//------------------------------// // 4X25 = Skirts // Story: Spritzfire // by B_25 //------------------------------// Spritzfire 'Rarity loses a bet and has to dress up like Spitfire, plot-tight jumpsuit and all.' —Skirts. “Oh dear...” The sound of clothes shuffling came from the other side of the bathroom door, frequently accompanied by small, lady-like gasps. A zipper then zipped, up and down, over and over, until ceasing before a huff. “Um, darling?” Her voice was slightly muffled by the door. “Are you still out there?” “Totally,” Rainbow Dash replied, lying back in her marefriend's bed, head resting on a pillow as she gazed upward. “You better hurry up though—your bed's too comfortable for its own good.” “About that.” Hooves clinked against the bathroom tiles as the sound came closer to the door. “I know that you and I had our little...agreement , as it t'were, but don't you think this outfit is a little much?” “No clue, haven't seen it on you yet.” Rainbow Dash rolled to the left, placing her gaze on the white door. “But a bet's a bet, and besides, I doubt you'd let me off the hook if I was the one in there dressing up like a prince...ess.” Silence, then a sigh from behind the door. “Touché” Dash rolled back with a smirk. More sounds followed from behind the locked door, tap-water running and rubber squeaking, as well as a few gasps that didn't sound quite as such. It was here that a war for self-composure began, contorting the face of the blue mare. She tried to keep still, lying on her back while exuding an air of indifference, but in all honesty, her heart was hammering against her chest and making her every breath shaky. The doorknob clicked, her body shivering at the sound, before holding her breath as the door squeaked opened. With a gulp, Dash turned her head and looked to her marefriend, and almost wished she hadn't. There Rarity stood, at the doorway of the bathroom, her face conflicted with unsurety, though her features concealed underneath tight, blue fabric. If Rainbow possesed any less control over her already agape mouth, then drool would be pouring from her lips at the familiar wonderbolt uniform, but more importantly, how little space there was between it and her marefriend's white coat. “Here you go darling, I suppose,” Rarity said as she looked herself over, eyes dancing from herself and the mare lying in her bed, who was now suddenly motionless. “This is certainly a new one for the books, impersonating a Wonderbolt and all that.” She sighed, looking down at her chest, finding a tuft of white fur protruding over the zipper that caused her to fall onto her rump. “I only wished you 'borrowed' from a mare the same height as me.” She placed a hoof on either side of the zipper as she began to awkwardly fiddle with it. Every attempt to cover the few inches of exposed chest and neck were met with failure every time, the rhythm of the sound and movement placing her marefirend in a trance, one that her ruby eyes could not look away from—not that they wanted to. Soon, however, they travelled downward, past the thighs outlined in the fabric, to the two very things Rarity was sitting upon. “...you and Spitfire are the same, uh, height.” “Is that so?” Rarity mused aloud as her exposed horn took a blue glow, a similar aurora appearing around the alabaster fur, and pushing it back once it was within its magical hold. The zipper then zipped upward, clinging to her body fully upon its completion, which was then met with a self-satisfied sigh. Her sapphire eyes then scanned over the curves of the outfit, trying to find just where she deviated from her original owner. “I know I'm not exactly fit as the word t'were, but surely there isn't a drastic weight difference between your friend and me.” “Uhh...” “Yes, Rainbow?” Rarity paused from looking at herself to look back at the cyan mare, her head tilted left, her lips almost in a pout. “Is there something on your mind?” “Uhh...yeah.” Rainbow propped herself up on the bed, her gaze having never left the two orbs outline to such delicate detail, even though two other orbs were staring directly at her. Coughing weakly, Rainbow spoke. “You have a bit of...well, fat on you that Spitfire doesn't quite, well...have.” Rarity tightened her gaze. “Uh-huh. So I have fat on me now, do I?” Still trance locked, Rainbow nodded her head. “And just where do I have this fat?” Rainbow blinked, mouth still agape, but she couldn't summon the will to care nor respond. Rarity's stare was upon her, demanding that two meet eyes, but her body had already commanded the pegaus's attention in a way no threat could match. The tight uniform caused the unicorn to shuffle in place, every time her torso shifted an inch, the fabric conformed to her barrel. Everytime her leg twitched, well... But most importantly of all, regardless of whichever way she moved, the fabric found a new way to stretch over Rarity's derriere. There was ample fat for it to be hugged in so many ways, and for the first time in her life, Dash had cursed herself for not being an article of clothing. Rarity soon grew tired of waiting, growing slightly amused at the bewildered face on her mare friend, before finally deciding to clock her gaze. Her eyes soon fell upon her body, traveling ever downward, and finding that which stretched out the uniform. “Oh,” she said with an annoyed huff, noticing how her flank filled out the outfit. Them, a thought struck, as a smirk grew across her lips. Rarity looked back to her enamored marefriend. “Oh.'” Dash knew not what to say when the jig was up, nor how to respond to the sultry look overtaking the unicorn's face. She reclined on the bed as her marefriend came to rise, fixing her a gaze she couldn't hope to define, as her chest began to rise and fall. “I see now why you picked Spitfire out of all the other mares,” Rarity said in faux jealously, circling the bed with delicately timed steps. “I should be upset, you know. Checking out other mares while you still hold me in secret—I should be outraged indeed.” “I, uh...” Rarity stopped in place. She stared at her marefriend, the latter gulping in fear, before the stare relaxed into a lax gaze. “But I do suppose you were looking at other mares only to craft me with the best outfit possible, so the act is forgivable. But I must ask, my dear Rainbow Dash, just what were your parameters?” Rainbow started to crawl back on the bed as her marefriend began to circle ever closer towards her again, only for her back to press against the backboard. No amount of heavy breathing could slow her beating heart, and every inch Rarity grew closer to her caused it to beat that much faster. “Was it my mane you took into account first?” Rarity said as her eyes flitted up to her mane, enough space in the outfit for her usual style to pull through. Her lips pushed left in thought, before breaking apart in speech. “I don't think your one for manes indeed, or else you'd let me tend to yours more often.” Beads of cold sweat rolled down Dash's brow. She managed to tear her gaze away, looking up to the sole window of the bedroom, where the faint golden light covering the room originated from. A twitch in her wings told her what was possible, but her attention was drawn by the sudden voice to the left of her. “What about my eyes, darling?” Rarity said as she stood just before the bed, inching her head out so the two could look deep into each other's pools of ruby and sapphire. The eyes of former were tensed, while the eyes of the latter were lax. “Without goggles, these outfits make our eyes are more prominent feature.” A white hoof bopped the blue snout as its owner pulled away from the bed. Rarity turned around, speaking up into the air. “But of course, if you were really interested in my eyes, you would've chosen a color that brings them out instead.” Rainbow pushed her back harder into the backboard only to be reminded she still could not phrase through objects. She grinned a little nervously at her marefriend, amazed by the way her coolness had suddenly deserted her. In her mind, she knew exactly what to do to take control of the situation, yet Rarity utterly dominated the room with her aura, rendering the cyan mare into a school filly once again. “I do suppose the fabric conforms rather well to my body,” Rarity said to herself as her eyes gazed over herself again, giving a shake to her flanks as the outfit captured every movement. “But it's awfully tight in one particular area.” Rarity looked over her shoulder to the bed, a grin already prepared. “Could you guess for me where?” Rarity was standing with her back to her on purpose, and the purpose for this bet was beginning to be revealed. Her purple tail swayed with every shook she gave, and the sight was causing a redness to consume a set of blue cheeks. “you're uh....you're uh...you're...” “I'm afraid you're stuttering dear.” Rarity took a step backward, coming closer to the bed. “But maybe you could do me a flavor? This fabric is beginning to ride up on me in an unpleasant way...do you think you could adjust it for me?” Dash began to shake her head, feeling a familiar stinging sensation coming from the corner of her eyes. “...too good...this is too good for me.” “My my Rainbow!” Rarity spun around to face her friend. “You should know better than anypony that we are never too good to help out our friends.” She paused for a moment to sigh, fending off the smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “But I do suppose there are some tasks that are too great to ask of our friends...yet.” Rarity took a step forward, coming to place her forehooves on the bed as she leaned her body forward. Dash watched on as if a creature had entered her enclosure, the flight-suit her marefriend was wearing contoured so perfectly to her hips that she couldn't keep her eyes from wandering. “I know that you and I our little agreement,” Rarity purred out as she made sure to keep her distance, taking a hoof and placing it on the zipper from before. Then, ever so gently, she began to tug at it. “But we both know why I'm wearing this outfit in particular. I'm not saying we take it off the best part of me, but it would be nice if the rest of me could breathe a little.” “Oh Celestia, please no.” Dash couldn't bring herself to meet her gaze, as her eyes were lingering where the zipper to her flight suit lay halfway underdone by her neck. She fought against the urge to reach out and help it along its journey. “I'm not sure how much more of this I could handle.” “A Wonderbolt unsure of what she's able to handle?” Rarity leaned forth to peck her marefriend's cheek, lingering there for a few moments afterward. “No wonder why I'm the one wearing the uniform in the bedroom. Tell me, who truly wears this outfit the best?” “Y-You,” Dash shudder to get out, crawling away from her marefriend to the other end of the bed. She glanced up at the window just again, her wings coming to flex on their own, as she looked back to Rarity. “I never expected a flight suit to look so, so perfect on you. I've never seen something so great in my life, and I'm absolute terrified because of it.” “Oh please, darling.” Rarity hopped up onto the bed, sitting down on her rump from the one end. She could see the struggle in Dash's eyes, the thought of how much sway she had over her making her feel giddy inside. “This outfit is just for foreplay, as it were. Night has yet to fall, and you've yet to take your prize.” Rarity took hold of the zipper once again and began to pull down once again. The tufts of white fur once repressed were not popping out, and the sight of the scene proved too much for Dash to bear. “So tell me, darling, just what exactly would you like me to do for you in this outfit?” The question fell on deaf ears. Dash had flexed open her wings and leapt into immediate flight, smashing through the window and into the afternoon sky. The sound of glass crashing against the floor filled the room, but Rarity was too occupied yelling after her disappearing friend. “Dash!? Why did you leave...where are you going!?” The howling winds proved to be louder than the distant voice of the unicorn. Dash shook her head, to both cleanse her mind of both the voice and of the outfit—the sun greeting her body like a furious touch. Then... Rainbow Dash began to fly east.