Pipsqueak's Big Brother

by Nightspawn

Now with Hogan's Heroes references

On the last episode of Dragon ball Z The explanation about the fate of Duskshield held up for several weeks. This is the story of when and how it would no longer suffice.
At the Crystal Imperial School of Scholarly Things there were two new teachers; Mr. Klink, a unicorn whose talent was butchering the violin, and Mr. Schultz, a rather large, grey, earth pony.
Pipsqueak was in Mr. Schultz's class. Across the hallway he could hear the ear-bleeding torture that was Klink's violin playing. After what felt like an eternity, the screeching was silenced by the much more melodically sounding school-bell.
"Okay,class now for homework, over the weekend for Homework I want you to find out about your ancestors, and tell me about them, They can be on either your father or mother's side." Mr Schultz, proclaimed while everypony was packing up.
As this was happening Pipsqueak was wondering, if he should do his (adopted) mother or father's side, when suddenly he realized he had a question for his teacher. "Um, Mr. Schultz, sir?" he (pipsqueak) asked fervently.Mr Schultz turned around and saluted the young colt whilst saying " Jawohl Herr pipsqueak".
Now was Pip's chance "So if we were adopted, would we do our foster parents?" he asked.
To which Mr. Schultz had a laugh that, (combined with his rather large bulk) made him resemble Santa Claus, "Of Course" he said.
It was then he decided who side of the family to choose, But it wouldn't be as simple as asking Duskshield Everfree, given that he was, well, Deceased.
Considering that previous attempts on receiving information about him from his mother seemed to result in tears and being told he wasn't old enough yet. As pipsqueak paced back and forth in his room, thinking about how to solve this dilemma, there was a knock at the door. It was then that Doodle-Doo came home from, well whatever he did when he went to work. As Doodle-Doo put his silver and green scarf down Pip got an idea.