//------------------------------// // Chapter 25: Homecoming // Story: The Khronos empire // by Cyrusquest //------------------------------// Chapter 25: Homecoming Two days later… [Starlight POV] Twilight, Spike and I headed down to the train station, making sure everything is on schedule. Finally, we are ready to back Equestrian!! No more hiding in foreign land! Techno and Prometheus were working on re-modifying the Khronos Armored Train that were hijacked few days ago by Apple Jack and co. with the aid of Caninu and Griffins. I can see a lot of engineers from all empires working simultaneously. The main forces are staying here until one of Prometheus’ Legion joined us the campaign. I just hope they won’t stab us in the back….. “Techno! Prometheus! What’s our status?” Twilight asked as we approached them . “Well, Princess Twilight….” Techno turned around and approach her. “We had improved a bit of the armor thanks to Prometheus, plus we had to repair the Prime Cannon thanks to the damages cause by the Caninu and Griffins. To an added bonus, we add a new weaponry where the Khronains won’t see it coming.” He explained as we approached the train. “What kind of new weaponry?” I asked as I observed the train’s new paint job and enhanced armors. “I’m pretty sure it’s the Khronain-based plasma weaponry.” Spike guessed as he gazed at the Prime Cannon as it’s more militarized. “Yes, you are corrected, Spike but with a few…unique alteration.” Said Prometheus and we all stopped and glance at him.“We decided to call this new weapon—” “THE BASS CANNON!!!!” DJPoni3 sprung out of the turret hatch and hugged the cannon. “It’s the ultimate weapon ever to exist in all Equestrian to….” she then climbed up on the muzzle, spread her hind hooves to sit down and raised her hooves up as she shouted: “….DROP THE BASS!!!” “Uhhh…..Okaaay?” Spike was speechless. “Cool…I guess.” I replied with a smile. “Right, it fires an ultra-sonic frequency blast that travels at the speed of 78 km/h and the blast radius of 20 – 30 miles but each shot drains a lot of energy so we better make the shot counts.” said Prometheus as DJPoni3 tighten the screws and bolts to make sure nothing are loosen. “Wow….Oh wait, now that I remembered…. Didn’t you said that you and your Legions were making some tanks?” asked Spike. “Of course, right over here.” We followed Prometheus to the group of new type of tanks. “These are the M4 Sherman Firefly! It’s armor weights 11.8 ton, it’s main armament is the QF 17-pounder gun that fires 76.2 mm shells.” he explained. “With the Khronain hover engine, its speed is 32 km/h or 40 at burst.” Techno continues as he walked closer to the tank and patted his hoof on it. “This baby also have a flexible 50.in Browning M2 MG and Coaxial .30 in Browning m1919 MG!” he added. “So, did you based it on the Khronain Tanks?” I asked then came Kat with some refreshment. “Nah, Oliver just got very inspired by the ancient Khronain tanks Khronos discarded years ago. Right, Oliver?” asked Kat. Mhmmmm…. Everypony called Oliver by his new name “Prometheus” but Kat kept calling him by his original name. I think Kat had some kind of bond with him…If I was Cadence or Flurry Heart; I’ll sniff her love out like a dog! “Yeah, it’s the improved version and any modern Khronain will underestimate the relic but don’t think it has armor strength equal to the Mk III. Luckily, we managed to create new 76.2 mm shells made of Umbrum, removed the powder and infused it with plasma energy. So you will have no problem to engage any enemies.” said Prometheus with assortment. Spike and I moved in closer and saw them loading the said ammunitions to the tank and we exchanged our excitement. “Whoa!!” we exclaimed. “We won’t have any problem with Mk III tanks. Also, we found this from the armory, the Panzerschreck – battle saddle!” Kat shown us the said rocket launcher much more advance then the original with green/cream camouflage design. “We have 3 with 15 rockets to spare.” she explained. “Interesting…. We’ll need it for the missions.” said Twilight. “Oh Princess Twilight!” DJPoni3 hopped down and faced us “Everything is prep and ready to go!” she said. “Oh, that’s good to hear! Everything is going to the plan. When will we be departing?” Twilight asked. “We’ll depart at dawn tomorrow.” answered Techno. “Now that’s covered, how many volunteers are joining us in our mission” she asked as she checked the list levitated by her magic. “We had a bunch who wants o kick some Khronain’s flanks!!” DJPoni3 pointed at a group of 35 Equestrian ponies (Pegasus, unicorn and earthbound) and 60 Caninu. Oh joy….Caninu… “Is that all of them?” I asked. “Nope, the others are around here somewhere.” said DJPoni3 as she searched around then a young Griffin appeared in front of Twilight; her feathers are euro gray and her lioness anatomy have 25% gray fur. “Gabriela, reporting for duty!!” she saluted us. “Gabriela?!! You’re not with the volunteers, right?” Twilight asked with worry. “Of course, I’m ready to help to free Equestria!” she nodded. “Do you know how to use a weapon or something?” asked Spike. “All Griffins are trained for battle in their childhood!” she replied with a chipper smile and other Griffins joined at her side, 12 to be exact. Twilight exchanges an uncertain gaze with Spike then resume talking with Gabriela. “Okay… Go and ready with the rest at dawn.” she said. “Yes, ma’am!” she nodded then they all flew off, yoo-hooing as they left. Then Ember flew down and land before us. “Greeting, Princess Twilight. I brought some troops to aid your campaign.” said Ember as 15 Dragon Warrior arrived beside her, donning Chinese medium war-armor then Ember exchanges smile with Spike. Ah….another hidden love birds. “Alright!!! We’re done for the day!! Go get some rest, for tomorrow we charge for victory!!” shouted Prometheus as everyone cheered then he turned to Twilight. “Oh Twilight, I made these armors for you.” He brought the improved Alicorn battle armor with Khronos technology with purple camouflage variant. “And this is for everyone else.” Prometheus presents more Khronain battle armors but modified for any species and colored dark green and gray visor. The Dragons will become a walking tank with its reinforced armors, based of Chinese Imperial Armor. The ponies gain battle-saddle and weapon gauntlets, activates via mental command, though the User must concentrate to give precise command. “Amazing, how long it took to make them?” asked Twilight. “2 hours, tops.” Prometheus answered. “I’m really impressed!” Twilight said. Guess she really admired Prometheus’ intellect. “Ah, I forgot. Flash Sentry is over there. Better hurry before you miss him.” he told her as he hoof-pointed at the barrack. “I’ll make the final inspection, Twi. You go get him. C’mon Spike!” I said as I head to the others. “Can I join you, Spike? I haven’t got a closer look at the Armored Train.” asked Ember. “I…U-Uh, sure! I-I mean the more the merrier… Ha ha ha…” chuckled Spike nervously. “I cannot believed these Khronain meat bags wanted to play the Good Saint now.” scoffed the Kaninu engineer as they passed by us. “Yeah, pathetic, ain’t it?” asked the scout. “I hope there won’t be any problem later on.” I sighed. [Twilight POV] Now I can finally talk to him. I hope there’s no interruption of any sorts. “Uh… Hi Flash…” I began when I entered the barrack, just to find him gearing up. “Are you going somewhere?” I asked. He looked at me a bit before resuming gearing up. “I have to fly to Stalliongrad as soon as possible. To give them the heads up of the train’s arrival. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” he said as he finished the gearing up. “Beside, Rainbow Dash is coming with me. She insisted.” he added. “O-Of course, I just want a few minutes with you since…heh, it’s been almost two years we got separated.” I smiled. “Right. Thought I lost you.” he said then I moved in closer and tried setting the mood. “Me too…” I cooed but he moved aside and head for the exit. “I must go. Rainbow Dash must be ready by now.” he said. I had it!!! That’s it!!!! “FLASH, WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS AVOIDING ME?!?! EVERY TIME WE ARE ALONE, YOU ALWAYS HAD SOMETHING TO DO!!” I yelled. “We’ll talk later.” he said as he reaches to the exit. “LATER, EVERY TIME IS LATER!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH AND YOU JUST GIVE ME A---*gasp* A-Are you seeing somepony else…?” I stuttered as a thought struck my heart. “Stop being paranoid.” he harshly told me. I rushed to him. “Flash, tell me the truth!!” I plead but failed as he took off. I started crying with my heart breaking to pieces. Is he really seeing somepony else? Or is it just me…? I’m not sure… I should head back with the girls. Better wipe my tears… Can’t let anypony know what I’m going through. Maybe Pinkie Pie can make me something to cheer me up. It’s about to be dusk. I’m sure Fluttershy is getting a picnic with Discord….a romantic picnic. I hope they have a great time instead of what I’m having. [15 minute passed and Twilight reached to the bakery shop where Pinkie Pie is. The bakery barely resembles the Cakes’ bakery in Ponyville, excluding the colorful cake design] “Hey Pinkie Pie!” I called as I entered the bakery and searched around. “Got any cakes left?” I asked but no reply. I noticed she’s asleep on the table so I trot over and tapped her lightly. “Pinkie? Did you fall asleep on the job again? You better wake up if you don’t want the cake get burn again.” I teased her then she groaned. “Hmm….Back away…..No more….” she moaned. Uh-oh, another episode! Better step back. “Pinkie? Pinkie!!” I shouted after I’m few hooves away from her. [Within Pinkie Pie’s dream, she saw Khronos rising up from the flames but at the same time, he’s not Khronos. It’s an undead yet all the organs and flesh are restoring back on his body and glared at Pinkie. He snarled “Foolish Mare! I’m coming for you, Pinkmena Diane Pie!!!] “AAAAAAHH!!!! TWILIGHT, WE NEED TO STOP HIM BEFORE HE REACH TO THAT FUTURISTIC CITY WE WENT BEFORE!!” Pinkie woke up screaming and grabbed me and shook me as she panicked. I grabbed her and calm her down. “Whoa whoa, Pinkie! Take it easy! Who are you talking about!?” I asked then she dropped me in, I supposed, comical fashion? “I-I dunno…. I guess it was just a nightmare.” wondered Pinkie as she placed her hoof on her chin. “Oh! Are we ready to go into the Armored Train and reclaim Equestria?!” she asked and I stood up. “Uh, yes. Tomorrow, at dawn.” I answered. “Well, okay!! Do you want some cakes??” she asked me as she gave her usual smile and show me three different cakes. Then Maud came in with the Cutie Crusader and Button Mash. “What happen? We heard a scream!” asked Sweetie Belle. “Pinkie, did you fell asleep again?” asked Maud. “S-Sorry… I was so exhausted from baking so many cakes…Plus this wound still wind me down.” said Pinkie as she patted her chest. “You know, you should’ve asked us for help.” said Scootaloo. “Yeah, maybe Button can find his potential!” smiled Apple Bloom. “Girls, I’m more interest of getting back home then finding my Cutie Mark. Beside, I don’t see a big deal about Cutie Mark.” Button complains. “Big deal!? The Cutie Marks defines our skills, our potentials! Look at our Cutie Marks, they showed our potentials of helping ponies who needs help to find their Cutie Marks.” said Sweetie as she and the girls showed their Cutie Marks. “Uh…..Okay?” Poor kid. He’s getting tense from just looking at their flanks. “But all I do is play video-games. Why do I want a Cutie Mark that tells I’m a good gamer? Playing game is nothing special.” he shook his head. “It’s just video game. There could be other talents you’re good at.” smiled Sweetie. “Girls, Button’s right. We should focus on giving ponies some hope for Equestria’s liberation instead of Cutie Marks.” said Maud then she noticed me picking a cake. “Hey. How are you?” she asked me. “I’m fine.” I answered. “Hey Twilight! Are we finally going home?” asked Scootaloo. “Soon, Scootaloo. We’ll liberate the entire Equestria from the Khronos Empire Occupation. I assure you, we will win.” I smiled. “I think it’s better that way. Even if Prometheus does succeed of making peace treaty, these Khronians won’t give us back our home, they’ll keep it as trophy and treat us as slaves.” said Button. “….Button made a good point. Khronos’ conquests were so successful that these Khronians actually believed they are the mightiest race of all.” said Sweetie Belle. And I agree, these Khronians will rather resume the war then giving up the lands they conquered, as they are still fixated with Khronos’ paranoia goal. “Well, we’ll show the Khronians that they don’t deserve keeping things that aren’t rightfully theirs, and they started this war, not us.” said Maud, still keeping her voided expression but her words means well. “AYE, ME AND MAUD ARE GOING TO TEACH THOSE BLOKES A THING OR TWO OF STEALING OUR LAND OF BIRTH, AND TAKE BACK THE ROCK FARM!!” Pinkie declared it in a funny Scottish accent. “Right, Maud?” she asked with fist pump. “HURRAH!! ||| Hurrah.” they cheered. We all laughed and Maud just gave a smirk. “Can we join too?” Sweetie asked us. “The War is no place for a filly and Rarity will go nuts if we put you on the battlefield!” Pinkie declined. “But I know how to do First Aid!” she answered as she held out her medi kit. “Yeah, ah mean, we can help the wounded! And Button can back us up!” said Apple Bloom. “Mom knows First Aid better than me. All I do is putting Band-Aid.” Button shrugged. The CMC exchanges smiles and Maud held up a tea pot and pour it in her cup. “Still, it’s dangerous.” she added. The CMC exchanges disappointing looks and lower their head. “We understand…” sighed Apple Bloom. “But I’m glad to see your determination.” I said as I gave them a big hugs then the Pie Sisters joined the hug. As we break the hugs, the CMC head off. “Let’s find Nurse Red Heart. She’ll give us some pointers.” said Scootaloo. “Why am I included?” frown Button. “Who knows if your—” Sweetie began but Button cut her off. “I. Am. Not. Interest about my Cutie Mark! I just want my home back.” sighed Button. “…..Sorry…” said the girls. “I know it’s your job as CMC but right now, your jobs is helping the faithless ponies, not helping one find their Cutie Marks.” said Button. “You’re so sweet, Button.” Sweetie kissed Button’s cheek and he turned red, and his propeller hat just went flying, hehehe. “Wat was dat?!?!” he exclaimed. “Ha ha ha!!!” laughed the girls and so did I. “You know, I think Marble can help with the wounds. Is she good at First Aid?” I asked. “No…but she can help Prometheus mining more Umbrum.” said Maud. “What about Limestone?” I added. “She’s one of the volunteers but she’s very inching to shoot some Khronian’s brain and reminds them to never, ever, ever take the rock farm.” said Pinkie. “She’s such a grouch.” she add with a cheerful smile. “You should’ve seen what she did to the slave master when we located Marble. Khronians will think thrice if they see her on battlefield.” said Maud with a rare smile. [Normal POV] At dawn, the Armored Train whistles echoes throughout the area then Kat shouted out. “All aboard!!! Next stop: Equestria!!” she announced. Everyone start mobilizing and entered the Armored Train while the refugee and civilians of Griffin Empire cheered them off, several of them bid good-bye to their loved ones. Octavia said her good-bye to Techno and Vinyl Scratch, as she was placed under care of Mrs. Mash, Fluttershy kissed Discord good-bye, Jacob promised Apple Jack that he’ll take care of the Apple Family and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Golden Gleaming couldn’t find a way how to say good-bye so she gave Zeus a strong hug, not knowing he’s still recovering his wounds but Zeus just gathered his courage and kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry, Gold. I’ll catch with you with the other Legions, okay?” he smiled and Golden gave a nod. Celestia and Luna then gave blessing to everyone then Sunset performed her very first duty as the Princess of the Sun by raising the Sun up. The Mane Six (excluding Rainbow Dash who left with Flash Sentry) boarded in the Armored Train, donning their new armors based of their old ones and Prometheus re-granted her the armors based of Khronos’ original armors. All except Twilight since she’s donning the armor Prometheus made for her and she’s making sure everyone is accounted for. “Spike, I want you to stay near me, okay?” asked Twilight. “Don’t I always?” he chuckled as her request is rhetorical. Spike is donning his own custom sized dragon armors. “Where’s Starlight?” asked Twilight as she searched around then Starlight arrived in her new armor. “I’m here!!” she said. “No time to waste, let’s go! ALL ABOARD!!” yelled Twilight as she, Starlight, Zecora and Zanuck enters the train then the Armored Train began to move out and down the track. “I hope to Celestia that nothing happens to Sweetie Belle while I’m absent.” said Rarity with worries. “Don’t worry, they’re safe with everypony else and nothing gonna happen to them. The Princesses will protect them all.” said Apple Jack as she pated her shoulder. “Alright guys, who’s excited for this?!?” asked Gabriela. “I AM!!” shouted the Griffins then start chattering about how excited they are of heading to Equestria and freeing the enslaved. “Long live freedom and down with the tyrant!” chanted Gabriela. “LONG LIVE FREEDOM AND DOWN WITH THE TYRANT!!!” they repeated. Meanwhile at Stalliongrad…. [Rainbow Dash POV] Flash and I flew all the way to Stalliongrad. It was a long flight but thanks to our speed, it was 20% less boring. A storm is kicking in and it’s about to be dusk on this side of the world. We finally reached to Stallion an --- Sweet Celestia!! The Khronian had bombarded the city!! Everything is mostly in ruins and it’s currently under siege by new Khronos unit. I can hear the firefight from the far distance of our location then Flash told me to turn off my comm. to evade detects. YIKES!! A thunderbolt nearly struck me! Okay, okay…take it easy… I survived worst so these Khronians are not as worst as Bio-Alicorns or Khronos. Just follow Flash and try not get blast out of the sky. We flew in the nearly destroyed building. “Okay, this is completely unexpected. The Khronians finally decide to screw the city and destroy it. Their foolish pride…..We better find Nicholai Chekov!” Flash whispered to me then saw the search light. “Get down!!” He shoved me down as the patrol passed by with the Panzer hover tank and a winter-themed Zealot pass by. “Keep your eyes sharp! Kill any Stalliongrad soldier in sight! The Queen wants these resistances dead!!!” he yelled. “Queen?!” I muttered myself in confusion. When did the Khronian have a queen?! Khronos is the only King we’ve seen and we never actually met his wife, since we learned Oliver was his grandson. I slowly take a peek. “Sir, what if we encountered civilian?” asked one of them. “We enslave them! The Queen needs them to rebuild our cities these cursed Equestrian destroyed. Now focus!” he ordered them. “Oh just great!!” groaned Flash in silent then they’re gone. “Alright, they’re gone. Come on, Dash, let’s get outta here.” he told me as he equipped the silencer on his SMG gauntlet, a stolen Khronian weapon no doubt. “No time to waste.” he said. “Okay.” I nodded. We trotted from cover to cover, staying low as the night grew darker. Bomber planes flew over the city but I remain my cool. There are Khronians in the area now and they won’t dare bombing their own people. Flash called me over and we headed to the destroyed Stalliongrad’s tank for cover. I ran toward him then somepony shouted. “THERE THEY ARE!! OVER HERE!!!” Oh no, did I got caught!??! I quickly jumped and land on Flash then a I heard a sniper shot crackling through the air. “SNIPERS!!!” yelled the Sargent and they return fires. “Kill those Commies, boys!!” he shouted. The firefight occurred way away from us and I sighed in relief. “Phew, I thought they spotted us!” I said. “Get off me, Dash! I already got a mare!!” Flash scowled and I quickly stepped away. He had a mare, yet he kept avoiding Twilight…. He needs his fact straight. Then I heard a tank fire. “WHOA!!” I gasped quietly then a squad passed near us but one turned and saw me. He signaled his cronies and were about to kill me but Flash shot them down with his SMG then grabbed one of the squad mate’s knife and stabbed his throat. “Move it, Dash!!” he told me as he dragged me across the street and reached to the safe house Flash mentioned before. As we ran through the alley, I saw from afar a fountain filled with Stalliongrad soldiers’ corpses. I stopped and hid behind an intact building and witnessed the awful sight: Khronian killing Stalliongrad who were barely alive while other begged for mercy or even surrender but THESE GUYS gunned them down like heartless monsters!! Whoever is this new Queen, I’ll give her a Double Rainboom!!! A rocket launcher flew over and struck the squad of Khronos Troopers who slain the yielded soldiers, killing them for being soulless. Okay this is getting tense as a group of Stalliongrad soldiers start firing at the battalion of Khronain with their own battle saddle model. It’s hard to tell what gun is it but it’s sound like a….uhh, what is it call? PPSh-41 SMG? Yep, totally the PPSh-41. Whoa, these Stalliongrad are packin’! They ran toward the fountain from left side of the plaza and save their comrades. Oh no, I heard a tank rolling in—now a cannon shot!! It blew them away!!! Then I yelped as a hoof cupped by shoulder then I turn to see Flash. “Are you stupid or what!??! We’re almost there!” he scolded me as he pulled me toward the house, or rather half house since the second floor was blown off. We entered in the half-house and we noticed the trapdoor in the closet beneath the staircase, open it and we descend down. We arrived at the hallway and reached to the door at the end. Shockingly, Flash happens to have a key for the door. When we entered, I see a lot of civilians and Stalliongrad soldiers inside. This place looks like it can keep the whole neighborhood safe underground. The soldiers aimed their guns at us. Flash raised his hooves and deactivated his SMG gauntlet so I did the same. “It’s me, Flash Sentry. I bear great news for Nikolai Chekov, where is he?” he asked. A unicorn came in donning the WWII designed Russian uniform but damaged. He has a dirty gray coat with white mane and half of his face were burnt but it’s noticeably healed. “Good to see you, Flash.” he greeted. We lower our hooves and I was a bit dumbfounded they knew him well. “Hello, Nikolai. I have news that the Mane Six are coming with an army and are going to aid you on kicking these Khronos jerks out of Equestria.” Flash reported. “That’s great news. As you witnessed it, we struck the Khronians by surprise but….well, I guess it was like kicking the hornet nest. We were using Guerrilla tactic for the moment. Now with the aid of Princess Twilight, surely we’ll crush the Khronians and make them pay for everything!!! For striking the motherland!” growled Nikolai as he clutched his hoof. “Pretty sure they shared the same feeling.” said Flash. That reminds me… “Oh yeah, do you know anything about this new Queen the Zealot spouted about?” I asked then an elegant, sincere voice answered my question. “From the information we gathered by interrogating these Khronian is that the Queen is the great-granddaughter of Khronos himself. She’s now ruling Equestria and other conquered lands under an iron hoof.” answered the voice and I turned to see it’s a deer but something is very different about her. Her coat is high-lighted brown and white streaks that ran from the temples to her tail, which are drew like tree root yet glow in a Divie-esque. The said lines even forms the Cutie Mark, which symbolized a heart in the center of a tree. “Kori, you should be resting.” said Nikolai. “I know, but I need to see them. I’m Kori and I am honored to meet one of the Mane Six.” she bowed to me but I was more taken aback of her race. “You’re a deer!!! So, why are you doing up here instead of Everfree Forest or Cervine Kingdom? Wait a minute, you look waaaay different from the rest of them. What’s up with that?!” I asked with eager smile. “Teehee…. That’s because I’m an Elder Deer.” she giggled. “A what now?” I asked with a slight squint. “Ha ha, we are an ascended variant of common deer, who are gifted almost in every way. Think of it as an equivalent to Alicorn.” smiled Kori as she sat down. “That’s so amazing!!” I said then I noticed she’s pregnant. That explains why Nikolai said she needs to rest. “Oh, you’re pregnant. I guess it’s pretty hard for you to have a filly in this particular time.” I said with worry then the concrete ceiling shook by the bomb detonation in the surface. “Yes indeed. But I’m sure that this war will end. And my child will live a happy life.” she said to me then shifted her sight to Flash. “Am I right. Lieutenant Flash?” she asked. “Of course you are.” he said as he help her lead to the resting quarters. “Flash, I’m not that fragile.” smiled Kori. “I just want to take you to your quarter safely, okay?” he reassured her. …..No. Could Kori and Flash….. No, uh….maybe they’re best friends—Yeah, that’s it! Best friends acts that way to show how much they cared for each other. I’m sure they aren’t serious with each other. Many fillies gather around me and start asking me if I’m one of the Mane Six so I did my usual boast. I meant it by my heart as it kept the kids’ hope up and the courage to continue on. Now I wish Pinkie Pie was here to keep them happy and help them forget what’s happening outside. I hope the girls get here fast. At the Armored Train, en route to Stalliongrad… [Rarity POV] I looked out the window and see the Griffinstein train station from the distance. I couldn’t believe the destruction of the area. Why did Trixie do this?! Surely it can’t be that she wanted to prolong the war than it is. Of course, Zecora and Prometheus told us that Trixie wore the Alicorn Amulet for almost 2 years so Trixie is no longer Trixie, just a power-hungry unicorn with Trixie’s aged-old grudges. Twilight is planning a strategy to infiltrate the Stalliongrad city with Prometheus. Oh dear, is it close to be the winter season? Usually it gets more chilly up there and I haven’t got the accessories for this occas—oh who am I kidding! We’re going to a battlefield, not a vacation. *sigh* Hmm… I noticed Apple Jack is more determined about something, probably about winning the war. At least Pinkie Pie is entertaining the soldiers with her dances and tricks, even Fluttershy joined in and played the tambouring. I trot ahead and sat near AJ. “Is something troubling you, Apple Jack?” I asked. “Just thinking about Ma….” she replied in a bitter tune. “Apple Jack, you know Khronos was known for his superior skills of manipulation and deception. He probably said that as a bluff to break your fighting spirit. I mean, it’s not the first that the cruel ruffians used the pony we hold so dear in our heart against us.” I told her. “Yeah….but still…” she gave me that uncertain look. “Now, now! This is not the time to wonder the past that’s out of our reach, this is the time to focus on the task at hoof. Don’t let that mess around with your head!” I reassured her with a generous smile. “Ah suppose you’re right. Thanks.” smirked Apple Jack. [Normal POV] “All unit, get into your station! We’re about to enter in enemy range! Once we break through the line, we’ll reach to Stalliongrad in no time!” informed Prometheus via the PA. “Alright!!!!” cheered Vinyl as everybody head to their station, she climbed up the ladder than sat on the control seat. “Prepping the Bass Cannon!!” she grinned as she flipped the switches. The Khronain were approaching them via their Armored Train and saw them coming. “Troopers, the enemy are here!! General Pilate was right; they jury-rigged our precious train!!” growled the K. Officer as he used the binocular. “PREPARE THE CANNON!! FIRE WHEN YOU GOT THEM ON SIGHT!!” he ordered and all Khronian start manning the cannon. “Is the Bass Cannon ready?” Twilight asked through the intercom in the conductor room. “Not yet! Still powering up!” Vinyl replied. “We’re in range! All gunners, FIRE!!” yelled Prometheus. All the starboard turrets start firing a rail of bullets, blasting the hills where the Khronain artillery lines are. The enemy returns fire but rarely struck the Armored Train as several shells struck harmlessly the ground due of the target being on the move. Still, the hull caught on fire by the impact so Fluttershy and the crew used water and fire extinguisher to put out the wild fire. “I could use some help!” she cried and Gabriela, Rarity and co. pitched in. “We won’t last long once they start targeting our front! DJPoni3, is the Bass Cannon ready!?” Twilight asked through the intercom. Vinyl began to turn the Bass Cannon to 41 degree left then raise it at 25. “Lock and load!! Now they’re gonna get it!!” grinned Vinyl as she flipped her shades on. “They are aiming the Prime Cannon!!” warned the Khronos Trooper. “What kind of energy are they charging?” wondered the officer. “We got it locked on!!” yelled the artillery crew. “Now commence….” he began. “FIRE FOR EFFECT!!” yelled Twilight. “TASTE MY BASS CANNON!!!!” shouted Vinyl as she slammed her hoof on the red button then the Bass Cannon start surging rapidly and discharged a powerful, condensed ultra-sonic sphere with a massive, deep Wup sound, giving the Armored Train a minor recoil effect. “FIRE!!” yelled the K. Officer and all artilleries fired their shells but when they went over, under or through the sphere, the frequency detonated it pre-maturely and didn’t phase the sphere. “W-WHAT!!?!?!?! BRACE F—” his warning failed as the sphere collided the outpost and unleashed in a massive shockwave dome, destroying several artilleries within 32 radius but the shockwave produces a very destructive effect that all the artilleries in 55 raidus vibrated into pieces and the shells got detonated by the vibration, creating a 100 miles of explosions that took out the entire Khronos Stalliongrad-boardline defense and cause the whole hill to break loose and commence a landslide, taking any survivors down to the ground. Everyone on the Armored Train remained in awe of the destructive power of Bass Cannon, even Prometheus and Twilight was shocked and amazed. “Whoa….. Now that is dropping the bass!!” cheered Vinyl. “Alright, full speed ahead!!” ordered Prometheus then the conductor increased the speed, passed the bridge and out of the ruined artillery lines. “WE DID IT!!” cheered Prometheus and everyone cheered as well. Rarity tossed the water and put out the last fire. “Phew, I think that’s the last of fire!” sighed Rarity. “NEXT STOP, STALLIONGRAD!!!” shouted Starlight. To be continue….