//------------------------------// // Chapter Three - In-cider information // Story: In Good Hands // by StoryWeaverKP //------------------------------// In-cider Information Was it your imagination, or did the air outside of Ponyville proper smell sweeter than within? Minutes ago, you had left the edge of the town behind, and you started trudging down an old, country road. Long white fences line the edge of the dirt road, and a soft breeze blows past you. Trees as far as the eye can see stand just beyond the fences, although they aren't the kind that bear fruit. The leaves dance in the wind, and it creates the most splendid natural bell sound. Its a little after mid-day, and the sun kisses your skin. Its still spring, and the dreaded summer heat has not set in yet. You aren't walking especially fast, but more at a leisurely pace. Birds chirp in the distance, but for the most part, your only companions on the road are solitude and silence. A warm smile creases your lips as you see that the trees start to transition from flowering trees to apple trees. You hurry your pace up as you move father along the dirt road. You come across a rustic sight. A bright red barn stands in the middle of the agrarian kingdom, and its prominence is not lost on you. Even though you aren't familiar with architecture, the obvious mastery of craftsmanship.... or perhaps craftsponyship, is easy to see. The building looks to be somewhat new, perhaps build in the last few years. Rolling hills of apple trees stretch behind the barn, and a small carrot farm sits nestled beside the barn. You don't see any pony around, so you stroll across the yard to the front door. “Hello!” You say. “Is any pony home?” A few moments pass, and a familiar pony sticks her head out the door. Applejack's eyes are a little downcast and she meets your gaze with a chilly demeanor. A small frown rests under her snout. Its only there for a moment before she makes the attempt to form it into a half-hearted smile. “Oh, Anon,” Applejack says. “What are you doing here?” “Is everything okay?” You ask. “You look kinda down.” “Oh.” Applejack averts her eyes for a moment. “It's nothing to worry about. So what are you doing here? Is there something I can help you with?” Her voice sounds slightly insistent. You grin at her in hopes to raise her mood to something more pleasant. “Well, I'm working for the city now, and I'm here to check on the cider.” Applejack's eyes widen. “The c-cider?” She pauses and then sneers at nothing in particular. “Well, shoot....” You frown. “Let me guess... that's what's got you so bothered.” For a moment, it looks like she's about to snap back at you, but then whatever she was about to say dies in her throat. She lets out a humph. “Its Big Mac,” she says in a low tone. “He's come down with bronchitis, and so not only is he contagious, but he's bed ridden until he gets better.” she sighs. “And that means I have to make the cider all on my own. If that's the case, it won't be done in time. It looks like Sweet Apple Acres isn't going to provide the cider after all.” “Oh wow...” you reply. “Do you need some help?” Applejack arches an eyebrow at you. “You want to help? Really?” You shrug. “I've never made cider before, but I'm willing to learn.” Applejack frowns a little more, but her eyes take on a more calculating sparkle. “If you think you can help,” Applejack said. “I'd be more than happy to accept your offer. I have to warn you.... I can be a mighty fierce task master.” You grin. “I promise I won't let you down.” Suddenly, the grim sadness that had clutched Apple jack before fades, and a broad smirk replaces her previous discontent. “Alright, follow me.” She leaves the barn and moved off to the orchard. You follow her into the grove of trees, and a sense of delight blossoms within you. This is going to be an easy task. *** This is not an easy task. Oh holy hell... it's anything but easy. “What are you doing?!” Applejack said. “Hurry up, Anon. Pick up the apples!!! Even Applebloom is out doing you.” You run as fast as you can, and your hands rapidly scoop up the apples from the grass. As soon as you toss one into one of the many baskets, three more drop from the trees above. Applebloom runs beside you, and she has a basket on her head. With expert grace, she manages to catch the apples before they hit the ground. When you tried to do this with the baskets, it didn't turn out so well, and you even tripped over your feet. When you fell to the ground, you completely crushed one of the baskets. That was the first thing that set Applejack off. There were a dozen other things that followed that, and so you did your best to just collect the apples. In between yelling at you, Applejack continues to sprint between the trees and buck the trunks. Sometimes, she is efficient, and she screams at you while she knocks apples out from the branches. “Hurry, Anon!” “Hustle faster!” “Go! Go! Go!” Little Applebloom smiles up at you. It isn't malicious, but one full of sympathy and amusement. Your lungs heave, and your thighs and calves feel as if they are dipped in liquid fire. Applejack groans. “You know what?! Just pick up the baskets and put them in the carts. Let Applebloom deal with catching the apples.” Just as you were commanded, you start picking up the baskets. While they are only about twenty pounds each, picking up two dozen baskets in the span of minutes reeks enough toil on your body that you start to become winded. Applejack stops and then starts helping collecting the baskets. “This should be good,” she says. “Lets finish loading up the carts, and then get these babies back to the barn for sorting.” “Sorting?” You ask. Applebloom replies, “Yeah. First, we collect the apples, then we sort them between good apples and bad, then we press them.” “And we have to do all this TODAY if we want them ready for the festival,” Applejack adds in. “Today as in … today?” You say as the dread creeps into your voice. Once more, Applebloom laughs softly. Applejack, on the other hand, stomps up to you. “Don't tell me you're backing out now!” She says. “O-of course not!” You say. Applejack frowns at you. “Good. I need you, Anon. Sweet Apple Acre's reputation is on the line, and I mean to deliver all the cider I can.” Your body aches, and yet, a sudden flicker of fire awakens within you. You move up to one of the carts, and you grab hold of the harness. “I'm here until the end. I may need to take a break or two, but I promise I won't bail on you.” Both of the Apple sisters laugh out loud. “What did I say?” You ask. Applebloom says, “You said you need a break. We don't take breaks until its done.” Applejack fastens herself to the other cart full of apple baskets. “That's right.” She starts to move toward the distant barn with ease. “We'll meet you back at the barn. Hurry up with that other cart.” Applebloom trails after her. When you try to pull it, you notice something very real and very unsettling. This wagon is HEAVY. You're able to move it, although its slow and it consumes so much of your energy. Applejack's cart looked just as full as yours, and yet she sauntered off as if the cart were empty. As you pass by one of the trees, you glance up at the branches. “You poor bastards,” you say. “What are these ponies doing to you?” Though the trees don't say anything, you can almost feel their gratitude of someone finally understanding the devastating truth of an earth pony's strength. *** You groan loudly as you continue to pull the massive weight of the apple cart. Applejack and Applebloom walk up to you. “Let me take that,” Applejack says. “We're already done with sorting the other apples.” Applebloom glances up as you as you let Applejack take your place. “Wow... your kind ain't as strong as us, ponies, huh?” the little filly asks. With ease, Applejack trots off. “So... strong,” you whisper as you slowly trudge beside Applebloom. Your muscles throb wildly, as if you had went to the gym on leg day. Applebloom doesn't complain about your pace, and she makes sure to stay beside you. When you get to the barn, you notice that the other wagon is empty. Applejack says, “How about you rest a spell while Applebloom and I sort your cart. I'm going to need you for the pressing.” Rather than argue, you nod, and sit on the back of the wagon while Applejack and Applebloom move inside the barn with your wagon full of apple baskets. You take a deep breath, and chuckle a little. The sun is close to setting, and the entire barn yard is blanketed in an orange glow. A small chicken coop is off to the side, but the little chickens aren't in sight. A distant ache is starting to tease your senses, but its still far enough that it won't be a problem until later. It isn't before long that Applejack comes back up to you. “Alright, are you ready?” Applejack asks. “The stuff earlier is nothing compared to what's going to come next. This is the hard part.” A nervous laugh escapes you, but you nod anyway. “I'm not going to abandon you.” “Thanks, Anon.” Applejack steps in and gives you a hug. “I appreciate it. Now... promise you won't hold it against me, okay?” Reluctance festers within you. “Sure.” Applejack leads you inside the barn. Two giant apparatuses greet you with titanic delight. A pair of massive grinding wheels sit in the center of two large wooden barrels. Chutes extend off of the barrels, flowing into the path of the grinding stones. On the other side of the apparatuses, pipes extend off of them. A pair of cider barrels sit under the open pipes. Resting beside each of the apparatuses are treadmills. Granny Smith is also in the barn. Your heart sinks into your stomach. Applejack says, “Granny Smith will feed the apples into the devices while Applebloom switches out the barrels. You and I are going to run.” “Run on the treadmills?” You ask. “Yep.” Applejack hops on one of the treadmills. “I realize you're not as strong or fast as us ponies, but please....” her eyes widen and her pupils shrink to dots. “Please do your best.” Slowly, you get on one of the treadmills. “Let's go!” Applejack screams as she starts sprinting. Instantly, her wheel spins with immense force, and the apples that are falling down the chute get squished. “Here I go,” you say under your breath. You start to run, and to your surprise, the treadmill travels under your own generated power. The wheel spins, although not as fast as Applejack's. Despite that, the apples in your chute are being squished as well. “Run faster!” Applejack screeches as you. “You can do better than that! This isn't a morning jog.” Both Granny Smith and Applebloom peer at you with urging eyes. It isn't just Applejack whose stressed out by this, and they need you just as much as she does. Your body is sore, but you run harder and move from a jog to a near sprint. This task isn't one based in strength like the apple cart thing, but one steeped in endurance. Your lungs clench within you, and your legs beg you to stop. The sound of your ragged breathing is the only sound that pulsates the interior of the barn. A slow, dull pain crawls up your insides, and yet you continue. From the corner of your eye, you notice that Applejack has maintained a breakneck speed sprint. Sweat seeps off of her, and yet the fire in her eyes is so brilliant. Your back is soaked as well. When you start to slow, no pony says anything, but they still watch you with nervousness. “Keep going, Anon,” You say to yourself. “Don't give up.” Time looses meaning, and Granny Smith is constantly moving between both chutes of the apparatuses you and Applejack are operating. She's winded, but she isn't giving up. As you glance behind you, you see Applebloom also working hard. Her face is locked in slight panic, but determination flares in her eyes. A sudden burst of energy fills your veins, and you start running a little harder. It isn't quite a sprint, but it is faster than what you did before. Your small gesture is not lost on the others, and Applejack smiles at you. “That's the spirit!” Applejack says. “Show me what you got!” Damn it, she doesn't even sound winded. In fact, Applejack increases her speed and continues to push harder. You can't help but smile. These earth ponies might not be able to fly through the sky or cast magic spells, but they carry within them an even more impressive power. The urge to hurl inches its way up your throat, and you battle it down with force of will. Every inch of your body begs for relief.... but you continue on. “Anon,” Applejack says. “You can stop now.” You glance at the spot where the pile of apples once stood, and to your immense delight, there isn't one anymore. You slow down, and then stop. As soon as you do, you bend over. The most disgusting sensation swarms over you, and you hurl beside the treadmill. Its mostly water, and your head feels super dizzy. Before you know it, you're falling, but luckily, Granny Smith is there to catch you. “Oh no,” Applebloom says. “What's wrong?” Granny drags you off to the side and leans you against the wall. Applejack is beside you with a drinking ladle in her mouth. The end of it, the cup part, is beside your lips, full of water. Without words, you slurp it down, and then lean back against the wall. Applejack repeats the process several times, and after several minutes, you start to regain your composure. “I'm...” you gasp. “so sorry.” To your surprise, the Apple family smiles at you. “Don't be, sonny.” Granny Smith has a wet rag in her hoof, and she dabs it against your forehead. How she is able to grab anything in her hoof is beyond you, and at this point, you don't care. A great weariness pushes down on you. Applejack says, “How about you sleep here for the night?” All you can do is nod. You close your eyes and settle right there in the hay. The last thing you hear is Applebloom snickering. Coming soon.... Chapter 4 Poison Joke and Poison Truths