//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Phenomenal One // by TheAnimerican //------------------------------// Applejack continued on her way to the ring as the audience cheered and chanted her name, "AJ STYLES! AJ STYLES! AJ STYLES!" Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo stared at her silently with their jaws dropped. This amazing wrestler that they waited all night for was Applejack? "The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, from the town of Ponyville, A... J... STYLES!!!" As the ring announcer... well, announced her presence, the crowd followed along with him as he said her name. Applejack walked up the steel steps and entered the ring. She once again stood on her hind legs and stretched out her forelegs as she slowly made a 360 degree turn for all to see her. Rainbow and Scootaloo then snapped out of their state of shock and tried to get her attention. They shouted her name and flailed to get her attention, but the complaining ponies around them caused them to sit back down. "Rainbow, that's Applejack up there right?" the little pegasus questioned. "I'm sure it is, but I can't believe she is a wrestler? Why didn't she tell us? Also, she looks different right now. She and I have been in contests before, but I don't think I have ever seen this side of her before. In our feuds, she did it purely for the sport and fun of it. Right now, she is so focused, serious, and wants to win." After she made that statement, AJ's music stopped and new music came up. The crowds again cheered as lights were flashing everywhere and the music was more rock n' roll. Rainbow and Scootaloo looked to the entrance and saw that it was a stallion making his way to the ring. He was a pegasus, coat was a tanned color, his mane was short and messy. Oddly enough, unlike Applejack's wrestling tight pants, he wore jeans and a gray tank top. "Introducing the challenger, from Las Pegasus, weighing in at 215 lbs... MEAN... AMBROSE!!!" The crowd's cheer wasn't as loud as Applejack's entrance, it was still obvious that the fans showed love for both wrestlers. Scootaloo grabbed Rainbow's foreleg, "Uh... Rainbow, shouldn't we do something? 215 lbs. is a lot of weight for Applejack to handle." "Don't worry squirt. If I know AJ, and I do know AJ, she can handle this colt." As soon as Ambrose made it inside the ring, the music stopped and the referee explained the rules to both wrestlers. Not that the rules mattered, but it just made it look more realistic. Once he finished explaining, he signaled for the match to start. Once the bell sounded, the match became official; AJ Styles vs. Mean Ambrose. First the match started off like most matches. Each wrestler walked around the ring, copying their opponents movements to give them time to study them. However, Ambrose was the first to make a move. He ran straight towards Applejack to tackle her, but she rolled out of the way in time to avoid the collision. Instead of a mare, Ambrose plunged himself to the ring's corner. Rainbow and Scootaloo laughed at Ambrose's clumsiness. "If this is how this guy is going to be, then AJ got this match in the bag," Rainbow said jokingly. Applejack then went to the corner and repositioned Ambrose so that he would face her. As he hung on the corner, Applejack climbed up the turnbuckle, and began to deliver strikes to the head. "Woo! Go Applejack!" Scootaloo cheered. As Applejack continued her assault, Ambrose decided it was the perfect time to counter-attack. He stood up straight, wrapped his forelegs around Applejack's thighs, and immediately threw Applejack down with a powerbomb. Much of the crowd shouted "Oh!" as they heard the impact of Applejack slamming into the ring. "Uh... Rainbow Dash, that looked like it really hurt." "Don't worry. This is all fake. They staged this." "Really?" "Yeah. She's fine." "Then, why hasn't she gotten up?" Rainbow turned her attention towards Applejack, as she saw her struggle to get back up. "She's acting Scootaloo. You are worrying too much. It wouldn't be too convincing if she got up right away, right?" "I... I guess so," Scootaloo wasn't entirely convinced, but she kept quiet as not to annoy Rainbow Dash further. As the match went on, Ambrose had time to recover as AJ was still on the floor. He took the opportunity to meet her and start delivering kicks to her as she was still on the ground. The ref immediately intervened and separated him from her. It was during this time, she rolled out the ring in hopes of recovering. The ref then began the countdown; Applejack had until ten to get back in the ring; otherwise she would lose the match by count out. To support her, the fans chanted her name, "A J STYLES! A J STYLES! A J STYLES!" In between her name, the crowd would stomp their hooves. Not wanting to let her recover, Ambrose left the ring to fight her on the outside. By doing so, the ref was forced to reset the countdown. Unfortunately for Ambrose, Applejack had already recovered. Before Ambrose could strike first, Applejack quickly blocked him and struck him in the face with an uppercut. She then turned around and gave him a powerful buck. Ambrose was thrown back a couple of feet from the impact and landed on his back. The crowd cheered as Applejack now had the upperhoof. "Yah! Go AJ! You got this!" Rainbow shouted. "That voice," Applejack thought, "No no it couldn't be. There are thousands of ponies here. Maybe somepony sounds like her." Ignoring the familiar voice, she focused her attention back to Ambrose. She picked him up by the head and threw him back into the ring, with Applejack following behind. Once she entered the ring, Ambrose was already back up and attacked her with a clothesline. As Applejack was struck by a foreleg across the neck, she flipped in mid air and landed on her side. Despite this comeback, it took the strength out of Ambrose as he collapsed to the floor as well. "Rainbow!" Scootaloo shouted in worry, "Applejack just flew in the air! I thought you said this was fake!" "I-It is... It's just good acting that's all," Although the words came out, the confidence wasn't there as it was before. She was used to seeing that happen to other wrestlers, but for it to happen to her friend just made it hard to watch. The wind got knocked out of Applejack as she struggled to breath. The need for air made it harder for her to get back on her hooves. "What the buck was that?" she thought to herself. "One!" The official started to count. Just like being outside the ring, one of the wrestlers had to get up before the referee counted to ten. If both are down by the end of the count, it would be considered a tie. As she tried to get back on her hooves, she grabbed onto the ropes to assist her. Looking between the ropes, she spotted something that made her heart stop. Between the ropes, was Rainbow Dash and a worried Scootaloo. "R-Rainbow Dash!?!" Applejack tried to shout her name. "Come on AJ! Don't let this guy push you around!" Rainbow cheered her on. "What in tarnation are y'all doin' here!?!" While she shouted at the Rainbow pegasus, Ambrose was already back on his hooves. He turned around, looking at Applejack still hanging on the ropes. A smile grew on his face as he was about to go for the kill. Rainbow and Scootaloo saw Ambrose slowly making his way towards Applejack. "Applejack! Behind you!" Scootaloo warned her. But before she could respond, Ambrose already took her by the mane. "AJ!?!" Rainbow and Scootaloo screamed in unison, worried for her friend as it looked like it was over. Thinking quickly on her hoof, Applejack broke free of Ambrose's grasp. She then attacked him with a move called the pele kick. With this move, she made a back flip and gave a kick to the skull of Ambrose. He lost balance and found it difficult to stand up straight. Rainbow and Scootaloo stared in awe at the sight of this. This was something they never witnessed out of the Applejack they knew. Rainbow immediately snapped back to reality and cheered, "That's right AJ! Show him you run this show!" As Applejack saw the opportunity, she took a hold of Ambrose and lifted him up. "It's over!" the pegasus from earlier shouted, "She's going for her finisher!" "She has a finisher?" Scootaloo asked confused. "She's going for the... Styles Clash," he said slowly as if it was one of the best moves ever invented. Applejack positioned Ambrose by hanging him upside down on her shoulders; grabbing him from belly-to-back. She then hugged the thighs with her forelegs and her hind legs trapped his fore legs. Once she had him locked in, she jumped forward and landed on Ambrose belly first. She then turned him over, but with her legs still holding onto the forelegs. Ambrose was locked in the pin. The ref counted the cover, "1!... 2!... 3!..." The bell has rung and the match was over. Applejack won her first match in the EWE. Nearly everypony cheered this great victory as Applejack's theme music played. Applejack stood up with the strength she had left. After she wiped her head of the sweat, she smiled as she looked all around the stadium. She looked to her friends that were also in the crowd. She walked towards the ropes that were closest to them, "I guess I got a lot of explainin' to do?" "Yep. You sure do. And I can't wait to hear it." Rainbow Dash said with her forelegs crossed. As Applejack was about to step out the ring, she heard a groan from behind. Behind her, was Ambrose struggling on his legs. Although she was his opponent, that does not make him her enemy. She walked to him and offered her hoof. At first, Ambrose looked confused at her and wondered what she was doing. Applejack saw that he wasn't going to grab her hoof as he was being cautious. So instead, she forced her herself by picking him up and helping him exit the arena. The crowd praised the honor shown by the warriors that were leaving the ring. "See Scootaloo? I told you Applejack would be alright," said the cyan pegasus. She stepped out the ring first and then assisted him. As they walked back towards the entrance, Ambrose asked, "Why?" "You were hurt and I wanted to help. We might've fought just now, but I refuse to leave ya injured in the ring." As they were walking towards backstage, Applejack could have sworn that she heard a soft, "Thanks."