Starlight is OP, Plz Nerf!

by Ausbrony

Chapter One (Also the only one)

“Starlight?” Twilight called out, her voice echoing around the crystal castle. But despite having called her for the last fifteen minutes, she’d yet to see hide nor hair of the unicorn mare.

Now that she thought about it, even since she met that new friend of hers, sightings of the unicorn now boarded on the mythic. Twilight groaned and put a hoof to her forehead, she really should have thought of checking the mare’s room first…

“Rarrgh?” a deep, rumbling tone murmured as the alicorn looked up into the face of her fiancé.

“Oh, hello dear,” she said. “Yes I’m fine, just looking for Starlight… again.”

“Ragh. Rawrrrar?”

“Yeah, I think she might be too.” Twilight took a deep breath and pulled her man up into a bun. “Wish me luck hmm?”


“L-Lewd…” Twilight mumbled and blushed when he complimented her mane like that. With a giggle, she left the hulking rage demon behind and headed towards Star’s room. As she got close, she could see light flickering from under the door. Yup… looks like her hunch was on the mark. She steadied herself and raised her hoof, knocking on the door.

And after a generous thirty seconds of waiting, she got no reply. Mentally readying herself, she lit up her horn and grabbed the door, opening it to the room beyond.

“Hahahah, get fuckin’ REKT!” Starlight cackled as she lay on a large beanbag seat, her magic holding a small controller as she stared at the crystal screen, currently obscured by a large explosion. “Try and gank me will you? THAT’S WHAT YOU GET!”

“Star?” Twilight spoke up, but upon seeing the large headphones over her ears, she saw why her calls had been such a futile attempt. The alicorn rolled her eyes and lifted the headset away. “Starlight Glimmer!”

“Who the f—” Star paused and her eyes widened as she saw who she was staring at. “Oooohhh, Hiiii Twilight?”

Twilight set the headset down and looked around the room. Empty bottles of fizzy drink, snack wrappers and packaging… plus the room hadn’t been cleaned in Celestia knows how long. “Oh for… Starlight, what the hay?” she looked at the mare herself. Her mane was sticking out in places, her coat could use a serious brushing and she had dark rings under her eyes. “Right, that does it.” She pointed at a door opposite Star’s room. “Bathroom. Now. You’re going to shower and then clean this… well I’d say pig sty, but I’ve seen where Applejack keeps her pigs and I’d rather be there right now.”

Starlight sighed and lifted her headset up, putting the mic to her mouth. “Yeah… Princess Buzzkill says I gotta go? Be back later?”

Twilight’s eye gave a twitch as she eyed the unicorn mare. If looks could kill, then Star would want to wish that Necromancy would get unbanned. She snatched the mic and looked at the screen. “No she won’t be back, she has lessons to I intend to drill into her after this.”

So were the ponies on the other end howling with laughter or making catcall whistles. Starlight flushed red as she yanked the console’s power cord out of her little generator unit. “Seriously!?” the mare sighed as she got up. “I’m never gonna hear the end of that.”

“End of what?” Twilight blinked. “You’re my student and you happen to be late for your lessons… like last time, and the time before that, and the time before—mmph?” She was cut off by a pink hoof in her mouth

“I get it,’ Starlight yawned. “Mkay… fine. I’ll take a shower and grab some coffee, then I’m all yours.”

“Good,” Twilight nodded and smiled. “I’ll see you in my study in fifteen minutes.”

“Twenty,” Star mumbled as she ambled towards the shower. It was going to be a loooong day.

“Urrghhh, natural liiiiight,” Star groaned as she stumbled out of the castle’s main entrance. Twilight had kept her there for an eternity… or a few hours, depended on who you ask. Afterwards, the alicorn had kicked her out of the castle, saying that fresh air and some social interaction would be good for her.

“Well, might as well head over to Hana’s place then,” the unicorn mumbled. “At least she’ll let me play. I need to get to the next rank. I’m sooo bucking close.”

She lit up her horn and teleported across town, because walking was for ponies that didn’t have better things to do. She appeared in front of a modest-looking house. It was much like the other houses around Ponyville, a two-story place, only the roof was a slatted tile rather than straw. She walked up to the door and raised a hoof, knocking on it.

“Geogi nuguya?” a feminine tone called out.

“It’s me, Starlight,” the unicorn called out before the door opened, a young human woman on the other side. All she wore was a loose pink tank top and black panties, Her right foot still had a sock attached, sort of. Her left was bare. She rubbed at her her eye and yawned.

“What are you doing here so early,” she mumbled.

“ …It’s three in the afternoon Hana,” the unicorn giggled as the girl’s eyes opened.

“Ah,” Hana Song blinked again and folded her arms over her chest. “My statement still stands.”

“Twilight kicked me out,” Starlight pouted. “I was just about to hit Platinum rank too.” Hana allowed her inside as she raised an eyebrow.

“Plat already? You’ve only had the game for a few weeks.” She ambled towards the kitchen, looking for the sweet nectar of life. Also known as coffee.

“Yeah… I got into it,” Starlight chuckled. “Mind you, the competition isn’t that fierce… especially when you aren’t on.”

“Ahh,” Hana chuckled as she watched the coffee pot drip painfully slow. “Do I have to log in and remind you why I’m the best?”

“I already know you’re the best Hana,” Star smiled. “I’ll still beat you someday though.”

“That’s the spirit, aim for the stars… or the hideous, unimaginable gaping void of space… you’ll hit one of the two.” She squee'd as the coffee was done and she grabbed the glass pot, filling her mug and one for Starlight. “So I’m guessing you came around to ninja my console?”

“Can’t use mine,” Starlight grumbled. “S’that okay?”

“Sure, I’m still waking up anyhow,” Hana said as she moved to the couch, sitting cross-legged. Star glanced at her and blushed.

“S-So I see, can’t you go and put some pants on or something?”

“You ponies walk around naked all the time,” Hana pointed out with a smug grin. “Maybe I’ll forgo clothes altogether~”

Starlight flushed pink at that. Ever since her trip to Sunset’s world through the mirror, she’d grown to… appreciate the human body. “S-Shut up!”

“Hmm, nah~” Hana giggled as she watched Starlight flick on the console. “So, who’s your main?”

“Eh… depends,” Starlight said as she clicked on her profile and signed in. “Some days I feel like Rein… Or sometimes I feel like Widowmaker if I’m feeling mean. I mean, I could also main Hanzo…”

“Well, whatever floats your boat,” Hana shrugged. “Honestly, I just prefer to play myself.”

“Isn’t that a little… egotistic?” Starlight chuckled as she booted the game up.

“What, I have the most experience as me, so why not?” her friend replied as she sipped her coffee. She stared at the crystal screen as Overwatch came up. It was… kinda odd. When she arrived in Equestria, she’d not really known how to handle that she took the role of the greatest female gamer-slash-mecha pilot ever. Yeah, D.Va was better than Rei, suck it fanboi’s.

And then when she saw that MEKA was preloaded with a few games, mostly Blizzard titles like Starcraft, Diablo and Overwatch, but no internet meant no access to the games.

Still, she had a bitchin’ robot, so who cares right?

Then came that fateful day when she… accidentally used the Self Destruct feature. Eh… s’not like Chrysalis was using that chair right? Sure it sucked up magic… Bug bitch wasn’t expecting a death machine with Pulse Cannons and a fusion core blowing the fuck up.

And all those pretty coloured bugs. It was an amazing weekend. Plus she got to be friends with Starlight Glimmer in the end. And Discord, he was fun and the reason gaming now existed in Equestria. Atop Twilight’s crystal tree castle of Books and Friendship was a satellite dish.

Said dish was connected to a mirror portal which led to some kind of weird humanized version of Ponyland. And they happened to have Internet.

Ahh, getting off topic. Anyway, turns out that Hana had ALL her powers, including the ability to simply call another MEKA when hers exploded. No idea where it came from, but eh. If she had the ability, why not maliciously abuse it?

So she stripped the thing for parts a few times, blew up what was left and simply summoned a new one, rinse and repeat. And after making a console that could play the built in games, she showed it to a stallion in town that programmed arcade games for a living. Hana couldn’t recall his name, but his son cried a lot and had a cute propeller hat. And his wife was absolutely, top-tier UNF.

Anyway, TL;DR, ponies now had home gaming consoles that could be hooked up to a crystal screen. Get Dissy to mess with reality a bit and siphon an Internet connection from the other world and voila, Hana gifted Equestria with competitive gaming.

And Starlight took to it like a Pokémon fan with a next gen title. Speaking off, Hana would bet anything Princess Sparkle would love those games.

“So, who are you feeling today?” Hana broke out of her introspection as Starlight sat on the character selection screen.

“We’re on assault for a Control map,” Starlight replied as she rubbed her chin. “I’ve got a Pharah and a Reaper on Attack. And Mercy and Lucio on support. “So I can go for a Tank, that’ll give me options… but Junkrat’s the only good Defense choice and I’ve never played him. Plus we have a usual for him.”

“This’ll Rank you up?”

“Mhm… so I don’t wanna risk it,” she sighed looking at the Tank options. Winston, Rein or… well her third choice was sitting on the couch. “Fuck it,” she muttered and selected D.Va.

“Aww, gonna use your bestie to Rank? I love you too Starry~”

“S-Shut up, I need to concentrate,” Starlight flushed pink as she went for one of the new skins she’d unlocked. Scavenger.

“Oooh, even I don’t have that one yet!” Hana leaned forward in her seat. “Steampunky~”

“Mhm, it’s kinda cool, plus I like the idea of kicking ass in a rust bucket,” she said. The fact the the skin showed off the girl’s midriff didn’t hurt either. “Now… wish me luck.”

“Yup, you totes got this,” Song smiled and clapped her hands. “Woo! Go Starry! With my sexy cheerleading, you can’t lose.”

Starlight was totally not imagining her in a cheerleader’s outfit. She shook her head. Win first, then fantasize. She sat patiently as she waited for the countdown clock. Hana leaned over and slipped her rabbit-ear headset onto the mare. Starlight nodded in thanks as she flipped the mic down.

“—Right, so we all understand the plan?” Starlight said after rattling off the battle strats she’d come up with.

“Of course,” a smooth, feminine tone hummed, the player of Mercy.

“We shall crush thine enemies!” a commanding tone, player of Reaper declared.

A player had jumped in as Junkrat, but was silent. Either didn’t have a mic or just didn’t use chat.

“We gonna go out for drinks to celebrate later?” Pharah’s player asked.

“Sure Minty, we can do that,” Starlight nodded. “Almost time, get ready guys. We’re gonna blitz ‘em before they get a chance! Get your heads in the game!”

A round of cheers and grunts sounded, just as the counter timed out.

Starlight took the lead, taking the hits from the enemy vanguard as they rounded the narrow streets. She strafed them with bursts from her pulse cannons as Reaper and Pharah trailed in her shadow, leaping out and picking off the players foolish enough to try and evade MEKA’s attacks.

Meanwhile, Mercy would keep healing the damage Starlight took, as Lucio added his support. The silent Junkrat did his part as well.

All in all, Starlight seemed to have quite the competent team running here. Hana sat back and hummed, admiring the effort that must have gone into forming such well rehearsed cohesion.


“Fuck!” Starlight swore, narrowly avoiding the attack, But Reaper, Mercy and Lucio weren’t so lucky. “Dammit, we’re down support and a Healer. Right, form up, I’ll tank what I can while they respawn. We can’t take another hit like—”

"Ryū ga waga teki o kurau!"

“Fuck me with a dragon hemi dildo…” Starlight murmured as she grit her teeth as her avatar was obliterated by Hanzo’s attack. “Well damn, I can’t believe they chained Ultimate's like that. Sucks but… that was a good show.”

Hana nodded, it wasn’t bad… but they’d also left themselves wide open for Star’s team to make a hell of a comeback.

Starlight wasn’t deterred from losing half her team in mere moments. She repaid that kindness twofold. She said a few orders and then charged on alone.

“Whatchu up to?” Hana mused as she leaned forwards.

“Oooh nothing~” Starlight cackled as she streaked through the streets. Her timing was.. Brilliant. Hana chalked it up to magic being better than human reflexes as she watched herself land in the middle of the enemy camp, the group clearly not expecting her to simply drop in, alone at that.

“Oh my, would you look at the time,” Starlight cackled and Hana couldn’t help but say it along with her virtual clone.

“Nerf this!”

“KATHOOOOMMMM!” The MEKA suit self destructed and wiped five of the six member squad that was camped there as Starlight cackled maniacally. The rest of her team fronted up and formed a defensive line around the objective… and it wasn’t long until the match concluded in their favour.

“YES!” Starlight cheered and jumped up, her team chatter going wild over the successful victory. Hana couldn’t help but grin at her enthusiasm. It was rather infectious. She grabbed unicorn and hugged her tight.

“Dangsin jeongmal daedanhaneyo!” she beamed, rubbing Starlight’s head.

“Well, you helped in a way,” Starlight smiled back, blushing slightly from the warm embrace. “So… I’m feeling good, should we go somewhere.”

“Hmm, well how about we go and grab some sweets?” Hana suggested as she let the unicorn go. “I have a craving for some of Bon Bon’s chocolates.”

“Oooh~” Star hummed as Hana headed for the door. Starlight waited until she opened it and went to step outside before… “Interesting fashion choice you got there Song.”

Hana paused and looked down, still in her underwear. She chuckled and ducked back inside, waggling her eyebrows. “You’d not complain.”

“S-Shut up,” Starlight flushed pink and snorted. “Damn perv.”

“You know you liiiike it~” Hana sung as she entered her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

“Stupid sexy Song,” Starlight muttered under her breath as she waited in the living room. She looked around and her horn glowed, absentmindedly cleaning up as she waited for her friend. She lifted various snack wrappers and drink bottles… some abandoned pillows and…

She looked at the blue and pink panties she held aloft in front of her, blushing brightly as she stared at them. Then she blinked as she heard a noise coming from Hana’s room as she looked around, before stuffing the panties under the couch just as the woman emerged.

“Oh hey,” she looked around at the cleaner room. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Twilight had me cleaning my own room for half the morning,” Starlight shrugged, still blushing slightly. “It’s cool.”

Hana wore a simple set of plain clothes. A short skirt, a shirt with her bunny logo on it and a blue and white bomber jacket. A black choker around her neck with a small pink diamond on it and thigh-high socks.

Starlight was trying really hard not to stare at those thighs.

“R-Right, so… snack run then?” Starlight asked. “We’re meeting the others at the usual place tonight. Some of them are still working I think.”

“Hmm, fair enough,” Hana shrugged. “Hmm, well if you have some free time, I know a pretty great new place that just opened up.”

“There’s no new place in town, not one I’ve heard of,” Starlight blinked.

“Not here…” Hana winked. This was gonna be fun~

“This is SO not fun,” Starlight whispered as the pair snuck through Twilight’s castle. “If she catches us, we’re gonna get in trouble.”

“Which is why we’re being sneaky about it,” Hana whispered back as she peeked around a corner, pulling back as Twilight’s fiance, aka, The Butcher, a 10 foot tall rage demon… aka, Jack, passed them by. He paused and sniffed the air before shrugging and continuing on his way.

“Phew, that was close,” Hana giggled as the crept across the hall and into Twilight’s study. Thankfully the alicorn wasn’t there…

But the portal to the human world was.

“For the record, I still say this is a bad plan,” Starlight said.

“Eh… YOLO,” Hana giggled and pulled the lever, powering up the portal and pulling Starlight through it.

Starlight groaned and rubbed her head. This wasn’t her first trip to the Mirror World, but that portal was never a gentle ride. She slowly stood up, adjusting her beanie as she looked down at her human form.

“Ohh, stylish,” Hana mused, not having changed at all as she looked her over. “Very hipster.”

“I have no idea what that means, but it sounded insulting,” Starlight rolled her eyes. “Well, we’re here now. So… now what?”

Hana mused as a car pulled up, a very nice Forde Mustang. The engine rumbling loudly as the door popped open, a familiar face looking out. “Heya Star.”

“Sunset?” the girl blinked. “Nice wheels.”

“Damn right,” she nodded. “Jump in.”

The pair climbed inside, Hana in the front seat as Star squeezed into the back. Sunset grinned as she planted her foot, the car revving and pulling back out onto the road. Star leaned forward so she could speak to her friend.

“So… no offense, but what are you doing here?”

“Well,” Sunset hummed. “After that sweet fight, I figured you might wanna celebrate. And then Hana here called me up, so how could I refuse to give you two a ride.”


“I was playing McCree in that fight.”

“That was you!?”

“Mhm, nice play by the way. I told them that grouping up was a bad idea, but noooo, Candy said she had it all planned out.” Sunset frowned and sighed. “Eh, s’all good. I’ll get my placing back up over the weekend.”

“So, how’s things been over here? No dramas? No girls going mad with magical power. I mean that’s happened what? Like four times now?”

“I know right!” Sunset huffed. “Damned copycats, I did it first and now everyone thinks it’s cool or something. Is it too much to ask for a hot guy once in a while.”

“Could be worse,” Hana shrugged.

“How so?” the flame-haired girl replied.

“Omnics hopped up on magic.”

Sunset and Starlight paused and shuddered. That, kinda happened once or twice back home. Note, the Everfree Forest was not a good place to dump old robot parts. They had a tendency to… sortakinda come to life.

“So!” Starlight said in an attempt to change the subject. “Where are we going anyway?”

“Here,” Sunset said as they pulled up. It looked like a pretty nice place. Made of natural timber and glass, with lots of greenery hanging around. It was called…

“Save Point?” Starlight said aloud.

“Mhm, you’re gonna love this place,” Hana mused and looked at Sunset. “Thanks for the lift hun.”

“Anytime,” Sunset winked as the pair got out. She waved them off and pulled back out, driving away.

“Ooohkay, what was all that about?” Star said, a small twinge in her heart. Those two seemed awfully close. Were…. Were they…?

“Nothing at all,” Hana said as she looped her arm around Starlight’s and pulled her towards the door. “Come on already.”

“H-Hey!” Star protested as she was pulled inside. She paused as she got a look at the interior. Dozens of screens were everywhere, lining the wall and some set up down the middle, attached the various units, types of game consoles and linked PC’s.

“W-What is this place?” she asked, looking around.

“A gaming cafe,” Hana smiled as a few patrons saw her and blinked. Wow… she looked just like D.Va from Overwatch. Was she a cosplayer?

Hana walked up to the counter and spoke with the attendant there, before walking back to Starlight. “Come on, I got us a booth over here,” she said, leading the still-somewhat bewildered girl over to the table. It was a nice set up, a screen against the wall and two walls on either side for privacy. Under the monitor was a small touchscreen where you could order food and drink.

“Sooo, we came all the way here, to snack and game like always?” Starlight snarked and chuckled. “Still, this is pretty cool. I wish home had a place like this.”

“You’d move in if it did,” Hana smiled as she ordered a round of drinks. “Hmm, melon soda good for you?”

“Sound’s fine,” Hana nodded as she picked up the controller and scrolled through the available games. Hmm, not a bad selection. She could easily waste a day in a place like this.

A few games in, all of which Hana totally destroyed her in since Star wasn’t used to gaming with actual hands, a waitress appeared, presenting two plates of admittedly good-looking food. Star gulped, her stomach rumbling as she looked at her friend. “When did we order this?”

“Sometime around the time you were raging over my fifteen headshot killstreak,” Hana mused, setting aside their game of Halo and smiling.

“Thanks,” Star mumbled and blushed under the assault of that adorable smile. She picked up her fork and poked the plate, popping a piece of the cucumber salad into her mouth and squeaking. It was really, really good. The salad was dressed in some kind of apple cider vinegar, plus the tomato and onion gave it a nice, refreshing kick.

“Thought you might like that,” Hana chuckled as she bit into her own salad. It was a good thing Sunset talked her out of her original plan. She now doubted if a pony would like Korean barbecue. Dodged a bullet there.

“Mhm, it’s really tasty,” Starlight nodded as she practically inhaled the food.

“Are all unicorn naturally big eaters?” Hana giggled. “Last time we went out for burger’s with Twilight…”

“It’s a magic thing,” Starlight said once she swallowed her mouthful. “Using magic is a bit like a muscle. You have to use it to strengthen it. And doing so burns energy and calories. So yeah, Unicorns tend to eat a bit, especially if they’ve been casting a lot.”

“Ahh,” Hana nodded. The things you know.

“So…” the human looked at her pony friend. “Why do you like gaming so much? I figured Twilight would have you go out and make friends face to face instead.”

“She would,” Glimmer sighed and rolled her eyes. “But, online friends are real friends too. Just because I can’t see them in front of me, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”

“True true,” Hana mused and poked her cheek. “And we likely wouldn’t have met otherwise.”

“Mhm,” Starlight blushed lightly. “Twilight does understand that much. Maybe I could afford to go out just a little more.” She really hadn’t been outside for most of the week. “I haven’t seen Sunburst in a while, so maybe I should take a trip to the Empire.”

“Ohh, that crystaly place?” Hana mused. “I wouldn’t mind seeing it. And besides, isn’t he a gaming buddy of yours too?”

“Mhm, he was the one playing Lucio in that match earlier,” Starlight nodded. “He’s interesting, pretty decent with just about every character, but master of none. I think he spends more time reading the wiki pages than anything else.”

“Huh, we’ll have to meet,” Hana shrugged. She turned as a young girl stood next to their table, looking up at them. She had dark skin with lime green hair and purple eyes. She also wore a hoodie in the shape of a familiar bunny logo.

“S-Scuse me…” she said in a quiet voice.

“Mm?” Hana turned and looked at her. ‘Yes sweetie?”

“C-Can I…” she had her hands behind her back as she fidgeted. “Can I pwease have your autograph Miss”

‘Ohgodthat’sfriggencute’ Starlight and Hana mentally screamed as the woman smiled and nodded. She took the little book the girl had and did a doodle of her bunny, followed by her signature. “And what’s your name sweetie?”


“That’s a nice name,” Hana smiled as she signed the book and handed it back. The girl beamed and smiled, giving her a quick hug and bounding back to her mother, a woman with dark skin, sea green hair and a very nice full figure. The girl babbled excitedly as the woman smiled, her voice was mature, rich and very familiar to Star and Hana.


And… why did this version have an Irish accent?

“Yeaaahhh, not gonna touch that,” Star said, though that kid was awfully damned cute. “So, old villains resurfacing as hot milfs aside. What’s the plan for the rest of the day?”

“One… she really was hot huh?” Hana said and nodded. “And two, isn’t my company enough for you dear Starlight?” she pouted softly.

“W-What? No! Wait, I mean…” Starlight waved her arms, clearly flustered as Hana broke down into giggles. “Aaaaand you’re screwing with me aren’t you?”

“Lilbit,” her friend replied. “I just thought we could spend some time together.” She reached up and played with her choker.

“Together?” Starlight blinked and blushed again. “W-Well I mean…” She paused as her eyes widened. Hana had called Sunset to drive them here. She knew about this place… this trip had been planned in advance. Then there was the fact the girl knew her favourite drink. And that delicious food, despite the fact that Starlight knew, and was comfortable with her eating meat…

“Hana…” Star said slowly. “Is… um… Is this…” She couldn’t bring herself to say it. In case she was wrong. In case she ruined the friendship she had. In case—

“A date?” Hana replied for her as Starlight squeaked. “Well… if I said… yes?”

Starlight blushed more, wringing her hands together. “W-Well… I guess, I mean, I’d not be against the idea.” ‘Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!’

“Oh... cool,” Hana blushed as well. “Cause, it is. Um…” She looked around and giggled. “Sorry, I had this all planned out and everything. Guess I’m a little more nervous than I thought.”

Starlight stared at her adorable blush, it was just about… no, scratch that. It was the cutest damned thing she’d ever seen. But, was this really happening? Was… was she really…?

“So um,” Hana looked up. “You wanna maybe… go out? Together?”

“Meep!” Starlight squeaked. She’d sort of braced herself… but hearing those words. Her face burned as she pulled her hat down to cover it, only managing another squeak and a nod.

“G-Good,” Hana nodded and smiled. She took a deep breath and leaned forward. “Hey… Star?”

“Mm?” the girl peeked up over her hat and…


A sweet, gentle kiss, right on the lips. As chaste as it was unexpected as Starlight turned every shade of red on the colour spectrum. Hana wasn’t faring much better really, before two flashes went off and snapped them out of it.

Pinkie Pie… times two?

Oh what sweet fresh hell was this?

“Pinkie!” the two girls snapped at the twin ponks as they giggled and highfived before running off.

“There’s no escaping the Pink it seems,” Hana smiled and shrugged. “So um… you’re really okay with it. Being, you know… My girlfriend.?”

“Mhm,” Starlight blushed again and nodded. “More than… okay. I um… might have, kinda liked you for a while now.”

“Oh really now?” Hana mused and looked at her with a half-lidded gaze. “So… when you came over this morning and saw me…”

“S-Shut up,” Starlight huffed and blushed brighter. This was quickly becoming her default look. “Gah! You’re such a… a…”

“Mmmmm?” Hana mused and leaned forward. “A what, my silly little uni-Mmf!”

She was cut off as Starlight pushed her lips to hers again, her kiss a far more aggressive one than Hana’s. To say the mecha pilot was surprised was an understatement. The two remained like that until a few wolf whistles snapped them out of it, most of the cafe audience to their dismay.

Not that Hana minded, she adored the attention of the public. She just turned, winked at them and waved.

“I hate you,” Starlight mumbled, trying her best to hide. Hana just giggled and kissed her forehead.

“Should we head home then? We’re meeting the others soon no?”

“Oh… right,” Starlight mumbled still. As much as it was embarrassing, she didn’t want this moment to end. “Um, how are we getting back?”

“Gimme a minute to call Sunny back up,” Hana mused as she took out her phone.

“...Was she in on this too?” Starlight facepalmed. “Seriously? Am I the only pony that didn’t know about this?”

“Just about,” Hana giggled. “Oh, and Twilight. That mare is terrible at keeping secrets.”

The portal hummed as Hana and Starlight, now her pretty unicorn self again stepped through. A thought occurred to the mare, but before she could voice it, someone else cleared their throat. The pair looked up to see Twilight standing there, tapping her hoof as her brow furrowed.

“Uhm… hi?” Starlight winced as she wilted under the alicorn’s gaze.

“And where might you have been?” Twilight asked.

“Well,” Hana spoke up. “I figure the answer to that question is pretty obvious considering we just stepped out of the portal to the Mirror World.”

Starlight just stared at the woman, eyes wide and mouth open. Oh great, her damned snark was going to get them banished into the Everfree or something.

Twilight just groaned and shook her head. “Yeah okay… guess I walked into that one,” she sighed. “And suppose if I ask why you didn’t ask permission? It’s not like I’d have said no if you had a decent reason.”

“Well, Star figured you were still mad at her, and sneaking into the castle sounded fun,” Hana continued. “By the way, your security sucks more than Square’s business decisions. Breaking in and getting to the portal was waaay too easy.”

“Hmm, might have to look into that,” Twilight nodded. Maybe make a dedicated room for the portal. “Okay, so what were you two up to?”

“Oh, I decided to take Starlight out to a new cafe,” Hana replied and Star’s eyes widened, She… she wouldn’t. “After all, I needed a nice place in order to ask her out on a proper date at a later point.”

“A…” Twilight paused and Starlight was weighing her options on leaping back through the portal to see if she could get hit by a bus. “A date? You mean… the two of you…?”

“Are now dating, she accepted and is now my pretty purple pony girlfriend~” Hana smiled and leaned down, kissing Starlight on the cheek. The unicorn bursting into a blush again. She idly wondered if blushing so much was good for her health.

“Ohmigosh!” Twilight smiled widely and pulled Starlight into a hug. “This is just the best day ever now! I’m so happy for you Starlight!”

“Y-You’re ack! Not mad…?”

“I was never mad,” Twilight giggled and lessened her death grip. “I just wanted to get you out of the house and get some fresh air and natural light. Threatening seemed like the easiest and most effective method.”

Starlight levelled a deadpan stare at her. “You’ve been taking too much advice from Jack.”

“He has his good points every now and then,” Twilight giggled. “In any case, I’m still really happy for you two. We should celebrate. I’ll send Spike out to grab some groceries and…”

“We already have plans,” Starlight said. “Sorry Twi.” The princess’s expression wilted, her ears falling back as she slowly looked down at the ground. Starlight felt like she’d just kicked a sack of puppies into a river. “B-But I promise we can do something tonight! Maybe a slumber party with the rest of the girls. No boys allowed.”

“Hmmmmm…” Twilight perked back up and smiled. “Okay, that gives me a little more time to prepare anyway.”

Phew, crisis averted. Starlight wiped her brow and smiled up at Hana. “Okay, let’s go meet the others.”

“Of course,” Hana chuckled as she followed the unicorn. “See you later Twilight.”

“Just leave MEKA at home!”

“Nooo promises~” Hana giggled as she skipped out of the door.

Their usual hangout, a lowkey bar owned by an Earth Pony mare named Spiced Wine. She had a bottle green coat with a brown mane and tail. Her eyes a deep crystal blue. She looked up as the pair entered and waved.

“Ah, was wonderin’ when ya might show up again,” Spiced said as the pair took a seat at the bar. “‘S’been a while.”

“Yeah, had a lot going on,” Starlight replied as she placed some bits on the counter. “Just our usual. We’re waiting on the others.”

“Some are already here,” Spiced said and gestured to a booth at the far end. “Well, Minty is anyway.”

“Ah, neat,” Starlight said and hopped off of the barstool. The pair headed up the back and found their unicorn friend reclining on a seat. She smiled widely as they approached, hopping down from her chair and running up to Starlight, hugging her tightly.

“Starry!” She beamed as she tightened the hug.

“Ack!” Star gasped, trying to tap out from the death grip. “Lyra… air… need it….”

“Ahh,” Lyra nodded as she released the mare. “Sorry ‘bout that. “I’ve been in a good mood all day.”

“Aren’t you always in a good mood?” Hana chuckled and scratched her behind the ear, Lyra purring and leaning into the scratch. “How ya been Minty?”

“After that match today, good,” Lyra hummed as she climbed back up into her seat, Hana and Starlight sitting opposite of them. “Well that and I had the most amazing time with Bonnie afterwards.” Lyra giggled and waggled her eyes. “I mean amazing se—”

“Yeah, I got it,” Starlight blushed and sealed the minty mares lips with magic. “Sheesh, she could at least drill some manners and courtesy into you.”

“Mmm, I like it when she drills things into me~” Lyra purred once Starlight dropped her magic.

“Don’t make me muzzle you all night Lyra.”

“Ooh, kinky~”


“Ah, here they are,” a new voice said. A pegasus mare coloured with various shades of blue. Her Cutie Mark was a crescent moon hidden behind some clouds. Her companion was a tan-coated mare with a light mocha mane and tail. Her mark was a half-full baby bottle and a pink heart.

“Moonie, Love, how’s it going?” Hana waved them over.

“Thought that was Starlight’s yelling we heard,” Love replied with a light giggle. “What’d Lyra do this time.”

“Just being her usual adorable self,” Hana replied with a small smirk, relishing Starlight’s cute pout in response. “So, how are the two of you?”

“Being a mother is a full time job you know,” Love replied as she sat down and raised her hoof, Spiced nodding as she got a round of the usuals ready.

“And yet thou finds time to play with us?” Moon chuckled.

“Oh shush,” Love poked her shoulder. “You’re one to talk Miss Silver Moon.”

“So is this everyone?” Lyra asked. “I mean, I know Lucio’s player can’t join us…”

“Yes, the Crystal Empire is a bit far for Sun to travel from for drinks,” Glimmer nodded. “And… well I don’t even know Junkrat’s player.”

Moon seemed to have a small smirk on her face, but none of the others knew either. Their identity was a complete mystery.

“You know…” Love spoke up with a sly smile. “There’s something different about today that I can’t help but notice.”

“Mm, and what’s that?” Starlight asked, raising an eyebrow.

“That the lovely Miss Song has been holding your hoof ever since we first showed up~”

Starlight froze, her eyes widening. “W-Well, that’s because…”

“We’re dating,” Hana replied unashamedly. “I took her out to lunch earlier and asked Starlight out. She accepted. Simple as that.”

Starlight winced. She knew what was coming. Especially from—

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Love Darling squealed loudly, earning a few looks from other patrons. “It’s about bucking time!”

“You kiss your kids with that mouth?” Starlight snarked.

“Oh please, I’ve heard worse from Button when he gets gamer rage,” Love chuckled and leaned closer. “But enough about me, I want all the juicy details!”

“Down filly,” Starlight pushed her gently back into her seat with her magic. “It’s just as Hana said. She took me out to lunch to celebrate my ranking and just… sprung it on me. Honestly, I got so flustered I nearly had a damned heart attack.”

“Aww, but Blushy Starry is just so adorable~” Hana hummed and kissed her cheek, causing said unicorn to enter her blushing, flustered state again.

“I see what you mean,” Love giggled. “I’m so happy for the both of you. Well, now we have another reason to celebrate!” She raised her hoof and called out to Spiced. “Some of your top shelf stuff! We’re gonna party!”

“Comin’ up,” the mare called back.

“Should you really be drinking on a school night?” Starlight raised an eyebrow.

“I planned ahead,” Love smiled. “Button’s at a sleepover with those Crusader fillies and a few others, and hubby’s in Canterlot on business. So it’s just lonely old me tonight.”

“Aww,” Hana hugged her as well. “Starry, can we bring the cute Milfpone home as well?”

“W-What!?” Starlight spluttered and coughed at the implications.

“Hmm, tempting,” Love mused and gave a smouldering gaze at Hana. “But sorry dear, we’d have to run that by my husband first. He’d probably want to at least watch~”

Starlight thunked her head against the table. How was this her life now?

“Aaahhhahahahah!” Moon laughed loudly as Spiced dropped off some glasses and a bottle of her namesake. “Oh my, You lot are too much. If only you were in Canterlot, it’s really quite boring up there most times.”

“You have the best job in the world though,” Hana said.

“No… no she doesn’t/No I don’t,” Moon and Starlight said simultaneously. They looked at each other and giggled.

“Something I said?” Hana blinked in confusion.

“An old story, I’ll tell you later,” Starlight said as she lifted her own glass. “Well… fuck it. Wanna make a toast?”

“Ohh,” Hana raised hers too.

“To what perchance?” Moon spoke up.

“Love?” Love asked.

“Life?” Lyra said with a raised eyebrow.

“Pwning Scrubs?” Hana mused, getting a round of giggles.

“To love, life and owning scrubs,” Starlight giggled as they clinked their glasses together and cheered. It was good to have friends like these.

“So… whatcha doin’ Snails?” Button asked as he and their friends sat around Sweetie’s room, the girls playing some multiplayer Minecraft, while the two boys were going over a PDA.

“Hmm, thinking of changing my main,” the lanky colt said. “I mean, we ranked thanks to some sweet moves of our D’Va user… odd though, she usually uses Rein. And I guess I’m getting a little bored of using Junkrat all the time.”

“Yeah?” Button asked. He knew his mom was super into the game, but he preferred his Minecraft and RPG’s. “Like who?”

“Hmmm, maybe Zenyatta?”

“The robomonk right?”

“Something like that.”

“Cool,” Button nodded.

“I’ll have to find Trix and tell her the good news,” Hana mused as she walked home with Starlight. “She’s probably gonna flip out.”

“Maud will be pretty excited too I think… I hope…” Starlight rubbed her neck. “I know she comes from a pretty conservative family so…”

“Well, if she’s your friend, I think she’ll be okay,” Hana smiled.

“Hey… can I… ask you something?” Starlight paused. Hana stopped and looked at her, waiting patiently for the unicorn to speak her mind.

“So um…” She looked up. “Do you, you know…” She trailed off again, unsure on how to word it.

“Hmm, I do a lot of things,” Hana chuckled, earning a small frown from the mare.

“Just, be quiet and listen,” Starlight mumbled. “I… I wanna know, if, you still, you know… like me as a pony.”



Hana chuckled and leaned down. She clicked her fingers to get the mares attention and once she did?

Planted a kiss right on her fuzzy lips.

“Of course I still like you,” Hana giggled once she broke it, licking her lips, tasting the fruity drinks that Starlight liked. “So don’t think for a moment that I only like certain aspects of you okay? It’s more of a whole package deal.”

“I…” Starlight blushed and looked away. “T-Thanks Hana. I… really like you too.” She pawed at the ground with a hoof. “S-Say um… Do you think I could… ah…”

“Mmm, you could what?” Hana mused, leaning a little closer.

Whatever Starlight was about to say was cut off as the ground trembled. The pair looked up, wondering what that might have been. Earthquakes didn’t happen in this region.

“Huh…” Starlight looked around, her horn igniting up and filling the area with light. “That was weird. I wonder what it was.”

“Hmm…” Hana reached into her bag and pulled out her Light Pistol. “I don’t like this.”

“Oh come on, I highly doubt—” Starlight was cut off as the ground exploded, a very large something bursting out. It was massive, easily thirty feet or more in length as it’s serpentine body glimmered in the moonlight.

A Tatzlwurm… or at least one that looked like it, if it was also coated in metal armour. Bits of pink and the like, a familiar bunny logo and the cracks glowing with green eldritch energy.

“Oh fuck me…” Starlight whispered. “That’s it, we don’t dump robot parts in the Everfree anymore.”

“Agreed,” Hana murmured as the creature paused and looked down, towering over the girls. It’s massive, segmented maw opened, tendrils made of cables waving about.

What was more concerning was the horrific, endless rows of buzz saws that lined its maw and throat.

“NOPE!” Both girls shouted as the backed up. “Sooo much fucking nope.” Hana raised her hand and activated one of her special abilities. Mekafall!

In moments, her suit dropped from out of nowhere, slamming into the wurm and knocking it off balance. Hana wasted no time in boarding it and leaping away as the creature lifted itself back up and roared loudly.

“Starlight!” D.Va called out. “Get any pony nearby evacuated. I’ll distract this thing, either destroy it or buy time til backup arrives.”


“Star, there is seriously no time to argue about this!” D’Va yelled as she turned and unleashed a barrage from her Pulse Cannons. “I’ll be fine, I do this for a living after all. Now go and keep those who can’t defend themselves safe!”

“R-Right,” Starlight nodded as she disappeared with a burst of teleportation. Ignoring the fact she shouldn’t do this, she chained the spell, jumping from one building to the next as she gathered up everypony she could find in the spell.

A few minutes later, she lay on her back, panting hard as her horn glowed a painful red hue, wisps of smoke wafted from it. She’d gathered near forty ponies in her mad dash, all of them confused on what they were doing in Town Hall all of a sudden.

“R-Run… to… Twilight’s Castle…” Starlight panted as she slowly rose to her hooves. “I-It’s not safe…”

“What’s going on?” a brown stallion most just called Doc. “Starlight? Why did you teleport us from our homes?”

Rather than explain, Star motioned for somepony to open the door. And earth pony named Strawberry Sunrise did and they were all granted the sight of D.Va fighting the metal wurm.

“Ah… well, that’s a valid reason,” Doc nodded, his eyes wide and fearful.

“Now… get going,” Starlight panted as she righted herself. Tired as she was, she still had a job to do.

“What about you?” Doc asked, placing a concerned hoof on her withers.

“I have to help her,” Starlight said and brushed him off. “Now hurry out the back and head for Twilight’s. If he’s there, send Jack out to help.” She took an unsteady step and caught herself against the door. Doc moved towards her, but she raised a hoof.

“‘M’not gonna let her fight alone again,” Starlight mumbled. She needed a few minutes to recharge her magic. And hopefully this thing she’d been working on would actually work.

D.Va grit her teeth as she she fired another burst of her cannons. The fact the thing was made with her own armour made her weapons woefully ineffective. This was annoying, Jack or that damned alien could probably take this thing with their bare hands… And she couldn’t do a thing outside her suit.

“No, don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better,” D.Va murmured as she jumped back, firing another round at the creature, peeling off some armour plating. Activating her Aggression Matrix, she overclocked the weapons systems and unloaded. Her rotating Fusion Cannons firing a nigh endless barrage at the beast, lighting up the night sky with the explosions.

After a solid minute of firing, she stopped, the guns slowing, the barrels glowing red as they cooled. She took a step back, keeping her eyes on the cloud of smoke that streamed from the smouldering crater. Once it cleared, she chuckled and looked at the pile of scrap metal.

“I play to win, damned scrub,” she mused.

You did it?” she heard a voice and turned, seeing her beloved unicorn walking towards her.

“Oh, hey Starry,” she smiled. “Sure, it was actually a lot easier than I thought. Guess I’m pretty awesome huh?”

“Looks like it,” Starlight smiled, kind of glad she didn’t have to step in. Her girlfriend was pretty awesome. “We’ll let everyone know it’s safe and-LOOK OUT!” her warning came a second too late. Whatever magick created the monster was similar to the Timberwolves. It had regenerated and struck MEKA from behind, the sickening squeal of metal tearing as those buzzsaws went to work, shearing through the armour. D.Va screamed as she hammered the Eject button, only to get a multitude of warning signs. Nononono, this couldn’t be happening, she couldn’t die like this!

Her world was filled with light. So… this was death huh. It kinda hurts the eyes a little.


Starlight? Aww, did she die too? That sucks. Well, least they could have awesome angel se—



“Ow!” D.Va put a hand to her cheek where the hoof slapped it. She opened her eyes to see Starlight standing over her, and her poor MEKA going through the demonic wood chipper. Well shit.

“One, you’re not dead, I won’t allow it,” Starlight said. “And two. Plan now.”

“Well, I can call another, but it’ll take three hundred seconds,” Hana said as she sat up and pulled out her Light Gun. “And well… I really don’t think this’ll do shit to it.”

“Plan C then,” Starlight nodded as her horn glowed.

“Um, Starry…” Hana raised a hand. “I don’t wanna kill your buzz, but I dunno if even your magic’s gonna work.”

“Oh I know… s’why I’m not using magic,” she hummed as a magic circle appeared and grew smaller. “BTWubs? Incoming.”


Something large dropped down from the sky, landing on the circle that Starlight had summoned. For a moment, she thought the unicorn had somehow called in another MEKA suit.

Noo, what she called was much larger. It was tall, more humanoid in appearance, though it possessed a lot of qualities that resembled MEKA. A green glass-covered cockpit was installed in the chest, large enough for somepony of Starlight’s build to stand up in. With a flash, the unicorn teleported inside as the eyes of the mech flashed green as it stood up.

“Geuge mwoya?” Hana breathed slowly as the suit powered up, flexing its hands and rotating the arm-mounted Fusion Cannons. The arms rotated a few times, as Starlight went through, testing the joints.

Inside, she winced as the Neuro-linker spells activated. Her pony limbs could never operate Hana’s suit, so she had to come up with an alternate means. In the end, she blended Puppetry magic with a direct neural link, so the suit would respond to her thoughts. It had some kinds she needed to work out, but seemed fully functional.

<Okay, you need to get back!> she called out through the loudspeaker. <I dunno if I can control this thing properly, and I’d feel reeeeally bad if I squished you Hana>

“S-Sure…” the woman ran back, her eyes never leaving the massive suit. The thing was about sixty five feet tall. It had a wing-like backpack with large vernier thrusters attached to it. As well as two smaller ones attached behind and just below the knee. The legs had rotating ball joints, so Hana assumed the thing could move quite freely.

More importantly, how the hell did Starlight have such a thing? Where did she get it? She flinched as something moved beside her, drawing her pistol only to see the massive rage demon, The Butcher.

Alarak and Tyrael also stood nearby, watching with piqued interest.

“So, what have we here?” Al said into her mind, making her shudder. Telepathy was weird. “Is that one of your suits?”

“No, I have no idea what that thing is,” Hana sighed as she put her gun away. “Only that Starlight’s inside of it.”

“Star?” Ty blinked. “Hmm, should we step in?” He took a step forward, only for Jack to raise a hand and shake his head.

The metal wurm snapped out of its daze, now fully reconstructed as it had added the consumed MEKA to it’s mass. With a screeching roar, it lunged forward at the new target, only for Star’s suit to reach up and grab it by the jaws. With a grunt, she hauled it sideways, slamming it into the ground.

“She likes the Australian crocodile man,” Hana explained, getting some nods from the guys. The watched as Starlight swung the mech’s legs over and basically straddled the wurm. Then in a frenzy, started to tear the armour plating off of it.

Star knew this would be futile, the thing would just regenerate over and over. She needed to find the nexus, the things core, and destroy that. She suddenly yelped as it’s tail slammed her, throwing the mech off balance as she tumbled around in the cockpit. Okay, add some restraints to the design and find a more secure way of sitting in this thing. Well, maybe if she could refine the neural link…

Ahh, design later, fight time now. She got to her feet, mentally calling the Fusion Cannons to bare as they started to spin, firing round after round of magical fusions blasts. She really should look into Psionic tech as well. Maybe that might help?

Whoops, she flared her wings and activated the boosters, leaping up as the wurm lunged at her again, eating dirt as Starlight leapt over it. She landed nearby, the ground shaking as the multi ton mech crouched and fired another burst of it’s cannons.

"Seriously, the suits impressive,” Al commented. “But perhaps we should step in… This is kind of our job.”

Hana looked at her watch. One hundred seconds until she could use Call Mech again. Just hold on Starry…

Starlight winced, her headache was getting worse. Controlling this thing was harder than she thought. And unlike Hana, if it was destroyed, she couldn’t call another. The cons of making a suit from scratch…

Then the wurm turned, its tentacle like cables lashing out and latching onto her suit.

“I think I’m a bit too big to eat,” Starlight mused before she saw the cables spark. “Oh fu—” She let out a scream as the electric charge ripped through her suit, warning signs flashing as her body twitched.

“Starlight!” Hana yelled as she drew her pistol. Mech be damned, she’d punch this damned thing if she had to.

But Jack held a hand in front of her. He wanted to see where this would go.

“Move Jack!” Hana screamed at him. “She’s going to die!”

Then Starlight’s suit reached up and grabbed the cable…

<My turn!> Starlight yelled as she ripped the cables from her suit and pulled hard, yanking the wurm forwards, only for it to meet the incoming kick as she punted it down the street, the metal monster crashing heavily into the ground.

<You think I’m some kind of pushover? Just because I’m a pony!?> She brought her guns up, firing a barrage. <You piece of shit. You went and made me mad!>  

A voice bleeped inside her suit, sounding a little like Twilight actually. ‘Mana Collector at Seventy Five percent.’

<You think you can attack MY Hana and get away with it?> Starlight reached down, grabbing the things tail and pulling. <Sure, maybe these guys are stronger. They have powers and technology. But I’ll be damned… if I’ll let anyone hurt her!> She pivoted on the spot as she hauled the creature up and started to swing.

Hana wasn’t blushing, no, shut up! It was totally a burn from the explosions…

With a yell, Starlight flung the creature high into the air. Then raised both arms of her suit.

‘Mana Collector at One Hundred percent. Ultimate is ready to fire.’

“Bitchin,” Starlight grinned as the hands of the suit retracted, revealing armcannons. Two rings expanded and begun to spin as it focused… and amplified her magical power.

<Welcome to Oblivion!> Starlight yelled as the weapon’s power peaked.

“We… may want to duck,” Ty gulped as the others hit the dirt.


Massive beams of energy erupted from the cannons. The suits crystal core emptying is stored power, along with the magic that Starlight had been continuously fuelling it with. Combined with the rings lined with amplification gems… This was her standard energy beam spell....

Boosted a hundred times over.

The metal monster never stood a chance, its body disappearing into the light as it disintegrated, core and all. The night sky lit up as the massive purple beam soared up and out into the distant void of space.

Down below, the mech hissed from its ventilation ports, clouding it in steam as the suit groaned and dropped into a kneeling position.

“H-Holy…” Tyrael blinked.

“Fucking…” Alarak continued.

“Rargh…” Jack finally lowered his arm, allowing Hana to progress closer.  Though whether that was out of shock or out of his respect for her being Starlight’s friend, she didn’t know. She took a few unsteady steps, her knees shaking a little from the flurry of emotions.

There was a moment of silence, before Hana moved closer to the Mech. Looking up at it, she cupped her hands to her lips. “Starlight?” she called. “You uh… you still alive?” Please be not dead.

<Urgh….> there was a deep groan before the cockpit hissed open, the pony falling from it as Hana barely moved in time to catch her. The pair sprawled to the dirt as the unicorn groaned again.

“Note…” she murmured. “Don’t pilot mechs under the influence… I have the worst headache right now.”

“Pfft, moron,” Hana chuckled and kissed her nose. “You worried me.”

“Sorry…” she said. “Not the way I wanted to show it off…” She snuggled into the hug. What? It was comfy. “Did I win?”

“Spectacularly so,” Hana smiled as she looked up at the suit. Well, this should be fun to explain to…

“What the HAY happened here?!” Twilight yelled as she teleported into existence.

“Game over,” Hana chuckled.

“I… just…” Twilight paced in a circle. “Okay, barring that you didn’t tell anypony that discarded parts were coming to life. When and HOW did you create a mechanical weapon of apparent mass destruction!?” She bared her full Princess might down on the unicorn.

“In the sub lab,” Starlight said with a sheepish smile.

“We don’t have a sub lab,” Twilight glowered.

“...We do now,” Star smiled back. “Protoss tech and Changeling construction.”

Twilight slowly turned, affixing her glare at Alarak. The Tal'darim highlord shrugging in response. Groaning, the alicorn turned back to Starlight. “Well?”

“Weeeell…” Starlight rubbed her head. “I mean, I may have… borrowed parts from D.Va’s destroyed mechs… and maybe the schematics from her system… and some technically inclined ponies on the net were really helpful…”


“Starlight is indeed OP,” Ty nodded.

“I don’t bucking believe this…” Twilight groaned. “Sneaking through the mirror, building giant death machines and now we have a town to clean up…”

“Yeah, cause some disaster totally doesn't wreck it every Celestia-damned Tuesday,” Starlight rolled her eyes.


“No I am NOT mad that I didn’t get to help build the mech,” Twilight huffed and folded her forelegs, pouting cutely.

“Raawr.  Rawr raaagh.”

“Another word and Starlight isn’t the only one getting grounded.”

“Wait, I’m what?” Starlight blinked.

"Unlawful use of weaponry, property destruction and unlicensed use of a vehicle…” Twilight raised three primary feathers. “Good intentions or not Star. I have to smooth over a lot of things with the mayor tomorrow.”

“She also saved lives!” Hana frowned. “And damned near got killed saving Ponyville from that thing.”

“Which is why she should of waited for Jack and the others…”

“Aaaaactually,” Ty started.


Twilight turned and raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, ‘You wanted to see’?” She sighed and facehooved. “Boys… I swear to Celestia… what am I to do.”

“I need help fixing my mech,” Starlight pointed out. “I’ll even show you how it works. I could use a hoof refining the neuron linker spell.”

“...Fine,” she murmured and pointed a hoof. “No video games for a week. Here or anywhere else.”

“Awwwww,” Starlight sighed as Hana pat her withers and pulled her in for a hug. "Well you still have me. And believe me…” She leaned in close. “I have a few ideas to… pass the time~”

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Aw don’t take all the fun stuff away,” Hana said and waggled her eyebrows. “You can join in~”



“No you CAN’T watch!” Twilight blushed brightly.

Starlight giggled as she leaned against Hana. Fighting metal beasts and getting Twilight mad, and adorably flustered aside. Life… life was good.