Daughter of Sunburst

by Creativa-Artly01

Chapter 10

The next morning, Sunset goes to breakfast alongside Starlight and Sunburst. Once they arrive at the cafe, they are shown to their seats by the waiter who then brings them three cups of coffee. He then brings them menus and gives them a few minutes to order. A few minutes later, he walks over and takes their orders, three oatmeals. As they eat their oatmeals, the three talk. "So," says Sunset, "anything you two want to tell me?"

"Yes," the two squeal, "we're engaged!"

"It's about time," replies Sunset with a grin, "I'm happy for you dad! When's the wedding?"

"In a few months," he replies with a glowing smile on his face. "Will you be my little flower girl?"

"Of coarse I will, dad," giggles Sunset, "I'd be glad to."

The three get back to enjoying their oatmeal and once they finish it up, they pay at the counter then leave the cafe. The three then head off to the Museum of the Crystal Heart for the afternoon. After all, Sunset can't help but admit, it was her favorite place to come when she was a filly. In fact, she still enjoys going there. That's one thing that will never change. She'll always be her father's over curious little dearest. The three stroll around the museum and look at all the artifacts relating to the empire and the Crystal Heart for hours on end including a fascinating scroll of a prophesy of a princess born with magic endowed her by the heart upon her conception, in other words, the prophesy foretelling Cadence's birth. They end up staying at the museum until its closing time before finally being kicked out along with the rest of the meanderers. Sunset is thankful that she got to spend some more quality time with her father and step mother to be. After all, Starlight is going to be a part of the family soon, so she might as well get to know her.