//------------------------------// // 8 Chrysalis' New Life // Story: Blitz And Balance // by Ennelly Von Swortts //------------------------------// Author:  Ennelly Von Swortts  Co-Author:  ElectroPHX228 (Blitz)  Chapter Eight: Chrysalis' New Life    "I would like you to stay in the castle with me."  I nearly fell off the bed.  She looked up at me with hope, nervousness, and a touch of fear.   I worked my jaw, trying to say something, but nothing came out for several moments.  Finally, I managed to say one word.  And that word was...  "What."  My mind was still rebooting as she took a deep breath.   "I want you to stay with me her in Canterlot.  Even if it IS only for a couple centuries, you would have a break from the cycle of death you have lived for the last four thousand years."  The Princess opposite me said with a growing determination.   Finally getting my brain turning again, I looked at her like she was crazy.  "And why, pray tell, would I do that?"  I asked skeptically.   Celestia smiled a little, but she was determined to see her offer through.  "Gives you a chance to relax, get pampered without having to worry about keeping a hive from starving.  To name a couple."  I began silently cursing her as she was making it look rather appealing.   "You're crazy, you know that?  I have no incentive to stay, even to relax.  I would still be hungry, I still feed off love you know."  I stated, trying to derail this thought before it was out of my hooves.   But Celestia was having none of that.  "And you would be fighting for any food, rest, or water you could find.  All the while fighting off creatures trying to take chunks out of you."  As if sensing my crumbling resistance, her emotions revealed she still had a trump card up her sleeve.  "As for love, you could feed off me."   My jaw dropped, again.  First asking me to stay with her, and now this?  "I... what?  Let me get this straight.  You, one of the ruling Princesses of Equestria, want me, a bug who tried to take over your country, to live in the center of the Capital with you?  And feed off your love?!  Wow, you really are crazy."  She was winning, and she knew it.   Her smile was confident.  "Chrysalis, we are more alike than you think.  Stay with me here, you won't regret it.  I promise you that."   "What about the nobles?  And your sister?  And what of all of Equestria?  Huh?  They'll all want me dead."  This was my last dich effort to evade this, but it was all for not.   "Let me handle that.  I know how my sister thinks."  My shoulders slumped as I admitted to defeat.  Celestia smiled, knowing her victory.  "Shall we go talk to Luna?"   I stood, gesturing for her to lead, grimacing slightly at her rump as my leg complained about my usage of it.  I glanced back at Silver as he stepped out onto the balcony and disappeared in a flash of light.  I turned and followed Celestia to her door. ...0...    Iron Shield was proud to be among the few to guard Princess Celestia while she slept.  He had just taken his post outside her room when the door opened behind him.  Quickly with practiced ease, he stepped to the side and bowed.  "Do not engage.  Iron, Barricade, I will not be returning for a few hours at least."  The Princess said as she walked between the guards.   They looked at each other before watching another mare step out.  She was as tall as the white Alicorn she was following, although she had a rather bad limp.  She was also mostly covered in bandages.  Blue hair in need of a long brushing, and holes in hoof and horn told the guards all they needed to know about her.   But they did nothing, just as the Princess asked.  Once she was some ways down the hall, they glanced back at each other.  "Thirty bits says the Princess gave her those injuries."  Barricade muttered.   "You're on."  Shield muttered back. ...0...    I smiled as I heard the muttered bet.  "I wonder who else will think you just bested me again."  I muttered to myself.   "Don't mind them.  It's not that often an enemy of Equestria seemingly appears in my bed chamber covered in bandages.  Speaking of which, I'll need to get you a crutch, won't I."  Celestia smiled over her shoulder.   I sneered.  "Why would I need that?"  Celestia raised an eyebrow.  "What?!"  I didn't like that expression, or the emotion that came with it.   Celestia shook her head.  "I'm getting you a crutch whether you like it or not.  It would not do to let you limp all over the palace."  I sighed.  She had a point.  Didn't mean I had to like it though.   We turned a corner to see a hall just lined with lunar guards.  Every single one of them spotted me instantly, and proceeded to surround me.  "Oh come on!!"  I exclaimed.  "Can you not see I'm being dragged around by your beloved ruler?!"   Laughter filled the hall, causing everypony to look at that {...} {......} Princess.  After several moments, she was able to recompose herself.  "I wouldn't say 'Dragged around', but yes, she is with me.  Stand down."  All the guards quickly moved back to their posts as we walked on, Celestia still snickering every now and then.   It wasn't long before we reached a pair of tall, decorated doors.  I knew these doors.  They opened to reveal the throne room.  Luna had yet to get up, it seemed, as the room was empty.  We walked through them, and waited in silence.   Celestia frowned as she stared at the thrones, and began muttering to herself.  She suddenly turned to me.  "What kind of throne do you want?  I think your other one was broken."   I turned to her.  "What."  I deadpanned.   Celestia sighed in exasperation.  "If you are going to be staying here, you'll need a throne.  And I highly doubt Luna would let you use hers."   "That's because we won't, dear sister."  Celestia and I turned to the doors where Luna now stood, anger was starting to roll off her in clouds.  I winced slightly at the bitter taste.  "Now tell us what thy is doing here, and why tho is talking about getting her a throne!?"   I walked over to a window as they started arguing.  It was sending off clouds of annoyance and anger, and I wasn't interested in participating.  Celestia got me into this mess, let her figure it out. .0.    I don't know how long it had been since Luna had walked in, but the loud voices were starting to annoy me.  Somepony tapped my shoulder.  Turning, I asked the guard, "What do you want."   He gestured out the window at the sun.  "It is nearly midnight."  I glanced at the sun, then the Princesses, and back at the sun.  The guard started shifting nervously as I started to smile.   "That'll do it."  I turned to the guard.  "Thank you for informing me.  Now I have a reason to nag them about their {....} argument."  He quickly skirted along the edge of the room to the door as I slowly made my way toward the Princesses.   "Luna, I know who she is.  I know what she's done.  But I'm giving her a second chance.  Like Discord, like Nyx, and like you."  Celestia was attempting to stay calm.   "Like tho has said before.  But thy still did more than even Tirek!  How can you even consider this?!"  Luna made no such attempt.   Celestia opened her mouth to continue her argument, but I chose that moment to speak up.  "Sorry to bother you, but your late."  I stated.  Both Alicorns turned to me.   "Late?"  Celestia asked.  I silently pointed out the window at the sun.   "What are we looking at?"  Luna asked in clear confusion.   "The sun."  Both of them gave me quizzical looks.  "It's midnight."   Celestia stared at me for a few moments before her eyes light up with realization.  "Oops."  Her horn glowed as the sun slowly sunk below the horizon.  Luna quickly Lifted the moon at the last moment, before turning her gaze on me.   "Angry ponies give off a bad taste."  I stated, before walking back to the window.  Howling laughter told me Celestia had found my comment hilarious.  I slowly shook my head as a smile touched my lips.  Not even Luna glaring daggers into my back could stop the warmth from growing in my heart.   After taking several minutes to stop laughing, Celestia walked up beside me.  Glancing over confirmed her face was still filled with mirth.  "I haven't laughed like that in a long time.  It felt good."   "And if she stays, you might never laugh again."  Luna stated from behind us.  At least her anger was, if not gone, far less than a few minutes ago.   "Hate you too, moonbutt."  I said with a wave of my hoof.  Without warning, something connected with the back of my head.  Lifting my hoof to the now sore spot, I felt the annoyance wafting off Celestia.   "She's still my sister.  So, I expect you to treat her with the same respect you would me."  I almost let it go, but I felt the faint amusement from behind me.   I honestly couldn't help myself.  "As you wish, Princess Sunbutt."  I said with a curt bow.  Celestia tried to stay annoyed with me, she really did.  But Luna's laughter from behind us was too much for her to ignore.  Before long, she was chuckling along with her sister's laughter.   Celestia suddenly yawned, quickly followed by me.  "Well, I think Chrysalis and I are going to retire for the night.  Please let me know if anything exciting happens while I sleep."  She then started dragging me toward the door.  I glanced back in time to see Luna quickly scribbling a message as the doors closed, blocking my sight.   We walked in silence till I realized I had no clue where we were going.  "Wait, where are we going?"  We turned a corner, and I knew where we were.  But that left the question why we were going toward her bed chamber.   She glanced over her shoulder.  "My chambers, why?"  I glanced at all the guards lining the hall.   "I would have expected to be sleeping in a storage room, if not the dungeon."  I stated.   Celestia chuckled.  "That wouldn't do at all.  And if you remember, I did say with me, did I not?"  I froze.  It took her a moment to realize I was no longer behind her.  Stepping up in front of me, she set her face.  "Queen Chrysalis, you are accompanying me to my private chambers."  A smirk edged its way onto her face.  "Or would you rather be escorted by a squad of guards?"   Grumbling, I followed her to her chambers.  Once inside, I found a nice nook between a dresser and her writing desk.  I made myself comfortable, or at least tried to, before that bucking sun Princess picked me up in her magic before dropping me on her bed.  "I won't let you sleep on the floor so long as you are here."  She laid down on the far side of the bed after casting a couple wards, locking the doors to the world outside her chambers.   I sighed into the bed as it swallowed me into the warm embrace of sleep. .0.    I opened my eyes slowly, and watched flowing, pink hair drift close to my face in the light streaming from the open window.   "Good morning, Chrysalis."  A voice said softly from above me.  I turned my head to look up into soft magenta eyes staring down at me.  Shaking my head to clear it, I slowly sat up as the memories trickled in.   I looked around the room I was in as my eyes narrowed.  "This isn't my bedroom..."  I muttered sleepily.  I turned back to the smiling white Alicorn next to me on the large bed.  With sudden realization, I jumped out of bed, and fell hard as I remembered I didn't have wings.  And a leg that wasn't worth {....}.   Celestia was at my side almost instantly, working to help me back to my hooves.  "Take it easy there, Chrysalis.  Your strength isn't what it was."   I took a moment to think back on how I got in the bucking sun Princess's bed!!  I finally got my breathing under control.  "I slept in your bed.  With you."  I stated, trying my hardest to wrap my head around it, but unable to do so.  Celestia nodded with a smile.  I finally gave up trying, and turned to the Princess.  Sighing, I started preparing myself for whatever she had planned now.  "At least tell me what you'll be dragging me through today."   She turned to pick something up from beside the bed.  Turning, she held out a crutch out for me to use.  "Luna insisted we make a trip to Ponyville today.  I'm not complaining, I have someone I hope to talk to while we're there."  I slowly picked up the crutch, and found walking around was somewhat easier.  "We were just waiting on you.  I wouldn't let Luna wake you up, you needed the rest."   I followed her through the door of her room, and down the hall.  After a few guards tried to detain me, a couple left their posts to prevent anypony else from stopping us.  It wasn't long before we walked into the throne room.  Luna was waiting for us there.   "At least it's before one."  She muttered.  "If you two are ready, we are already late."  The three of us quickly made our way to a waiting chariot.  I noted three Pegasi had hooked up to it, probably because it was taking the weight of three Alicorns.  Even if I wasn't an Alicorn. .0.    Other than a couple muttered bets from the guards pulling the chariot, the ride was quiet.  I almost forgot I didn't have wings anymore, and rather enjoyed it.  But now the chariot was sitting outside the gates to Twilight's castle.   I was laying on the grass, waiting for the Princesses to finish their business just a few steps away.  I felt something I never thought I would feel for a few years at least.  Looking up, I lock my eyes on those of a cream yellow earth pony.  Her mane and tail were blue with a pink stripe.  I had never seen the pony before, but I knew it was her.   She was staring at me in recognition and fear.  Slowly, she started backing up.  Another pony walked up to her, this one a mint green Unicorn.  She had a teal-ish mane and tail with a white stripe.  She also had a harp on her flank.  She waved her hoof in front of the other pony's face, catching her attention.   I stood as both started staring at me.  I turned to Celestia.  "I'll be right back."  Without waiting for a reply, I walked toward the two ponies.  When I was only a few steps away from the now terrified ponies, I stopped.  "Well, it has been awhile.  I hear you go by the name Bon Bon these days?"   The earth pony bowed.  "Yes, my Queen."  I allowed a small smile on my face.   I turned to the Unicorn, who was half way between jumping between me and Bon Bon, and flat out dragging her away.  "I do apologize, but I seem to have forgotten your name."   She stared me straight in the face.  "Lyra.  What are you doing here?"   I gestured behind me at the three Princesses discussing whatever, while discreetly keeping an eye on me.  "Luna had Celestia drag me down here for whatever reason."  The two mares began to relax, at least a little.  "Anyways, what have you been up to?"  I asked, turning to Bon Bon.   She glanced at Lyra.  "Just living here in Ponyville with Lyra here."  A sent I knew only too well started to fill my nose.   "You had them last night, didn't you."  It wasn't a question.  She started as a memory made its way to my mind.  "Don't bother trying to cover it up, I know that smell better then you."  She slowly nodded, eyes cast to the ground.  I smiled, my sense of humor getting the better of me.  "My, looks like you two had a fun time last night."   Both mares froze as their cheeks turned a light shade of red.  Bon Bon muttered something even my ears could not hear before saying, "She kind of let me lay them in her womb."  My eyebrow shot up.   Lyra smiled mischievously.  "Of course, that was after I swallowed one."   "Lyyyyrrrraaa!!"  Bon Bon whined loudly, causing Lira and I to laugh.   I put my forehoof around Bon Bon's shoulders, using my crutch to keep from falling over.  Glancing at Lyra, I stage whispered, "I have some advice for you.  Take care of her, cause she's a keeper."  Stepping back, I smiled at them.  "Well, I wish you luck.  And please do send word to Celestia when my granddaughters are born."   Lyra looked up.  "'Granddaughters'?"  She echoed.  Bon Bon looked surprised.   "Those eggs aren't fertile.  Are they?"  she asked.   I smiled.  "To put it simply, it doesn't have to be a changeling's womb.  Fact is, if you keep them at the right tempter, you can hatch them anywhere."  I turned to let them talk about what they were going to do, to find myself face to face with magenta eyes for the second time that day.   And she was smiling.  "I'm impressed."  I peeked my head around Celestia's face to see three other faces.  I looked back at Celestia and raised an eyebrow.  "Come, I want you to meet someone." ...0...    Mark had just put the finishing touches on his night long project when someone knocked on his door.  He walked over and opened it to find four Alicorns and some kind of bug pony on a crutch.  "This is an unexpected visit, your majesties."  He said with a bow.   Princess Celestia smiled.  "I do hope we aren't interrupting anything."  Mark shook his head.  "I would like you to meet Chrysalis, X-Queen of the changelings."  Chrysalis nodded her head.  Celestia turned to the Changeling.  "This is Mark Ironforge.  He is a forge and foundry expert from another world."   Mark bowed.  "It is an honor, your majesty.  I hope you recover fast."  Chrysalis smiled just a little.  "As it were, I just finished my first project here.  And it is a gift to Princess Celestia for the generosity she has shown me this last week." ...0...    I walked slowly through the door into the large building.  It was a rather impressive sight, with all the tippable stone pots above firepits.  A couple of which sent small amounts of smoke up the chimneys above them.  Tools sat in organized rows on benches.  But I was distracted by the iron carriage sitting in the middle of a large open space.   It was simple, yet elegant.  The iron twisted in patterns best seen in daylight.  It was a light silver in color, with a yellow sun on the door.  Lining the top was a pink ribbon that matched Celestia's mane perfectly.  I walked around to the far side, and saw something surprising.  There, against the far wall, were parts of chariots that looked like exact replicas that had been tossed aside.   Turning, I called, "Mr. Ironforge, what are these?"   The human, as Celestia had explained on the walk over, quickly came around to see what I was pointing at.  "Those are parts that didn't make the cut.  Either too weak, too heavy, or didn't look right."   I looked back at the parts.  "But they look identical."   Mark laughed.  "I guess to the untrained eye, they would."  He walked over and kicked one of the pieces, which broke in half.  He then kicked another piece that was the same much harder, and it bounced off the wall not worse for wear.   "Chrysalis!  Come look in here!"  Celestia called from the other side of the chariot.  I walked around to look inside.  The underside of the top was sky blue, with a large sun in the center.  The windows were clear, and provided a view of everything around it.  I carefully climbed the steps up into the carriage.  The floor was lined with a soft fabric, creating a comfy interior.   It was also large enough to fit all the Alicorns and I with ease.  Mark stuck his head through the open door.  "You can take it back with you today, or pick it up later.  But it is half the weight of your previous chariot, and balanced to perfection.  Princess Luna, I"ll be working on one for you next.  May I ask what type of design you want?"  Luna stepped out to speak with him while I relaxed next to Celestia.   Celestia scouted closer to me before placing her wing over my back.  And then ignored the looks from the other two Alicorns, and myself.  "I think I will take this back to Canterlot."  She stated as she relaxed.  My eyes started to grow heavy.  I noticed Celestia's horn glowing as my mind became foggy.   "{...} {....} it..."  I yawned loudly.  "Celestia..."  My eyes closed, and I was lost to the world of dreams. ...0...    Silver QuickDraw walked slowly through Ponyville.  He had seen a chariot land as he left the train station, and was now starting the journey back home.  It had taken three days to get to Canterlot, and he was staring the three-day journey back.   He noticed a Phoenix sitting atop Sugercube Corner.  It was stormy cloud blue, with some feathers that looked black, and others the color of lightning.  When the Phoenix met his gaze, he almost felt the age-old pain and sorrow the Phoenix had felt over its many years of life.   Silver came to a stop a small distance from the bird, thinking.  The two stayed like that for several moments, each gaging the other when Silver's view was filled with pink.  Taking a step back, he glanced back at the bird to see it was gone, leaving him to think about what he had seen.   "Hi pinky.  I'm just leaving, so I don't have time to frost cakes right now.  Sorry."  Pinkamena Diane Pie just smiled as she gave one of her oldest friends a hug.  Next thing he knew, she had dragged him through a bush and into her hidden party planning room.  The times he had been here before, it had been dark with only one light in the center.   Now though, it was lit up bright as day.  Not even one shadow could be seen.  Pinky visibly deflated.  "I just wanted to tell you the shadows are about.  In force."   Silver looked up in surprise.  "You mean the prophecy?"  Pinky's serious expression was all he needed.  "Does the Order of Balance know?"   Pinky shrugged.  "They have three missing bearers right now.  Silver Dust, Flower Bloom, and Apple Brown.  Loyalty, generosity, and spontaneity.  Loyalty and generosity most likely are now with Rainbow Dash, and Rarity here in Ponyville.  Spontaneity is close, I can feel it.  I'll find them soon enough.  You should collect the other bearers here."  Silver nodded to the only bearer of laughter.  She grabbed him, and stuffed him into a bowl.   Silver managed to catch himself before he fell onto the floor of his home.  Walking out showed a number of tents among his statues.  He knew who and why they were there.  The Order of Balance had many members, and the shadows shifting just beyond the front arch was a clear sign that they could not leave easily.  The wards prevented him and his shadows from entering.   He spotted a group of ponies seated around a makeshift table, and quickly made his way over.  Arriving at the table, he stated what everypony there was thinking.  "The prophecy of Balance is here."