Thorax's Friendship

by BlueCuddlePonyGhost

Chapter 2: To Stay Or Leave

Chapter 2: To Stay Or Leave

After Twilight and Thorax helped Starlight round up the last cat bread creatures, Starlight heard about Thorax's situation, and she agreed with Twilight. The three friends then met up with Spike and went to go talk to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. After knocking on the door, Cadance opened the door.

"Twilight! Starlight, Spike and Thorax! What brings you here?" Cadance asked before letting them in and closed the door. Shining Armor was hanging out with Flurry Heart. Cadance, Twilight and her friends walked over to the baby to greet her.

"Flurry Heart, look who's here to see you!" Princess Cadance said sweetly before revealing their guests. Cadance used her magic to lift Flurry Heart to get a better look at her friends.

"Hi Flurry, remember me? Are you having a good time?" Twilight asked sweetly upon seeing the baby alicorn.

"Twi twi!" Flurry Heart said in her baby voice as she reached out to her. Starlight and Spike came next to her.

"Hi Flurry Heart. It's your uncle Spike. Are you having fun?" Spike asked kindly. Flurry Heart giggled with a smile.

"Hello Flurry. Nice to see you," Starlight said softly, as Flurry Heart smiled at unicorn. Thorax slowly approached.

"Hi Flurry Heart. How's my little playmate?" Thorax said in a sweet voice, letting her touch his hoof. She grabbed it with her small hooves and waved it up and down. Flurry Heart giggled before Thorax took his hoof away.

"Thoras face! Thoras face!" Flurry Heart cheered at Thorax. Twilight, Starlight, and Spike stared in confusion.

"Okay," Thorax replied before making a wacky face. He moved his "ears" to the sides, stuck his tongue out, did a buggy cross eye look, reduced his fangs into his mouth, and smiled.

"Dows dis?" Thorax asked before Flurry Heart cheered with laughter. She enjoyed Thorax's weird, goofy face expressions. It was one of her favorites. Heck even his friends had to chuckle at his face. After Cadance used her magic to put Flurry Heart back, Starlight and Spike spent time with the baby before Twilight and Thorax decided to ask their question.

"Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Thorax would like to ask you something," Twilight informed them. The two parents looked at the Changeling with slight concern.

"What is it Thorax?" Shining Armor asked curiously. Thorax sighed.

"Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, I can't thank either of you enough for letting me stay in the Crystal Empire. I've made many new friends, had some good times with the ponies, and got to help you take care of Flurry Heart. Your hospitality is most appreciated! .... However, I feel like I would like to get a better understanding of Friendship, not just the basics. If that makes sense..." Thorax explained. Twilight finished by explaining the rest of Thorax's thoughts, but also made sure neither Princess Cadance or Shining Armor felt upset.

"Whatever you decide, I understand. I just hope you can forgive me for bringing up this topic," Thorax concluded, his head now looking to the floor. Cadance and Shining Arnor looked at each other. Thorax had only been at the Crystal Empire for several months or so now. Besides, they knew Twilight and her friends would be leaving soon, but Thorax still had much to learn. And what about Flurry Heart? And his other pony friends?

Twilight and the others waited as Princess Cadance and Shining Armor talked about the issue alone. Thorax was understandably nervous. Finally, after several minutes, Cadance and Shining Armor walked out.

"Thorax, before we give you our decision, we just want to let you know, we are in no way shape or form upset with you. We are happy you came to us with this issue. Now, onto the topic at hoof... On the one hoof, you have grown in friendship, and have been both a great friend, and babysitter to Flurry Heart. You have also become a great friend and aquantence to the Crystal Empire. ... But, going to a new place would help you grow in friendship, and I am sure Twilight, Spike, and all their friends would be more than willing to lend you a helping hoof. On the other hoof though, Flurry and your friends will miss you, and considering Changeling repuatation, well... other ponies may not be as welcoming to your presence. We just don't want you to be hurt by not making new friends," Shining Armor explained.

"In addition, ponies might think you are still working for Queen Chrystalis and that you may be a spy, and be uncomfortable being around you, or untrusting. Like Shining Armor said, we don't want you to be hurt," Princess Cadance added.

"No worries, I understand completely. And believe me, if I was with Chrystalis, you would be having your guards chase me to the snowy lands outside the Crystal Empire by now! And I wouldn't be able to handle Flurry Hearts love at all. Like the first time you saw me," Thorax replied in understanding.

"Which is why whenever Thorax is in Ponyville, one of my friends or I will accompany him everywhere he goes. Otherwise, until the ponies of Ponyville become more comfortable with him there, he will be staying with me, my friends, or in the worse case scenario, Zecora. Who I am sure would be more than happy to accept him!" Twilight explained happily.

"'Zecora?'" Shining Armor asked, confused as to who Twilight was talking about.

"She's a zebra who came from a far away land. At first, my friends and I weren't very welcoming to her coming to town because she was so different. But after we got to know her, she's become a good friend of ours. She lives in a hut in the Everfree Forest, and is handy when creating potions, medicine, and magic. I'm sure her and Thorax will get along just fine!" Twilight explained calmly.

"So, what should I do?" Thorax asked, still slightly confused about the situation.

"The choice is yours Thorax. If you really feel like you're ready, you can go. But if you would rather stay here, that's fine too," Princess Cadance answered. Thorax thought hard. Was he really ready?

'I feel like I got the basics down. Besides, if I don't go through with this, I may not have another chance. I can always come back if I don't like it. And I did say I wanted to learn more about friendship! If I'm going to go through with this, now is a good time. I can't just let this opportunity pass by without giving it a try. But am I really ready for this.......... Yes. Yes, I am ready. I've learn as much as I could in the Crystal Empire. Now it's time to find friends elsewhere!' Thorax thought to himself before finally coming to a conclusion.

"Yes. I am ready. I've learned so much in the Crystal Empire! But now I want to learn more elsewhere," Thorax told Princess Cadance. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor nodded in understanding.

"Well, you better pack up for tomorrow. You don't want to be late," Shining Armor told his friend.

"Of course!" Thorax replied before him, Twilight, Spike, and Starlight left to get ready for the journey home tomorrow.

*That Night*

Thorax paced around his guest room in the castle, trying to make sure he had everything for tomorrow morning. He felt like a puppy that didn't know where to put it's bone so it's treasure would be safe.

"Ohhhhhhhh! Do I have everything?! Sunglasses? Check! Toothbrush? Check! Sunscreen? Check! Anti-Slime Removal shampoo, toothpaste, soap, deoderant, and detergent? Check! Blanket? Check! Pillow? Check! Clothing?.... oh yeah, I don't wear clothing. ... But what if we get hit by a blizzard?! Or a heat wave goes through? I got to wear SOMETHING!! I just... gah! Hat?... No no no... scarf?... a sweater?.... T-shirt?.... Tux?.... a tie? ..... PANTS? ..... shoes? ....socks?.... should I bring a snack? What kind?! Fruit?... nuts?... quesadilla? No, Twilight hates those... grrrrr.... chocolate? ... pretzels.... crackers?... Oh I DON'T KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!" Thorax exclaimed, struggling with the packing and what to take. Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. Thorax was now nervous. Thorax went and answered the door.

"I'm so sorry Princess Cadance! I didn't mean to wake the baby- " Thorax said until he realized it was Twilight standing at the door.

"You're fine Thorax. May I come in?" Twilight asked politely.

"Of course," Thorax replied before closing the door.

"I heard you talking to yourself, and so I decided to see if you were alright," Twilight explained.

"No! I'm not alright! I keep thinking about if I have EVERYTHING! What if we run into a thunderstorm? What if the train spins out of control? What if we get attacked by a monster?! Oh egg shells! I forgot my rain coat!" Thorax responded before getting his rain coat. He ran around the room until Twilight decided to help.

"What if I get thursty?"


"Or I need a backpack for extra room?"




Twilight then used her magic to lift Thorax and moving over to her. She stopped her magic and put him on the bed.

"Thorax, you need to calm down. Believe me, I understand what it's like to feel like you need to make sure you got everything you need. I am the same way too. But remember, even Starlight, Spike and I have had to prepare too. And don't worry about the weather. The day will be smooth sailing-"

"Sailing?! Oh no! I forgot a lifejacket-" Thorax exclaimed in a panic.

"Thorax!" Twilight exclaimed, watching the Changeling calm down. Twilight took a breath in, then exhaled.

"Thorax. I understand why you are stressed... you want to make a good first impression, and you want to make sure things work out. But if there's one thing friendship has taught me, it's to trust your friends, and trust that certain events will work out themselves. It's always good to have a back up plan, but most of the time, things do work out in the end. Trust your friends, even when things don't make sense, and don't worry about things you have no control over. In the end, things always work out being good. Pinkie Pie and Applejack taught me those lessons," Twilight told Thorax. Thorax took a deep breath and relaxed. Twilight was right.

"Thank you, Twilight. Can you help me pack up... and not go crazy?" Thorax asked politely.

"Of course. Let's begin..." Twilight responded as she and Thorax began to go through Thorax's packing. Eventually, they got done and Thorax was happy.

"Thank you Twilight," the Changeling thanked the alicorn.

"No problem Thorax. Always happy to help!" Twilight responded before heading out the door.

"I just have one question..." Thorax stated. Twilight turned around to face him.

"Yes, Thorax?" Twilight said curiously.

"What's a Pinkie Pie and Applejack? Is it a pie that's pink, or is it a pinkie that's turned into a pie? What's a pinkie? Is Applejack an apple you jack? Like squeeze the juice out of? Or is it jack you give an apple? Do you jackhammer an apple? Do you chop it with an axe first then squeeze the apple? ... I'm so confused!" Thorax asked. Twilight giggled.

"Those are just the names of my friends. You'll meet them tomorrow. Goodnight Thorax," Twilight answered before closing the door.

"Goodnight Twilight," Thorax replied before going to bed and turning out the light. Then a thought popped into his head...

'oh no! I forgot to pack up my teddy bear! ... Oh well, I'll cuddle it and pack it up tomorrow' Thorax said before drifting off to sleep.