it to be a surprise?” He said attempting to deflect from the question only to be disappointed when Luna raised a brow and continued to stare at him,” *sighing* I really did want to surprise y’all. Everypony back in the village expects you and Cel’ to save Equestria by alone and it isn’t fair that they expect y’all to do it alone. I knew that I weren’t strong enough to help y’all and knew that one day y’all would leave me behind.” Rose paused in his explanation seeing that Luna’s hoof had raised itself off the floor again,” Had thought had thought!” Rose quickly asserted hooves waving wildly in the air to make his point before she calmly put her hoof back down.” I had taken to training when y’all were learning from that old earth pony so that one day in the future when y’all headed out to defeat Discord that I’d be able to stand proudly beside you. Not as a hindrance or . . . pet,” Rose spat out the last word in irritation,” But as a trusted friend you could count on to have your back.” Rose finished his explanation his expression a bit melancholy eyes planted firmly downwards towards the stone floor when a hoof lifted his head up by the chin until his gaze met Luna’s. “I would never have left you behind, no matter how weak you might have been. Neither would ‘Tia.” She affirmed to him making sure that he knew that she meant what she said, that what she was saying was getting through to him. The colt could only find himself nodding at her assertion overwhelmed by her sincerity and dismissal of his worries, that he never should have feared their leaving him behind. Silence hung in the air as they thought of what to say to one another before Rose saw Luna’s eyes gaze upwards and wince at what she saw the permanent reminder of how Discord had maimed her friend. “How . . .how is your horn?” Luna asked carefully worry etched on her face as a shadow fell upon Rose’s face as his frustration bled into the dream shaking the room as if in a quake. Taking a deep breathe Rose calms himself down burying his temper as he did in the frozen tundra,” Not well. . .. I . . .flicker trying to keep even the simplest light up. It hurts. . .so much.” Rose hated to admit that to his friend but found himself unable to stop,” If I hadn’t stumbled into that spire Discord told me to search for I honestly don’t think I would have made it,” Irritation and confusion mixed into Rose’s tone as he began to rant. “And now that I am here I have NO idea what to do! I have nothing to eat, no directions or steps, and a useless horn!” Rose sighs all that energy seeming to drain out of him as the world began to turn dark and grey,” I needed to find immortality, and instead found my death.” Rose’s despair shaped the world around them turning what was once a bright and cheerful castle into a dark and foreboding fortress and from this darkness came a voice that spoke to the two friends. “Oh, I can promise you Childe, that Immortality you have found.” Out from the shadows came forth a creature of shadow and smoke its form towering over them, it’s mottled coat seeming to constantly be shifting and changing. The figure’s hooves stepping towards them had tendrils of smoke spring forth with each step. As the unicorn and alicorns watched the creature grow ever nearer they noticed it’s muzzle drawn back in what seemed to be a permanent snarl, two fangs on prominent display, and malformed wings ruffling in excitement. “HALT! Who dares into the realm of my friend and how have you arrived here?” Luna stepped in front of Rose demanding to know how the beast had gotten into her friend’s head, and seeing that Rose seemed paralyzed in fear of the creature. Halting it’s approach the figure stared at the foal it’s expression untellable to the children before the figure shook, in what the pair assumed to be amusement, and took to laying down in front of them it’s hooved crossed beneath it’s chin. “I am Razuul,” the now named figure drawled out it’s voice raspy and slimy to their ears as it’s amusement was made clear,” and I was drawn in from the Spire thanks to this one’s,” the large pony-esque figure flicked a smoldering ear in Rose’s direction, “despair.” Rose seeing Luna guarding him from the beast gained his nerve back and cleared his throat to speak, squeaking when the being turned it’s gazes focus on to him. “Wh . . .What are you?” Rose asked the undulating figure drawing from it a low chuckle. “I?” the being laughed back at the child,” I am an Umbrum, Guard and servant her majesty, Queen Rabia.” The name of it’s master seeming to drip from its maw. “Why are you in my head?” Rose demanded when he saw Luna’s gaze harden in response to Razuul’s short answers. The Umbrum knowing that it has all night decides to exhaust the young ones curiosity knowing that it’s plan will work regardless of how much information they have. “ To offer you a deal. You came here searching for immortality yes?” Razuul spoke with it’s slimy and yet raspy voice echoing in the fortress. Eyes going wide Rose leapt from behind Luna in his excitement and rushed forward until he is muzzle to muzzle with the Umbrum’s ethereal form.” Yes! What do I need to do?!” he asked fervently,” A magic ritual? Blood sacrifice? . . .. Do I need to eat some of the spire?” Rose’s face dropping at the thought of the last. Razuul seemed especially amused at the unicorn colt’s suggestions, it’s body shaking for a minute before finally answering,” No no nothing so fanciful. My deal is beneficial to us both in fact. You get your immortality and I? I get my freedom.” Luna however sensed that something felt wrong, that this was too easy and spoke up, “Just how would this deal work Razuul?” Razuul became agitated at the line of questioning it’s form quivering before it deemed ti answer her.” In order for this deal to work we, our host and I, shall merge our magic and minds together. This will give the host his so desired immortality as well as free me.” Rose’s horn dropped as he was reminded of his maimed horn,” But . . .. I can’t do magic right now. Not with my horn like this.” He mourned pointing both hooves at his jagged horn attempting to create a light but only succeeding in creating a few sparks. Razuul’s form stilled at this, it’s great quivering mound of flesh seizing up, as it considered this new information. Razuul stood up off the floor once more and once again showing that it’s form towered over that of the dream alicorns, the shadows and smoke around the great beast began to quake in excitement. “Then I suppose we do this the hard way.” Razuul snarled before pouncing at Rose. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Discord was not a happy Draconequus at this moment of time for there he was staring at the quivering form of the pet who had not moved nor made a sound these past few hours since the elder Discord had fled back to Equestria. “For my sake will something please happen?” Discord raged about in his boredom,” I can’t even go bother the new toys because other me called dibs!” Picking up a stray book he flipped it open and groaned in disgust, “I’ve read this one already! Why won’t *squeak* something *squeak* happ . . . .” Discord trailed off in his ranting as took notice of something squeaking and followed the sound back to it’s source. Walking towards the sound he followed the squeaking down to the base of the spire to spy that the pet was making the noise as his hooves and legs ran in place unable to move away due to the smoke enwrapped around the colt’s jagged horn connecting him to the spire, the pet’s face scrunched in pain and his coat dampened in sweat. Discord the younger stared down at the figure a smile beginning to etch its way across his face as he examined the little unicorn.  “Ohhoho my wishes have been answered! Now to watch the show unfold!” Discord snaps several times in quick succession as he created several items; a viewing portal into the pet’s dreamscape, a comfy armchair, and a bucket of popcorn.” Ohho! I can’t wait to see what happens next!” `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ‘This must be where the snake came through.’ Sombra thought to himself as his iron clad hooves stood upon the shattered remains of a wooden dining table, tea cups and sweets scattered about the area. Spying a green leaf sticking out of the snow the dark King nodded in affirmation this this rubble came from Equestria. Pulling the Wyrd Stone out of it’s leather satchel Sombra focuses on it as the device suddenly jumps in rapid succession it’s vibrations jolting the device towards the east. ‘The Snake has delved deeper into my land then I had presumed.’ His horn flared for a minute as he perused the area lighting up things of interest picking up anything of note before spying a set of tracks in the snow. The King stepped towards the snow leaning low to get a better look,’ These tracks are not Discord’s that is for certain. Too small. A child? The imprints are too light to be one of my subjects. . .Just what is that snake up to?’ Following the light of the tracks and the jolting of the Wyrd Stone King Sombra quickly moved onward to find the query of his hunt a new idea plan in his mind. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 'And so, the Lord of Chaos deposed of the founders of Equestria taking it's throne for his own. We are but toys for his amusement. Long may he reign.' Celestia sighed as she put down the large tome of history she had borrowed from Master Papyrus, " Such a waste of time." Looking to her right Celestia saw that her candle had burned low and many hours had passed since she had sent Luna off to bed. Celestia blew out her candle and walked to her and Luna's shared room only to stop in the doorway when the sound of whimpering hit her ears. "Ngh. . ..Ngh. . .R. .se." Luna was mumbling in her sleep and Celestia saw that her face was scrunched as if in a nightmare, her ears laying flat against her head in fear. Luna was laying on her back with her hooves beginning to gallop in the air as if she were running. Seeing all this Celestia hurried over to Luna's bed putting her hooves upon her and shaking her to wake Luna up from what she thought was a nightmare. "Lunaaaa. . .."Celestia trilled happy to see her sister flinch upon hearing her voice," Wake up Luna." Celestia's hoof however slipped from her sister's chest and slammed into Luna's muzzle." . . .. Oops. Sorry Luna." With that smack Luna's airborne legs stopped their galloping as her eye blearily snapped open as she exclaimed, "RUN ROSE!" before blinking and turning her head seeing Celestia's worried look upon her face. Looking past her sister however Luna spied Celestia's hefty tome and levitated it towards her with her magic holding it high over her head dropping it as she looked up, only for a glare to appear when a golden glow grabbed the tome from it's downward descent. "Luna! What are you doing?"Celestia demanded of her sister,"You're going to hurt yourself like that!" Luna glared angrily at her sister," Rose is in danger! I need to get back to his dream! Now!" She snarled at Celestia before yanking hard on the tome once more with her magic sending it careening towards her temple, a small muffled boom sounding as it made impact. As Luna drifted off she hears her sister yelp in worry before drifting off to unconsciousness. Minutes passed as Luna wrested enough control of her dream realm to make the connection to Rose's nightmare only to find the portal changed from before. From where once had been a Rosewood door now stood a door of smoke entrapped in a shadowy crystal she could never scratch nor pass through. Again and Again Luna tried to break through to the other side each time growing more and more fevered in her attempts as her concern for her friend raced through her thoughts, and though she tried again and again a scratch nor crack ever appeared on the crystal. "Rose!" Luna screamed as she tried ever harder to get back through and save her friend. She would try throughout the night and the subsequent nights to no avail. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` [Going back a few minutes] “Aaah!” Screamed Luna and Rose as Razuul’s massive form towering form fell towards them only for their screams to halt as twin beams blasted Razuul away from them, the beams trailing off as Razuul blasted away from them slamming into the fortress wall. Turning their heads, the children see the Dream Celestia and Luna standing from the table, horn’s smoking from the energy used to blast the slavering Umbrum. “You shall not touch them foul beast.” Dream Luna stated firmly as Razuul began to get back to his hooves. “Leave now and this will be forgotten.” Dream Celestia stated to the rising form as the two Alicorns moved to stand in front of the children. The children looked on in awe at the two alicorns guarding them as both they and Razuul had forgotten that they had been there. “. . . You Dare?” Razuul’s snarl of indignation rang throughout the chamber as his massive form seemed to coalesce and change into a more compact form. Glaring past the figments of Rose’s imagination Razuul spoke directly to Rose,” . . . Know this childe. Your mind shall be rent and devoured. Your body is mine.” Finishing his declaration of intent, the Umbrum’s form surged forward towards the four a tide of shadows and darkness forming around it’s charging form. The Dream alicorns were well prepared however and as Dream Celestia put forth a shield to hold off the umbrum’s advance the dream Luna met it’s charge as her form was aglow with magic. As the two forces met a massive explosion rang throughout the room Luna’s light and the Umbrum’s shadows warring back and forth before the children’s eyes. As the two forces stalemated against the other Dream Celestia picked up the two enthralled children and levitated the two children towards an open door in the back silently beckoning them to leave. Rose fled the room with Luna into a large stone hallway with a Rosewood door at the end of it, “Luna!” Rose pointed towards the door as they trotted through the long passage,” Through there!” Luna nodded,” Tis how I entered your dreams. We should be safe once through!” thankful that this would soon be over. ‘Lunaaaa….’ The two of them paused however when the sounds of battle from the main chamber ceased. Turning to look back from whence they came only to see Razuul’s great snarling form ooze through the passage way. Luna shaking her head to stay focused. “Just where do you think you are going?” Razuul’s slimy voice rasped through the thin passage way. The two friends looked toward one another with fear etched on their faces and Luna opened her muzzle to scream at her friend only to disappear before Rose’s eyes. “Luna!” Rose desperately demanded in fright as his friend disappeared,” Luna! Come back!” Rose turned back towards the approaching umbrum stepping backwards as he does trying his best to get away from the slavering beast to no avail,” . . .. Please.” Razuul seemed to find great amusement in the situation as it’s laughter echoed down the passage way,” Bonds are so easily broken my host. So . . .easy to abandon. But don’t worry. You won’t be suffering long.” ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Discord laughed as he watched the drama unfold on his viewing portal now hopping up in glee in his armchair for having seen such delicious information to mock and hurt his new toys making their playtime all the more fun. “Oh I can’t WAIT to hold this over my other selves’ head!” He jumped out of his comfy chair and held his arms up high in celebration only to hear a whooshing and a plopping sound not a second later. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` King Sombra glared down the ridge as he finally found the query of his hunt, the Draconequus celebrating and chortling in it’s chair for some reason or another. “Enough of this.” The king growled out as he began to charge his horn with Dark Magic sharpening it as he surged down the slope towards the pest a wave of shadows engulfing his bottom half as he gained speed flying towards Discord. As he neared, Discord raised his arms in celebration and it was then that the king raised his horn and brought it low severing the pest’s arm. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Discord looked down to see his lion’s paw of an arm be engulfed in a violet blast disintegrating it. Gritting his teeth and snarling the Draconequus turned towards the perpetrator of this heinous crime,” You DARE!” The Mad Tyrant flew into a rage at the Iron Clad Unicorn in front of him, “ I am the Lord of Chaos! Ruler of Equestria and . . . “ “You are nothing but a pest who has been on my land for far too long,” King Sombra interrupted the ranting Chimera,” and you have been warned before the consequences of intruding on my domain.” Discord the lesser hemmed and hawed at the King before fleeing in a fit of rage back to his original self in Equestria. “Now then,” The King glides over to the crystal spire and seks the one who’s tracks had lead him to his query,” What to do with you?” Laying at the base of the spire lay a unicorn colt with similar coloring to his own sans a vibrant tone of pink in his black mane which lay ruffled and shaggy beneath the colt’s head. Looking to the colt’s horn however saw it’s jagged edges and how a tendril of shadow connected the colt to the spire. Narrowing his eyes, the King realized what was occurring before him,” I think not,” Sombra growled as his eyes lighted up in violet flames and as he sent a stream of Dark Magic to the Colt’s horn. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` “. . . .You won’t be suffering long.” The great beast prowled slowly forward towards the unicorn colt savoring in his despair, unaware of the shadowy crystals seeping through the roof and floor following the umbrum’s steps. “Raaagh! What is this?!” Razuul demanded when his hooves and legs became suddenly enwrapped by the crystals. “Childe. You wish to live do you not?” a booming deep voice reverberated through the entirety of Rose’s mind. “Who are you?” Rose shouted as his eyes scrunched together from the pain of the foreign magic coursing through him. “I am King Sombra, your king and master. Now follow my orders if you wish to survive this.” Razuul’s eyes widened in panic as he learned who held him captive in the colt’s mind, “King Sombra! Please! I can explain!” The shackled umbrum struggled from it’s bonds desperate to escape their hold. “. . . . What do I have to do?” Rose shakily asked the booming voice in trepidation his eyes lowered downward. “Dig deep within yourself and focus your rage, your frustration, and your sadness and infuse your magic with these emotions direction the magic to your horn.” Rose’s face fell as he heard what was demanded of him,” But.  .my horn. I. . I can’t!” Rose told the booming voice, “Discord broke it!” “You can and will.” “But!” “I gave you a command.” Tears in his eyes Rose focused and dug deep into himself searching for any hidden wells of emotion he had buried. As he dug Rose found himself remembering everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours, from his confrontation with Discord rage became known, from his hours marching through the snow came frustration, Luna disappearing in front of him sadness. Opening his eyes Rose was unaware of the fuchsia flames now enveloping from them. ” . . .Alright. now what?” “Remember what it intended to do to you. Remember that it sought to take YOUR body. Sought to take YOUR magic. Gore the beast and turn the tables.” Rose slowly began to step forward towards the entrapped umbrum slowly picking up more and more momentum with each step ending with him charging full speed towards the beast. “Sire please!” Razuul reared back attempting to flee. “RAAAGGGH! RAAAGGH” Rose and Razuul screamed in rage and pain in equal measure as the unicorn’s jagged horn pierced the umbrum’s barrel, the umbrum feeling it’s sense of self dieing as its form began to be absorbed by the colt. “Aaaaaagh!” Rose screamed in pain as the umbrum went into him via his horn as his world turned white. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Groaning Rose blearily cracked his eyes open and saw an iron clad unicorn stallion that towered above him. “Who . . .who. . .are you?” he asked voice unsteady and rough. The figure looked down at the now umbrum pony colt and grinned in a very self-satisfied manner answered succinctly as his new subject began to fall back into unconsciousness. “I am your King. And you are mine!”