King of Serpents: Concord's Dawn

by nobreiner


It was an average day; nothing too remarkable given it was summer vacation. Wake up, check. Shower, check. Etc. I had just gotten to the “plop down on the couch and play some Xbox” step when things got weird. I had turned on the Xbox, and was waiting for the intro scene to play out, when the most annoying thing happened. The screen had frozen on the logo, refusing to proceed any further. Naturally, I assumed something was wrong with the console, and angrily stood to attempt a manual restart. Unfortunately, my attempts proved fruitless as I discovered I couldn’t move either. Like my Xbox, I was frozen. Suddenly, a large sphere of light materialized in the center of my living room, until finally coalescing into a new figure.
The figure before me was tall, towering over me from my position sitting on my couch. If I had to guess, I’d say he was at least seven feet tall. He (for the figure looked notably masculine) was covered head to toe in white armor, as well as a similarly white tabard, with a large symbol in its center. Overall, he gave the impression of a crusader knight, straight out of the Middle Ages.
As I began to examine him more closely, I took in the details of the symbol displayed on his chest. It was a large circle of gold, and in its center was a purple hexagonal diamond. Around the edges of the circle were five similarly cut diamonds of differing colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Pink, all forming the shape of a pentagram on the borders of the golden circle. Twisting golden bands surrounded each of these gems, including the one in the center. Finally, set in the middle of the circle but behind the gems was a compass rose. To my shock, I recognized the symbol. It was the emblem of the Elements of Harmony!
Now, I was a brony, if my knowledge of the Elements of Harmony wasn’t evidence enough. My story of joining the herd, however, wasn’t too unique. I had seen some of the pictures on the Internet and, confused, turned to know your meme for the answer. After learning of the growing population of bronies spreading throughout the Internet community, I was naturally curious to see the show for myself. I watched the first few episodes, and was hooked. The engaging characters that were honestly more developed than any I had previously seen in a cartoon piqued my interest, and from then on I followed the show religiously, making sure to watch every new episode as it was released. Unfortunately I knew no other bronies, and I wasn’t about to risk humiliation by attempting to introduce the show to my friends only to have them label me some sort of freak. So while I told no one else, I was quite the fan of the show, watching the episodes, reading the fanfics, you name it. So, seeing the symbol for the Elements of Harmony stitched into this figure’s tabard was certainly a shock.
Throughout this thought process the figure had remained silent, standing still as a statue as I examined him closely. While it gave me a good opportunity to take in the rest of his features, such as the classical crusader shape of his helmet, it very soon began to creep me out. He didn’t move a muscle for several minutes, simply holding a silent vigil, the visor of his helmet locked on my face.
Eventually though, something seemed to have passed between us, as he shifted slightly, tilting his head to look at me with a curious expression. So, this is my champion.
The sudden voice caused me to jump slightly, or at least try to, as I was still frozen in place. Do not be alarmed, mortal. Easier said than done, that voice was terrifying! It was deep and resonating, and felt as though it was coming from the earth itself. I pondered if this was what getting blasted by the Royal Canterlot Voice was like.
This thought seemed to draw a chuckle from the creature, his soft chortles shaking me to my core. Alas, mortal you are quite mistaken. Confused at this response, but realizing that this figure could read my thoughts, I thought quickly, Who are you? And why am I frozen like this? The figure made a dismissive gesture in response. Your questions will be answered in time, mortal, now listen well. I was annoyed at his attitude, but obviously couldn’t do much to object.
The figure continued its speech, as it began pacing about my living room, pausing occasionally to cast a glance over toward me. I have chosen you to be my champion, my pawn in the latest game. You will act as my instrument, and bring glory and honor to my name. With you, I will return to the status I once held. I will regain my throne from that wretched amalgamation.
Of course, to this I could only think What in the Hell is this guy talking about? Sadly, the figure seemed to have heard this thought, and was not pleased by it. Insolent child! He roared. I am speaking of the wretched monstrosity that has taken my throne from me! The Bastard of a thousand Beasts, and the bringer of havoc to my once great kingdom!
Given this guy had the Elements of Harmony stitched onto him, I was quickly able to make the obvious connection, I mean, who else is an amalgamation of creatures, and is known to have a passion for chaos? Discord? I thought questioningly. This proved to be a mistake, as the figure spun towards me, radiating anger. Do not speak that devil’s name!
Now, I was the kind of person who corrects others constantly, it was a knee-jerk reaction that came with the constant plague of perfectionism I often dealt with. So, I was unable to stop myself from replying, Technically, I didn’t say his name, I thought it. Of course, while I couldn’t stop myself from acting like a controlling, obsessive-compulsive, know-it-all, I could certainly regret it. Which I did. A lot. Especially when the figure stomped his way over to me, the earth shaking with each thunderous step.
You impudent FOOL! Do you know who I am? I am Concord! The High King of Order, and Harbinger of Law! I will not be corrected by a foolish child like you!
A foolish child like you will not correct me. I thought instinctively. What you said was passive… Aww, fuck.
Wait. Wait! I still have questions! Can’t you- That was all I was able to blurt out before my world exploded into light and pain.