//------------------------------// // In the mind // Story: The wolf and the bat // by DustyDusk123 //------------------------------// Dusk and Arrow were still in the cave sleeping, they both woke up. Dusk and Arrow both woke up and yawned, "Morning" they said to each other. Arrow then told Dusk: "I probably have to go, bye Dusk." She walked off and they both waved at eachother. "Bye" said Dusk while waving and sighed after. At Arrows home Arrow walked in and got greeted by Valentine saying: "Sup mut." Arrow rolled her eyes and sat on the couch and sighed. Valentine was reading in her spell book, Arrow asked: "What are you reading about?" Valentine answered: "Ugh, spells..." Arrow walked over, Valentine quickly closed the book. Arrow asked: "Why am i not allowed to see it?" Valentine then answered: "You dont have the rights mut!" Arrow rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever..." and got to her room. Valentine sighed, opened her book and read from where she left off. She saw a mind control spell, she got a idea and tought: "Oh i can make Dusk fall in love with me!" She stood up and ran outside. Arrow tought she just saw some stupid stuff about new clothes so she didnt bother about it. Back to Dusk's cave. Dusk sat on his spot as usual, he was eating a apple. But suddenly Valentine came and said: "Oooooh Duuuusk! I got a present for you!" Dusk finished the apple and said: "If its marriage please get out im too young!" Valentine facepalmed and said: "No silly! Something special...~" Dusk gulped and got up, he saw Valentine in the door way and asked: "W-what is i-it...?" Valentine's horn lit up and she said: "This!" And shot Dusk with the mind control spell. Dusk screeched and fainted. Valentine sighed and said: "Now i gotta wait for him to wake up..." Meanwhile at Arrows house Arrow got up from her bed, she sighed and got downstairs. Valentine was still gone, she walked outside and walked to the forest slowly thinking: "Im kinda worried that Valentine is with Dusk..." Back at the cave, a minute passed and Dusk woke up. Dusk woke up he said: "I f-feel weird..." Valentine then said: "Wakey wakey, cutie...~" Dusk jumped and turned around and saw Valentine, his eyes shot open and he said with a weird voice: "Yes master?" Valentine raised a eyebrow and said: "K... kinda creepy... erm... so, how about a kiss hm?" Dusk ran up to Valentine knocked her off a rock she sat on and kissed for 5 seconds after stopping and said with the weird voice: "Anything for you master." Valentine was kinda shocked and sighed after, she then sad: "Okay... can you call me Valentine instead of master?" Dusk then replied with that weird voice: "Okay ma- i mean... Valentine." Arrow walked in and saw Dusk and Valentine and she yelled: "Valentine get away from him he doesnt like you!" Valentine then yelled: "Eeeeeeeek! Dusk get that dog out of here!" Dusk nodded and said in the weird voice: "Yes ma- Valentine, i will obey you." Valentine sighed and said: "My hero...~" Dusk walked up to Arrow and grabbed her by her neck and said in the weird voice: "Stay away from my mistress, dogs arent allowed here." Valentine giggled a bit when Dusk said that. Arrow knew it was a spell of Valentine, thats why she hid it. Arrow yelled: "Dusk! No! Im your friend remember!" Dusk shaked his head and said in the weird voice: "My only friend and mistress is the beautiful Valentine, no one can sepperate me from her." Valentine sighed and sad: "Oh Dusk! You so sweet!" Dusk then threw Arrow out and said with the weird voice: "I must serve my only queen, its what i made for." He walked inside Arrow ran after him and grabbed him by his leg and said: "Dusk! Please! Im your friend! Your best friend!" Dusk stood still for a second, he spoke but his voice was a bit more normal: "Sorry Arrow, my queen is all i want." Valentine giggled and said: "You heard him, im his queen...~" Arrow then said: "B-but Dusk! Remember the times we had together? C-come on!" Dusk didnt react for 5 seconds and then said in a bit more normal voice: "Sorry Arrow our friends ship is over." He kicked Arrow off and stood before Valentine and said: "I am nothing but a servant to Valentine and must do whatever she wished me to do no matter how hard it is." Valentine sighed and hugged Dusk and said: "Ooooh Dusk! You dont know how much i love it when you talk about me like that!" Dusk said with that same voice: "Thank you my mistress, i love you too" They were about to kiss but Arrow pushed Valentine away and Dusk screamed with that voice: "Mistress!" He looked at Arrow and grabbed her and countinued: "You will pay for that!" Arrow sighed and said: "Dusk pleaaaaase!" Dusk punched her in the face and said: "Shut up, mut" A tear rolled out Arrows eye and she said: "I-i..." she sighed and countinued: "I jut want my friend back." Dusk stared at Arrow saying nothing when suddenly Valentine grabbed Arrow with her magic and threw her into a tree and it knocked her out. Dusk gasped and Valentine was about to kiss Dusk but suddenly Dusk snapped out the spell, pushed Valentine away and ran to Arrow and yelled: "Arrow! A-are you okay?!" No response, tears rolled down his eyes. Valentine walked to Dusk and said: "Awww poor little Dusky, you forgot who your are! MY servant!" She grabbed Dusk and was about to kiss her. Dusk threw Valentine on the ground and pinned her down and said: "You will pay for what you have done!" Valentine giggled and teleported a bit away from Dusk and said: "Silly silly Dusk... you cant resist me, no one can...~' Dusk gulped and knew Valentine will just take him over again, he yelled: "Catch me then!" And ran off Valentine said: "Hey!" And chased after him while yelling: "Come baaaaack! I want youuuuuu!" Dusk ran faster then Valentine, much faster. But Valentine teleported infront of Dusk. Dusk crashed into Valentine and he fell down and Valentine pinned him down and said: "Were was i, hm?~" Dusk then kicked her off grabbed a stone and yelled: "IM READY! HOW ABOUT YOU?!" He threw the stone at Valentine and ran off. Valentine catched it with her magic and threw it away and said: "Ready enough for you, sweetie...~" And she teleported close to Dusk and tried to grab him. Dusk jumped away to dodge it and landed on a rock and said: "Not bad, but still not fast!" He jumped off the rock and ran off. Valentine ran after him and said: "Hard to get hm?" Dusk replied: "More like impossible to get!" He ran into the cave and went trough the secret exit and closed it behind him. Valentine ran in and was confused when Dusk was gone, she sighed and said: "Clever boy..." and walked off to her home. Dusk got off the cave a minute later and went to Arrow, he picked her up. She coughed while blood was leave her nose and she said: "D-Dusk? Y-your gonna f-finish me?" Dusk said: "No, im not." And brought her to the cave, it was becomming night so he countinued: "Your gonna stay here, its too dark outside." Arrow nodded and yanwned, she then said: "Im going to sleep Dusk... n-night..." Dusk replied: "Night..." They both fell asleep, again.