Elements of Heroism: Season 4

by Bahamut0

Episode 8: A Flare of Generosity

Inferno had never seen Rarity so excited. Ever since she'd been selected to participate in Manehattan's fashion week, Rarity could barely contain herself. During the whole train ride, Inferno saw her fantasizing about the outfits she'd make. "Sounds like someone's going to have a good time." Inferno said with a loving smile.

"Oh, I just can't wait Inferno!" Rarity squealed. "This is one of the most popular fashion events in all of Equestria! And to think! That I'll get to show-off my designs! I'm so excited!" The rest of the Main 6 giggled at how Rarity was going crazy for the coming event. Sure enough, the group soon arrived in Manehattan. The rest of the Main 6 checked in at the hotel while Inferno helped lug Rarity's fabrics. "You know darling, you really needn't trouble yourself with taking all my bags. I could have the girls help me out."

Inferno smiled. "Maybe. But I can carry a lot more and for a lot longer than some of them. Twilight's getting used to her new Earthbound strength, so she might hoist them too hard and damage the fabric. I might be a false Avatar like Burst, but at least I know how to control my strength. Heck, me and Burst are helping with training Twilight for combat. And let's not forget. I'm your boyfriend, so I should be there for you as much as I can." Inferno blushed when Rarity kissed him. "Yup. That makes this worth it all right." He and Rarity soon arrived at the building where fashion week was being held. "So where do you want me to set down the fabric?"

"Oh, just put it in my designing chamber darling." Rarity answered. She then was approached by another stylist. "Oh, Suri! So good to see you."

Suri gave her a smug grin. "Hi Rares. Should've guessed you'd make it here." She then motioned to a shy girl standing next to her. "This is my assistant Coco. I'd be lost without her."

Inferno looked at the two, and frowned. 'No. You just wouldn't have anyone to boss around. Poor girl's potential is being crushed by you' "Did you come to socialize, or scout the competition?"

Suri pretended to look hurt at Inferno's remark. "This thug's comment aside, what do you plan on debuting here? Knowing you it'll probably be dazzling."

As Rarity began to unveil her new fabric, Inferno took pictures with his phone. Making sure the flash was turned off. As soon as Rarity was done talking, Inferno led her back to the hotel. "Hey, Rarity? I think you need to be careful of that Suri girl."

"What do you mean darling?" Rarity asked. "She was merely looking at my new fabric for some inspiration. What's so wrong with that?"

Inferno sighed. "Rarity. There's a difference between inspiration and straight-up plagiarism. My dad lived the rock star life before I did. And one difficulty he had to be wary of was rip-off songs. Songs that sounded almost exactly like another artist's, but with only a slight difference that only fans would pick up on. The same warning can be applied to all kinds of art. Especially yours." Inferno then sighed. "I just don't want that to happen to you. Protecting you also means protecting what you hold dear too."

"Darling..." Rairty said with a fond sigh. "I suppose I lucked-out when I fell for you. Come. Let's rest. It's been a long day, and I think the train ride's finally caught up to me." Inferno then carried Rarity back to the hotel, and awaited whatever the next day would bring. As Inferno expected, Suri was pawning off Rarity's fabric as her own work the next day. That is, until he showed the photos he'd taken of Rarity showing off the fabric. Needless to say, Miss Prim Hemline wasn't happy about it.

"Miss Polomare. I am highly disappointed in you." She said in a stern tone. "One of the cornerstones of fashion week is original designs made by up and coming designers. Something you have abandoned for the sake of being the center of attention. I'm afraid you are disqualified."

Suri lowered her head in defeat. "I knew I wouldn't make it. Nothing I could ever make is good enough for here." She then looked to Coco. "You're on your own now. See what's happened to me? This is what my sort of attitude gets you." Suri packed her things up.

Rarity took pity on Coco, and went to her. "So...what are you going to do now darling?"

"Gee....Suri said it was everyone for themselves in this kind of work." Coco said as she scratched her head. "But I guess that sort of thinking leads down a bad road."

Rarity smiled. "She only went down that path because that's how she saw the world. Me? I believe that giving to others can lead to a broader road. One that I'd love to help you journey down. Let me show you why being generous is so rewarding. I have some friends in very high places."

"You've got a lot of potential in you." Inferno said with a smile. "Now's the time to act on it because you have someone who can help you use it."

And with that, Rarity helped put Coco's name out as a highly recommended costume designer shortly after she won fashion week. As thanks, Coco gave her a spool of thread that was rainbow colored. Unbeknownst to her, the spool gave a faint rainbow glow as soon as she left the room to join her friends.

Suri sighed as she looked over her old sketchbooks. "I don't know why I even bothered picking up a needle and thread anymore." A shadow then fell over her, and she saw that it was a man. He had dark red skin, brown eyes, and his hair was orange with yellow highlights. Making it look like it was a singular flame. And his outfit consisted of blue jeans and a red shirt with a flame symbol on it.

"Feeling a bit down?" Mystic Flare asked.

Suri nodded. "None of my work would've cut it at fashion week. No wonder I got so desperate."

"Might I have a look?" Mystic asked. Suri handed him her sketchbook, and Mystic smiled as he looked through it. "I don't know about you, but I think these designs would look lovely on you."

Suri managed a small smile before taking back the sketchbook. "Thanks." She then felt a sensation travel through her body. "Weird. I felt so cold earlier. Then you show up, and I feel a bit warmer in my heart."

"Then come with me." Mystic said with a kind smile. "I promise I won't give you the cold shoulder. Name's Mystic Flare." Mystic then extended his hand.

"I'm Suri." Suri said shakily as she slowly got to her feet. "So...what now?"

Mystic smiled as he opened up a flaming portal. "Now I take you to a place where your inspiration can be sparked." And with that, Mystic led Suri through the portal to a kingdom composed of the primal elements of fire, water, air, and earth.