//------------------------------// // New Assignment // Story: The Tank Hunter // by Lone Maus //------------------------------// Jack woke to yelling and hoof steps as ponies hurried about outside the tent. He lied in his cot till he heard a voice he knew. He got out of the cot and trotted outside and seen Gustav dressed in his uniform making him stand out a bit and ran after him. Once Jack caught up he asked, “Well what are you doing?” “Getting ready to do a check over on Revenant,” Gustav answered continuing to walk. “A check over?” Jack asked keeping pace. “A check over, there isn't much to it ve look the tank over and fix anything that needs it,” Gustav answered. Jack thought for a moment then said, “And where are you going to get parts?” Gustav didn’t answer as they walked up to the makeshift garage that Revenant was sitting in. “Sir there is no problems with the gun and the sights are aligned.” a heavy built bat pony said to Gustav. “Good and vhere is Klaus?” Gustav responded. “Up here sir.” a voice came from the tank as the head of a bat pony poked up from the hull of the tank. He was covered in grease and oil. This Jack assumed was Klaus. “Ve gotten lucky Sir, the transmission is in great condition yet.” “Good because tomorrow ve got a big operation ahead of us,“ Gustav told Jack. “Oh really? What's the plan.” Jack responded. “An armored spearhead vith my tank leading, followed by three other tanks and two APCs we will be supported by a nearby artillery force,” Gustav explained. “And where do me and Fang fit into the plan?” Jack asked. “I vant you and Fang to go vith the soldiers that support the push,” Gustav answered. “Actually Princess Luna has a mission for them.” A short stout, black and grey pony said as he walked up to the garage bay. He then turned saying “Follow me.” and began walking away without a word from Gustav or Jack. Jack just shrugged at Gustav and followed the pony. They walked across the large forward operating base to a tall bank looking building that was covered in various different sizes of bullet impacts. The pony opened the door inside was ten bat ponies with black outfits and torso rigs. Among them were Fang and a tall black pegasus with a horn and long blue hair. He walked in as Fang turned to him. “Jack the Royal Princess of the Night has a mission for us that she personally wants us to do!!” Fang said excitedly. Jack, once he realized the tall pony was royalty he dropped to a bow. “No need to bow at least right now.” The princess said and Jack stood up and sat next to Fang. “Ok now that you're here, the mission I have for you is to infiltrate deep into zebra territory to kill six HVTs in hopes of bringing the zebras back to peace talks in our favor of course. The 5th night wing squad with paradrop you two in and provide supply drops and give you info on the targets and their whereabouts. Got it?” The princess finished and both Jack and Fang nodded. “Good” she smiles, “maybe we will finally end this war that and these are orders, meet in front of this building in two hours.” The princess finished. Both Fang and Jack nodded and got up. Walking to the door Fang with a large smile turned to Jack and asked, “Ready?” Jack swallowed hard and responded, “Yes.”