Elements of Heroism: Season 4

by Bahamut0

Episode 2: Princess Nightmare Moon Part 2

Moon steeled her gaze as she got into a fighting stance. All the while, keeping her eyes on Dread. Dread was everything Moon had left behind. Her envy and rage given a form, one that now held all of Equestria captive in the dreamscape. Dread sneered at Moon from her throne. "Come now Nightmare Moon." Dread said with a smug tone. "Is there really any reason for us to fight? I am you after all."

"There's plenty of reasons for me to fight you." Moon said as she narrowed her eyes. "You've tormented my friends with their worst nightmares. You have all of Equestria hostage in the dreamscape!" Moon summoned her Celestial Arm. The broadsword called Lunar Eclipse.

Dread giggled. "Friends? Don't make me laugh! We all know you don't deserve such a luxury!" Dread summoned a pitch black sword made of her magic as she hovered in the air, and fired a blast of energy! Moon slashed at the oncoming projectile, and sent it flying back at Dread! "Nice try!" Dread froze the blast, and made it scatter into smaller shots that ricocheted around the room! All of the shots bouncing around made Moon have to use as much agility as she could! Either by rolling out of the way, blocking with Lunar Eclipse, or taking to the air! However, this left her vulnerable! for as she was busy guarding from the shots, Dread slithered behind her, and slashed her across the back!

"AGH!" Moon staggered before she raised Lunar Eclipse once more! "It seems you've also held onto that ruthlessness I ditched when I tanked that second blast from the Elements of harmony."

Dread smirked. "Indeed. You could say that you're your own worst enemy! Let me show you!" Dread warped around the room, and slashed at Moon wherever she could! Moon was able to block most of the slashes, but Dread managed to get in a few that crippled Moon! Moon fell to one knee, breathing heavily from the ruthless barrage of attacks. Cuts were still fresh from the slashes Dread had managed to inflict! "I'm not done playing with you yet!" Dread then gathered a huge orb of her magic! Its pitch black color seemed to reflect the hopelessness that all those imprisoned in the dreamscape held as they saw Moon struggle! "Have fun." Dread hurled the sphere of magic, and Moon was trapped inside it! Suddenly, dozens of magical blasts materialized inside! Repeatedly striking Moon! When the onslaught ended, Moon slowly rose to her feet. She was badly battered by the barrage of magical blasts, but was pinned to the ground when Dread teleported behind her, and forced her face against the ground! "Behold." Dread then raised Moon by her head for all those imprisoned in the dreamscape to see. All those imprisoned looked on in horror at Moon's beaten form.

Dread took great joy in seeing the looks of fear on everyone's faces. She then leaned into Moon's ear, and whispered. "I know you can't die. But the fate I have planned for you is far worse: eternity trapped in the dreamscape. Never to see the waking world again." A low groan from Moon furthered Dread's sinister smile as she continued. "But, there is a way out for you. Look at them." Dread gestured to the imprisoned dreamers. "Do you see it? The fear in their eyes? The fear directed at you? Do you really think any of them have truly forgiven you? That they accept you? That any of them have truly moved beyond your past sins?" Dread's tone then turned almost sympathetic. "I can make it all go away Nightmare Moon. And all you have to do is let me back in." She then loosened her grip on Moon enough to allow her a larger range of movement. "What do you say?"

Moon slowly opened her eyes, and was met with the gazes of the imprisoned dreamers. Yes, fear was present in their eyes. But the fear she saw was not of her. No. It was something else entirely. Everyone was scared FOR her. "You know?" Moon said as she grabbed onto Dread's hand. "I really don't care!" Moon then hurled Dread into the throne! "I told them all before. None of them have to like me, and they don't need to accept me either! Because as long as I know that there's at least one person who loves me..." Moon shot a glance at Burst. "Then the world can keep on hating me! Yes. I won't deny the fact that I caused much pain. But it helped to heal the bonds of Celestia and Luna! I'll bear the sin if it means everyone else gets to smile!" Moon then flared her wings in a display of dominance! "You were right when you said you were a part of me. A part I don't need anymore!" Moon then charged at Dread, and slashed her across the chest! Dread looked on in horror as her body began to fade away at where Moon had slashed at her!


Moon gave a look of pity at Dread. "You're wrong. You only had power when I held all that rage and envy inside me. That gave you strength. But now that I don't have that inside me, you no longer have that power. You're the one that needs me. So you captured everyone I care about and imprisoned them here. But in doing so, you've sealed your fate!" Moon slashed at Dread as she tried to get away! Dread's arm completely disintegrated!

"Wait, wait!" Dread pleaded! "Grant me mercy! I beg of you!"

"Pathetic." Moon said with a frown. "All that bluster out the window when you're so close to losing everything. If you kept anything positive about my old self, you could have at least held onto my pride." Moon then raised Lunar Eclipse. "Destruction here will ensure your complete oblivion." Moon then slashed Dread right down the middle! "Sweet dreams." Dread didn't even have time to scream as she faded into nothing! With her destroyed, all those imprisoned in the dreamscape were set free and returned to the waking world. As Moon herself awakened, she was swarmed by all her friends in a tight hug! She smiled at them all as she returned the hug. "It's good to see all of you too." Moon then saw Celestia wake up. "Good morning sleeping beauty."

Celestia smiled. "You know, you could change your name if you want. It's hard to imagine someone as lovely as you being called a nightmare."

"No." Moon said as she shook her head. "It's my name. And I wouldn't rather have any other name. Besides. I am a nightmare." A proud smile spread across Moon's face. "A nightmare to all who would threaten my home and the people I care about."

Celestia smiled. 'It's time.'

One week later

Moon found herself being summoned to Canterlot not one week later after she had destroyed Dread. However, she found a new outfit waiting for her with a note saying to put it on and head to the throne room. Moon's new outfit consisted of bracelets modeled after her old armor as well as boots in the same style. A dark purple dress with a breastplate after her old armor were also present. "Strange." Moon said as she admired her reflection. "This outfit looks fit for royalty. Rarity really went with the warrior princess look. I guess I should see what Celestia and Luna want." Moon walked over to the throne room, and opened the door. However, she was shocked to find all of her friends waiting for her. Proud smiles on their faces. "So...what do you need me here for?"

Celestia rose from her throne. "Take a knee." Moon complied, and Celestia walked over. "You've been through much Moon. You were restored by the Elements of Harmony, defended Canterlot from an army of golems, and just recently saved all of Equestria. And so, it is with great pride I do this..." Celestia revealed a tiara similar to hers, but silver in color and with a blue gem instead of a purple one. She then placed the crown onto Moon's head. "Rise. Nightmare Moon. Princess of Dreams." Moon was speechless as Celestia led her to the iconic balcony that overlooked Canterlot. When she came into view, she was met with a flurry of cheers! Everyone was cheering! For her! "You've earned it." Celestia said with a kind smile as she pulled Moon into a hug. Tears of joy fell from Moon's eyes as she returned the hug and kissed Celestia on the cheek.

"Had to come to the rescue of my lovely princess didn't I?" Moon whispered. "Plus, this time I had to save our boyfriend."

Celestia giggled. "Let's head to Ponyville. Something tells me its party time!" And with that, the group headed to Ponyville. Pinkie made sure the party went into full swing the second they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner. Moon then decided to try her hand at karaoke, and selected her song.

Song Moon Performs:

As soon as she was done, Burst and Celestia walked up to her and kissed. her. "I'd say this is a dream." Moon said as she looked at the two. "But knowing this is real makes me never want to sleep." She wrapped the two of them with her wings and hugged them tightly. "Dreams are the one place everyone can be happy. And both of you have made my dreams come true."