Momodora: Equestrian Adventure

by Whiskas

Chapter 1 - "I refuse to believe this is the afterlife."

Chapter 1 - I refuse to believe this is the afterlife

Kaho's eyes slowly fluttered open. She lifted her head and gasped quietly. All around her, was a desert as far as she could see, but her mind wasn't focusing on that at the moment.

"W-what? I'm alive? But I… I died." Kaho whispered, slowly lifting herself up to a sitting position. The vivid memory of her death, echoed in her thoughts. Her body slowly dissapearing as the curse sinked into it. The look of regret and guilt on the cleansed Queen's face as she looked towards her, before collapsing from exhaustion.

She tried to rub her eyes with her left hoof, but stopped as soon as it came into her view. The mare stared at it silently for a minute before looking at herself to confirm that it was, indeed attached to her body. And upon seeing that she was a small, cream coated, red maned unicorn, with a red leaf on her butt instead of being a normal human girl, Kaho promptly fainted.

"This can't be right. I should be dead and not alive, and I definitely shouldn't be a tiny pony with a horn. Or a… unicorn? I think that's what they're called." Kaho muttered while looking over herself. When she woke up again, she had realized, that she was not dreaming. She even confirmed it by pinching herself with one of her new hooves… somehow. Questioning that fact didn't seem like a good idea at the time, if only to protect her now fragile sanity for longer. Gods knew she was already confused and unstable from her apparent resurrection, and that meant she didn't need other impossible things to keep happening. Kaho took a deep breath.

"Alright, Kaho, calm down. Freaking out won't help. You need to check if you have everything and where you are."

Kaho took off her bow from her back before taking off the bag and looking inside to check what was still in it. She first took out a folded red maple leaf out of it and unfolded it revealing it's massive size. It was half as big as her when she was a human so now it was just a bit bigger than her. Kaho laid it out on the sand and started taking out other items and placing them on it. The priestess turned pony was suprised to see that she still had everything with her, despite the fact that she was stranded in the middle of nowhere. She also noted that the empowering effect of the hibisco tea had worn off, since the leaf she bathed in it, lost it's green color. She sat down on her rump and started muttering.

"Ok… so possibility one is, I died and this is the afterlife. Possibility two is, I haven't died and someone took me here and turned me into a small unicorn that can talk." She sat quietly in thought, ignoring the heat of the sun bearing down on her.

"I refuse to believe that this -" The mare gestured with a hoof to all to the things she saw around herself. Which was a couple of cacti, a big rock and sand. A whole lot of sand. "- Is the afterlife. Therefore I had to have lived through my body dissapearing when I sealed away the curse." Kaho sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Someone had to grab my spirit before I died for real and put me here. Maybe that's why I'm a unicorn? My body was destroyed when I absorbed the curse so… it might be," She said standing up, the sand shifting around her hooves.

"So I still got the whole 'being alive' thing going on for me. But I don't fancy myself dying from dehydration after being saved. I should find some water because I doubt ten bellflowers will last me very long here." And so Kaho moved further into the desert.

Kaho frowned. She was walking for what seems to have been hours now and all she ever saw was sand, rocks, a couple of cacti and more sand. Her throat was getting more and more dry with each minute and she was starting to feel tired already. Her cloak thankfully protected her from most of the heat, but even with it she wouldn't last very long.

"There has to be… a way... To get out this damned desert." She rasped, raising a leg to wipe the sweat of her forehead, which in turn caused her to trip and fall over face first into the ground. She raised her head and spat out the sand that got in her mouth.

"Alright, I need some liquid." She reached out for her bag and opened it, fished a bellflower out of it and threw it into her mouth. She then crushed it with her new equine teeth and breathed out a sigh of relief as the sour juice of the plant flooded her mouth.

"Okay, that's much better," She said after swallowing. A frown appeared on her face shortly after.

"But it won't last long. I've got to keep moving. So much for the idea of a break, I guess."

And so she moved on, further into the desert.

"That was way too close!" Kaho shouted, rolling to the right, narrowly avoiding being hit. Just a minute ago some sort of sand monster rose out of the ground and started attacking her.

She jumped out of the way of an another strike, this one aiming straight for her head.

"This is bad, I can't use the leaf or the bow to fight, and it won't give me time to search for my magic items in the bag."

The mare muttered, backing off slowly while the monster pulled itself together from slamming into the ground where she was seconds ago. She couldn't use her weapons with this new body, as she found out the moment the mass emerged. She was still clumsy on her new hooves, though atleast she already had experience with being a qudraped before.

"Oi, there girl! You need some help with that ugly pile of sand?" A gruff voice called from behind her. She turned around and saw a big, tough looking stallion whose hoof was reaching for the broadsword slung across his back.

"Yes, please!" She shouted back at him before starting to run in his direction.

But the monstrosity decided in that moment, that it was time to stop playing with it's victim, now that it apparently had armed backup and with surprising speed surged forward, it's intent clearly to crush her under it's weight.

In an instinctive reaction, Kaho jumped backwards and unknowingly lighting her horn, tore the gigantic maple leaf from the sacred tree out of her bag and smacked it across the monster's face, bringing it's momentum to zero instantly.

All three of them stopped dead.

The priestess was wondering why the leaf was surrounded in light bronze aura and floating next to her. She did not notice the quiet humming, or her horn glowing the same color.

The alive pile of sand tried to comprehend with what little intelligence it had, how it's prey managed to hurt it with a leaf.

The stallion only stared dumbly at the absurdity of the scene that just played out before him.

They stood quietly like that for a moment.

After a good ten seconds passed someone finally acted. The stallion burst into deep laughter and Kaho shortly followed, giggling despite the situation. The monster slowly retreated into the sand, still unsure of what just happened.

"Sweet Celestia, oh that was priceless girlie! That's the first time I've seen a sand elemental get stopped by an oversized maple leaf!" He shouted, grinning like a madman.

Kaho herself was smiling despite the danger she was just in a few seconds ago.

"What's your name girlie? Where did you come from if you don't mind me asking?" He asked, wiping a tear rolling down his cheek.

The priestess turned her gaze to the stallion who came to her rescue. He was much taller than her and powerfully built and had a yellow coat resembling the shade of sand around them. It was no wonder she didn't see him before he announced his presence. His messy mane was only a few shades darker, and his bright blue eyes were still the twinkling with amusement. His face was… equine-ish. Kaho had no idea if it was supposed to be handsome or not since she was new to this "being a small horse thing". She did however note the curving scar cutting through his face diagonally from upper left to down right. It came dangerously close to his left eye. She then realized he was waiting for an answer.

"I'm Kaho, high priestess from a village named Lun."

The stallion's smile strained a bit and he asked slowly.

"Excuse me for asking but are you one of those zealous types? The ones preaching that Celestia is our one true goddess and demanding they worship her?"

Kaho blinked in surprise, before responding.

"No, this the first time I've heard about this 'Celestia' person. In Lun we worship our own gods that protect the village from harm in exchange. I also know a few others gods that were worshipped in other places but I heard nothing about this 'Celestia'."

The stallion's eyebrows raised and his mouth formed an 'O' as he looked at her.

"Well you just keep getting weirder girlie, let me tell you that. First I find you running away from a sand elemental, then you spontaneously whip out a massive leaf and smack it in the face, and now you're telling me you from a place no one knows who Celestia is." The stallion rubbed his head with his hoof.

Kaho took in a deep breath. If what she was about to say caused the stallion to think she's insane, he might just leave her here, which would not be a preferable course of action. But she decided to risk it and spoke her mind.

"I also believe that I changed bodies. Before I woke up in this desert I was a human. They're bipedal creatures unlike ponies. And also I have no idea how I'm still holding the leaf even though I'm not touching it. And now that I look at also why is the stem glowing bronze?" She asked the last question while moving her face closer to it, in order to inspect it.

The stallion blinked and started intensely staring at Kaho. After a few seconds he reached out with and poked her horn. The horn and the leaf both stopped glowing instantly and the second drifted to the ground soundlessly.

"Alright, I believe you."

This time it was Kaho's turn to stare.

"You actually do?"

"Yeah. No actual unicorn would let a small poke like that stop their telekinesis. My wife told me that. And we live in a magical world girlie. Weird magical phenomenons happen every other week all over the world, which still is largely unexplored."

She sighed in relief.

"Thank you mister…?"

The stallion smacked himself in the face in reaction to her question.

"Oh, where are my manners! I'm terribly sorry girlie! My name is Bold Protector. I'm a guard in my village. I'm on patrol searching for ponies like you that get lost in the desert." Bold spoke offering her a hoof.

"And mine is Kaho. Kaho Reinol." She reached out for it and they shook hooves for a second.

"Well we should head over to my village girlie. I doubt staying in this place for long is a good idea. The sand elementals are known to be a vengeful bunch," Bold said.

Kaho looked back at the spot in which she was nearly crushed a few moments ago.

"Yeah, let's go."

The pair took off into the desert, the high priestess led by the patrolling guard towards his hometown.