A Portal of... What?

by DashCamp(IDBrony)

Part 1 - Quest From The Prince

A Portal of... What?

Part 1 – Quest from The Prince

In someplace strange, a place very similar to Equestria...

Etopia – Canterlot Castle

Prince Lunar just finished his night guard when Nirvana came to him, “Lunar, can you help me with something?”,”THOU SHALL NOT WORRY” Lunar Replied with the old Canterlot Voice,”Lunar... maybe you should lower down your voice a bit”, “Like... this?”, “Good... Now..., I’m currently busy, so.. can you help me to take care of Canterlot? just for today” Nirvana begged to his brother. “but, Van..”,”Pwease...” Nirvana begged again but with extra kitty eyes. “Fine, Van” Lunar replied in sigh, “Thank you Lunar, I know I can count on you, I’m leaving” Nirvana stretched his wings, and flew out from the balcony. “Van! Wait a minute! Oh... come on, Van”, as he finished his sentence, one of the guard trotted into the room. “Pardon me Prince, but..., uh.... where is Prince Nirvana?” , “He is currently busy, I’m currently in charge”. The guard bowed down, and started his report, about a strange occurrence happening in Everfree Forest, and at the same time, Lunar received a letter from the counselor about the meeting in Griffon Palace. “This is going to be a rough day”, “Oh! Maybe I can ask for help from his students. Since I’m currently in charge” , he sighed in relief realizing he could ask for extra help.

The colt 6 Arrived in Canterlot, they discussed about something while trotting to the throne room. “I wonder why Prince Lunar called us”, “Maybe to kick some ass?” Rainbow Blitz then attempted a roundhouse kick and almost broke a window in the process. “Calm down, Sugarcube. The Prince ain’t be that violent.”, “Did somepony said violin?”, Bubble jumped into the statue, grabbed a violin and started playing, “Emergency violin in case somepony said violin” he said. “Or maybe... The Prince wanted to know about my latest design, if it’s true, everypony are going to recognize me, and this will be THE. BEST. THING. EVER! MWAHAHAHAHA” , The white colt laughed maniacally. The only pony who was  quite was a yellow colt hiding in his own shadow.

When the 6 colt arrived in the throne room, Prince Lunar greeted them with small smile on his face, “My Brother’s faithful students, one of my guards reported about strange occurrence happening in Everfree Forest. Prince Nirvana is currently busy and I’m having a meeting in Griffon Palace, I want all of you to check the condition there.”
“Yes, Prince.”
“You can count on me.” The rainbow maned colt tried to dash off, but a lasso stopped his flight.
“Save yer breathe for later, Blitz, we ain’t know what’s happening next”
“Okie Dokie Lokie”
“I think... I... Hael is sick and I should go home, Good bye” *ooof*, the yellow pegasus tried to run away, but a soft white hoof stopped his movement.
“Oh... Butterscrotch. You don’t want to disappoint our Prince, do you?”
“No... Elusive, not that.. but...” the yellow pegasus lowered his head in silent, he couldn’t reply anything.
“It’s set then, let’s go!” The blue pegasus untied the rope on her leg, and set off in front of his friends

Etopia – Everfree Forest

The colt 6 accepted Prince Lunar request, and they were off to Everfree forest, checking the situation. They didn’t know that something which is unusually strange was happening, The blue pegasus was flying too fast that he flew straight into the big shining circle. “Whoa, what the hay is that?”, “Whatever that is, we must save him.” The purple colt prepared four of his hooves, “CHHHARRGGGEEEE” he shouted on the top of his lungs, 4 of his friends followed him on his back. “I hope this would end well” The yellow pony sighed before entering the portal.

Equestria – Everfree Forest

“Urgh... what just happened, is everypony alright?” The purple unicorn cried his friend’s name one by one. They were blasted by the power of the strange thing, luckily all of them was fine. “Hey that thing is gone!” , “It seems that there’s  nothing to be worried about, I’m going to write a report about this with Scarlet, bye everypony”. The purple pony then left his friends, back to the town next to the forest. The others also went back to their own place, without knowing that it wasn’t their world.

Equestria - Ponyville Outskirts

“Oh... I wonder if everyone’s alright, I hope I didn’t leave them for too long.” , the yellow pegasus flew straight to a house, surrounded by lots of animals. “It seems like they’re all alright *phew*” , when he turned around, he saw a mare pegasus, who looked almost like him. “Who.. are.. you?” the yellow pegasus asked with a low voice. “And.. who are you too?” the colt asked her back. After a bit of silence, both of them quickly hid behind a tree, scared. “Please don’t hurt me”, “Please don’t hurt me too”. Both of them were drown in silent, scared to talk to each other. No words, no action. And his other friends were going to meet the same problem.

Equestria  - Ponyville Library

The purple unicorn ran into the library in a rush, “Scarlet! Where are you? I must report a letter to Prince Lunar.”,”Scarlet who? Lunar who? The only one living here are me, Twilight and Owloysius.” Spike spoke with his half opened eyes, he just woken up by the door sound. “Oh.. Scarlet, you’re still sleepy. But can you help me write one letter please, an important letter to Prince Lunar”, “My name is Spike, I don’t know who is Prince Lunar, nor I know you. If you want to borrow a book,ask Twilight, she should be back in 5 minutes.”. The purple unicorn looked at spike, confused, “Scarlet, when did your voice become heavier? Are you turning older? Or perhaps dragon maturity? Or maybe dragon puberty? Or maybe..” , “Hold on, Mister” Spike stopped his talk, “Who.. are... you?”. The purple unicorn laughed, “Oh, come on Scarlet. This is me Dusk Shine, you forgot already? did you hit your head? Or sudden amnesia?”, he was still talking when Twilight opened the front door. “Oh.... A customer, do you want to borrow a book?”,  “Nah... I already got a lot of books to read here, like ‘The Pony Games’ or..”, Twilight quickly teleported in front of him, “You read that book too?”, “Of course yes!” He replied. “Got a good plot, nice character, storyline” , “And the book is lovely”. They kept talking about books, forgetting the main problem there. Spike was confused, and he decided to get back to his sleep.

Equestria – Ponyville Cloudhouse

“Tania, I’m home.” A blue pegasus dashed through the window, trying to reach the bed as fast as he can, unknown to him, Rainbow Dash was lying on the bed, reading ‘Daring Doo : Wrecked Ship in The Sea of Might’. Blitz crashed into Dash, leaving a neat cloud hole in the cloud wall. Both of them crashed into the nearest tree,the colt quickly stood up facing Rainbow Dash“Who are you? And what are you doing in my house?”, “Hey... I should say that”. Both of them stared at each other angrily, “You know what? Now you make me angry.”, “Oh yeah?” the blue colt replied sarcastically, “Oh yeah? Can you beat me?” Rainbow Dash stared even closer in his eyes. “Yeah... I can beat you, easily...” . The word made Rainbow Dash filled with anger, “Let’s race” she said.

Equestria – Carousel Boutique

*ding-a-ling* the door bell sound echoed through the boutique, “coming~” a soft voice came through the inner part of the workshop. “Pardon me, Miss. What’re you doing in my private workshop? I only allow some ponies to enter.” , “Ah.. don’t be fooling around..” Rarity levitated some suits”I think this would suits you... party? Wedding? Or...”. The white colt levitated away the suit from his sight, “excuse me, Mistress. But I have some dresses and suits I must finish before the end of the month.”. “Oh.. I see, you’re a fashion designer too, am I right?”, The colt levitated some needles, and proceed to measure the cloths near him. “You got it.” He said, “Because you’re a fashion designer too, why don’t we know each other first? Maybe both of us can be the ponies everypony would know, the most popular fashion designer, and then.. my dreams would be fulfilled!” Rarity spoke her sentence absolutely straight, “IDE-a~! Let’s work together!”. The ponies shake hoof in agreements, and worked hard like they already known each  other for so long. The Carousel Boutique became a bit louder than usual.

Equestria – Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack was resting under Bloomberg.Jr’s high branch, napping in quite and peace environment. But some sound disturbed her peaceful nap, “Apple thief” she said to herself, she prepared her lasso and slowly sneaked to the source of the sound. She saw a colt, looked almost like her, “Who in the tarnation is that, he looked all like me, is he from Apple family? But a thief is still a thief, and we Apple family ain’t got any mercy for a thief”. She circled her lasso, prepared four of her hooves and charged the lasso to the colt’s kicking legs. “What’cha doin’ sugarcube, what a wrong decision to tie up a farmer’s back leg”, the colt jumped, hopped, and kicked around. The colt was very strong, Applejack got pulled along the way and eventually, the lasso got loose. “ya still need 10 year of apple-buckin to match my strength.”, “What di’ya just say ‘bout me,  you thief.”, the colt pulled out his lasso and started circling them on his mouth,”Who di’ya just call thief, thief?”. Applejack’s emotion was burned, without a referee, both of them started a wrestling.

Equestria – Sugarcube Corner

Sugarcube Corner was usually loud, but that day was louder than usual. Because two party ponies hosted a party, the only word which could be heard was “PAAAAARTYYYYYYY”. The ‘chaos’ was too complicated to be explained

To be continued....