//------------------------------// // Episode 4: A Daring Honor // Story: Elements of Heroism: Season 4 // by Bahamut0 //------------------------------// Steel took a deep breath as he processed all the events that had led up to here. Him leaving his position as Captain of the Elite Guard. Moving here to Ponyville, becoming friends with Burst and the guys, awakening as an Element of Heroism, meeting his girlfriend, Rainbow Dash, who was the Element of Loyalty, all the crazy battles he and the guys had fought to keep Equestria safe. Not to mention finding out Burst and Inferno were false Avatars, and two from his group of friends who had now ascended into true Avatars like the princesses. That being said, Steel was happy that things had calmed down for a bit. Moments like these weren't often, but both him, the guys, and the girls appreciated a break from all the action. "Of course, it probably won't stay that way for too long." Steel thought out loud as he rested on a cloud. Steel closed his eyes, but was soon roused by the sound of Rainbow Dash swooping by! He blinked as he saw hey flying like she'd been accepted into the Wonderbolts. "I'm guessing you're in a good mood?" He asked with a small smile. "Only the best mood ever!" Rainbow Dash squealed excitedly! "Twilight hooked me up for a meeting with A.K. Yearling! The author of the Daring Do series! This is so awesome!" Rainbow Dash soon came down from her fan-girl state. "So. You wanna come with?" Steel smiled. "Sure. It's something my girlfriend holds pretty high, so I'd love to see you happy." Steel then stood up, and dusted himself off. "Besides. Maybe she can come up with a crossover from all the adventures me and the guys have had. Just let me grab my Duelist Arms. You never know what's gonna happen." Steel made a quick stop by his house to pick up his Duelist Arms, and joined Rainbow Dash on her trip to meet A.K. Yearling. They soon arrived at A.K.'s house, and Rainbow Dash immediately inspected all the items that resembled objects from the Daring Do novels. 'These look too real to be replicas or props.' Steel noted. He'd heard Rainbow Dash list the descriptions of items from the novels. And some of the objects here were dead ringers for said items. 'So. Just how "fictional" are Daring Do's adventures?' Steel and Rainbow Dash then noticed A.K. Yearling. 'And who's to say Daring Do's adventures are really her own?' Rainbow Dash immediately rushed up to Yearling, and started blabbing how much she loved the Daring Do series. Steel took note of how blind Rainbow Dash was, and pried her out of Yearling's face. "You've gotta forgive my girlfriend. She's a bit of a fan. And....exciteable." Steel said with an apologetic smile. "So I've seen." Yearling said with a chuckle. "Still. I guess it's better than having someone who's too critical of my work ranting in my face. Fans are an extreme bunch." Yearling then noticed Steel's full appearance. "Say...you're one of the Elements of Heroism, right?" Steel nodded. "Steel Edge. Former captain of the Elite Guard, and Element of Honor. Pleased to meet you Miss Yearling. Now. I think I'd better have a word with my girlfriend." Steel pulled Rainbow Dash to a corner, and whispered to her. "Dash. I know you're excited to meet your favorite author. But I think there's more to the Daring Do series than you think there is. Some of these objects look too real to be props or replicas." "What?" Rainbow Dash scoffed. "Get real! All those stories are is stories!" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "What? You think that A.K. Yearling's actually SEEN the adventures of Daring Do?" Steel sighed. "Not exactly..." He then noticed Yearling putting what looked like an artifact in her backpack. "Look. The point is, try to dial down the enthusiasm a bit. We'd better leave now." Steel led Rainbow Dash out, and was met with the rest of the girls. "Miss Yearling was a little busy, so we decided to leave her to her work." However, Steel noticed a group of three guys going into Yearling's house. Rainbow Dash noticed too, and rushed up to one of the windows. Her eyes went wide when she found out that A.K. Yearling WAS Daring Do! She was about to bolt in and fight the thugs until Steel restrained her! "Hey what gives?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "You were right Steel! So why're you stopping me from kicking some butt?! Heck, with you and me they wouldn't stand a chance!" Steel frowned. "Rainbow. In all the Daring Do novels you've read, hasn't she USUALLY taken down a bunch of henchmen no problem? I'm just going to sit back, and let her do her thing because she's so good at it." Steel and the girls watched as A.K. took down the thugs, and went against Caballeron only for Ahuizohtl to steal the ring she'd been carrying! "Did you not see that?!" Rainbow Dash shouted! "Ahuizohtl just nabbed the last ring of Scorchero!" "Just like I planned." Yearling said with a winning smile as she approached the group and stretched her wings. "I knew Ahuizotl had the other rings. That's why I let him take the last one. So that way I could get all of the rings at once and scatter them! But I can't do it alone." She then looked at Rainbow Dash and Steel. "So? You two care to do a crossover?" Steel looked at the starry look in Rainbow Dash's eyes, and grinned. "We'd be honored." Back in Ahuizohtl's temple, he had just placed the rings. But as the rings began to activate, a slash of energy sent most of his tribal minions flying! Steel stood with his sword drawn, and shield raised! Ahuizohtl snapped his fingers, and one of his wild cats lunged at Steel only to get bashed in the face by Steel's shield! "Any other cats for me to put out?" "So. It appears Daring Do has found yet another fool to oppose me." Ahuizohtl growled as Daring Do and Rainbow Dash entered. "No matter! I stand on the edge of triumph!" Ahuizohtl was then sent flying by another slash from Steel's blade! "And you're about to taste my edge." Steel said in a cool tone as he silently rushed Ahuizotl with a series of rapid slashes! And while Steel engaged Ahuizohtl and his minions, A.K. and Rainbow Dash set to work removing the rings! Steel saw that the two were almost finished, and helped to remove the last rings! With the rings gone, the temple began to collapse! A.K. smiled. "So? This your first time escaping a crumbling ruin?" "Trust me Miss Yearling." Steel said with a chuckle. "Me and the guys have PLENTY of stories to tell you. Just make sure the cover art to your next book is awesome." And with that, the trio of adventurers went their separate ways to home. A few days later Steel was in front of Rainbow Dash's house, and was startled when Rainbow threw the door open! She was bouncing up and down with the latest Daring Do book in her hands. "Steel! Take a look at the cover!" Steel looked at the cover. On it was Daring Do with the ring in her arms. Rainbow Dash was also there flying at a random henchman while Steel was fighting Ahuizotl! "Now THIS should be an epic read."