The Heroes of Equestria; Season One

by TechDragonX

Episode Four; Boast Busters

[July 29,Spike and Twilight's Shared House...]

"Spike, how many is that?" Twilight asked.

"That was your 25th correctly preformed spell," Spike answered.

"Hey Twilight, think you can do a mustache spell?" Spike asked.

"There you go," Twilight responded as she preformed the mustache spell.

Spike ran over to a mirror, taking the list with him to look at his newly magically given mustache.

"This is great!" Spike exclaimed.

'I should see how Rarity would react' Spike thought.

"Spike, that's for practice only," Twilight said as she charged up her horn.

Spike saw what Twilight was about to do and ducked causing Twilight's hair removal spell to bounce off the mirror towards Twilight who dodged it, fortunately when the spell came in contact with the door it disappeared. Twilight turned towards Spike only to find him hovering above the stairs.

"See ya later, Twi," Spike said as he jets up and out of the house leaving a green light trail behind him.


Shorty after Spike had left he saw Rarity reaching for the door.

"I got it!" Spike said as he dashed towards the door and opened it for Rarity.

Unfortunately for Spike opening the door caused the enchantment turned spell to activate thus causing him to lose his mustache.

"Hey, Rarity," Twilight said upon seeing her.

"Ow!" Spike said as Twilight dragged him by the tail.

"Wait here, please," Twilight said as she took Spike.

Twilight took Spike up to his room and lectured him about the dangers of contact activated enchantments and spells.

"Twilight, Spike," Rarity called from downstairs, "I don't want to be late."

"Coming," Twilight and Spike said.

[Ponyville Train Station...]

Rarity was bouncing around like a filly in a candy store. Soon the train pulled up to the station. When the doors opened after the other passengers left the train, a small, white filly unicorn with grayish mulberry and light grayish rose mane walked out carrying a small bag and rolling a medium sized suitcase.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity called out running towards her little sister.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle said as she was swept into a hug by her sister.

"Spike, can you please carry Sweetie Belle's luggage?" Rarity asked.

"Yes," Spike responded lifting up the suitcase with ease.

"Sweetie Belle these are some of my friends, Twilight and Spike," Rarity said as she pointed to the other unicorn and the dragon respectively.

Sweetie Belle waved hello and told them some things about her.

"Finally, I found y'all," said a voice that everyone aside from Sweetie knew.

"Apple Bloom?" Twilight asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Applejack is in danger!" Apple Bloom said, "Oh, I'm Apple Bloom, and you are?"

"I'm Sweetie Belle, nice to meet you," Sweetie Belle responded.

"Back to Applejack!?" The three members of Team Harmony half yelled and asked.

"Everypony and Spike follow!" Apple Bloom said as she lead the way.

[Town Square...]

Applejack was tied up on stage by her own rope with an apple in her mouth.

"As I said before the Great and Powerful Trixie can best anypony at anything," said Trixie.

“What makes you so sure of that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Can anypony here defeat a Ursa Major?” Trixie asked.

After getting no response and hearing various hushed whispers throughout the crowd, Trixie continued.

“Just what the Great and Powerful Trixie thought,” Trixie said.

Rainbow Dash did a stunt, which Trixie upstaged by launching Rainbow around Ponyville’s windmill and spinning her in a circle. Rarity made a dress from the curtains, but Trixie turned Rarity’s mane green.

“My mane, my beautiful mane!” Rarity exclaimed, “I know she did something to my mane!”

“It looks great” Applejack said.

“Just as beautiful as always,” Fluttershy said.

“I looks as beautiful as a shining gem,” Cobalt said.

“Its just too good, you have to do my mane,” Dawn said.

“Its green,” Spike said.

Upon hearing this Rarity ran of crying and saying that green is a terrible mane color. This caused a random pony in the crowd to look in Rarity’s direction clearly upset. The present members of Team Harmony shot Spike glares of disappointment.

“I was just being honest,” Spike defended.

“So does anypony else wants to challenge the Great and Powerful Trixie, speak up now” asked Trixie.

“Twilight will!” Spike yelled.

Twilight quickly teleported to her house, before Trixie could tell her to come up on stage.

After receiving no other replies Trixie folded up her stage and headed towards her mobile home. Spike walked back to the house, where he saw Twilight was muzzle deep into a book on Ursa attacks.

As Cobalt, Dawn, Applejack, and Pinkie walked back to Sugar Cube Corner. On the way there they came across two unicorn colts. One of them was short, chubby, and blue with a pair of scissors for his cutie mark, and a orange mane and tail. The other was tall, skinny, and orange with a snail for his cutie mark, and a turquoise mane and tail.

“Hiya, Snips and Snails,” Pinkie Pie said to the duo of unicorn colts.

“Hey, we’re going to see if the Great and Powerful Trixie can teach us some of her spells,” Snips said.

“Yea,” said Snails.

“Y’all do know that she is probably asleep,” Dawn said looking at Trixie’s mobile home.

“Most likely,” Applejack said.

By the time Dawn and Applejack turned around the two were gone.

“Oh well that was unexpected,” Applejack said.

“AJ always expect the unexpected,” Cobalt said as they ran to catch up with Pinkie.

[Trixie’s House...]

Trixie was awoken from her sleep by a knock from her front door. She got up to go see who was knocking on her door.

“Its 11:30 PM, the Great and Powerful Trixie needs her beauty sleep, and nopony should be outside at this time,” Trixie said as she opened the door.

Upon opening the door Trixie saw the two young unicorns nervously standing there.

“Sorry for the interruption, but could you teach us some of your spells that you used to defeat that Ursa Major?” Snails nervously asked.

“Please?” Snips asked.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie would be happy to train you, but there isn’t a Ursa Majors around,” Trixie responded slowly closing the door, “Trixie also needs her sleep.”

“We can take care of that,” Snails said as the duo ran into the Everfree Forest.

[A Random Cave in the Everfree Forest...]

“Are you sure that Ursa Majors live here,” Snails asked.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Snips said as he used a lighting spell to summon a small sphere of light.

Unfortunately for them the light awoken a Ursa who was sleeping in the cave. ROAR! Both Snips and Snails didn’t need to turn around to know that there was a Ursa behind them and sped towards Ponyville with the Ursa behind them.


The screaming and roaring coming from outside caused everypony in Ponyville to ether go outside or look out the window, everypony quickly wish they didn’t. Team Harmony gathered at Twilight’s house to figure out a plan.

“Rainbow, Dawn, and Spike, keep the Ursa busy,” commanded Twilight.

“Okay,” The trio said before running towards the Ursa.

“Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy, bring anypony outside here,” Twilight said.

“On it, Twi,” said the trio as they ran off to help anypony outside.

“Applejack, and Cobalt, find Trixie and those two unicorns y’all met earlier,” Twilight said.

“I know exactly where to start,” Applejack said.

“Ok,” Cobalt said running beside Applejack.

Snips, Snails, and Trixie were running towards Applejack and Cobalt who upon coming within one and a half yards the trio of unicorns skidded to a stop.

“Team Harmony?!” Trixie exclaimed, “There’s an Ursa Major over there.”

“We’re working on it,” Cobalt said.

“Follow us,” said Applejack as she turned around.

The group headed back towards Twilight who was currently levitating the Ponyville water tank through Applejack’s family cow pen filling it with milk and starting a light breeze through some river side plants causing them to play a soft music tone. When Twilight gave the Ursa the makeshift bottle of milk it quickly fell asleep, where Twilight carefully levitated it back to the cave where it came from.

“Nice use of spells sixteen and twenty,” Spike said upon landing.

“How did you defeat the Ursa Major?” Trixie asked.

“That wasn’t an Ursa Major it was a Ursa Minor,” Twilight said.

“Well the Great and Powerful Trixie still-“ Trixie said as she was cut off.

“Stop boasting about something nopony could do alone,” Twilight said.

Feeling ashamed and embarrassed Trixie grabbed three smoke bombs and threw them to the ground before running towards her house and leaving.

“I will return Twilight!” Trixie yelled back.

Rainbow tried to go after Trixie, but was stopped by Twilight.

“Hopefully she’ll learn her lesson,” Twilight said as they walked over to Sugar Cube Corner.

[Unknown Location...]

Nightmare Moon was laying in a cave lined crystals charged with magic from various species. As she was laying there she was absorbing the magic from the crystals, causing a bright ray of dark magic to shoot up into the sky.

“I can feel the magic of every species in and around Equestria!” Nightmare Moon yelled as her robotic body was levitated off the ground by two feet and surrounded by the dark magic.