The Lone Plum Blossom

by Leoheartxx2

Chapter 4- A new promise

" Hey Jino, if you're not busy or anything...maybe can I tell you something...."

" ohhhh it's you Fluttershy...errr.....what can i do you for? "

" There's something I need to's really hard to say......about know...."

" Speak up Fluttershy....I can't really hear you when you mumble with you tiny voice. " Jino taunt.

" Close your eyes......."

" Why? " Jino closes his eyes, suspecting nothing

...........................* Kiss*.........................................


EARLIER TODAY..................

" Ha'y Jino!!! Remember tonigh't we'er having a party at Pinkie's so don't ya be late." Applejack remind Jino as he steps out of the door.

" Must I really go? I'm not really the party type stallion ya know? " Jino commented

"Nahh, Ya be' fine. Pinky always throw a party to every new pony that's new here....and ya no't an exception.." she smug

" Well if you insists.....I'll be on my way."

Although Jino may have found a part to help around with the animal, he still need a job at least. For now all he could do is doing small favours around Ponyville. A little part time job here and there will set him a steady flow of income, and probably in the future, he might be able to buy a house to stay for good. Fortunatly there'a a new cafe opening soon, and was promised by the employer a new job as a waiter as soon it opens. Jino imagine himself for once out of his usual outfits and in a black waiter suit and laugh. As he slowly make his way to Ponyville he notice a perculiar cloud tailing him.

" hmmm....what a bright day to have a stroll....I wonder what I should do now......hmmmmm" Jino says loudly, suspecting that Rainbow Dash is behind the cloud. Then he sprits into a nearby cluster of trees. And as suspected, the cloud follows. Jino dash along the thick trees , trying to shake the tailing cloud but to no avail. After a few minute, Jino comes into a clearing and stop. The cloud does likewise.

" You know Dash, if you want to tail somepony he should do a better job, like not being too obious..." and as suspected, a blue pony with a multicolour mane pops out of the cloud.

" Oh hi there Jino, I wasn't tailing you...i mean i was sleeping in the clouds..." she grins. Jino shacks his head in disbelieve.

" What do you want? and make it fast, I got some errands to do and I don't get paid to lay around doing nothing." Jino's tone deepens, serious expression spreds across his face.

" You know Jino, i could reeealy help you.... * /)^3^(\ *......."

" Help me on???......"

" I don't know.....maybe somepony name....Fluttershy? "

Not this again. That if she had nothing better to do. *facehoof*

" ...................seriously Dash? " Jino sigh. " Mind your own business......"

Rainbow Dash burst out laughing on her little cloud. Taking the opportunity, Jino quickly runs off while she's too busy laughing. Seriously, one day Dash really gonna get on his nerve. Putting the issue behind, Jino continue his way to Ponyville. Taking a patch of paper from his small pouch, he gave himself a moment to read the content.

" Well says here I'm suppose to gather some ink and scrolls from a store and deliver it to Twilight's place by noon....hmmm....better get working " Jino place back the small patchment of paper and continue towards the store.

As the day strikes noon, Jino finnaly reaches the library, where Twilight stays. Gently laying down the heavy sacks of ink and scrolls , Jino knocks on the door, still panting from all those weight. As the door opens, what greeted him wasn't the same purple unicorn he recongnised, but a young purple lizard with purple scales.

" You must be the stalion eveypony is talking about. I was told you will be delivering our requested supplies of ink and scrolls. "

" and your're a.........lizard? " Jino couldn't help but ask that creature.

" I'm a dragon....thank you very much...and the names Spike." he explain , looking a little mad.

" A thousand apologies, I meant no such insults." Jino express his guilt.

" nahh, no worries. I'm not mad, besides I think Twilight wants to see you, commom in...." Spike gesture Jino to enter the library. Jino follows that small little dragon into the library. The spaces inside seems to look bigger than when anypony look from outside. Books of all sort, some as big as an anvil, is lay neatly on bookselves built into the tree. A familiar pony at one corner writing some document.

" Hi Jino. I see my orders for fresh ink and patchment has arrived, and just in time too..." as she points at a barrel at the back of the room, filled with rolls and rolls of patchment. For an egghead, she sure writes a

As Twilight returns to her room, Jino lets his curiosity loose, looking at everybooks and scrolls that are in the library. Jino eyes wonders around, looking at the title of the books. Atlhough most of them are quite interesting, he can't stay here for long, as he still have work to do. Spike later returns to Jino with a purple pouch, inside containing a few gold bits.

It was nearly evening when Jino finished his task. All thats left is to deliver this sack of bird feed to Flutershy's house. On his way out of town he notice Fluttershy along the way. Since his last destination would be her cottage, he might as well also have some chat with her. But as he walks closer he sees two mysterious colt tailing her. Jino's sences tell him to follow those unknown ponies.

Soon enough that 2 unknown ponies catch up to Fluttershy, confronting her. Jino keeps his distance, tryinng to avoid detection. The 2 unknown pony seems to be demanding something from Fluttershy. Seeing her terified, Jino comes out from hiding and confront those two.

" What seems to be the problem here? " eyes sharpen, Jino was in a position ready for whatever might happen.

" Ya, why don't you mind your own thing little guy...." one of them was surprisingly huge, a stallion. Grabing a slab of stone from the ground he threw it at Jino. Jino just calmy catchs it with his hoofs.

" Common about this....You let the lady there go.....AND I might just let you leave this place with your head still attached to your neck....." Jino tries to discourage them.

" You?? Punniy pony come HERE YOU!! " one of them lunge at Jino in anger. Jino just shift to the side, letting the brute crashing to the wall. Jino lets the brute charge at him again , but to no avail.

" Hey there something on your face....." Jino taunts them. In an instance Jino turn around and gave the stallion a kick to the face. The kick was so hard,it nearly sounds like a shotgun just went off, the stallion flew back a couple of feet. A clear hoof mark was embeded into the face. " It was pain!!! "

The other stallion drew out a small pocket knife, but was immediatly disarmed by Jino with a swift kick.

" I wouldn't do that if I want my head still intact " Jino already drew out his blade pointing at his neck, the cold steel hums in the air,like the cries for blood. The stallion's feet was shacking in fear. " You have 5 seconds to leaves this place and you better do it fast because in another 3 seconds I won't hesitate to cut you down " Jino stares at them with the corner of his eyes, his blade ready to taste blood. In no time at all the 2 stallion ran as fast as their injured pride could carry them.
Jino puts back his blade and confronted Fluttershy.

" I assume that those 2 know you somehow? " Jino ask as helps up Fluttershy back to her hoofs.

" Thanks a lot Jino. I really don't know what to do there. Those 2 were always picking on me, cos you know....weak..." Fluttershy digs her hoofs into the ground in complete fustration. " Guess i owe you 1 there...."

" Well I doubt those 2 will be back any time soon. the way, why don't we chat a little on the way to your place, my last delivery says that you're expecting a sacks of bird feed by this evening...hehehe " Jino slides the sack on his back and stroll together with Fluttershy back to her cottage. Fluttershy lean towards Jino's side. Jino's face once again turn steaming red.



It's only been 8pm and the party at Pinky's are already at full bloom. The atmosphere are simply lively. Indeed it's true what they pony throws a better party than Pinky. Jino arrives a little late, probably just nervous. Foods of all asortment lies on the table, ranging from cupcakes to apples and sandwitches. Although the party was meant for Jino, most of the time he spent drinking away from the punch. He didn't really participated in the game, he just enjoys it watching his new found friends being happy. As the party goes on into the night, time passes fast and it was already late.

As the party close to an end, Applejack beckons Jino to rest for the night while she stay on with the others to clean up the mess. A little drunk , he heads back to the barn. Then he hears a voice calling him. Looking back he saw Fluttershy.

" Hey Jino....if you don't mind...could you....i mean....if I could follow you.....hmm....i just don't like walking back alone..."

" Sure, why not...." Jino smile.

The night seems long tonight. The moon rose high into the night, accompanied by little clouds and the gentle night wind. Simply beautiful. As Jino and Fluttershy reaches the edge of Ponyville, she stops awhile.

" About this was really nice of you....what you did there..." Flutttershy tries to starts a conversation.

" It was nothing really...I just did what anypony would do....."

" You know Jino....there is something i really wanted to tell you..." her voices starts to breaks " Can you promise me something...."

" I've made many promises in my life....and I'm certain to keep it a promise." Jino smug

" There's something I need to's really hard to say......about know...."

" Speak up Fluttershy....I can't really hear you when you mumble with you tiny voice. " Jino taunt.

" Close your eyes......."

" Why? " Jino closes his eyes, suspecting nothing

...........................* Kiss*.........................................