The Pony Anastasia

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 2

The next day, Twilight goes over to Trixie's and the two continue to talk. "So, I heard you went back to your old encampment last night?"

"Yeah, I did, it's a pile of debris and broken wagons now," replies Trixie.

"What were the names of your birth parents?" asks Twilight.

"Emerald Gem and Black Spade," replies Trixie.

"I want to show you something," says Twilight. She flips through an old book on Gypsy History in Equestria. She then shows the page she turned to towards Trixie. Trixie reads it.

"Twenty five years ago, the gypsy pony tribe was founded by two ponies, a gray pegasus stallion with black mane and tail named Black Spade and a pale blue unicorn mare with green mane and tail named Emerald Gem. The encampment set up in the valley of the Oro Mountain Range. There, the gypsy tribe flourished. Within their first three years, the encampment went from a mere ten to almost one hundred ponies." Trixie stops reading. "That describes my parents to a tea as well as my old home."

"I know," replies Twilight, "that's why I showed you. I wanted you to know."

"Thanks for that," replies Trixie.

"No problem, any time," replies Twilight with a smile.

Trixie then goes over to a shelf and pulls down her copy of the book Anastasia. She then slides it over in front of Twilight. "This was my favorite storybook as a child. It was a story of forbidden love, death, and a missing princess." Twilight takes the book and opens it and begins to read it. As she reads it, Twilight begins to understand why Trixie enjoys the book so much. After a matter of fifteen minutes, Twilight finishes reading the book and pushes it back across the table to Trixie.

"I see why you enjoy this book so much," says Twilight with a smile on her face, "it's an amazing tale with compelling characters."

"Yeah, but that's not the only reason I love it," replies Trixie. "Read the note inside the front cover."

Twilight opens the front character and reads the note. "For my baby girl, remember this story when you think of me and your dad." Twilight stares up at her stunned. "This is a book from your mother."

"Yep, it's one of the few books I have from her," replies Trixie.

"That book proves she wasn't all bad," adds Twilight.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," sighs Trixie. "I just hate that they didn't see me as more than a weakling is all."

"But you know now that you're more than just a weakling, you're a great magician," replies Twilight.

"Thanks," replies Trixie.

"You're also an amazing unicorn and I'm sorry I ever doubted that," Twilight adds.

"Well, you were in the right to doubt that when I used the amulet against you," replies Trixie.

"Maybe, but that's in the past, now, we'll always have your back."

"And that means the world to me."

"I know," replies Twilight giving Trixie a hug. The two then leave Trixie's house to head out to a concert with the rest of their friends for the evening. Trixie is glad Twilight cares. Now, she's just ready to get to the concert and let the cares of the world and the scars of her childhood fade away.