Elements of Heroism: Season 4

by Bahamut0

Interlude: Rainbow Rocks Part 2

Equestria. Twilight's library.
Ace hummed to himself as he helped Twilight organize the books. However, he noticed one book seemed to be buzzing,a nd brought it before Twilight. "Any clue as to what's making it buzz?"

"Easy. This journal's enchanted." Twilight said as she opened the journal, and read Sunset's message. "Looks like I'm headed to the mirror world.

Ace stopped her. "Wait. You were there last time. Did you see anyone who looked like me or my brothers?"

"Actually, I only saw counterparts of Burst, Inferno, Steel, Akage, Ty, and North." Twilight answered. "But it might be a bit weird if all of you guys went through with me."

"Then how about only a few of us go?" Ace asked. "Fang will probably want to see how he looks without wolf ears and a tail. Plus, Venus might want to tag along too. Plus, it won't hurt for you to have some extra backup."

Twilight smiled. "Well, I guess it's better than only heading in with Spike this time. I wonder what he'll be this time?" Soon enough, the group had assembled and went through the mirror. Twilight was surprised to see Spiek had changed from a dog into a fellow teenager. "Well at least I don't have to hide him in my backpack anymore. Sunset? Can you brief me on what's been going on?"

Sunset told Twilight all about the Dazzlings and how they were causing strife between the students. Twilight recognized them as the sirens. "So this is where Starswirl banished them to. And now because of me they've got a chance to wreak havoc again." Sunset then noticed Ace, Venus, and Fang. "So..who are these three who came with you?"

"These are some friends of our home's Burst Stream." Twilight said with a smile. "They're part of a team called the Elements of Heroism." She then pointed to each of them. "This is Ace, Venus, and Fang." Ace and Venus greeted Sunset, but Fang was too happy to finally be rid of his wolf ears and tail.

"So there's three of these sirens here." Ace noted. "You remember what they look like?" Sunset listed the descriptions of each of the sirens. "Alright. Venus? Fang? The three of us are gonna split up. We'll keep tabs on the sirens, and report back to Twilight and the girls. We'll meet back once we find them." And with that, the three of them split up. Each of them hoping to find at least one of the Dazzlings and tail them. At the same time, Burst was walking Moon to class.

"Sleep well last night?" Burst asked.

Nightmare smiled. "First time in a long time. I really can't thank you enough for letting me stay at your home." She then pulled Burst into a quick hug. "It's the most kindness I've ever experienced in a long time."

Burst blushed slightly as Nightmare released her hold on him. "Well, we'd better head inside. It's time I introduce you to my friends." Burst led Nightmare inside. However, an unpleasant sight awaited them. Night Terror was standing in their way.

"You...." Night Terror growled as he glared at Burst. "It was you! You took my lovely Nightmare from me!"

Burst stood his ground. "You lost the right to keep her by ignoring how she felt. If you ever truly loved her, then maybe you'd have paid attention to her emotional needs. What you two had was bound to be a toxic relationship."

"ENOUGH LIES!" Night Terror screamed! "She belongs with me! Forever in our darkness!"

Nightmare Moon stepped forth, and glared daggers at Night Terror. "No. I don't belong to you. What Burst said wasn't a lie. You didn't believe that I didn't feel sad or angry anymore. You said I was just going through a phase. Staying with you made kept me stuck in the past. Because I was so scared of being alone. Now I'm not scared anymore. Now get out of my way. Or I'll show you how true to my name I am." Night Terror backed off in complete denial of the scene. Nightmare Moon breathed heavily as she saw him leave. "You have no idea how good that felt." Burst just smiled as he led Moon to each of the guys.

Meanwhile, Night Terror sought out the Dazzlings, and found them. "I noticed you caused some strife during your first performance."

"What of it?" Adagio asked with a smirk.

A savage grin crept onto Night Terror's face. "That's the kind of sound I want to spread! The sound I want people to know around my presence!" Night Terror clenched his fist! "A sound to bring my enemies to their knees! My band and I are at your service. You take care of the singing. We'll handle the instrumentals. Our sound and fury unified."

"I suppose you bring a valid point. Very well." Adagio said with a shrug. "But know this. We'll be keeping an eye on you. Forgive me for saying this, but you seem a little out of your head."

Night Terror scowled. "So be it. As long as I get to crush the one who has wronged me so." And with that, Night Terror left.

"I think this guy's gonna mean trouble for us." Aria stated as soon as Night Terror left. "Sure. He's a good source of negativity. But there's something odd about it. Almost like he's literally composed of negativity."

Sonata nervously rubbed her arms. "Dagi? I don't think it's such a good idea to trust this guy. He seems so scary."

Adagio sighed. "Look. Let's be honest. Our voices alone will only get us so far. An little instruemental assistance would be good. And with a little dark power to boost them, they should also have a bit of a boost to their playing. But I can tell that guy's unstable. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I need some thinking space." And with that, the three split up. As Adagio walked the halls of CHS, she found plenty of students screaming in adoration. Many asking for her to sing once again. "Well, who am I to disappoint my adoring public?" Adagio began to sing. However, her performance caught the interest of a visitor to this world.

Venus was scouting CHS for the sirens, and heard Adagio's singing. He saw the faint glow around Adagio's necklace as she fed on the adoration of the students. Venus knew that the singing was causing so much trouble, but he also couldn't deny the fact that it was indeed beautiful. Venus then snuck up to Adagio and started dancing with her as she moved her body to the song. Adagio noticed Venus, and smirked as she began to pick up her pace. Venus all too happily matched it. Adagio's smirk soon melted into a genuine smile. 'This one's quite spirited.' She thought as Venus grabbed onto her as they danced. "Well. Someone certainly knows how to live." Adagio said with a smile as the performance ended.

"Well, we're only around for so long." Venus said with a smile. "Might as well live as much as we can. Plus, I like a girl who's got a lot of spirit in her. Might I have your name?"

"Adagio." Adagio said as she extened her hand. "Adagio Dazzle."

"I'm Venus." Venus said with a smile as he kissed Adagio's hand. "Until we meet again." Venus walked off. And for the first time, Adagio blushed. Normally she was used to being the flirt. And she smiled. It was fun meeting someone with such spirit. At the same time, Sonata was sitting alone eating her lunch. As per usual, it was a taco.

Sonata let out a sigh. While she was here with her sisters, she still felt alone. Namely because they looked down on her so much. They always acted so mean. Saying she was the worst. Calling her useless. "Maybe they're right." At the same time, Ace had spotted her in his search. Because he was a fellow resident from Equestria, he could sense Sonata wasn't from this world. Considering the fact she wasn't doing anything hostile at the moment, he decided to sit down with her. Namely because she looked sad. Not the look you'd expect from one who had ambitions of world domination.

"Feeling down?" Ace asked a he sat down with Sonata.

Sonata jumped a little, but settled down and nodded. "Just a bit of a family issue. That's all."

"I can relate." Ace said with a small smile. "I've got two brothers back home. We drive each other crazy, but that's part of being a family. And there's no other way we'd have it. That's family for you. It means taking the good with the bad."

Sonata slowly smiled as she remembered the good times she'd had with her sisters. "Yeah." Sonata then turned to Ace, and hugged him tightly. "Thanks. It was nice having someone talk to me. I'm Sonata."

"Name's Ace." Ace said with a smile. "My ears are always ready to listen." Ace walked away. 'So this is how Burst felt when he spent time with Moon. It fees nice. Maybe...me, Venus and Fang can get them to change.'

Meanwhile, Aria Blaze was in a foul mood. But then again, this was nothing new. She hated being banished. She hated being stuck in this world. Not to mention feeling like she was starving. They were stuck in a new world, but their bodies were still bound by their workings back in Equestria. At the same time, Fang had picked up on Aria's scent. And he also noticed her foul mood. He then decided to follow her. It didn't go unnoticed by Aria. Out of the corner of her eye, she caugh sight of the wolf ears on Fang's hoodie. 'Looks like I'm being tailed.' As she continued on her way, she noticed Fang kept sticking with her no matter how hard she tried to ditch her. Realizing the futility of her efforts, Aria stopped in her tracks. "Alright. You can stop tailing me. I've tried ditching you, and it's not working. So what do you want?"

Fang stepped forward. "You seemed like you were in a bad mood."

"Oh gee. Really?" Aria asked with a roll of her eyes. "What tipped you off?"

Fang blinked. "The fact that you look like you haven't smiled in a while."

"Yeah? Well it's not like I've had a reason to smile." Aria said with a frown. "...Not in a long time at least."

Fang's eyes then lit up. "Well...maybe I can give you a reason to smile again?"

"You?" Aria let out a laugh. "Nice try. I haven't smiled in years. What could you do?"

"Hey. I tailed you for quite a while. You think I'm gonna give up now?" Fang asked with a smirk.

Aria returned the smirk. "Alright. Let's see what you've got." Fang turned on the puppy dog eyes. And Aria's smirk crumbled into an actual smile. "You don't give up, do you?"

"Nope!" Fang said with a smile.

Aria let out a chuckle. "Never thought I'd meet a guy who didn't run the second I frowned at 'im." Aria then scratched one of the ears on Fang's hoodie. "Good boy." Aria walked off, and soon met with her sisters.

"You sure look happier." Sonata noted. She braced for Aria to snap at her, but was surprised when Aria let out a chuckle.

"I guess I found a reason to smile." Aria said with a smile. "I guess I found someone to enjoy the world with after we win."

Adagio giggled. "Seems we all have. But first? We've got a battle of the bands to win. Maybe we'll see our newfound fans cheering us on." The Dazzlings left to prepare, and gave a portion of dark power to Night Terror and his goons. The sound and fury would be raging soon enough.