//------------------------------// // Episode 12: Laughing in Stride // Story: Elements of Heroism: Season 4 // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// It began as any other morning for Akage. With Pinkie Pie bouncing him to wake him up. Most people would have freaked out with such a hyper girl pouncing on them to wake them up. But being a ninja, Akage was used to expecting the unexpected. Something he found incredibly charming about Pinkie since she was so random. In fact, it was part of why he loved her. "I was wondering when you'd decide to pounce." Akage said with a small smile as he got up and Pinkie slid off of him. "Morning Pinkie." "Mornin' Akage!" Pinkie chirped as she instantly changed into her usual clothes! Akage had learned quickly not to question how Pinkie was able to do what she did. "Today's a pretty big day! I've gotta plan Rainbow Dash's Birth-a-versary!" Akage blinked. "Isn't that the same thing as her birthday?" "Nope! Rainbow Dash's birthday is the same day she came to town!" Pinkie answered. "So...I decided to mash both occasions together in one awesome party! C'mon! We've gotta get things ready!" Akage leaped to his feet, and changed into his ninja garb before teleporting himself and Pinkie to the site of the party. "Just tell me what you need." Akage said with a smirk as he cracked his knuckles. "I'll get it in a few seconds." Akage took the list Pinkie gave him, and zipped off. Returning mere moments later with the items needed to get the party started. And with his efforts and Pinkie's, the party was set up in almost no time at all. Sure enough, the party began. However, a mysterious figure showed up and started to one-up Pinkie's party! "I don't know who this guy is, but I'll say he knows how to party. Just who is he?" Cheese Sandwich then zipped up to Akage, and handed him his card. "Um, thanks!" Akage looked at the card. "Huh. Looks like he's in the party business too." Akage then noticed everyone going away from the party Pinkie had placed. "Oh man..." Akage walked up to Pinkie and put a hand on her back. "Hey, Pinkie...why so sad?" Pinkie sighed. "You and I worked so hard to get Rainbow Dash's party ready. And then Cheese Sandwich comes along, and everyone decides to leave for the party he started." Pinkie's eyes then began to tear up. "Well, maybe he just doesn't know how this made you feel." Akage said with a small smile. "Why not talk to him about it? You just might make a new friend." Pinkie slowly smiled. "Thanks Akage." She then embraced him in a tight hug. "You know how to make people smile when things get serious." And with that, Pinkie and Akage went over to Cheese Sandwich. When he heard about how his arrival had upset Pinkie, he promptly apologized. Namely because Pinkie was the whole reason why he'd become a party planner due to how much joy she'd brought to other people. "I'm sorry if my partying made you upset." Cheese said in shame as he scratched his head. "I really just wanted to show you just how much you making happy inspired me." Pinkie beamed and scooped him up into a hug! "Awww~! That's so sweet!" It was then that she got an idea. "OH! Wanna crank the party up to one hundred by combining our party plans?" Akage let out a chuckle as he saw the two professional partiers go all-out for Rainbow Dash's celebration. Cheese even gave Pinkie his prized ruber chicken as a parting gift before leaving. "You know? I'm glad I'm me. Especially since I make people smile so much!" Akage smiled as he wrapped his arms around Pinkie. "I can vouch for that. Seeing you happy makes me smile too." He then pulled Pinkie into a kiss. "That...was my first one..." Akage said with a blush. "Hope that wasn't too fast for you." "Actually, I've been looking for someone who knows how to slow down in life." Pinkie said with a giggle as she kissed Akage in return! "Speaking of slowing down..." Pinkie let out a yawn. "I'm spent, and I could really use some sleep. Care to snuggle with me?" Akage blinked before instantly replying. "Yes." He then carried Pinkie on his back, and the two soon retired to their room. Slumbering happily in each other's arms. And the next morning, Akage woke with a smile when he saw Pinkie's sleeping form. 'I kinda feel bad that I gotta wake her up. But knowing her, she'll probably spring to her feet at the slightest motion.' Akage gently nuzzled Pinkie awake, and was surprised to see her slowly open her eyes as she smiled at him. "Good morning." "Mornin' Akage!" Pinkie chirped as she leaped out of bed, and quickly changed. "I'll be downstairs getting breakfast ready! Come down when you're changed." Akage smiled as Pinkie left, but was soon surprised by her calling for him. "Uh, Akage? There's some people here who wanna talk to you." Akage had a puzzled look on his face as he ventured down the stairs. And his eyes went wide in shock at the guests who had business with him! They were two men clothed in ninja garb just like Akage! And on the front of their uniforms was the symbol of his clan! The two bowed before one spoke. "Young Master." The green-skinned one spoke. "There is a matter of grave importance concerning your family. Your father requested that you be summoned immediately." "...What happened?" Akage asked. The purple-haired one answered next. "Your father will inform you upon your return home. But time is not on our side young master. We must depart immediately." "Alright." Akage said with a serious gaze before turning to Pinkie. "Pinkie. I need to go home. I don't know when I'll be back." He then caressed Pinkie's face. "I'm happy...that I got to see you smile before I go. Don't stop smiling Pinkie." Akage then wrapped his scarf around his neck. "Farewell." Pinkie reached out, but Akage and his fellow clan members vansihed in a puff of smoke! Akage soon found himself on a boat bound for Neighpon. 'What could happen that father would ask for me so urgently? Shogun's there. Can't he help?' The boat soon came into port, and Akage and his fellow ninja dashed off to the outskirts of their village. What Akage saw rattled him to his core. His clan. His family. They all stood before him. Some wounded while others were huddled together full of hopeful and pleading looks in their eyes. "What....what in the world happened here?! What threat could cause our entire clan to be driven from our village?! Our home?!" "I can answer that my son." Akage's father said. Kaito Strider was one of the strongest leaders in the history of the clan. And Akage had inherited his skills. "The force that drove us out so rapidly was one of our blood." Kaito lowered his head in shame. "Akage...it was Shogun who drove us out." Akage was stunned, and stayed rooted firmly in place. "My brother....why? Why would he attack us?! What reason could he have for driving our clan from our home?!" "Because of you Akage." Kaito said sorrowfully. Akage fell to his knees at this revelation. "Make no mistake Akage. You played no direct part in Shogun's path. However...I suppose I should have forseen this outcome." Katio's mind reflected on when he was training and raising his sons. "Shogun was always so serious and driven. So committed to being the best. I could see how much he coveted the postion of clan leader." A heavy sigh escaped from Kaito's lungs. "That's the exact reason why I chose not to name him as my successor. You Akage, always took everything so calmly. Despite serious times in your life, you always smile through it. But at the same time, I realized you had no interest in leading the clan. A wish I respected when I let you leave home. However, Shogun saw this as his chance. And in your absence, he amassed a number of our clan who shared his ideals of recognition of our clan's efforts to preserve peace and harmony. It was only two days ago that they struck. I'm grateful that he didn't strike down anyone, but he's taken over our home. And as much as I'd prefer to engage him myself, he injured me pretty badly. And the only one who can possibly match his skill is you." Akage took a moment to process this troubling information. But as soon as he comprehended the gravity of the situation, a strange package was brought before him. "Hm?" Akage saw that it was a fairly large present box. "Odd..." Akage reached out to the box, and Pinkie sprung out from the top! "Pinkie?!" Akage was soon trapped under Pinkie as she squeezed him in a hug! "Why...?" "I missed you silly!" Pinkie giggled before looking around her and seeing all of Akage's clan around her. Akage half expected everyone to assume fighting stances, but was surprised when his father burst into a fit of laughter at Pinkie's entrance! "She reminds me of your mother!" Kaito said with a hearty laugh as the rest of the clan joined in. "She always knew how to surprise me!" The clan ceased its laughter as Akage slowly stood up as Pinkie released her hold on him. "So. Who's the girl who got the drop on you?" Akage dusted himself off. "Dad. This is Pinkie. My girlfriend and the Element of Laughter." "Hi!" Pinkie waved at Kaito. "Nice to meet all of you!" And with that, Pinkie set about listing off all her questions about Akage to his father. At the same time, Akage noticed some of the children of his clan crowding around him. "Hey...no need for sad faces." Akage said with a kind smile. "I don't fight well if I see everyone moping about. Don't frown because our home's been taken. Smile because I'm gonna help take it back. Things are gonna get better." The kids slowly began to smile despite the dire circumstances. "That's better." Akage then silently moved down the path to his village. His home. But he was not travelling alone. "Pinkie? Not to sound ungrateful, but just why are you tagging along with me going to fight a bunch of enemy ninjas who are probably going to be trying to kill me?" Pinkie zipped right up to Akage, and clamped her hands on his shoulders. "I love you Akage. And I don't wanna leave you alone." She then rested her head against Akage's chest. "And I don't like seeing you so unhappy. Besides..." Pinkie whipped out her Harmony Keeper. The yo-yo named Joy's Wrath. "I'll be able to hold my own too! Now let's kick some ninja butt!" Akage gave Pinkie a small smile before dashing right up to the front gate of the village, and knocking it down! Ase he'd expected, a squad of Shogun's rogue ninjas had leaped out of their hiding places! Akage responded swiftly by hurling a storm of throwing stars at this incoming foes! Quickly grounding them while Akage incapacitated them with almost blindingly fast strikes from his sword! Several more enemy ninjas rushed Akage, but were quickly ensnared by Pinkie's yo-yo! "Uh-uh! You're not gonna hurt my Akage!" Pinkie then tugged on the string of Joy's Wrath, and the ninjas were spiralling out of control before falling to the floor from diziness! More ninja grunts showed up as Akage and Pinkie made their way to the main Leader's House, and Pinkie quickly took them down by hurling her yo-yo at all in their way! Satisfied that his path was clear, Akage threw the doors to the building open! Before him stood a young man who resembled him except his hair was blue and his ninja garb was grey. "Shogun." Shogun slowly rose, and stared Akage down. "I was wondering when father would have you come running Akage. Just what made him choose you? You never took anything seriously. Always going about so carefree and burdenless. You could never hope to understand the weight of being a leader." "You're right. I don't"." Akage said sternly. "But I'm friends with one who knows that weight incredibly well. A weight you've let dominate your life. Is there nothing left for you to live for?" Shogun steeled his gaze as he drew his sword. "There is. I live for being recognized. I despise being confined to the shadows. It's high time our clan step into the light! And that those who would do harm know that we are here! That there is no place for them to hide!" "And then we'll have no place to hide once we're revealed!" Akage spat as he drew his sword! "I'll do what I must to protect my clan." Akage then got into a dueling stance. Shogun frowned, and charged at Akage! Their swords instantly clashing and sparks flying from the clashing of steel! The two then took the fight outside! The clanging of their blades rang through the silent village as they clashed across the rooftops! Mixing things up, Shogun hurled kunai at Akage and aiming at his feet! Akage's speed served him well in avoiding the storm of projectiles flying at him, and responded in kind by hurling shuriken at Shogun who blocked them with his blade! "Take this!" Akage leaped into the air to strike at Shgoun! However, Shogun saw this coming and ensnared one of Akage's legs with a chain and reeled him in with a tug and slashed at Akage's back! "AGH!" Akage was then thrown to the ground by Shogun! "MY BLADE SHALL BE YOUR GRAVE MARKER!" Shogun screamed as he came crashing down at Akage! Akage cut the chain that had ensnared him, and rolled out of the way when Shogun landed! "There's no place you can hide!" Shogun's blade glowed with a white aura, and fired a beam out of it! Rendering Akage immobile! Much to Akage's shock, his shadow was replaced by a white circle of light! "This is the foil to the stealth of our tactics! The Art of Binding!" Shogun then dashed at Akage, and slashed at Akage's side! The circle under Akage, and he fell to a knee! Tearing his garb's top so he could stop the bleeding from his wound! "This is the power of stepping out of the shadows." Shogun was prepared to strike again, but four crimson orbs sprung from the village's shrine! Blocking Shogun from striking! The orbs then took the form of the ancestors of his and Akage's clan! "Ancestors...why do you block my attack?! Why do you defend this disgrace?!" "It is not he who is the disgrace." The four spirits answered. "Rather, it is you." Shogun was stunned to hear this! "While it is true that a ninja's life is one of dedication, secrecy, stealth, and vigilance, there is so much more than that. A life beyond training and stealth. A life that you have forsaken in your ambition. And it is why we bestow our gifts, our Duelist Arms, upon this young ninja." The spirits then vansihed, and four weapons broke free of their stone seals and flew to Akage. One was a bow that shot arrows of plasma, another was a set of plasma claws, yet another was a crimson chain. But the last one was a katana with a plasma blade. Akage stared at the weapons he was now armed with. "The arms of our ancestors. The traditional weapons of the ninja given new life. Tools of the Trade." Akage then got into a fighting stance. "You've got style with these new techniques. But let's see if they can stand up to weapons that have both style and substance!" Shogun frantically threw what was left of his chain in an attempt to ensnare Akage once again, but Akage used his plasma claws to slice through it like butter! Akage then deactivated his plasma claws, and raised his plasma katana at Shogun. "It's over Shogun. There's no need to carry on like this. Lower your blade, and we can talk to father about this." "Never." Shogun said defiantly as he leaped into the air and swung his blade down! Only for the his own blade to be cut in two by an instant slash by Akage! "Then there's only one way to make you see your error." Akage said as he focused his spiritual energy. "Art of the Crimson Shadow!" A crimson aura surrounded Akage, and he drew the string of his bow! A plasma arrow struck Shogun's shadow turning it crimson and held him in place! Akage then rushed Shogun with a series of swipes from his claws! Shogun was misguided, but he was far from over. Thus, only the sting of the claws was felt. Akage then ended the duel with one critical strike from his plasma katana! "Through the shadows...now you see." Akage then sheathed his weapons, and looked to Shogun. A crimson aura cloaked both him and Akage, and the rest of the world seemed absent. "You were right when you said I didn't understand what it meant to be a leader. That's because I never desired to be one. But you were so driven to be one, did you ever stop to ask if you were becoming someone anyone would want to follow?" Shogun let out a small laugh. "It's funny. One of us wanted to be the head of the clan so badly, and the other didn't. I was a fool. Now that I think about it, if I had my way, we'd have no privacy." "Glad you wised up." Akage said as he slapped Shogun on the back. "Yeah. You messed up. But hey! At least we're both laughing about it now!" The crimson aura then faded, and both Akage and Shogun fell onto their backs laughing about how all this craziness was wrought. "You wanna be a good leader some day Shogun? Learn to lighten up." "...Dad's still gonna ground me for a year isn't he?" Shogun asked. Akage nodded. "Yup." "Thought so." Shogun said with an exhausted smile as Akage left to inform his father of the news. Soon enough, Akage and Pinkie were on a boat back to Ponyville. "You know? I'm glad you came with me Pinkie." Akage said with a smile as he held Pinkie tight. "Seeing you gives me a reason to smile." Pinkie nuzzled against Akage. "You give me a reason to laugh. Especially when how cute you are when blushing." Pinkie then caught sight of a slight blush on Akage's face and giggled. "Just like now." Akage slowly smiled as he kissed Pinkie on the neck before nuzzling. "What can I say? You're why I take my smiles seriously."