//------------------------------// // Loss // Story: The Tank Hunter // by Lone Maus //------------------------------// Jack asked, “Could you answer one question about your life before the war?” Fang was still in his front hoofs.    Fang sighed “Just one.”    Jack thought for a moment then asked “Is there anypony you are committed to back home?”    Fang didn't respond right away but after a minute she said, “No I don't, why?”    Jack blushed as he said, “Because I don't think I can go home and I have nowhere to live.”    Fang looked up at him and responded. “I can't go home either.”    “Oh I didn't know, sorry.” As much as Jack wanted to go back to Aleina he knew he likely couldn't.    “Hey!” A voice caught their attention. They looked to see Raz standing on the pile of rubble. “We need to get out of the open three ponies have been shot.” Yelled Raz before turning and running towards the base with both Jack and Fang in tow.    Once Raz slowed down to a walk Jack asked, “Is Camouflage ok?” Jack was only answered with silence as they walked back to their tent.    When they got to the tent Raz said, “Why don't you two get out of the rain and I'll be back.” Before walking off.    Jack and Fang went into the tent and began cleaning up as they both were soaked. Jack sat by his cot taking his clothes off and laying them over the floor locker. He looked himself over still trying to figure out why this happened when Fang said, “You think the sniper was aiming at us and just didn't get to shoot?”    Jack turned to face Fang and respond, “I don't know and well it scares me because it was usually me aiming at somepony.”    They sat there in silence for awhile tell Fang spoke, “I wasn't being 100 percent honest with you.”    Jack who was now laying on his cot lifted his head and asked, “How so?”    “Well about the question you asked earlier. Well I'm not committed to him as you meant it I do see him as a very close friend.” Fang responded.    Jack was confused, “Who is him?”    “My friend Ragk a dragon who was exiled from the dragon lands.”    Jack wasn't sure what to think, he thought dragons killed ponies. Maybe they don't anymore or only some do. “A dragon?” Jack asked.    “Well yes and no, he's a hybrid. Half pony, half dragon.” Fang responded.    Jack only could say, “What?”    Fang laughed and said, “He's the size of a pony maybe a little bigger and looks like a normal dragon aside from walking and standing like a pony.”    “Is he fighting in the war?” Jack asked.    “No, he's still working for my parents.” Fang explained.    “Working for your parents? What do they do?” Jack asked.    Fang’s mood shifted, “I don't want to talk about it ok.”    Jack just said, “Ok.” He sat there wondering why she didn't want to talk about her parents. After sometime he said, “Well night.” Fang didn't respond, instead she was sitting on her cot facing away from him. Figuring it was best he left her alone Jack laid down and went to sleep.    A knock on the door drew Amalia away from her morning tea. When she opened the door she was greeted by a soldier. At the site of the soldier her heart sank. “Is this the residents of Jack C Reeds?” The soldier asked.    Amalia nodded fighting off tears.    “I regret to inform you of his death a month ago.”    She lied the letter on the table, they both knew that they would likely never see each other again. “Mom when is dad coming back?” Annika said as she stood in the doorway.    “I don't know.” It was a lie, but she couldn't tell her daughter that her dad is dead and she'll never see him again. “Come it's time for bed.” As soon as she said that Annika ran down the hall. Quietly she said, “Oh Gustav I hope your sacrifice was worth it.”