Seven Days in Sunny June: Innocence Lost

by FlashFrame

August 10th,AM: Ties that bind

August 10th, Friday.

“Man, you hear about what’s going on over in Canterlot…? Apparently there’s a serial killer on the loose, and get this, whoever it is, seems to be targeting girls exclusively.” One of the jocks, Juke Time, said while digging into his burger.

Another guy shook his head, his dark purple hair in dreadlocks. “Oh come on, that’s bullshit.”  Wooly Threads was a known gamer, but also had his foot in the door with the jocks, as one of the running backs. “I did hear a couple of cops got offed though.”

One of the girls at the table, a cheerleader aptly named Sugar Pep, perked up. “I’ve got an uncle that works just north of Canterlot, says that they’re going crazy trying to find this guy, Wooly, and get this....” She looked left and right, before leaning in. “He said the killer’s targeting virgins.”

Wooly couldn’t help but smirk a bit at that, “So what you’re telling me, is best way to keep you safe is…”

Sugar threw a fry at him. “Not in a million years, Gamer Boy.”

Sweet Pea rolled her eyes and shook her head, “Great, dealing with Tripwire over here, and there’s a nutjob putting my Canterlot friends in danger over there.” She set her tray down next to her friends, and groaned, still a bit sore from the attack last week.

“I’m sure your friends are fine, Pea. The likelihood of them coming under attack is actually pretty low, given the population of Canterlot,” Sugarcoat said, raising a fry to her lips and taking a bite of the ketchup covered deliciousness...well if you could call the cafeteria food delicious, that was.

“I should probably text Sunny or Twily, given everything going on, and the storm system and all, I’ve been thinking about them a good bit lately. Besides, it’d be nice to just hear from them.” Sweet Pea settled in and took up her tuna sandwich, taking a bite as she considered her Canterlot friends. Just how were things with Sunset and Twilight, anyway? She doubted they were going through as rough a patch as she was right now.

Her thoughts turned to Tripwire, and her brows furrowed as she considered the man. He was, well, a monster. As if he was a focus of her own self loathing made manifest. And he was out there, hunting her....

She jumped, as she felt the hand of Lemon Tart on her arm. “Hey, you’re doing it again.”

It was then that she noticed, she’d dropped her tuna sandwich, and her hands were shaking. She clenched them into fists, and looked to Lemon Tart, before getting up and heading out of the room, without a word. Because right now, she just needed to get away… from what, she didn’t even know, just that she had to get some space at the moment, despite the fact she knew her friends were there for her.

Several days had passed since the last encounter. But he’d heard nothing in the grapevine, nothing regarding the attack had been made public outside of Lemon Tart posting on her social media about it. Tripwire sneered at the most recent post the girl had made, practically calling him out for his ineptitude. He seethed, as he let his hand curl around the fitted grip of the 1911 he’d “acquired”. Oh, he’d show those girls, he’d show them exactly what happened when you fucked with your betters.

LT: Dude couldn’t even take down a couple of teen girls, I mean how dumb can you get?!

The sneer on his face only grew… he’d fuck the holes he made in them, then they’d know who was better.

The door swung open with a slam against the inside wall as Sweet Pea hurried into the bathroom and into one of the open stalls, quickly slipping inside and slamming it shut. She found herself sitting on the toilet and curling up into herself. She knew she shouldn’t let her fears get the better of her, but it had been just a few days ago, and some of the pain of the attack was still fresh.

He’d been so close to her, she could still smell his breath, his odor… it stained her. She felt the hot tears come yet again, and wiped at her eyes, she felt like they’d never stop.

“That’s because they never will, not as long as you’re Sweet Pea… Amelia never shut down like this… Amelia would get high, party, maybe suck a nice fat cock, or bury her face in a cute muff… Hey there’s an idea… why don’t you go and bury your face between Lemon Tart’s cute legs… bet you could rock her world real good, and take your mind off the bullshit, sounds like a win win situation to me.”

There she was again, that darkness. Part of her wanted to agree with her, to fall back into her “Tougher” self, but Sweet couldn’t do that. It wouldn’t be right to Lemon Tart, and it wouldn’t be true to herself either.

“I can’t… I just can’t.” she curls her legs in closer against herself. As the laughing only got louder in her ears.

Moments passed, then, came the gentle knocking at the stall door. “Pea… it’s Lem, come on girl! Don’t shut us out, Coat’s outside the bathroom, we’ve got privacy, so spill, what’s up?”

The weak chuckle that met Lemon Tart’s ears was that of a defeated teen. “Lemon, I’m fucked up, okay? I’ve got an uncle that raped the hell out of me as a kid, and now wants to do it again, all because I just wanted to get away… I had years of drug use and I mean, God, you know my issues as well as I do.”

Lemon nodded, and sighed. “Yeah, I do Pea, but that’s part of why I care, ya know, you’ve been through so much, but you’re still working forward. You’ve hit a snag, and the attack is fresh on your mind, hell my ankle still hurts.” She chuckled a bit. “But you have to move on, for your family, for yourself, and for me and Coat…. We’ll get past this, but you gotta get yourself back together, Pea.”

Sweet Pea laughed. It was an honest laugh, one that only came out when someone you cared about, pointed something you already knew, but were denying yourself. “I know, Lem.” The door unlocked, and opened, a rather, disheveled Sweet Pea peeking out. “But, I mean, I don’t know that I can keep doing this, I’m, kinda at my wits end over this, and now I feel like I’m putting my friends in danger.”

Lemon Tart smirked. “You’re not. Things happen, and you can’t blame yourself for his actions.” She drew herself up and hugged Sweet Pea, adding, “Look, there’s a dance tonight, here, in the Gym. Why don’t we all go, cut loose a bit, in a safe place where you’ll be surrounded by teachers and staff and plenty of us who care!” She gave Sweet Pea her sunniest smile, the one that she knew said would herald a brighter day. “We can enjoy a night out, and get over this, okay? I seriously doubt he’ll try again after what happened.”

Sweet Pea nodded at that, returning the hug that was lavished on her, drawing the strength she needed, that simple hug helping her come down. “I dunno that bro and sis will be okay with that, but I guess we could ask.”

She looked to Lemon Tart, when both girls turned, hearing a commotion outside the bathroom…

...and one very pissed-off sounding Sugarcoat.

Sugarcoat was getting increasingly irritated, as the girl infront of her continued the assault.  “If you weren’t totally braindead, you’d understand that there’s someone who needs a few moments, huh?  So just”

“Why, so that the two lesbos can have their fucking makeout session?! I need to shit, so either you get out of my way, or I’m going to put you through the door…”

Sugarcoat looked about to lose her perpetual cool, when the door cracked open behind her. “It’s fine, she can use it, I’m...I’m okay,” Pea said, as she reached around to rest a hand on Sugarcoat’s shoulder. “Thanks for giving me some space.”

Coat glanced back, just in time to catch the right hook that came her way, landing square across her left jaw, her head craned to the side and her neck let out an audible pop. Leaving a very stunned Sweet Pea and Lemon Tart standing there awestruck as the grin plastered itself across Sugarcoat’s lips.

“See, now you dun fucked up.” Sugarcoat lashed out, almost as if she’d been coiled to strike the entire time, her fist, burying itself deep into Lightning Dust’s stomach. The athletic teen doubling over as Coat pulled back, her eyes narrowing. “Get out of here, and I won’t have to absolutely ruin your day, Dust.”

Lighting Dust, for her part, stumbled back; the hit had been unlike anything she’d ever experienced. She’d thought she’d drop that lanky bitch with a single blow, but instead, she was the one dropped. “F...fine,” she gasped, pulled herself back, trying to inch away from Sugarcoat, who nodded.

“Oh, and seriously: stop fucking with us. What did we do to you, huh? You’re new, so we’d have welcomed you as a friend, but instead, you’ve picked the preppy bitches.  Newsflash: they’ll eat you alive if they find out what just happened here… Better not say anything, hmm?” her eyes flashed dangerously, as Lightning Dust retreated down the hall. Coat, for her part, turned and entered the bathroom. “Fuck, she’s got a hell of a right hook,” she groaned as her two friends flanked her. Pea looked close.

“You’re going to swell bad… didn’t cut you though.” She bit her lower lip. “I have some concealer, but it’s not really your shade.”

Sugarcoat shook her head. “It’ll be fine, I end up this way on occasion after practice, so I’ll just write it up as that if anyone asks…. Though if you’ve got an Advil, it would be appreciated.” Sweet Pea dug in her backpack and pulled out a small bottle and offered it to the girl, who instantly popped two, running the cold water to soak her now swollen eye. “Ungh, Mom’s not going to be happy.”

Sweet Pea just looked to the girl, but gave her a soft hug from behind. “Thanks for taking one for me, Coat.”

Sugarcoat smirked a bit. “Hey, you’re a friend, least I could do.” she gave the slightly shorter girl a squeeze before standing up and straightening her hair in the mirror. “Alright, I think I’m passable for the rest of the day… Come on girls, let’s get this done, then we can get out of here for a while.”

Dark eyes watched as the teens spilled out of the school, wave after wave of them, until two teens caught the eye of the observer.

Tripwire sat quietly, just watching from the car, as the girls walked together, a trio instead of the duo he’d attacked, of course, his focus was on the green haired one in the middle. The tall, lanky black number definitely struck a chord in his loins. Oh yeah, she’d look great spread out under him.

But still, despite the little chocolate number, it was the pale, green haired girl that drew his attention once more. The only one that stoked his ire, and slaked his lust.

He turned over the car’s engine, before pulling out, keeping his distance, he’d turn down the streets, enough to keep an eye on them.

Approval from her siblings had never meant so much. After detailing out the dance that evening to Lemony and Buck, the two had agreed to let her go so long as she came right home after. Sugarcoat had already agreed to pick her up, and right now, she was focused on getting ready. She looked at herself in the mirror. A long, slender white dress hugged her form, covering just enough to be safe, while revealing just enough to be a little scandalous. Pea eyed it, a little makeup could cover some of her more severe scars, and besides, she was going out with Tart and Coat, she didn’t have to go too far out of her way to look amazing. Still, she liked this number, it was adorned with the faintest hints of green along the edges, which shimmered just right when the light hit.

Part of her wanted to run from this, but she focused past it – no, she had to push past all this fear, all this worry. She was going to go out and cut loose a bit; maybe not as wild as she used to, but she was for sure going to have a good time with her friends.

Buck peeked in after knocking on the door frame. “Hey sis, wow, looking pretty good… You sure you’re up to this though?” he asked, standing up straight and walking towards the middle of the room, where Sweet Pea met him, and the two embraced.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Believe me, bro, I need this. I just need to go out, have some fun, and get my head together, ya know. After the attack, I just need to cut loose.” Pea just hugged him before letting go and smiling. “Besides, like you said, there and back. Tart’s cleared to stay over tonight too, if you’re still cool with it.”

He nodded. “I know, Pea, and yeah it’s still cool.” He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Go have fun, Sugar Coat just arrived and is waiting.”

Sweet Pea grabbed the small purse that went with the outfit, giving him a tight hug, before kissing his cheek. “Awesome, We’ll be home by 10.” With that, she practically bounced out the doorway, leaving a rather happy brother in her wake.

Standing in the front room, talking to Lemony, was Sugar Coat. The girl was dressed quite elegantly in her own ensemble. A yellow top with white skirt that hugged her form nicely much like Pea’s did… open backed, showing off her toned form. She smiled over to Sweet Pea as she entered. “Lookin good, Pea.” she embraced her friend as Pea smiled back.

“Hey you too, we ready to do this?” She looked to Lemony who giggled a bit.

“Alright you two, just be safe, okay?” Her face turned somber, before Sugar Coat smiled.

“She’s in good hands Mrs. Gems. After all, we’ll be at the school, straight there, straight back, I promise.”

Lemony could only nod at that. “Just be careful, if anything happens, Sweet Pea, call home, okay?”

“You know I will, Sis. I just... we panicked last time.” She hugged her sister sweetly and smiled. “We’ll be back later tonight.”

With that, the two teens headed off for Sugar Coat’s car, a rather sporty Chrysler 300m.

Rope? Check.
Knife? Check.
Gun? Check, low ammo… no time to buy more. Checking the magazine in the 1911, he had three shots. Would be more than enough to take care of the girls once they got boring.

Tripwire slid the gun home against the small of his back as he finished gathering up his supplies. The small, cute one’s Facebook had the update he’d been waiting for.

“Totally going out tonight with my girls, gonna rock the dance! WHOO @Cornerstone Academy.”

Tripwire grinned, Cornerstone Academy was about to see a reckoning like it never had before.