Dark Star of Shadows

by Super Ponyman

Epilogue: The Marriage of Dawn and Dusk

(One Month Later...)

(Twilight Sparkle's Castle, Twilight's Room)

Twilight Sparkle and her friends sat discussing the last few weeks with her friends.

Applejack spoke up, "Well the last few weeks have sure been eventful, Sugarcube. We met Burning Star/Dawn Star, King Sombra returned, Dawn Star revealed himself to be an Alicorn, the kingdom almost fell to the wrath of Daybreaker, and we all found out it was Sunset Shimmer who was pretending to be Daybreaker!"

She was writing in the Friendship Journal, listing all the past events that happened.

"So in conclusion, Daybreaker was revealed to be the Unicorn known as Sunset Shimmer. She was defeated and captured by Dawn Star, she awaits her sentence, she may likely be sentenced to life In prison for her actions."

She then titled it, "The Daybreaker Incident, The Rise of Dawn Star."

Rarity tugged on Twilight's tail, "Darling, put that book away. You can catalog all the events later. Today's your coronation day!"

Fluttershy nodded, "Yeah, you gotta be ready Twilight. Today is your big day..."

Twilight put the book back on its shelf, "Alright girls, I'll stop. I know I need to get ready for the coronation, but I'm not sure I'm I'm ready to be Queen yet..."

Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a playful punch on the shoulder, "Don't Worry Twilight! Everything's going to be fine."

Pinkie Pie chimed in, "I made the coronation super duper special! I invited all our friends to it because it's a big day for you and Dawn Star."

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Yeah... it is a big day for me."

Cadence walked in and saw Twilight in her dress she wore to her coronation as a princess, she looked beautiful.

"Oh Twilight, you look stunning. We need to get to the Castle of the Two Sisters though, and we need to hurry!"

Twilight Sparkle looked at the clock, it was almost 3 pm! the Wedding was at Sunset!

"Sweet Celestia! Let's go everypony!"

The mares rushed out of the castle, heading towards the Castle of the Two Sisters.

(Castle Nevermore, King Sombra's Old Bedroom)

Meanwhile on the other side of Equestria, Dawn Star was getting ready as well. He had selected Shining Armor and Shadow Armor as his groomsmen, and Discord was helping with the attire Dawn Star was going to wear.

Shining Armor said, clearly annoyed. "Will you hurry up! It's nearly 3 pm and you're not even dressed yet."

Dawn Star said from behind the bathroom door, "I'm not going until I'm perfect!"

Shadow Armor scowled, "Stop rushing him Shining Armor... it takes a lot of work to look good for a coronation. You should know that, you are the prince of the Crystal Empire after all..."

Discord opened the door, he was wearing an orange suit and tie. He stepped aside and said, "May I present to you... Dawn Star!"

Dawn Star walked out, he was wearing a red and black sash across his chest, which was covered with a white and red suit. His wings were shining, since he preened them recently. He looked very handsome!

Shadow Armor unexpectedly clapped his hooves, "You look great. Now let's go!"

The Three Stallions and Draconequess raced out the door towards the Everfree Forest.

(Castle of the Two Sisters, Main Courtyard.)

Dawn Star arrived first at the castle, and rushed up the stairs to the altar. Celestia and Luna were standing at the altar, looking relieved.

"Thank Faust you are here. Where is Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight Sparkle flew into view and landed on the altar, Dawn Star thought she looked beautiful in her dress.

Celestia signaled for everypony to rise, she then said. "Ladies and Gentleponies, we are gathered here today to celebrate the coronation of Dawn Star and Twilight Sparkle as King and Queen."

Celestia turned to Twilight first, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Do you promise to rule Equestria with a fair and just hoof, to defend it when it is in danger, and to rule until the end of your days?"

Twilight Sparkle bowed and said, "I will."

Luna turned to Dawn Star, "And do you, Dawn Star, descendant of the Old Equestrian Royal Family, promise to rule Equestria with a fair and just hoof, to defend it when it is in danger, and to rule until the end of your days?"

Dawn Star said, "Yes, I will."

Celestia picked up Twilight's Crown and put it on her head, "Then I crown you, Queen Twilight Sparkle. May your reign be fair and just."

Luna picked up the crown that once belonged to King Sombra and placed it on Dawn Star's head. "Then I crown thee, King Dawn Star. May your reign be fair and just."

Everypony cheered and bowed, and a few shed tears.

Then Dawn Star said to the crowd, "Listen ponies of Equestria. While this is a joyous day, it is also a somber one as well. Many ponies lost their lives to the monster known as Daybreaker. But Daybreaker wasn't Celestia at all... it was a disguise made by Celestia's former Student, the Unicorn known as Sunset Shimmer. I propose that monument is constructed to honor the ponies who lost thier lives."

Twilight Sparkle cut in, "I second that. We must remember our dead, and know that they gave their lives to stop the violence."

Dawn Star put a hoof on Twilight's back, "I need to go do something, I'll be back tonight."


Sunset Shimmer woke up, she was in a holding cell. She had a magic suppressor on her horn.

Dawn Star was standing near the door to the cell, he was wearing his crown. He said to her. "I'm so ashamed of you. I may not know you well Sunset, but I know real evil when I see it."

Sunset Shimmer lunged at Dawn Star, by was jerked back by the chains around her legs, she said in anger.

"You shouldn't talk, You rotten Alicorn, you betrayed your mentor as well!"

Dawn Star corrected her, "No. He betrayed me when he thought that Twilight was a better student, and she technically was, but she wouldn't last a day under King Sombra. She was... fragile and weak willed, while I was strong and determined."

Sunset snarled, "You don't deserve her, all you deserve is death. If anypony finds out that you are also the descendant of King Sombra, they will destroy you..."

Dawn Star shrugged, "So what if they do? Everypony knows that I'm different from him, I was willing to change, I accepted the fact that I was wrong and that even I had my limits... you just wanted more power. And if anypony tries to end me, they will meet with a very HOT grave."

Sunset screamed, "I will escape here you know!"

Dawn Star said, his face inches from hers. "Even if you do escape, you step one hoof out into Equestria, and you're dead. You can run to the ends of the country, I'll find you, and I'll kill you. Now, sit here in your silent cell with only your mind and voice to listen to!"

Dawn Star locked the cell door and said one last thing, "Sunset Shimmer, I will let you out if you tell me the answer to this Question. Why did you lose?"

Sunset screamed at him, "Go to hell..."

Dawn Star smirked, "Sorry, that's the wrong answer. And also, you are already in Hell. Goodbye..."

He then teleported back to Twilight's castle.

(Twilight's Castle, Throne Room)

Dawn Star teleported back to see Twilight sitting on her throne, she looked happy.

"Hello Twilight, you enjoy being Queen yet? I just got back from telling our prisoner what's going to happen if she tries to escape."

Twilight put a wing around Dawn Star, "You know you got to tell me how you do those speeches one day."

Dawn Star simply said, "They just come naturally to me. So, anything exciting happen today?"

Twilight put her hoof behind her back, "Yeah, somepony close to you is going to be a father."

Dawn Star raised an eyebrow, "Really? Who is it?"

Twilight pulled out a little stick with a positive sign on it, "You! Of course!"

Dawn Star stepped back, eyes full of terror, he inhaled. "Uh... uaaah."

He ran towards the window. "AAAAHAHAh!"

Twilight pulled him back with her magic, "Man up! Even you can handle one child."

Dawn Star thought in the back of his head, "If only she knew..."

He then said, hooves on his face,

"I've got a lot of explaining to do..."