Lights Will Guide You Home

by Royale With Cheese

The Light

Dear little pony, you are being risen up. You were having troubles with depression, and you took your own life away from you. I would ask you 'What were you thinking?'.

But, I will not judge, life is hard, and you're heading up to a better place now. A place where you will never have any troubles at all and everyone will be happy that you're there. A place where your light shines down and makes everyone else feel happy. Although you will be missed by your fellow friends and family. You will be a beacon of hope for those whose life isn't the most desirable.

Although, your friends are grieving about you being gone, they will remember their best memories of you, and cherish them with others. They will always smile and shed a tear whenever they're telling the same old good story about you over and over again.

I've never met you my dear pony, but I can hear what your friends said about you when you passed. You were a pony who liked to make others laugh, someone who had an amazing brilliance and a radiant wonder. I like ponies like you, a pony who makes others feel good when they're feeling down. I wish I met you sooner.

As you are rising up, you will start to see the beautiful wonders of my creation. It's like how everyone imagines it, but they don't believe it, until they really see it. You would want to tell all of your friends and family of how beautiful it is up here, but sadly you can't. But, they will know that you will be safe up here, they know that you'll be in good hooves with me.

My little pony, you have now grown wings. Beautiful, soft, white vibrant wings that gleam against my sunlight. You are now an angel, even though you were already one to begin with. The wings are a symbol of my great care. These wings serve as my great power and loving care for ponies.

Next, you have a bright gold halo glowing and hovering above your head, which means you are now glory and glory means that you are the splendor and bliss that is about to enter this heaven of mine.

Now, that you are gone and have reached up to the heavens. You can now look down at the earth, look down at your friends and family grieving over you. Grieving isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign that they care. You won't know how much anyone loves you until you die. See? Look, they are crying over you, they wish that you didn't die, and they certainly wish that you were with them, and you can be with them, spiritually. You can make them feel like they are getting hugged by your angel wings without them feeling it.

Whenever they think about you, you will be there with them, thinking along. It's a great spiritual thing, then you wrap their wings around them. There we go, they wouldn't know that they just got hugged by your angel wings, but you were there with them.

Those ponies, your friends and family, know that you're in a better place right now, wrapped in eternal joy and comfort. They all know that you deserve eternal happiness, I know that too. You will get it, and you will be joining others that are also wrapped in it.

When your family and friends time arrives, I will immediately bring them to you, so you can share each other's utter joy when you see each other. Giving each other hugs, affection and the kind words they wanted to say to you when they didn't get the chance too.

They will know that you'll be smiling down at them, they would be smiling back, staring into the sky, and they will try to talk to you, ask you questions like "How are you, my dear friend? I miss you lots...". They can't hear your answer, but they'll know that you're doing great and that you miss them too. They will point up to the sky every time something reminds them of you and think of that one time when that object or place was made as a good memory.

You were such a good friend to them my dearest pony. They cannot find anyone who can replace you. Take that as a compliment. It might not sound like one, but do you really think they can find someone else who had the amazing brilliance and the radiant wonder like you did? No, they can't, and that's why you will always be the special pony in their hearts.

Even the friends of your friends are grieving upon you. The ponies that didn't or barely knew you. The stories that your friends told about you made them wish that they also knew you.

My little pony, your friends will have tough days when the sun doesn't shine on them, and they won't know that their friend is hugging them with their soft, vibrant angel wings, but they will feel your soul trying to comfort them. They will have good days, days where they will smile at the most. You will be smiling down at them and they will be smiling up at you, knowing that you are looking down at them, smiling big as ever at whatever it is they're doing.

Now my little angel, you have stopped floating and you are finally up to the heavens. Take a look around. This will be your new home, just like what your friends said, you're in a safe place now, and it is a safe place. A place where you can be happy and look down at your friends, smiling and laughing along with them. It will be like that you were there with them.

Go along little angel. Fly! Use those angel wings of yours! You're free from your troubles! You know where to go, it's easy. Just follow the lights. The lights will guide you home.