The Pony Anastasia

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 3

The next day as she's visiting Twilight, she asks Twilight to tell her more about what she has read about the gypsy ponies. Twilight then lets something very important slip. "I may be able to do you one better," says Twilight, "I actually managed to find one other surviving gypsy pony, an elderly stallion who lives in the mountains named Speckle Moose."

"Can I meet him?" asks Trixie.

"Of coarse, we will go to his mountain encampment first thing tomorrow, for now, though, I'll tell you more of what I"ve learned about gypsy pony history," replies Twilight. The two go and sit at the cutie map table and Twilight tells Trixie everything she has read about gypsy ponies and their culture.

The next day, the two head for the mountain range where Twilight found Speckle Moose. A few hours later, they arrive at his encampment and he invites the two inside. "Did you know my parents? Did you know Black Spade and Emerald Gem?" asks Trixie.

"Yes, I knew your mother especially well, she was my daughter," replies Speckle Moose.

"You're, you're, you're my grandpa," stutters a shocked Trixie.

"Indeed I am," replies Speckle Moose. "It's been too long Trixie."

"Yeah, well, I thought you were dead," replies Trixie.

"That's understandable, most ponies thought I was dead long ago," responds Speckle Moose. "You and I were the only survivors. I went off into hiding but not before seeing you being taken in by those two ponies. Once I saw you were safe with them, I disappeared into the shadows. Your grandmother, though, and your grandparents on your father's side, they're all dead. They're all gone."

Trixie doesn't break into tears like he expected at this news but comes over and embraces him in a hug. This surprises him and he taps her on the shoulder and strokes her mane. The three continue to talk for hours and Speckle Moose continues to tell them even more history than even Twilight knows. The two even stay there to nightfall and don't leave until the next morning as soon as the sun rises. Trixie is grateful to know she still has some bit of family left. To her, that means a whole lot. Her story, she can't help but admit, is like Anastasia's. Like Anastasia, she was reconnected to, reunited with her last living relative and she'd have it no other way.