//------------------------------// // the slaughter, and death of the carribou // Story: The Lunar Engineer // by Randomfastreader //------------------------------// The first thing that happened after Luna heard those words, was Luna said, "Celestia you know what this means correct, we ARE going to war?" And naturally Celestia still shocked said, "Kill them, kill them all!" "Well there goes avoiding it however this will be fun!" Luna then walked out and said in the royal Everfree voice, "ATTENTION, MY SISTER IS NO LONGER PURE, SHE HAS BEEN RAPED AND FORCED TO DO UNSPEAKABLE ACTS BY THE CARRIBOU. THEREFORE, EQUESTIRIA IS NO LONGER UNDER A ROLE OF PEACEFULLY LETTING THIS STAND. IN OTHER TERMS MY FELLOW EQUESTIRANS WE ARE AT WAR!!!!" Suddenly the sun turned blood red, and unknown to all standing there as it was currently day, when the night came the moon would be red, thus informing the world that the fury of Equestria was about to be unleashed. Luna continued, "MY FELLOW EQUESTIRANS AS MY SISTER IS CURRENTLY UNFIT TO RULE AND SINCE POLLICY DICTATES IN A TIME OF WAR WE MOVE FROM A PRINCESS TO A QUEEN, I AM HENSEFORTH TAKEING THE MANTLE OF QUEEN OF EQUESTIRIA. AS THIS IS NOW CONCLUDED, I WOULD HOPE THAT OUR ALLIES WOULD AID US IN THIS TIME OF TRAGITY, AND HELP US TO TAKE JUSTICE TO THE CARRIBOU!" Both the giant Dragon and the Griffions all yelled, "IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA, AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, WE STAND!" "AS THEIR ALLEGINCE IS NOW CONFIRMED ALL TROOPS FORM UP!" The mighty forces of Equestria proceeded to get together, and got into ranks. "FORWARD MARCH!!! LEFT, LEFT, LEFT RIGHT LEFT!" In perfect sync, the troops of Equestria marched forward a sight which would strike fear into any caribou present, which there were a few spies that were remaining, to see how badly Dainn failed, and as they now sent their reports to their commanding officers and committed suicide, the caribou now were well and truly terrified, however they knew they deserved this, for messing with the force of Equestria. Thus began the biggest invasion the world of Equis had ever known (so far). The defenses of the caribou were much stronger than the makeshift ones around Canterlot, they had a large wall and a giant shield made by runes, this shield was the main thing that would provide a problem, as even a continued siege with all of the weapons at Luna's disposal would not be enough to break it, thankfully Luna had brought Celestia with her as Celestia had said, "I want to see them all die with my very eyes" So Luna had to ask the question, "Celestia, in the name of retribution against the caribou do you think you could preform a solar strike on the shield?" "Certainly Luna just allow me to perform the proper precautions." Luna then addressed the forces, "ATTENTION, COMPRESS AND PREPARE TO FORM SHEILDS!" Quickly all of the unicorns began drawing shield runes around the perimeter of the camp, and at the same time the leader of the griffons walked up to Luna, and asked, "Queen Luna are you really going to authorize a solar strike against the caribou?" "Yes I am they defiled my sister, we have every right to do so." "I understand however are you sure this wouldn't kill all of us too?" "No it will not kill all of us it is not as devastating as a lunar strike at least, actually I retract that it is but it is more concentrated. A lunar strike would kill everyone, caribou and us included, but a solar strike will not, honestly the only reason why we even are here anymore is so Celestia can get her aim right and so that we can witness what happens to people who mess with Equestria, as the only other time that this has been performed was against, the humans when they tried to invade Equestria." "Ok, actually where are the Minotars?" "They are staying behind in Canterlot to protect it." Celestia then walked up and stated, "Luna we're ready, the forces have retreated inside of the shield, and the preparations are prepared" (a/n, What is about to happen is actually not originally my idea, I "borrowed" the idea from a fellow writer and changed some things, sorry but I have no other idea for how they would punch through the barrier, and also this is Equestria's version of an atomic bomb.) Luna responded with, "FIRE AT WILL!" Then Celestia began, she lit her horn and drew a portion of plasma from the center of her sun, bringing it into a tightly condensed ball, then she condensed it even more, again and again until it was a extremely highly concentrated ball, around the size of a pebble, and with the density of a piece of a neutron star, she then directed it towards the shield, it was around a five minute flight, and Celestia began counting down, "T-TEN!, NINE!, EIGHT," it was now entering Equis's sphere of influence, "SEVEN!, SIX!, FIVE!, FOUR!," it was now just passing Luna's moon, "THREE!, TWO!" it was now entering the atmosphere, "One!, BRACE!, ZERO!!" At near light speed the solar strike impacted the ground, and exploded. With the force of a ANTIMATTER bomb, the solar strike decimated the caribou's capital, the shield was shredded, but the Equestrian's shield held strong, and the blast was deflected up and over their forces. The result was a massive crater where the Caribou's capital once was, and assuredly every single caribou was dead. Thus marked the end of the Equestrian's war.