//------------------------------// // SPT Chapter 5 // Story: Super Pony Taisen // by Valsion //------------------------------// Super Pony Taisen Chapter 5 Wild Predator Dear Princess Celestia, You will be pleased to know that we have been able to reactivate the Kurogane, the ship can now supply its own power. Spark and Digger have been diligently searching the archives on the bridge of the ship and while they could not find out anything about the former crew of this ship, much to Diggers disappointment, we now have more data about the technology behind the Kurogane. One thing we learned was that the steel statues are actually called: 'Personal Troopers' and that they come in two types. So far we have piloted the so called 'Real Robot' types, smaller, weaker but faster Personal Troopers. The other type are the slow, tough and strong 'Super Robots'. While exploring the Kurogane we have found other hangars and while most of the Personal Troopers stored there are in a very bad shape we can still repair a few of them with the spare parts we have found in the storage area. I hope that we can resolve this crisis quickly before Nightmare Moon causes too much damage but I am certain that, with the help of the Personal Troopers, everything will be alright again soon. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle Spike rolled up the scroll containing Twilight’s status report and send it to the Princess with his fire. It has been one week since the generator of the Kurogane was reactivated, much to the delight of every unicorn on board, and during the whole week Nightmare Moon has not made a single move. Most of the crew were thankful for that but other were nervous; this could just be the calm before the storm. For now the mess hall was full of ponies currently taking a little break, including Twilight and her friends. All chatting and eating in the mess hall ceased as a voice came from above. “Hello, can you hear me? This is Spark speaking, we have found a device that allows me to speak to all ponies on the Kurogane at once. This will surely prove to be very convenient since we don't have to search the entire ship anymore when we need somepony.” Some ponies were searching for the source of Sparks voice as said unicorn continued his announcement. “Anyway, as you all know the past week has been suspiciously calm and some ponies voiced their concern that Nightmare Moon might try to isolate and starve us.” A singe of fear went through the crew members, if that was true then that could mean that Nightmare Moons golems were surrounding the Kurogane, waiting for any supplies to try and make their way to the ship. Before anypony could panic Spark continued with a plan to counter this problem. “To deal with this possible threat we have come up with a plan to secure our supplies. We have readied three more Personal Troopers for repairs, our data shows that these PT's are stronger than the current Gespensts and Schutzwalds we are using, and two of them are capable of flight. One of the flying PT's will get new supplies while the other two will strengthen our defense.” By this point most ponies have calmed down again. After all, with more and even stronger Personal Troopers there was nothing to worry about. “We would like to start repairs as soon as possible so I'd like to ask the repair crews to start immediately after lunch. The new PT's are ready in hangar 2. Team M6, please report to the training room after lunch. This is all for now, Spark over.” Immediately after Spark finished his sentence, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie started to speculate about the new PT's. “Oooh this is so exciting! I bet the new PT's look even cooler than the Gespy's and Waldi's, and I hope they can do all sorts of neat tricks.” “Two of them can fly. It's clear that I get one of them.” The two of them continued their chatter until their lunch break was over. As they made their way to the training room, Twilight tried to imagine what the three PT's that are currently in repair might look like as Applejack pulled her aside. “Can ah talk to ya Twilight?” “Sure, what is it?” “I'm not sure if y'all noticed it, but sometimes ah think Rainbow an Pinkie take the whole thing not serious enough.” Applejack’s expression grew uneasier with every word. “Ah hate to bring it up, but with Nightmare Moon’s golems and our PT's we're basically fightin... a... war.” Twilight almost stopped in shock as Applejack reluctantly breathed out the last word. Was she really too busy gushing over the shiny, cool robots to notice that Equestria, the eternally peaceful nation was on the brink of war? Suddenly she felt sick, realizing that she was somewhat looking forward to testing the new PT's, looking forward to fight. On the other hoof, without the PT's she and her friends would be dead by now, and it was not like they could just ignore Nightmare Moon and her golems. Applejack meanwhile regretted bringing that up, but then again the truth had to be said. Their only hope to avert the worst case scenario was to try and take Nightmare Moon out as fast as possible. Up to now the only ponies really involved are themselves and the other ponies in the Kurogane. They could still prevent anypony else from being dragged into this. Their musing were cut short as Cogwheel greeted them in front of the training room. “Hello girls, are you ready for today's training session?” Almost all of the six were nodding enthusiastically, only Twilight and Applejack looked uneasy, Cogwheel noticed that and asked what was wrong. “Oh, it's nothing Cogwheel, just been thinking a little.” “About what?” “Nothing important.” Twilight blurted her answer out a little harsher than intended, Cogwheel didn't really buy it but he decided not to pursue this any further for now. “Anyway, today's training is gonna be a little more special.” Rainbow Dash immediately perked up at this, she flew directly in front of the mechanic and proudly puffed her chest out. “You mean because of the new PT's? Alright, I'm ready!” “Actually, the pilots for the new PT's are Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Pinkie Pie.” The cyan pegasus was dumbfounded at this. “But, but I'm the best when it comes to flying! Why didn't I get one of the two fliers?” “Simple, the first flier is a long range unit and Pinkie Pie has the best accuracy.” Pinkie Pie started hopping in circles with glee at the prospect of getting a new PT. Twilight and Applejack were a little worried at this; doesn't Pinkie realize that she is basically getting giddy about a weapon? “The other one is unique so far as in being able to transform from a bipedal form to an almost birdlike flying form, making it a good all-rounder, which is also gonna be part of today's special training. And Twilight has proven that she to is a good all-rounder.” Despite the fact that she was still a little shocked from the earlier revelation, Twilight still couldn't help but to wonder about this transformation process. Was this like transformation magic? She highly doubted it but, it still left her mind wandering, which she was thankful for. “And lastly there is one close combat ground unit that’s gonna be perfect for Applejack.” Applejack nodded reluctantly, still not comfortable about the whole situation. “Well then, if you don't have any questions, I'd like to start the training session now. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity will get the usual training. Applejack, your new PT is going to be much harder to handle so you are going to get advanced training. Pinkie Pie, you're going to get a combination of flight and long range practice, and Twilight will get flight training as well as practice for the transformation process.” With the last instructions over, the mares made their way to the simulators to start their training. A few hours later their training was over and while Pinkie Pie mastered the combination of sniping and flying almost naturally, Applejack and Twilight had a lot more trouble adjusting to the changes. Their friends noticed this and Rainbow Dash was the first to ask them what was wrong. “What's the matter with you anyway?” She started, still disappointed that she didn't get one of the new units. “You're getting brand new PT's, shouldn't that cheer you up?” At that point Applejack snapped, with the anger over her friends obliviousness to the big picture running free she started yelling. “Cheer us up? Darn it Dash we're gonna be fightin in the first ever war in the history of Equestria, an now we're s'posed ta get giddy over our new weapons?” The other mares stopped dead in their tracks at Applejack's outburst. Rainbow Dash looked offended and put on a glare of her own. “Hey! I never said I liked what's going on here, I just said the PT's are cool.” The cyan pegasus crossed her arms in front of her chest in a defensive position but Applejack didn't calm down. “An just what are those PT's?” The farmer asked while getting closer to her rainbow maned friend. “Weapons, don't try ta tell me dat's a lie. You just take this whole thing too lightly, this ain't a game Rainbow Dash, an we're not getting new toys here.” Rainbow Dash now had her face directly in front of Applejack's and the two of them were glaring straight into each others eyes, but before Rainbow Dash could counter, the two of them were interrupted by Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie grabbing them and forcing them apart. Pinkie Pie gave them on of her rare scowls. “You should both be ashamed of yourselves. We're friends, we're not supposed to fight, and besides.” At this point the pink party pony smiled again. “You're both right anyway.” The two mares that had been fighting just now were now looking at Pinkie with a puzzled expression on their faces. “It is super bad that this big mean meanypants Nightmare Moon is back and wants to fight us, and the Personal Troopers are not toys, although they would make super awesome action figures.” At this Applejack shot Rainbow Dash a cocky smirk while the cyan pegasus glared at her. Rarity rolled her eyes and continued for Pinkie Pie, who obviously lost her train of thought, a train that never arrives at its intended station. “Anyway, what Pinkie is trying to say is that it's not the PT's that are bad. If we handle them carefully they are knights in shining armor that protect the innocent and deliver justice unto all evildoers.” Rarity's eyes glossed over as she delivered her romanticized vision of the Personal Troopers. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were now looking at each other guiltily, feeling bad for fighting each other while a more serious threat loomed over them. Applejack found it easier to swallow her pride and apologized first. “Sorry Rainbow, ah shouldn't have snapped at ya like an angry rattler.” Rainbow Dash was still a little hesitant. “Apology accepted, and... I'll take this a little more seriously now... promised.” “Apology accepted.” Applejack smiled, she knew that this was probably just Rainbow Dash’s way of saying sorry. Twilight meanwhile started to cheer up again. Her friends were right, they were not to blame for this fight, and neither were the Personal Trooper or the Kurogane. The true culprit was Nightmare Moon, and they are going to stop her once and for all. A few days later the day for Twilight’s departure has come. It was already afternoon. The other girls and their PT's were already making their way out of the cave where the Kurogane was lying. Cogwheel, who also trained to be a PT pilot, would take Twilight’s Gespenst to give the illusion that she was with them. The plan was simple; Cogwheel and the other girls start a diversion, and in the middle of the fight, Twilight would come out with the new PT and immediately go into flight mode and make her way to Ponyville. Spark was giving them a few last instructions over the intercom. “Remember, you don't have to defeat all the golems. Just hold out until Twilight is in the air and retreat immediately. Twilight, you'll wait until Fluttershy and Applejack perform their part of the plan. I just wish we had more time to finish the other two PT's, but we're already dangerously low on food.” As they reached the surface the sand began to shift and a dozen of sand golems shot out of the ground. Rainbow Dash took to the skies and started her first bombing run on the grounded golems; a cluster of three was her first target. The shots from her railgun sent sand flying everywhere. The cores were still active but Rainbow Dash had a followup in mind. She pulled the Guarlion down and flew dangerously low, then a blue force field appeared in front of her while she accelerated to ramming speed. “This is revenge for last time you overgrown sandcastles. SONIC BREAKER!” With a mighty battlecry, the sleek robot rammed the sand golem in the middle of the formation, and the core shattered upon impact. The force of the impact resulted in an explosion that blasted the other golems and send them flying. Applejack looked terrified, her friend was right in the middle of that explosion. Before she could worry any more a blue streak shot out of the flames and into the sky. Applejack let out a relieved sigh and turned back to the other golems. They had carefully rounded up the rest of the golems in a tight group, concentrating on evading their fists and the occasional sand thrown in their direction. Then Cogwheels face appeared at the side of the screen. “Alright girls, now or never.” The mares knew what to do. Rarity and Pinkie Pie activated the split missiles and two slim, black containers that were strapped to the back of their Gespensts shot towards the golems. Before reaching their target those containers opened up and shot several smaller objects forwards. Those missiles were almost like spearheads raining down on the enemy. The multiple explosions shook up and stunned most of the golems and only a hoof-full were still standing upright. This was the signal for Applejack and Fluttershy. They took aim and fired the twin beam cannons at the golems they thought were the most dangerous for Twilight. Twilight meanwhile hated having to stay behind as she watched the battle from the shadows. Everything seemed to go smoothly for her friends, but she still wanted to help. But then again that would threaten the entire plan. They had already sent the Princess a letter with a list of the supplies they needed and how Twilight was supposed to haul them back. They even equipped the new PT with hooks so that she could use steel wires to strap the crates onto the PT. Twilight got ready to move out as she saw Rarity and Pinkie fire the split missiles, her own signal would be next. As two brilliant blue beams were shot from the Schutzwalds, Twilight bolted out of the cave. Her new robot, the Wildraubtier looked a lot like a white Gespenst only a lot slimmer in design. Just underneath the 'chin' was a red, hollow armor plate. The shoulders were not standing out as much as a Gespensts, and the hands and feet were not covered by the thick gloves and boots; Instead, there were just small turbines on the each side of its feet. On the Wildraubtier’s back were two panels, each with a large fin attached to it. In its hands it held a hyperbeam rifle that was almost as long as the Wildraubtier was tall and as thin as its arms. The still recovering golems barely had any time to register the newcomer before she took into the air. As soon as the Wildraubtier reached sufficient height it attached the hyper beam rifle underneath its right arm. Afterwards the arms folded together in front of the robot, and the panels on its back were brought to the sides of the Wildraubtier, and the fins folded out so they stuck out at the sides with smaller fins sticking out of the back. Next were the legs; They bent towards the back of the Wildraubtier and then bent again at the knees so the feet still pointed down. Lastly the head bent backwards together with the red armor plate on its chest and the plate went over the Wildraubtier’s head, completely covering the face. The bridge crew of the Kurogane watched the entire process using the cameras of the other PT's and cheered as the transformation was confirmed successful, and Twilight was smoothly soaring through the sky. Spark opened up a communication channel. “Congratulations Twilight! Now fly to Ponyville and get the supplies quickly. I hope they got everything ready in time.” “Alright, I'll be back soon so please hold out until then. Bye and good luck to you.” The rest of team M6 joined in. “See ya'll later sugarcube, tell ma family ah said hi.” “When you are in Ponyville, could you be a darling and fetch me my facial cream?” “Alright, time for you to set a speed record from the Kurogane to Ponyville so I can break it.” “Please be careful, and.. could you see if my animals are alright. If that's okay with you I mean.” “Whoohoo, go Twilight! You have to remember the cake and the party decorations for your welcome back party. First I wanted to make it a surprise party but you have to get the cake and decorations so you would know there's a party...” Pinkie Pie continued to motormouth as Twilight was already flying towards Ponyville. The unicorn pilot was flying as fast as she could over the dunes. Occasionally a sand golem would rise from the ground but she was already gone before they were even fully formed. Her friends were counting on her and there was nothing in the world that could stop her now. After flying the entire night, the sands vanished and the Everfree Forest came into view. She would be back in Ponyville shortly. Every single pony in Ponyville was on the edge. A few weeks ago the news of the discovery of the mysterious ship and the steel statues fueled excited chatter everywhere. Princess Celestia did not believe in keeping secrets from her subjects, so everypony in Equestria quickly learned about the amazing technology professor Digger and the Elements of Harmony discovered. Everyponies imagination ran wild, until they were shocked by the news that the dig side has been attacked by giant sand golems. It was never officially confirmed that it was Nightmare Moons doing; her return was still the most common theory among pony folk. But now the ponies of Ponyville were eagerly waiting for the arrival of Twilight Sparkle and the Wildraubtier. In order to avoid panic the town has been warned about Twilight’s supply run and about the so called Personal Trooper she would arrive in. The estimated time of arrival has come and almost every pony in town was gathering early in the morning to see the Personal Trooper. Some ponies had several crates ready; They have been told to use steel wire and a strong holding frame that could handle high speeds. “There she is!” A pegasus pony that was sitting on a cloud shouted while wildly waving into the direction of the Everfree Forest, drawing the attention of all the other ponies. A spec could be seen on the horizon; It got bigger and bigger as it got closer to the town. The ponies eyes were glued on it as if they were watching a meteor shower. Finally the Wildraubtier arrived at the town center and hovered in the air. Some pegasus ponies wanted to get closer to the strange machine but then it started to 'unfold', changing into a bipedal shape. Suddenly a loud voice came from the PT. “Uhm, could you give me some space to land please?” The ponies on the ground picked their jaws up from the ground long enough to comply with Twilight’s request. As soon as she had enough space, Twilight brought the Wildraubtier down to the ground. The small tremor caused some of the still awestruck ponies to fall down. As Twilight opened the cockpit hatch and showed herself, the citizens of Ponyville bombarded her with questions. “What is that thing?” “How can it fly?” “How does it transform?” “What is that thing it's holding in its hand?” “Can I fly it?” Twilight tried in vain to get the ponies to listen but they just kept on asking question after question. Their initial fear of the Wildraubtier vanished after they saw that their town librarian was controlling it and they got closer. Some pegasus ponies were shoving each other away to be closest to Twilight. Suddenly Twilight remembered something she learned from Princess Celestia. In the early days of Equestria she and her sister would use a certain way of addressing their subjects. The princess taught her about it, although she wasn't sure if her mentor really thought it would be useful, or if she was just doing it out of boredom. “ATTENTION!” The magically amplified traditional Royal Canterlot voice did its job perfectly. All the ponies were now silent and stood, or hovered, in the case of the pegasi, perfectly still. “I KNOW THAT YOU ALL HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE STEEL STATUES, OR PERSONAL TROOPERS, AS THEY ARE CALLED, BUT WE DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM OURSELVES.” Twilight paused for breath. “AS SOON AS THE CRISIS WITH THE GIANT GOLEMS IS RESOLVED WE WILL FINISH OUR RESEARCH AND RELEASE EVERYTHING WE LEARNED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. UNTIL THEN I CANNOT TELL YOU MORE BECAUSE OTHERWISE WE'D RISK SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION. NOW PLEASE, I FLEW THROUGH THE ENTIRE NIGHT AND I NEED SOME REST NOW.” This seemed to satisfy most of the curious ponies as they scattered. Some of them stayed at the Wildraubtier and chatted among themselves, while others returned home or went on with their daily business. Twilight gasped and panted heavily as she asked on the the pegasi still with her to help her down. She could see why the traditional Royal Canterlot voice was abolished. On the way down five very familiar ponies trotted over to her, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Granny Smith looked a little shaken, she and Big Macintosh looked very worried. “Jus' what did mah granddaughter get herself into this time? Can you believe that they found this thingamayig buried in the sand Big Macintosh?” “Eenope.” Twilight had a big smile on her face. It was nice to see that Ponyville was still fine. “Hello, good to see you all. After all this crazy stuff with the golem attacks, it's good to finally get out of that cave. I was afraid I would get cave adaption.” Twilight remembered that case very well. Some miner ponies decided to save some time and space and build their camp inside the tunnel they were digging in. Twilight was learning about geology at the time and was sent to check up on them. It was not a pretty sight when they came out after living underground for a few weeks. “Anyway, Applejack and the others are fine, no need to worry.” “What'ya mean no need ta worry? Mah granddaughter is in tha desert surrounded by monsters.” Twilight bit her lip at this, Granny Smith was right, they were not safe. The awkwardness was broken by Applebloom and her friends edging closer to Twilight with an expectant grin on their faces. “Say Twilight,” Scootaloo started, the orange pegasus filly looked Twilight right in the eyes. “Is there any chance that you could let us try that cool looking Personal Trooper?” Before Twilight could open her mouth, the white unicorn with the purple and pink hair, Sweetie Belle, continued. “It looks so shiny and cool, so pleaaaaase just let us use it, just for a few minutes.” “I know this is really exciting girls but...” Applebloom interrupted her before the purple unicorn could protest and the yellow earth filly looked at her with the same pleading eyes she used when they first met, the pink bow in her red mane made her look even more adorable. “Maybe pilotin’ one of those is our special talent. Please Twilight, if it IS our special talent and you don't let try it we'll stay blank-flanks forever.” All other two crusaders looked at her with the same pleading eyes that Applebloom used. Twilight almost gave in but then a mental image flashed through her mind. Ponyville was in ruins, the Wildraubtier was completely out of control and smashed into one building after another. In the cockpit three little fillies were fighting over the controls. “Move it Applebloom, you're just gonna smash up more houses!” “Oh no Scoots, you're the one who destroyed the town hall.” “What does this button do?” The Wildraubtier fired its hyperbeam rifle, a large beam of purple energy hit the hollowed out tree that served as the towns library and Twilight’s home. It immediately burst into flame and inside the cockpit Sweetie Belle looked sheepish and a little embarrassed. “Oops.” Twilight shook that scenario out of her head and turned back to the three fillies. “NO! No sorry but it is just not safe.” Twilight mentally added 'for Equestria', and the fillies looked disappointed. Applebloom tried again to change Twilight’s mind. “But Twil...” “No buts, look, I know you want your cutie marks, but the Wildraubtier is not a toy. What if you crash into a building or accidentally step on somepony?” Applebloom and her friends looked like they were about to cry, partly because of their disappointment and partly because the thought of hurting somepony with the Personal Trooper frightened them. Twilight felt sorry for the girls; she could sympathize with them. After all, getting your Cutie Mark is an important event in the life of any pony. Suddenly Twilight perked up; She had an idea. “How about this; As soon as the golem problem is solved I'll see if I can take you for a ride?” The Cutie Mark Crusaders immediately started to beam again, and pulled Twilight into a tight hug. “Thank you Twilight, you're so cool!” Twilight was taken aback by Scootaloo's compliment; Nopony has ever described her as cool before, so it meant a lot to her. Ponies would sometimes compliment her organization skills and intelligence, but she couldn't help but wonder if she was boring. After all, most ponies would not describe reading as an interesting hobby. Twilight was shaken out of her thought by Big Macintosh who removed the fillies that glomped her. “Now there, let Ms. Twilight breathe here. I'm sure she's very tired.” The three fillies let go of the purple unicorn and ran off to play some more. “Thank you Big Macintosh. I'll just take a quick nap at home and then I'll be off again.” Before she could go she was stopped by Granny Smith. “Ya'll wanna stay all alone in that big treehouse? Why don'cha stay at our home? ya'll can use Applejack’s room while she's still in the desert.” The elderly mare offered a gentle, encouraging smile. “Thank you very much Granny Smith, but I don't want to impose.” The elderly mare just shook her head. “Nonsense deary, as Applejack’s friend you're part of the family, remember? Now Big Macintosh, be a dear and prepare her room.” “Eeyup.” The gentle giant went ahead of them while Twilight and Granny Smith chatted some more along the way. Granny Smith missed her granddaughter very much and wanted to know everything she did and how she was. Twilight told Granny Smith all about the Kurogane and the Personal Troopers, she let out a few details about Applejack as she talked about the golem attacks to spare the old mares heart. Finally they arrived at Sweet Apple Acre's. Twilight told the apple family the rest of the story over brunch, and afterwards she just took a quick shower and immediately headed towards Applejack’s room. The room was very simple. On one side of the room stood a bed with a night stand next to it. On the night stand were a photo of the girls together and a lamp. Above bed hung a painting of a pony galloping in the sun, and on the other side of the room were a sitting pillow and a desk. There was also a hanger with a lasso hanging on it. One hook was still free, and Twilight guessed that this is were Applejack usually hung her hat. It felt a little weird sleeping in her friends bed while she was somewhere else, but Twilight was too tired to think about it, and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Silly little omake #2: Fluttershy approached Twilight with a note stuck behind her ear before it was time for them to head out. “Uhm Twilight, could I ask you a favor, if that is okay with you?” “Of course, what can I do for you?” Twilight was more than eager to help her friend, especially after Fluttershy saved all their lives. “I wanted to make a health drink for everypony and I wondered if you could get me some ingredients while you're in Ponyville. Here's a list with the ingredients I need.” Fluttershy took the note in her hooves and handed it to Twilight with a grateful smile. Twilight took the note with her telekinesis and stuck it behind her own ear. “No problem Fluttershy, I can't wait to try that health drink of yours.” Twilight was touched at Fluttershy’s selflessness, even when she asks for a favor Fluttershy always has the well being of other ponies in mind. “Oh thank you Twilight, I hope that my health drink can help you all a little. Oh and if you can't find any ground up gecko tail that's alright, I think I can get Spike to give me some of his scales.” “Okay then Fluttershy, I'll.. wait what?” Authors note: And finally I'm done with the next part. Writing the transformation for the Wildraubtier was a nightmare since I couldn't find any videos of it so I had to compare picture of the Wildraubtier in both modes and take a wild guess and it is very likely that I'll revise that part. Also a little information about the T-Link system in this fic. The T-Link system some weapons use in the Super Robot Taisen game need a psychodriver (telepath) to work. For this fic I decided that unicorns are not the same as psychodrivers but close enough so that their magic can substitute for it, also it is possible for pegasus and earth ponies to be psychodrivers.