Daughter of Sunburst

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 15

Five months later, Sunburst and Starlight return to the Crystal Empire. As they arrive at the house, Sunset drops her book and runs to greet them and embraces them in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're home!" says Sunset, still holding them in the embrace. After a few minutes, she lets go of the embrace. "How was the trip?"

"It went well," replies Sunburst. "Thanks for asking."

"Why don't we go out to dinner tonight, just the three of us?" suggests Starlight.

"That sounds perfect," replies Sunset.

That night, the three go out to dinner and enjoy their food, stories, jokes, and laughs. The three have an all around merry evening and even go see a movie afterwards. The three have an amazing time at the movie and actually rather enjoyed themselves. After the movie, the three go home and Starlight and Sunburst go to their room and go to sleep and Sunset goes to her room to catch up on her reading and even writes a late night note to Celestia asking to see her again. Once the letter is written, Sunset nods off to sleep. She's tired, she's had a busy last five months and honestly, she'd have it no other way.