Astronomy isn't important.

by TheOctoGal

Chapter Three: The party pony has arrived!

The party had just started to get exciting! The pony who was known throughout Equestria for throwing parties has arrived! Her name is Pinkie Pie, a pink Pony with a great mane style and a cutie mark of three beautiful balloons! When she came around, everything would become better in an instant! Everypony loved this party pony, especially young fillies and colts!

The young Galexia Night was laying in her crib, as many ponies were there to see her. She kept looking up at them with her cute and adorable little face. Her big bright eyes reflecting beautiful light due to the lights that were on the floor and the walls. Galexia Night looked up as she saw a big pink pony stand over her.

Pinkie Pie smiled. "Hi there little filly! So you're this new princess I have been hearing so much about! Want to see something funny little filly? I promise you'll love it! Every young little filly and colt loves what I am about to do!"

Galexia Night stuck her tongue out, and her head shook up and down so that meant yes from what Pinkie Pie had assumed from the little filly who was still inaudible at the moment.

Pinkie Pie took her hoof, and booped the little filly's nose. And it somehow went Honk! The little filly gasped, and giggled loudly. Galexia Night had loved the thing Pinkie Pie had done to her little nose! It was so funny and she absolutely loved it!

Starry Night had trotted over to Pinkie Pie and chuckled. "I see she likes you already Miss Pinkie Pie, if I am correct from what I saw across the room?" She gave Pinkie Pie a big smile, letting her know that their little filly was for sure entertained by the pink pony.

Pinkie Pie smiled happily, and bounced up and down. "You betcha! Every little pony loves when I do that! Can she talk yet? I wanna see if she can talk! Let me! Let me! PLEASE?!" She asked, really wanting to see if the young one year old was able to talk already. She knew she probably couldn't, but it was worth a try! Right?

Starry Night frowned a bit. "She cannot talk yet, but I mean you could try to get her to talk! We've tried so much, but not much progress yet. Go ahead! See if she can say Pinkie Pie!" She thought it would be really hard, or even impossible to try to get her to talk yet. But I mean hey! Still it's worth a try!

Pinkie Pie chuckled and looked over the crib. "Hey little filly! Can you say the name Pinkie Pie? Come on! I'll help you say it! It is really easy to say! Just learn how to say Pinkie then the word Pie! It's really easy!"

Galexia Night just looked up at her and her mouth opened up slowly and a small noise emitted from her mouth. "P-Pink.. Pink!" She exclaimed, and jumped up a little in surprise.

Pinkie Pie gasped. "Good good! Keep trying, now try to say the word Pinkie! Just add the letters I and e to the end of Pink!"

Galexia nodded. "Pinki.... Pinkie? Pinkie!" She exclaimed, getting close to saying the full name of the pink pony in front of her!

Pinkie Pie was so happy! She was almost about to say a full name of a pony! And that pony was going to be HER! "Now all that you have to do is say Pie after it! Ready?"

At the same time both Pinkie Pie and Galexia Night said "Pinkie.... Pie!"

Galexia Night had done it, she had said her first words. Pinkie Pie.