The wolf and the bat

by DustyDusk123


Dusk was in his cave adjusting his bowtie, it got a bit loose.

Dusk sat on his spot, adjusting his bowtie. When suddenly he was hungry, he said: "Hm, maybe the apple stand has some nice apples" He then flew off and landed near the stands, the apple stand wasnt there.

Dusk sighed, he instead saw a stand with long yellow food in it. Dusk was curious and took one.

"HEY!" Yelled a pony, "Your gonna pay for that?!" Dusk stood still for a second, screeched and flew off while ponies were yelling and swearing at Dusk, he ignored it and countinued flying.

He arrived at his cave, and put the food down looking at it. He took a bite but the yellow shell around it blocked his teeth. "Huh" said Dusk and kept biting until he ripped it open and saw a weird white stick in it.

Dusk tilted his head for a few seconds, shrugged and tought: "Whats the worst that can happen?" He took a bite and tought: "Hm, not bad" when suddenly he fell pain in his stomach. He dropped the food and layed down on his spot, he tried to screech but all what left his mouth was: "eeeeeeeeeee"

Dusk then said: "Ow! W-whats happening t-to me?!"

Arrow was walking to the cave, it was weekend so no school today

Arrow walked to the cave and heard moaning and suffering, she ran inside and saw Dusk on his back in pain. Arrow asked: "Dusk?! What are you doing?!"

Dusk pointed at the banana, "It h-hurts my ins- OW! Insides!" He burped and countinued: "Oh god... my head..." sweat dripped from his head.

Arrow sighed and said: "Dusk, thats a banana and i think your alergic for it"

Dusk then replied: "W-what? A-ale- OW! Alergic?!"

Arrow nodded and sighed and sat next to Dusk rubbing his belly, he felt kinda better and said: "T-thanks Arrow..."

Arrow giggled abit and said: "No problem"

Dusk burped again and said: "Ugh... this feels bad..."

Suddenly Valentine walked in and yelled at Arrow: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!"

Dusk head hurts from the scream, he let out a hiss and Arrow said: "Shhhh! He ate a banana and hes alergic! Your only hurting his head more!"

Valentine rolled her eyes and said: "Wow, that isnt helping" she pushed Arrow aside with her magic and went: "This is helping" she tried to fix it with magic but it only hurted more, so much that Dusk could actually screech.

Arrow pushed Valentine away and said: "What are you doing?! Your hurting him!"

Valentine sighed and said: "No, im helping!" She countinued her magic and Dusk screeched again.

Arrow punched Valentine in the face, Valentine said: "Oh thats it!" And they start slapping each other and it soon turned into a fight.

Dusk after a minute screeched making them stop and look at Dusk, Dusk then said: "Stoooop! This fighting only hurts me more! Get out Valentine you aren't helping!"

Valentine said: "B-but i c-"

Dusk hissed and said: "Please dont! It hurts enough!"

Valentine sighed and said: "Ugh, fine!" She looked at Arrow grabbed her by the neck and said: "But if you dare to hurt MY boyfriend i will make you feel his pain twice as hard! You heard?!"

Arrow rolled her eyes and said: "Whatever..." Valentine dropped her and walked out and teleported away.

Dusk looked kinda disgusted and went: "Boyfriend? Ewwwww..."

Arrow giggled, sat next to him and rubbed his belly again and said: "Dont worry im here, your going fine right?"

Dusk nodded and coughed after and said: "Its much better now that that brat is gone..."

Arrow laughed and said: "Wow, brat? Glad we think the same, hehe"

Dusk laughed but it kinda hurt so he let out a short skree, Arrow put her hoof on his forehead and said: "Oh god your veeeeery warm!"

Dusk sighed and said: "Stupid banana... apples are better! They dont poison me!" Arrow giggled at this.

Dusk sighed and layed his head down, Arrow was still rubbing his belly and asked: "You want me to get a apple?" Dusk nodded and Arrow said: "Okay" and walked off.

A moment later Dusk heard hoofsteps and said: "Wow, thats f-" he stopped as he saw that its Valentine and he goes: "Valentine! Please n- OW! No!"

Valentine then said: "Awww poor thing... still sick? You look so cute when your sick!"

Dusk looked disgusted and said: "Ew gross!"

Valentine then smirked and said: "So... you cant move hm?"

Dusk sighed and said: "Nope... it hurts too much..."

Valentine said: "Hah! Excellent!" And kissed Dusk on his lips, Dusk then felt weird.

Dusk pushed her off and his face went abit green, suddenly he threw up and it landed infront of Valentine, Valentine screamed: "EWWWWWW!" And ran off, Arrow was comming back at the moment and saw that.

She ran inside and saw the puke and Dusk looked even worse then before, Dusk then said: "A-Arrow... her k-kiss made me do t-that... s-sorry..."

Arrow laughed and said: "Pffft i would have puked too if she did that to me!" She walked to Dusk, gave him the apple and sat next to him rubbed his belly again.

Dusk sighed and ate the apple, feeling a bit better after.

Arrow then asked: "You mind if i stay the night? It looks like you need help"

Dusk nodded while saying: "Please do that, *burps* oops... pardon..."

Arrow giggled and said: "Its fine, i know you do that because your sick!" She layed down next to him and hugged him with her legs around his belly.

Dusk blushed and felt abit better, he said: "N-night..."

Arrow sighed and responded: "Night"

And they both fell asleep