//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Two Pony Situation // Story: The Wild Crystalling // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// Twilight, Tiger Lily and the others are completely shocked to see that the new baby is an alicorn. Tiger Lily is more surprised to see the baby is like her. The little baby alicorn simply moves around on the bed, and sucking on her hoof. Twilight shockley exclaims, "The baby is an Alicorn?!" "She's… she's like me!" Tiger Lily adds looking surprised herself. Princess Cadance looks at the baby looking tired, and says, "It looks that way," "But... But... But I thought Alicorn wings had to be earned by accomplishing some great, princess-worthy deed!" Rarity says looking very confused with this. "Yeah, how can you just be born with 'em?" Applejack asks. Just then the others remember that Tiger Lily is born an alicorn as well. Applejack turns to Tiger Lily, and says, "Uh, no offence sugarcube." "Um, none taken," Tiger Lily replies. Then Princess Celestia says still surprised about the whole thing, "Still, the birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!" "It is beyond even our understanding," Princess Luna adds. Fluttershy whispers to Rarity and the others, "That's not very reassuring." "Wow! A unicorn, and a Pegasus! So she could be a super-strong flyer and have crazy baby magic!" Pinkie excitedly explains as she looks at the baby. The baby looks at Pinkie with a smile on her face and trying to reach her with her hooves. "Well, I know all about super-strong flying!" Rainbow announces with pride. Twilight run to Cadence and says, "And I can help keep tabs on her magic." Then Princess Cadence turns to Tiger Lily, and says, "By the way Tiger Lily, Twilight told me you were born on yourself, perhaps you can tell us what was like to be one." "Well, my parents told me about it, and let's just say I was kind of a hoof full," Tiger Lily answers, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Why you say that?" Twilight asks looking confused. Tiger Lily shyly says, "Well, powerful magic surge is one thing my parents had to deal with." The baby rubs her nose and is getting ready to sneeze. When the baby sneeze, she unleashes a magical blast that go through the roof and through other floors for that matter. The baby's magic also cause a pony's hair to be burned a bit, but luckily she isn't hurt. The girls look at the baby with a shocking expression about the baby's magic. "Like that," Tiger Lily quietly replies. The baby then rubs her nose and then goes back to sleep for a quick nap. Princess Celestia slowly rubs her head with her hoof, as she surprisingly say, "It appears her magic is more powerful than that of a newborn unicorn!" "And that's for starters," Tiger Lily adds. "The crowds have already started to gather," Princess Luna says looking out of the window, and can see ponies are gathering for the Crystalling. Pinkie blows a green balloon and it causes her to float into the air, she then says with excitement, "This Crystalling is gonna be some party!" The balloon then pops and makes Pinkie falls to the ground. "Do you think we should call it off?" Princess Cadence asks, as her new daughter sucks on her hoof. "Um, we've all faced a lot worse than baby magic," Rainbow says acting like it's not a big deal. "I can't imagine cancelling such a beautiful and important ceremony over something so potentially adorable!" Rarity agrees looking at the little baby. "In light of the little one's abilities, this Crystalling might be more important than ever," Princess Celestia says. Then then turns to Princess Cadence, and suggests, "Perhaps you should address your subjects and remind them of that." Princess Cadence nods her head agreeing to the idea. She kisses her baby goodbye and leaves the room with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The baby wakes up to the kiss and reaches out to her mother as she leave the room. Twilight turns to her brother who is sleeping on the crib, and asks, "Shining Armor, do you have everything you need for the ceremony?" Twilight and the others are looking a bit concern about Shining Armor sleeping again. "Um, he's sleeping again," Tiger Lily replies. Twilight then moves Shining Armor and it wakes up, well sort of. "Huh?" Shining Armor replies as he starts to wake up. He then shockley exclaims, Oh, no! I still have to interview the honor guards, choose the purity crystal, and pick a crystaller!" Twilight comes over to her brother to calm him down, and says, "Alright, take it easy. Pinkie and Tiger Lily can stay here with me and keep an eye on the baby. They look to see the baby is holding on to Pinkie's face. "And we'll all help you with everythin' else," Applejack replies. The girls turn to see that Shining Armor has fallen asleep again, but on the floor. "He must be really tired," Tiger Lily replies, looking a bit concern. "You can say that again," Twilight bluntly agrees. Shining Armor snores and says, "...baby…" "That is, if you can stay awake long enough to tell us how," Rarity bluntly replies. As Pinkie is holding the baby, the baby is playing and laughing with Pinkie's face. Just then, she sees Tiger Lily and wants to be with her. The baby then uses her wings to fly herself to Tiger Lily. Tiger Lily grabs hold of the baby, and is showing a smile on her face. Tiger Lily smiles and says, "Hello." The baby giggles and this start playing with Tiger Lily's hair. Fluttershy and the girls start to giggle and show smiles on their faces to see the baby smiling. Then Fluttershy says, "It looks like the baby is taking a shine to you." "Me, how come?" Tiger Lily asks. "It maybe be a hunch, but it's possible that the baby can tell you have similarities as her or that she simply like you," Twilight suspects. "I guess so," Tiger Lily says smiling at the baby. Tiger Lily then snuggles the baby with smiles on their faces. Tiger Lily turns to Twilight and says, "I wonder how Starlight is doing with Sunburst." "I'm sure as long as she does it by the list, I'm sure she'll be fine," Twilight answers. Tiger Lily giggles a bit as she plays with the baby, and says, "I guess you're right, but since they both hadn't seen each other in a long time, they might not recognize each other at first" With that, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash help Shining Armor up and help him get ready for the Crystalling while Twilight, Pinkie, and Tiger Lily is taking care of the baby alicorn. Meanwhile at the streets of the empire by the Spike statue, Spike is still telling the story about about him saving the Crystal Empire. Spike says, "...and that's how we found the Crystal Heart, defeated King Sombra, and saved the Empire." After finishing his story, the crystal ponies cheer and are glad to hear the story. "We love you, Spike!" one of the crystal fillies say. Then one of the crystal stallions ask, "Yeah. Tell the one about the Equestria Games!" But spike gets up and says, "Well, as much as I love reliving my heroic deeds, Starlight and I have an important lesson to do, by order of the Princess of Friendship!" "Awwww! The crystal ponies replies, feeling sad about unable to hear the store. But Starlight nervously says, "Aw, come on, Spike! I want to hear about the Games too!" However, Spike is starting to get on about Starlight's idea, and thinks it will be a good idea to get going. Spike turns to Starlight and says,"I know you're nervous about seeing Sunburst…" "But it says right in step three, to, uh: Deal with your fears by facing them, not by putting it off," Spike adds holding the list. Starlight becomes a bit annoyed and says, "Ugh. Let's go get this over with." Starlight drops her popcorn and decide to go with Spike to see Sunburst. After some time walking and following the directions, they arrive at Sunburst's house. Sunburts's house is a green crystalized house with a orange roof shaped kind of like a wizard's hat. Starlight walks up to the door so she can knock on the door. But before she can, Spike shouts, "Wait!" "Huh? What?!" Starlight asks, feeling started. "Knocking on the door isn't the next thing on the list!" Spike exclaims reading the list. Starlight rolls her eyes as she says, "Seriously?" "I know Twilight can be a little nitpicky, but this is your first lesson as her pupil, and it's important that we do it right!" Spike says showing Starlight the list. "Fine, what's the next thing on the list?" Starlight asks, looking rather frustrated. Spike looks at the list and reads, "Before they see each other, be sure to highlight the importance of the meeting." "I'm pretty sure we can skip that," Starlight replies. "I don't know... I mean if we skip it, the whole lesson could go south! And then you might end up taking a giant step backwards instead of forwards! Maybe you'll never be able to learn anything about friendship at all! It's almost like your whole future depends on this moment," Spike says bring up different ways on how the friendship lesson can go wrong. Spike then goes back to the list with a smile, and says, "Highlight the importance of the meeting... check! I can't believe you wanted to skip that!" Starlight decides to ignore this, and knock on the door. The door opens to reveal to be Starlight's old friend, only he looks a bit different when he's young. Sunburst hair is a bit messy and has a goatee matching his hair, he's wearing glasses, and has a navy blue cloak with teal blue stars and laces. Either way, Starlight can tell it's her childhood friend, Sunburst. "Sunburst?" Starlight nervously asks, "Yes? What can I do for you?" Sunburst replies. Then Starlight nervously says, "It's... It's me, Starlight. We used to be friends?" Sunburst opens the door more, and can see who the pony really is. Sunburst surprisingly says, "Oh, of course! S… Starlight! My goodness, it… it's been a long time! What, uh, what have you been up to?" "Me? Oh! You know, some of this, some of that, different... stuff. Right now, I'm sort of Twilight Sparkle's new pupil," Starlight answers sounding bit nervous. "The Princess of Friendship?" Sunburst asks looking surprised. Starlight nervously says, "Heh... yeah... that's actually kind of why I'm here. I mean, I know you're probably very busy." "What do you mean?" Sunburst asks, "Well, I figured after magic school, you'd go on to do important wizard work, but…" Starlight answers, "Oh. No…" Sunburst is about to say something. But then Sunburst says sounding unsure, "Y… Yes! Uh, y… yes, that's me, yup. Important wizard! Really busy with lots of, uh, wi-wizarding... stuff. Right. Uh, well... good to see you." With that Sunburst closes the door and leaving Starlight in front of it. Starlight seems a bit confused about it. Spike say, "Huh. Maybe we should have skipped highlighting the importance of the meeting after all." Starlight shows a smile on her face as she walks down the stairs and says, "Well, I guess that's that!" But Spike stops her and says, "Starlight, come on! We have to at least explain what Twilight wants!" Starlight sighs and agrees to the idea. Starlight knocks on the door again, and Sunburst opens. Starlight shows a shy grin while he seeks are blushing, and is going to explain about why she is here. Meanwhile,back at the Crystal Palace, the three princesses are at the ceremony stage to make an announcement to the crystal pony citizens. Princess Cadence announces, even though she feels a bit tired, "Dearest citizens, I am sure you are all just as thrilled and ready for this Crystalling as myself and Shining Armor." As Princess Cadence makes an announcement for the Crystalling, at the back of the stage where the crystal heart is, the others are trying to help Shining Armor get ready for the ceremony, but it's not easy. Especially with Shining Armor is panicking, but mostly freaking out. "I'm not ready! Shining Armor exclaims, freaking out. "Take it easy, just pick whoever looks the most like honor guard material," Rainbow says trying to calm Shining Armor down, and present him the guards. "Right... right," Shining Armor replies feeling tired. Shining Armor looks at the candidates show might be the honor guard. However, Shining Armor is having a difficult time, and not sure who to pick. This situation is making the guard nervous as well, and not sure as well. "I'm sorry, fatherhood is way more stressful than I ever thought." Shining Armor replies, trying to calm himself down. "I can only imagine," Fluttershy replies quietly. "Now, I know choosing the crystal of purity is a very important decision. So I have gone through the trouble of arranging them in order from incredibly pure to outrageously pure," Rarity says with a smile on her face. Rarity opens the box to reveal five blue crystal shards in the box. Fluttershy looks at the crystals, and asks looking unsure, "Um, Rarity, don't they all sort of look the same?" "Oh, well, to the untrained eye, perhaps. What do you think, Shining Armor?" Rarity asks, present the crystals to Shining Armor. Shining Armor looks at the crystals with the jitters. "I don't know!" Shining Armor screams, like it's the end of Equestria. The girls can see that Shining Armor is really freaking out about becoming a father, and not sure what to do. Rarity whispers to the others with concern, "I hope Twilight, Tiger Lily, and Pinkie are having better luck with the baby! The girls nod their heads and are really hoping the three are having better luck than they are right now. Back at the nursery, Twilight and Pinkie have understand what Tiger Lily means that being a baby alicorn can be a hoof full. The baby alicorn is flying all over the place with Pinkie holding on to her. "Well... at least she's having... fun!" Pinkie says as she being carried by the baby flying from one side to the other side of the room. The baby also began to show magical beams as well, but Twilight uses her own magic to block it. "Whee!" Pinkie cheers. However, Twilight is not having fun with it. Tiger Lily remember that she's been a bit energetic when she's a baby as well, despite her being a weak flyer when she's young. Twilight scaredly yells, "Pinkie, hold her still!" "I'm tryiiiiiiing!" Pinkie screams as she trying to get the baby to stop flying and she's dragging Pinkie around. Just then Tiger Lily has an idea, and says in her thoughts, Maybe I can use the same trick like my parents use on me, it's worth a shot?" Unable to hold her anymore, the baby flies out of Pinkie's hooves, and fly all over the place. Tiger Lily then begins to play along with her. They both fly fast, and for a long time, that the baby is starting to feel tired. Tiger Lily stops and is waiting for the baby to head towards her. When the baby reaches her, Tiger Lily grabs hold of her and reacts, "Got you!" The baby starts laughing a bit, and starts yawning a bit. Tiger Lily can tell that the baby is very tired after all that playing. Tiger Lily snuggles the baby with her muzzle as she says, "Okay baby, it's time for you to get some sleep before your ceremony." Tiger Lily flies herself and the baby to a rocking chair at the corner of the room. When she's on the rocking chair, Tiger Lily begins to rock on it, and it's making the baby yawn a bit. Then Tiger Lily starts' to sing a lullaby for her. Tiger Lily: Sun goes down and we are here together Fireflies glow like a thousand charms Stay with me and you can dream forever Right here in my hooves tonight Tiger Lily continues to hum the rest of the song, and with the rocking cause the baby princess to fall right to sleep. After the baby is asleep, Tiger Lily quietly flies to the crib and puts the baby down. She then puts a blanket over the baby so she can sleep. Twilight and Pinkie are amazed to see Tiger Lily is able to get the baby to sleep. Twilight quietly says with amazement, "Wow, I can't believe you manage to calm her down." "And that was sweet song you just sang," Pinkie quietly adds. "Thank you. When I was small my father some times play with me while flying around the house, then once I use up my energy, my mother caught me and rocks me to sleep while singing this song," Tiger Lily replies. "Sounds like a good way to calm her down," Pinkie complements. Twilight nods her head agreeing to the idea. Twilight then starts to make her way towards the door as she says, "We should get going very soon, so while you stay with the baby, Pinkie and I are going to check on the others." "Okay," Tiger Lily agrees with a calm smile. After that agreement is settled, Twilight and Pinkie leave the room so they can check on the ceremony, while Tiger Lily stays in the room with the baby so she can take care of her. Seeing the baby reminds Tiger Lily of herself when she's a little filly herself. She remember her parents telling her on how much craziness about her as a daughter, but it's always worth it. Tiger Lily wonder what will it be like to have a child of her own, and might have chapter in her life.