//------------------------------// // Hearthbreakers: Aborted Dragon Baby // Story: Rainbow Reviews My Little Pony // by SciWriter //------------------------------// I flipped on the camera. “Hey there... so, kinda left this behind for a few months-” “Half a year more like it,” said Pinkie. “Well I was doing... things,” I said. “I'll say you were,” Twilight said. I set up the camera over the TV so it could focus on eveyrone in the room today. Twilight, Pinkie, AJ, myself and Torkuda in the background. “Someone has a boyfriend!” Pinkie shouted. “She better, the wedding was a few days ago,” Twilight replied. I blushed. “I bet it's good to finally have Scootaloo have a formal father,” Rarity said. I nodded, that was a pretty good part of all this too. “Didn't talk about Stormy here cause... well wasn't always sure where it was going,” I said. “Seems like a random episode for this to come up during,” Pinkie noted. “Hearths Warming?” “I didn't plan my engagement around a cartoon show,” I said with a raised eyebrow. “Sides, I saw the episodes before this one, they don't talk much about romance type stuff. Doubt one of us is getting married on the show any time soon. I sighed. “May as well formally say it here. I married an impulse pegasus pony named Silent Storm. He's mine and I'm his,” I waved at the camera, “When you see this, hi hubby...” I blushed. “He's gonna tell me how cute that was for the next week...” Pinkie pulled a large white pegasus stuffed pony out of her mane and set it on the couch. “We can pretend he's here!” she said. “That... okay that's creepy, half expected you to pull my actual husband out of there,” I said. “Please... please get rid of that,” Pinkie put it back in her mane. “You didn't mind Scootaloo.” “I didn't... I can't explain it, that was just creepy,” I said. “Moving on- so, to the episode,” I looked at the notes I had taken on my own. “So, I wanted to ask after the first scene Twilight, do you really have a chimney in the castle somewhere that I don't know about?” “I do have a fire place, course I have a chimney,” she said. “Never seen that from the outside,” I said. “Not a prominent thing,” she replied. I chuckled, “Course when Pinkie stuck her head through in the episode, everyone was cheering for Twilight to light the fire!” “Of course darling, we are the most mature ponies in the world,” Rarity said. Twilight shook her head. She and Rarity sat on the couch together, AJ sat with me on the floor and Pinkie sitting in an adjacent chair. “I think it was a sweet idea,” Twilight said. “Pinkie and Apple Jack going to celebrate the holidays together.” AJ nodded, smiling warmly at Pinkie. “I love it when my friends go away.” There was a pause as we looked at her. She breathed in, “Wait a minute... when they go away to spend time together- that's what I meant, I didn't mean-” “Well ah recon we can just go then,” AJ said, getting up. I pulled her back down, us both snickering at Twilight's expression. “Still, and yes, I'm getting into things a little more these days, Twilight during your first Hearthswarming with Spike, weren't you like, seven and he was a baby?” Twilight shook her head to get out of her embarrassed state. “Pretty much yea. Yea that scene of Twilight talking about their first Hearths Warming weirded me out too. In this series I got him as a baby too so... the heck? How could we have traditions dating back to that?” she shrugged. “In any case, yes, I do get Spike books on occasion, but I swear, they're based on his interests.” I lowered my eyebrows at her. “Or... ya know, when I was younger, what I assumed his interests were. I gave him a bug book once, thinking I would show him what he could eat...” “Excuse me?” Torkuda said, his head coming over us. “Um... yea... I did that,” Twilight said, nervously clicking her hooves together. “It was racist and I am sorry.” “What was your goal though- did you think you were raising a carnivore- and that in it of itself didn't bother you?” He asked. “I really don't know,” Twilight said. “I thought, ya know, dragons are a boy thing, bugs are a boy thing, dragons must eat bugs!- I was like, six!... For the first few years my parents took care of Spike, not me, or he probably would have died.” she admitted, hanging her head. “Wait till he hits his growth spurt, you'll be the bug,” Torkuda grumbled. Twilight gulped. “Sorry...” “I'm not the one you did it too,” Torkuda said back. Twilight sighed and nodded. “I'll talk to him later... pretty sure I'm better these days,” Twilight replied. “We've all had our moments of prejudice,” I said, remembering how I had tried to take Lightning and Dusk away from their father a year ago. “Yes, little is the word,” Torkuda said. I gave him a lazy eyed stare. “Didn't say I was innocent.” “And now, for some reason, I'm thinking of that the photo you send to Celestia after the song,” Pinkie chimes in. “Twilight, you have such a plastered on smile in that photo.” “I do not!” Twilight snapped. “Yep, you do!” I said back. “It's like, “I'm dying inside!”” “They'll never leave me alone!” Pinkie shouted. “Love it when theys go away!” AJ threw in. She hung her head, “I hate you guys...” “COMFIRMED!” I shouted. Twilight looked over at AJ, “So, you really do treat all your friends like family, like in the show,” “Hmm? Well ah suppose so,” she said. “All ma friends are ma family really.” “Don't you think it's good to be friends with a stallion before you date them?” she followed up. “Well, ah suppose, kinda hard ta- wait a minute...” AJ said, she got there, but it took a while for her to catch on. “Somehow I got a child with a third eye!” Torkuda said. “Friendship IS magic!” I shouted. “Thought about bringin' Apple Bloom ta'day but glad ah didn't,” AJ said. “Ah c'mon, we're just kidding,” I said. “Anyway, I remember that scene of AJ teaching Apple Bloom about the reason for the Holiday.” “Yeeep!” AJ said. “We go over that story every year, as well as a few of Apple Bloom and ma favorite holiday stories. Odd how somethin' like the wendigos brought us all together so long ago.” I looked down, remembering the wails... the blasts of energy... the creature falling to the ground, Fire Sky standing victorious as all of Canterlot looked on in terror. It was a day like... really it had been several weeks of questioning what you believed, where you stood, but it all seemed to lead up to a few moments. One key moment I guess was the freeing of all Equestria from the terror of the wendigos. “Yea... so... what do you all think killing a wendigo did?” I asked. No one spoke for a few moments. AJ started. “Ah... ah rightly don't know. But, ah think it's better to believe the best of our fellow ponies. Fire Sky destroyed a thing that brought us together, but something that did it through fear, now we can choose to stand together. What once was forced, is now a choice. Ah know what Fire was doing that day was actually pretty evil, but good things came out of it. Rainbow, you got a husband, and I do believe Twilight here has a colt friend...” Twilight blushed. “I have a lot of duties these days but... yea, Cloud Strike... things start making sense when we're together.” “I know what that's like,” I said with a smile. I looked at the camera, “For the record Stormy, you're cute too.” “Feelin' a smidge left out here!” AJ said. “When Pinkie ate that flag, wonder if it symbolized protest,” Rarity said. “Not sure if flag eatin' is a condoned form of protest their Rarity,” Apple Jack chimed in. “Freedom of eat!” Pinkie shouted. “Hey Apple Jack, you say you hang stockings with candy right?” AJ nodded. “Really my family does that too- except the dolls are neighborhood foals, and they don't have candy till we gag them with it-” everyone stared at her wide eyed. “What? Who says I can't do dark humor?” We all did our best to stifle our laughter. “Honestly though, we don't eat the rocks in rock soup, you put flavoring on the rock and it slowly filters into the soup. Also you clean the rock first.” “Really?” AJ asked. “Oh yea, you'd be surprised how hard it is to make something with rocks,” Pinkie replied. “Huh... think I'll stick to easy stuff like rice personally,” I said, “But- did anyone else think rooftastic sounded like a street drug name?” No laughs. “Well... I had to try...” Apple Jack patted me on the back. “Pinkie can you really do that thing where you have appendages appear outside of your body?” Twilight rolled her eyes, “That's just rediculous, her powers are limited to her body...” Pinkie lifted up her foreleg, another foreleg appearing on her hoof, then another touched Twilight's nose. Twilight sighed. “Like I said, I hate you guys.” She thought for a few seconds. “Anyway, Pinkie, is Maud really so good with rocks she can tell where a pony has been based on the rocks on their hooves?” “Rocks get spread everywhere Twilight, any rock could come from anywhere. I'm a rock farmer too remember? They just don't work that way,” Pinkie explained. Twilight pulled out a list of her own. “Been wanting to ask a few questions about rock farming for a while Pinkie. So then, does snow make rock farming easier or harder, first off?” “Oh much harder,” Pinkie replied. “Especially when digging in soil. Never sure what tool to use. You get no where with a pick ax in soil, but if it's too frozen over you'll ruin your shovel. You have to go out there with like six different tools.” “What are you trying to get when you farm rocks? What's the product you put on the market?” “Depends on the customer,” Pinkie replied. “When you make a brick wall, you have to get the rock to make the brick from somewhere.” “Yea, but it's not like you can grow rocks, you have to find and excavate them.” Pinkie cocked her head to the side. “Do you? You can't grow them, but you can make them. It's not like brick has to be made entirely of one kind of rock to function in a wall. You just have to know what kinds of rocks mix well. We get an order and we search our farm and the quarry nearby for rocks that will satisfy it. That's why its important that we're all so knowledgeable about rocks. If you want a shield from radiation, only lead will do, and we can only find so much of that, but if you just want to build the interior wall of part of the palace, to later be overlaid in limestone, you just need load bearing rocks. Those are pretty easy to find and some can be mixed.” “Huh... ya know I was always envisioning you guys growing rocks.” “Nope. We harvest by digging up what's already there. That being said, not all our rocks come from the farm. If you want something specific, like limestone, you can pay us to go find it, as there might not be much of it on the farm.” I started snickering as a thought occurred to me. Several heads turned to me. “Oh nothing, I was just thinking of the scene of Granny meeting the Pie folks, I even have it in my notes, Granny for best old fart!” “Ah don't rightly know if ah should take offense to that,” Apple Jack said. Rarity finally piped in. “I've taught all of you so well, its almost like I don't have to be here, these jokes are aweful.” “Well... Granny does love her bean dip, so, not sure how you would feel about being on the receiving end of an actual old fart,” AJ put in. “Honestly, I'd be more afraid for Apple Bloom being on the receiving end of a stallion fart, seeing as she was sleeping with Big Mac's butt right in her face practically... he could just sleep on the bottom ya know,” I said. And everyone busted out laughing on the next line, “We hide the bean dip from him,” AJ said. “Ya'll cn' use yer imagination as to what that means.” “The doll thing is real,” Pinkie said. “They also double as weapons.” “That's not very comforting,” Rarity said. “Really, Miss, born with a weapon on my face?” Pinkie said, with her brows lowered. “We carry to protect ourselves.” “Oh you're not kidding...” Rarity said. “Well I mean... if you feel the need to protect yourselves go ahead, it just seems off that you make weapons on a day to celebrate unity and peace.” “We also make imitation jewels and grew up in a poverty stricken area. Do the math,” Pinkie said. “Oh well... that's aweful...” Rarity just paused. “There's a reason Limestone is the way she is...” Pinkie gave a small smile, “Even if I could take her. Things have gotten better over there, really the rock dolls are now just a reminder of where we came from.” “So here's a question, to move off sensitive stuff a little... if that's okay,” I said. Pinkie nodded. “Is Marble really that shy?” “Yea, mostly,” Pinkie said. “Well then... when she and Big Mac were playing the flag game, since Marble doesn't talk much, who explained to him what was going on?” AJ chuckled. “He grew up on a farm of girls, he's great at just pretendin' to know what's goin' on.” She then nodded. “Oh and on Granny on that choosing stone thing, actually she's done looking for another husband. She misses her first one too much.” “Another question,” I said. “Pinkie, if no one finds the presents each year... does the pony hiding the present forget where it is?” Pinkie shook her head. “We find them every year,” she said. “We do hide them though, it's a fun game for the foals. Seriously, I suppos that was supposed to be a funny idea, but it makes us look stupid. By the way, Limestone doesn't live at home anymore, she's married and I became an aunt about four years ago. So on Hearth's Warming, we still do that, but mostly for her filly, not the adults.” “The whole time AJ was trying to push her traditions, a thought kept occurring to me,” I said. “She could just invite the Pies over to her house next year.” “Yea...” AJ said, “Oooor! Now just follow me here, or, ah could try to force my traditions on another family like a religious zealot. Sweat bun heretics!” she said, pointing a hoof at Pinkie. “Try it, we've got all the rocks,” Pinkie replied. They did a pretend stare off then laughed. “Still, maybe we should have sweet buns in our traditions, pretty sure Basalt Quarry would like them.” “How did you get the name Pinkie Pie?” I asked. “All your other relatives are named after rocks.” “I... I really don't know,” Pinkie answered. Rarity chimed in, “You know, when the rock fell off the cliff, I was thinking, “what if a pony was down there?” Then I realized, the Pies do have a bunch of shovels to hide the evidence. Seems like the solution would be the same, get the big rock out.” “It would be covered in blood!” I objected. “Well wash it off, you know, it's not that hard.” Rarity said. A few of us stared at her. “I was dropped... a few times.” “Dark jokes? I got one!” I said. “Really AJ could have been asking questions about the Pie culture the whole time, that way she could learn all about it and take it home. And then promptly make a mockery of it right in front of Pinkie!” the others shook their heads at me. “Not the best?” “Not really all that dark,” Rarity said. “Really, make fun of it or not, you take someone's traditions to your home with you, you spread their traditions anyway, in net, you could just make them stronger. Really stuff like that is kind of a gray area, ya gotta come up with something better than that.” “Hmm... well that rock sure did have a distinctive shape,” Torkuda said. “You think the Pie's actually have an aborted dragon egg on their land?” that one shocked everyone. “I would have asked why the Pie's didn't just ask for the help of the dragon family whose land they were apparently on, but I think there's a pretty easy answer as to why they wouldn't have helped put the rock back up.” Pinkie blushed a little. “We actually do have a large egg shaped rock on our farm... I swear it's just a rock though.” Only a few snickers that time. “Oh and on Marble and Big Mac, to those of you who don't know, they did have a thing for a while, but distance kinda strained the relationship. They still like each other though... no we're not actually related.” AJ nodded. “Still, ya know, ah kinda do want to invite Maud over some day. Ya know, just ta do one thing.” “What's that?” Pinkie asked. “Sing the theme song. She can go home after that, ah just want to see her sing just one time!” A few more laughs. “I think we got everything. Really, it's not Hearths Warming right now, so I don't think anyone feels festive. We done?” I asked. They nodded their heads. I turned off the camera.