//------------------------------// // Interlude One; Vist to Canterlot and a Ninth Element // Story: The Heroes of Equestria; Season One // by TechDragonX //------------------------------// [Sunday, July 19...] Cobalt was outside of Twilight's library house waiting on said mare. 'I thought she said she was gonna be all set to go by 12' thought Cobalt looking at his Celestial Harmony Watch or CHW. Then a radar showed up with the image of a trio of apples. Right then Applejack slowed down from her run and walked up to Cobalt. "Hey... there..., Cobalt," said Applejack clearly out of breath. "Hey there yourself, Applejack," said Cobalt before continuing, "Whats the rush?" "I need to see you before you left," replied Applejack. "What for?" asked Cobalt. Suddenly the door opened and out stepped Twilight and Spike. Twilight had her bag on her back, with the entire bag filled with paper and quills. While the older looking Spike was wrapped up in a blanket. His normally purple scales were now a bright green color and he had a thermometer in his mouth. "Applejack?" asked Twilight, "What are you doing here?" "I was about to ask, Cobalt if he could fix my cart," responded Applejack. Spike then let out a sneeze which in turn shot out a spark of blue flames. "I could take care of, Spike for you until y'all get back," said Applejack. Taking careful consideration and some reassurance from Cobalt, Twilight gave Applejack the keys to the house and used a fire proof spell on the house. "Thank you, I'll have him cured by the time y'all come back," said Applejack. With that the unicorn duo walked towards the train station. Leaving Applejack to take care of a sick Spike. Spike in turn was messing around with his purple CHW and somehow called Applejack. "How did you do that?" asked Applejack. "All I did was press the button right here and tapped your name," answered Spike showing her what he did." [Twilight and Cobalt...] After Cobalt got the two their tickets each were 180 bits in total. The two settled down in the private car of the train. The two ordered some hay burgers and a small soda. The two were setting in total silence and every now and then they would quickly look at each other and turned away blushing. Cobalt then broke the silence. "So... Um... What did you do after the party last week?" asked Cobalt. "Um... I... I studied the Celestial Harmony Watch and drew up the design and internal workings of the watches," replied Twilight. "So... I thought that you would need help building a main source to be able to store any more information from Luna and Celestia," said Cobalt. "We should," said Twilight before asking, "But where are we going to put in?" "I'll deal with that," said Cobalt. Suddenly the train car door was blasted open and a dragon walked towards the two, the dragon was carrying a large bag which was full of possibly the other passengers valuables. Cobalt then sprang into a defensive stance. "Hand over your valuables or pay the price!" said the dragon. "Why should we?!" asked Cobalt. "Because of this!" yelled the dragon as he shot a fire ball at Cobalt. This produced a cloud of smoke around Cobalt, then Twilight burst out laughing. All this caused was confuse the dragon thief. "What are you laughing about?" asking the dragon. "She's laughing about this," said Cobalt. Cobalt then appeared behind the dragon in his harmony armor. "Wait your a member of that team of heroes," said the dragon. Turning back to Twilight who also was in her harmony armor, the dragon tried to run but couldn't as he was frozen by Twilight's immobilizing spell. Suddenly Luna appeared on Twilight's CHW. "Twilight, you can't harm this dragon!" said Luna. "Why not?" asked Twilight. "Hey girls look at what I found," said Cobalt levitating a small sphere with a unknown gas. Luna scanned the sphere and had a horrified look on her face. "This is filled with the memory altering gas; Xenon gas," said Luna. "Then that means nopony knows he's here legally," said Twilight. "We wouldn't want to start a war between Equestria and the dragon lands," said Cobalt. This caused the dragon thief to smirk. As the train was surrounded by fire. "Well, there's my ride," said the dragon, "Oh, y'all can call me, Blaze." "Well that was interesting," said Luna before she left. "We have to put out the fire around the train," said Cobalt. Twilight then fired off a huge fixing spell while Cobalt used a return spell to return the stolen items back to their owners. After that the train went back on its way. "Woo, that was exciting wasn't it?" said Cobalt sounding a little bit like Applejack. "Cobalt," said a giggling Twilight. "Oh, hey, Twilight," said 'Cobalt' still doing an 'Applejack' impression. "Um... Is that you in there, Applejack?" asked Twilight. "Yes, somehow I got in here sugarcube," said the simi possessed Cobalt. 'How did you manage to get inside of my mind?'asked Cobalt telepathically. 'I don't know myself?' answered Applejack telepathically. Suddenly the mental bond between Applejack and Cobalt caused one of Cobalt's eyes to look like Applejack and the opposite was true for the other. This caused Luna to appear from Twilight's CHW. "I see that somepony found the mind bond," said Luna, "Press the red button on the side." "Thanks, Luna?" said Applejack and Cobalt. [Applejack and Spike...] After the mind bond incident, Applejack was cooking some of her family's famous soup; Apple Herb Soup, with some gems that she read in one of the books on the library's shelf, which helps a dragon recover. "How you holding up in there, Spike?" asked Applejack. "Not so well," answered Spike. "The soup is almost ready," Applejack said. "Thanks," replied Spike sneezing again and producing more fire. 'I hope that Twilight and Cobalt will be back soon' thought Applejack. [Twilight and Cobalt...] As the two got off the train they saw two members of the royal guard one was a unicorn and the other was a pegasus and another unicorn pony. The two walked up to the group of three ponies, and as they got closer Cobalt recognized the third pony. "Hey, Dawn," said Cobalt as he ran towards his twin sister giving her a hoof bump. Dawn has light blue fur, purple eyes, her mane and tail is light orange with a zigzag bright blue line down the middle, and her cutie mark is a brown magnifying glass with a scroll and a brown question mark on the left and right respectively, Dawn was also wearing a golden amulet with half a ruby and sapphire gems in the center. "Mr. and Ms. Star, Ms. Sparkle," said the pegasus guard, "Princess Celesta wanted us to escort y'all to the castle." "Yes sir," the trio said in unison. As the group went on their way, Cobalt decided to allow his sister and Twilight to do some introductions. Suddenly the unicorn guard stopped and looked around at the rooftops of the buildings. "Hey, you ok, um..." said Cobalt. "Max," said the unicorn guard now known as Max. "Cobalt," said Cobalt. "I'm ok, just thought I saw something," said Max. "Okay," said Cobalt walking back to Dawn and Twilight. [In the throne room...] As the guards opened the door for Cobalt, Twilight, and Dawn to enter, Celesta was sitting behind a desk writing a message to somepony. When she was finished she turned to speak to her guests. "It's finally nice to see you two again and to meet the representative from the Star family who isn't a element bearer," said Celesta. "Thanks, Celesta," said Dawn. "Wait, Celesta, there was this dragon thief named Blaze that Cobalt and me ran into," said Twilight. "I'll look into that," said Celesta before continued, "These will allow you to enter the Cobolt wing of the castle without me." As Celesta levitated the three passports to the three unicorns. Suddenly the door burst opened and the said dragon thief walked in. "What are you doing here?" asked Cobalt. "Do you have a passport?" asked Celesta. "No..." said Blaze. "Then go back home," Celesta said sternly. Blaze raised his arms and opened his hands to reveal a scroll with the seal of a sword, and a small flame. Everypony in the room was paralyzed with fear. "What do you want?" asked Dawn. "I want to get some payback from earlier," said Blaze. "You're the one who tried to kill me!" screamed Cobalt. Suddenly Blaze shot the flame at Cobalt, only for the armor of harmony to activate. Then Blaze charged at Cobolt with his claws on fire. Cobalt stood there smiling and when Blaze was about to jab at Cobalt, said unicorn used a portal spell, which teleported Blaze to the crystal caves under Canterlot. "The remaining crystals down there are indestructible, right?" asked Dawn. "Yes, they are," said Celesta. "We're going to the Cobolt wing!" cheered Twilight. [Twilight's House...] Spike's scale glow was gone and he was flying around Ponyville. Rainbow Dash saw him and flew over. "Hey, Spike," said Rainbow. "Hey, you're wondering why I'm instantly better?" asked Spike. "Yea, how is that?" responded Rainbow. "I made my family's famous soup with some gems," answered Applejack. Out of nowhere a lightning bolt almost struck Spike. The two ponies and Spike turned around to see a white dragon with black scales in a lightning bolt pattern. Spike and the dragon had a stare down that lasted for a moment. "AJ, Rainbow, let me handle this one," said Spike. "Ok, but if it starts to look bad, we're jumping in," said Rainbow. Spike activated his harmony armor and waited for his opponent to make the first move, while charging up his energy claws. "I see you wanted to take me on in a one on one battle, traitor hatchling!" said the dragon. "Traitor?" asked Spike confused before continuing, "How am I a traitor?" "The dragon lord's tracking sickness worked, and he sent me, Bolt," said the dragon now known as Bolt. Bolt then blasted Spike with a ball of lightning, but using his claws, Spike managed to knock Bolt back and into the Everfree Forest. He signaled his to team mates to get the others. Then went after Bolt. [Cobolt Wing...] Cobalt used the map he picked up to get to the training hall. Along with his sister and Twilight. When they entered the training hall, Twilight was bouncing around reading and taking notes on the information on the informal scroll. When walking near a wall, Dawn's amulet gems were glowing. The wall had a life size Cobolt figure with a replica of the harmony sword on it. Dawn walked towards the wall and lightly touched the figure, which blasted her into her brother. Upon contact with the element of courage, Dawn was levitated into the air and her amulet's gems spun around her some of the magic from the elements of harmony went into each of the gems. When Dawn was brought back to the ground, she was wearing armor similar to the harmony armor and ninja armor, instead of it being completely gold or black it armor was black around her mouth and eyes, golden around her hind and front hoofs and a dark golden color over the rest of her body. Her amulet was separated into two parts one with the sapphire and the other with the ruby. "Dawn?" asked Cobalt. "What happened?" asked Twilight. "I don't know all I did was go near that wall and touched the figurine," answered Dawn. Luna then appeared on the scene, while Celesta walked in. "Another element or knight?" asked Luna. "I didn't mention the fact that there were another two elements other than the seven," said Celesta, "Spike has the elements of knowledge and companionship." [Everfree Forest...] Spike suddenly started to glow green then the light separated into blue and yellow, and the yellow glow flew off, returning Spike back to normal. "Well, that's strange." said Bolt. "Inferno Rush!" called out Spike, catching Bolt off guard and attacking him with high speed, power, and fire. "Nice try," said Bolt. "10,000 Volt Sphere!" Bolt countered. Spike leapt away from Bolt and got into a defensive stance and braced the sphere of electricity. The sphere knocked Spike back some more. Spike then dodged a lightning bolt and countered with a stream of fire. Suddenly the fire from Spike's mouth and formed into a spear. "Let's take this to the next level," said Bolt as he summoned a lightning rod with lightning bolts on the ends. "Let's do it," said Spike. The two charged at each other and locked blades. Spike saw a button his weapon and it changed into a crossbow with a blade on the bottom. As Bolt slashed down, Spike rolled out of the way and fired of a bright orange arrow which hit Bolt straight in the chest and left a huge burn mark on his scales. Spike smirked at this and avoided the lightning stream while preforming a charged arrow. "I'm going to get you!" screamed Bolt as the charged arrow completely burnt his chest and was sent flying. "Awesome!" yelled Rainbow. "Spike, you were amazing!" exclaimed Pinkie. "Thanks," said Fluttershy. "Woo hoo, way to show him how it's done!" exclaimed Applejack. "You showed that ruffian," said Rarity. "Aw, it was nothing," said Spike, "Lets head back to Ponyville." As the other members of Team Harmony went to Sugarcube Corner, they were being watched by a small cloud of magic mist, familiar magic mist. "I should watch over these ponies and that dragon," said the mist. [Cobolt Wing...] Dawn suddenly got hit with a yellow glow as she completed the harmony process. "Now you are an element of harmony; The element of knowledge," said Celesta. "Thank you," said Dawn. As the group got near Cobolt's library, Twilight went ballistic. She was carefully reading through the books and writing down notes. "Is she always like this?" asked Dawn. "Always," said Celesta and Cobalt at the same time. "Twilight you do know that everything in this wing has a protection spell and perseverance enchantment on it," said Celesta. Without giving an answer, Twilight started to read quicker, along with taking notes. Cobalt and Dawn thought that somepony called their names and went to investigate. "Cobolt, Dawn," said the voice. "Over here," said Dawn. The two twins were standing at a wall with a cabinet that was made from a metal that repels magic, too heavy for an earth pony to lift and could withstand any kind of weather. It also had a five pointed star key lock, a familiar Star key lock. "Bro still got your star shard?" asked Dawn. "Never leave without it," said Cobolt pulling in out from inside the CHW top. The two star shards that were in Cobalt's and Dawn's magic were red and blue respectively. The twins then noticed that the shards were a different shape. They quickly found the slots for their shards and placed them in their places. "That's two down three more to go," said Dawn. [Several Hours Later...] Twilight was reading one of her notes, while Cobalt was chatting with his sister, Dawn. After the discovery of the star cabinet and speaking with their parents, Dawn had decided to go Ponyville with her brother and Twilight. They also got a call from Rainbow about a dragon who had the power of lightning, and also tried to kill Spike. "Do you think?" started Cobalt. [Ponyville Train Station...] Upon arriving at the station dock the two members of Team Harmony and Dawn got off their train and spotted the rest of Team Harmony. "Hey girls and Spike, this is my sister, Dawn..." Cobalt said before he was cut off. "Dawn Star?!" squealed Rarity, "As in the famous detective of Equestria?" "Yes, that's me," said Dawn. "Oh, sorry, I am Rarity," said Rarity. "I'm Applejack," said Applejack. "I am Pinkie Pie, that's Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike," said Pinkie as she pointed to all of them. "Also we have something to show y'all," said Cobalt. Dawn concentrated on dawning her armor and in a small flash of light she was in her harmony armor with a yellow magnifying glass with a black outline. "Another element?" asked Fluttershy. "I thought there was only eight?" asked Rarity. "There is nine in total; Magic, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Courage, Knowledge, and Companionship," answered Twilight. [Later...] Twilight was over at Cobalt's and Dawn's shared house, which was a normal two story house, but instead made out of wood, stone, and harden clay. KNOCK KNOCK! When the door opened, the one who answered it was, Dawn. "Hi, Twilight," said Dawn, "What brings you here?" "Is Cobalt home?" asked Twilight. "He's in the shower, but you can come inside," responded Dawn. "I can't, I am working on something at my house," Twilight said, "But tomorrow can both of you come over and bring any tools y'all have." "Ok," said Dawn as Twilight teleported back home. When she teleported inside she knocked over her bag and a scroll with the sword seal, the notes on the markings, with Celesta's approval mark stamped on both, fell out. "Oh, no!" exclaimed Twilight, "I forgot about those papers, well I'll hand them over tomorrow." As the inhabitants of Equestria went to bed and Digital Luna was patrolling the dream realm with the technology of the present day a magic mist stayed in the shadows undetected. 'Soon, I WILL return' thought the mist.