Blitz And Balance

by Ennelly Von Swortts

7 A New Forge

Author:  Ennelly Von Swortts 

Co-Author:  ElectroPHX228 (Blitz) 

Chapter Seven:  New Forge 


  Mark walked slowly through Ponyville.  He watched as the ponies went on their way, to and fro in their busy lives.  He walked in the general direction of Nyx's castle.  Leaving town, he walked up to the large, thick wood door of a new building that sat near the base of the castle.

  Opening the door of the building, he stepped inside and watched as the construction ponies finished the placement of a large stone pot big enough for a couple ponies to sit comfortably in.

  Mark was impressed.  It had been a week since he had dropped into Equestria, and this building hadn't existed then.  Now, it was a fully operational forge and foundry.  And his new home.  The Princess had promised him supplies as well, so he could get his hands on just about any material he wanted.

  A pony stuck his head through the door.  "I got a delivery for a Mr. Ironforge?"  Mark waved him in, moving to open the door all the way.  Quickly getting the iron ore settled in the storage area, he thanked the pony as the construction ponies left with all their tools.

  Mark smiled as he closed the door for the last time that day.  He was going to be a busy man that night.


  Everypony who walked past that building could hear the sound of flames and metal on metal as small amounts of smoke snaked out of a few of the many chimneys long into the night.  Nyx was one such pony, as she was renovating her castle.

  In the moments she wasn't directing ponies in her task, she was watching the foundry outside her castle, wondering what the human was up to.  And even as she flew to her current home, thin trails of smoke still drifted lazily into the air.

  She glanced at the midnight sun as it slowly sunk below the horizon.  Something had happened in Canterlot.  Something to prevent the cycle of the day, if only for a few hours.  She watched as stars started to come out, but they didn't twinkle the way they should.  Luna wasn't happy tonight, that much was clear.  But what could cause this?

  Nyx sighed as she landed on the balcony to her current room.  Maybe she should ask Twilight?  Nyx was abruptly pulled from her thoughts as the door swung open.  "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but Luna just sent us a letter.  I have no clue what's going on, but if what Luna says is correct, we may have a situation on our hooves."

  Nyx looked her mother in the eye.  "What situation?"  Nyx asked.

  Twilight looked worried.  "Luna believes Celestia may have gone mad."